At this point, the situation of destruction has been decided.

Although the Free State has been exposed and was actually created by Ye Jue, it can no longer take action against it due to the formulation of the covenant.

Including Fentian, they cannot attack Musashi and Nicholas for the time being.

In this way, the latter is given the opportunity to continue to develop.


Fen Tian was not in a hurry, he was fearless and waited patiently for the fruit to mature.

Devouring is just for a moment, just like winning or losing.

Therefore, after Fentian fell into Jingxuan Island, he handed over part of the Heavenly Demon Veins and sank into the island, turning into Taiwu and practicing some secret technique.

But judging from the fluctuations, it must be a powerful and terrifying technique.

After Ye Yi got the Heavenly Demon Vein, he also returned to Yunshan Mountain and began to absorb the power in it.

When he is born again, he will probably be an intermediate ancient god.

Ji Zizai, the three pillars, and the leader of Chaos Zuma have returned to the Imperial Ring, and they don't know what conspiracy is brewing.

With the Wanxiang Impermanence and the Ancient Qi Lord disappearing, Ye Jue also returned to the difficult situation with some of his subordinates from the Free Country.

The overall situation has been decided, and what awaits them is death and despair.

Everyone has this throbbing in their hearts.

I just don’t know whether it will be hell, superstring, or the mortal angel who comes first.

In short, now we have to find ways to improve, and each ancient god has his own way.

But Ye Jue's method is to create a second true self, and the matter cannot be delayed any longer.

He scanned the universe under the big starry sky. The changes were getting bigger and bigger, and even superstrings appeared. When the deep space collapsed, there was no telling what powerful existences would appear in the miserable world in the future.

If his strength doesn't improve quickly, I'm afraid he will be bullied to death.

Although he can now rely on the power of the Scroll of Destiny to be directly promoted to an intermediate ancient god, this power must still be retained and he must exchange the Immortality Art for his second true self.

If the plan cannot keep up with changes, others may improve faster than him.

The arrival of the mortal world can be called the Nirvana of God. I believe that a part of the world will always be preserved and will not be completely destroyed. The civilization of the new world will be slowly born...

Ye Jue nodded slightly and murmured to himself: Well, now is the time for me to create. I can no longer drag it out like this. The Immortality Art, please let me fully activate it. At this moment, create the first creation. The second true self!”

His true body suddenly stood up on the scroll of destiny, and his energy reached its limit.

Boom! !

Because it was so powerful, it burned the void and collapsed, and immediately sprayed out divine fire of destruction from all directions, as if it had triggered the wrath of the gods.

In the past, there were such strong men who died because of such things.

However, these flames of divine wrath suddenly turned into flowing water, becoming essence, and poured into the body.

Puff puff puff puff! !

It actually vented on Ye Jue's head and enveloped his whole body.

Ladder of Destiny!

Suddenly, Ye Jue looked up.


This long scroll of destiny suddenly transformed. This was a huge event. Everyone under the starry sky could see this change. It was really amazing.

And they also found out that Ye Jue's body was enlarged countless times in an instant.

The white stairs appeared behind him.

That is the ladder of destiny. After accumulating for so long, I finally began to increase the power of destiny.

In fact, his cultivation is very prominent now, his methods are very powerful, and he can change long ago.

It's just that at that time, there were all kinds of peeps.

It's fine now, it's absolutely safe under the big starry sky, and with Xiao Mumu here, no one can escape from his eyes.

The Ladder of Destiny is him, the path that leads all lives to immortal destiny.

It is the road to open up a new world!

Ye Jue has started.

In the realm of destruction, Ye Yi suddenly raised his eyes.

At this moment, he also felt that Ye Jue had already begun to plan a new world, just as promised before.

We have to speed up and completely refine the Heavenly Demon Veins!

The Lord of the Black Domain nodded slightly.

Humph, you can't help it so quickly? The ladder of destiny is really terrifying. After all, it is a life from the universe that has created the power of destiny that no one has understood since ancient times. It was just fluorescence at first, and I didn't disdain it. I didn’t expect it to have grown into a giant now.”

The impermanence of all forms is somewhere in the time of annihilation, observed coldly.

He is also working hard to create his own ever-changing little world.

But it was definitely not as powerful as Ye Jue, and the whole miserable place was shaken.

Has it started yet?

Ji Zizai is located at the highest point of the Emperor's Ring, overlooking the thunder ocean.

In front of him, there was a stone temple, emitting holy light, like a divine sun. It looked like an ancient temple to worship the sun god.

This ancient temple of gods was dug out and placed in the folds of space.

What kind of digging power is this? How long does it take to do it?

Chinese mythology, ancient Greek mythology, ancient Persian mythology, ancient Egyptian mythology, ancient Indian mythology, Aztec mythology, West Asian mythology, Inca mythology, Slavic mythology, Mayan mythology, Heti mythology, Nordic mythology, there are too many, In fact, what is recorded is one existence, the God of the Sun, the God of Light, this ancient emperor.

San Tai Zhu said repeatedly.

If we absorb his power, we will definitely be able to advance to a higher level of life. We finally found his ancient temple of gods, and we must not resurrect him.

Chaos Zuma leader said coldly.

Ye Jue has already started, we can't fall behind, let's start!

Ji Zizai flew up, suddenly placed his hands on the ancient temple of the god, and pushed open the fluorescent light door.


Countless divine lights shot out from inside...

At this moment, miserable situation.


Ye Jue's whole body has transformed into a magical place. Now, he feels that his savings, both in spirit and energy, have reached their peak.

The ladder of destiny is growing step by step, getting longer and longer!

Moreover, each level is engraved with names, and the light flashes, telling courage, strength, wisdom, perseverance, fearlessness, enlightenment, destiny, forgetfulness, vacuum, and various wisdom mysteries.

Ye Jue also had a thorough understanding of himself at this moment, purged his will, and completely let go.

Now, he absorbs the essence of suffering and creates his own destiny material.

This destiny substance is unique and is used to create the second true body.

Courage, Ning!

Ye Jue shouted out one word, the sky shook and crashed, and countless lights poured in from the first level of the ladder of destiny.

Immediately, a ball of light was born right in front of my eyes!


He shouted lowly.

Immortality, eternity, impermanence, and the original spiritual power all fly out and plunge into the ladder of destiny.

Sizzle! ! !

The light of the entire ladder of destiny became brighter, illuminating the entire universe, but it was not dazzling.

All tribes knew that it was a vision created by God as he accomplished some great achievement.


They put their hands together and prayed.

Bits and pieces of faith suddenly burst out from the ladder of destiny, helping Ye Jue create his second true self.


Under Ye Jue's grasp, the second ladder, power, and the third ladder, wisdom, flew out of the light at the same time and merged into the light group in front of him.

Wisdom is born from the main consciousness. It is not ordinary wisdom, but true wisdom and great wisdom.

Different from ordinary wisdom, those so-called wisdom are just cleverness and conspiracy.

The current wisdom is the wisdom of the heavenly realm, the mysteries of God, and the energy of the universe.

Boom boom boom! !

This group of light began to take shape and became a human being, taking on his appearance.

Create it again!

Ye Jue struck while the iron was hot, the fourth step, the fifth step, the sixth step, perseverance, fearlessness, and complete enlightenment came again.

The second true self is becoming more and more like him.

However, at this moment, countless terrifying divine insects came from outside the World Tree.

These divine insects wandered around the realm of misery and destruction. They were very terrifying existences. They immediately locked onto Ye Jue's position, got into the World Tree, and attacked him.

No, you tried to rebel against the past and present, causing dissatisfaction. The existence in the dark has caused these divine insects to devour you. Be careful, this is something that even the Great God can eat away!

B screamed.

Swish, swish, swish!

However, everywhere in the misery, symbols of civilization and the power of myth fly out.

The descendants of various tribes, such as Aosheng and Nujialuo, all used powerful weapons to block those divine insects.

Boom boom boom! !

Under the starry sky, wars broke out everywhere!

Ye Shen, even though you have achieved great success, we are here to help you get rid of these small obstacles!

Ye Gushen, please rest assured, we will do our best!


Hearing these voices, Ye Jue was slightly touched.

The current task is to complete the second true self as soon as possible.


He once again captured the power of destiny from the seventh step and blended it into the body in front of him.


This power of destiny is different from others. It has a strong mystery of destiny and is difficult to integrate.

For a moment, it got stuck and caused a rejection reaction.


Moreover, countless voids cracked open, and the entire miserable state seemed to collapse.

What’s wrong with you?

Chen'er asked in surprise.

Because Xiaomumu's expression was a little distorted, as if he was in extreme pain.

How could this happen? Isn't it just to create the second true self? Why is it so difficult and it caused a big sensation? Whose power is this and where does it come from to stop your behavior?

Yi said in astonishment.

This is the mutated power left over from the ancient years, the realm of suffering and the realm of destruction. It was originally in the body of the Great God. The world outside the Great God is dark, and the rolling forces in the darkness are now moving towards you. Attack.

The person who spoke was actually inside Ye Jue's body.

This is no small matter. No one knows who is hiding in Ye Jue's body.

Huh? Three corpses, you are not dead yet?

Suddenly, B yelled.

He discovered it first!

This three-corpse strongman didn't die at the beginning, and there was still a part of Ye Jue's body left in his body. Now he wants to take advantage of the main body's accident to snatch his body?


Without saying a word, B immediately took action and shot a mirror light in the cave sky.

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