Boom boom boom! !

From the beginning, members of the Imperial Law Enforcement Team used civilized weapons.

It seemed to summon the huge interstellar warships in the empire, revealing the huge black cannon barrel, and began to shrink the energy.

The rebel base below will naturally not sit still and wait for death, which will also shoot a red line.


In an instant, the two weapons met in the void, creating a strong storm and air vortex.

Boom boom boom! !

The energy shield was completely broken, and the main rebel cities stood on the earth, connected to the sky, shrouded in clouds and mist, and no one knew how high or big they were!

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

Immediately afterwards, groups of soldiers flew out from inside, and the crowds surged upwards.


Teams of imperial troops around Ye Jue roared, puffed out smoke, and clashed with the rebel army.

The murderous aura swept through thousands of mountains and rivers, and the territory here destroyed countless vegetation, the divine light was rising, and the power of civilization symbols and myths was like nuclear bombs, exploding frequently.

The entire battlefield was filled with a deafening roar!

In an instant, the sky was filled with thick smoke, corpses were falling, and shouts could be heard all the time.

It's time to take action!

Ye Jue suddenly turned around, stood on Huang Taixian's back, and used the sword skills he exchanged from the Empire Mall.

The ultimate sword technique!

There are a total of twelve moves, all of them are sword energy, which can be far or near, generous and glorious.

This boy really has some skills. Although this sword technique is low-level, he uses it with great proficiency!

Yeah, I thought he was a waste, but he was just lucky enough to conquer the evil dragon.

It seems like he's quite capable.

The expressions of those soldiers changed, looking for opportunities. Once Ye Jue was in danger, he would never help.

On the contrary, he will fall into the trap and kill him without leaving any trace, so that the imperial system cannot detect it.

When the time comes, the evil dragon will belong to them.

However, this person is so ferocious and has sharp sword skills that he must encounter a powerful enemy.

I'm here to lure those strong rebels here.

Many people took the initiative to seduce him and deliberately approached Ye Jue.

Naturally, there are more and more enemies around Ye Jue.

Huh? You can actually control dragons. What abilities do you, a soldier of the empire, have? With such a good fortune, you are used by the empire? Look at my chance to rob you!

Among the rebels, there is a high-entropy body strongman with an Immortal Emperor level and a strength of about 3,000 stars. His sleeves are billowing, and he hides a big killer weapon. With one palm flying, all of them are symbols of civilization, and he is the most vicious form of destruction. The power is based on destroying all good things.

This is the power of burial, which is somewhat similar to the burial soil of the burial immortal king. Burial is burial, and it has the power of destruction that can bury the heavens.

It has to be said that among the rebels, there are indeed masters who have condensed their own path, and this is one of them.


Ye Jue's sword energy slashed away, instantly shattered into slag, and was completely crushed. The destructive power spread out.


Wong Tai Sin directly blew out the dragon's breath, and the hot flame instantly burned away all the power of the burial.

Such strength surprised the opponent!

Similarly, the soldiers of the empire were also very jealous.

The strength of this evil dragon is indeed extraordinary. Whoever gets it will have great fighting power.

Even if you can't get it, it's okay to peel off your skin and become a part of your body.


The golden light of Ye Jue's sword radiates violently, and the fierce divine light shines out, passing through layers, as if the sun suddenly jumps out from the sea of ​​clouds, with thousands of rays of rays of light, and everything in the world is under the sun.

The last level of the Burning Sun Blade Technique?

The strong rebel was startled and retreated continuously, but a big hole was still opened in his abdomen. Moreover, the sword light enveloped him, and his whole body seemed to be in great pain.


Ye Jue suddenly jumped up on Huang Taixian's back, pulled out the knife from his waist, and cut a horizontal line.


This light instantly dislocates the space and divides it into two.


The strong rebel was cut open from the waist, and there was an explosion, creating a mushroom cloud!

The kill was successful!

I have to say that in the eyes of outsiders, this is a formidable enemy.

This person must join forces with the evil dragon to kill him.

If another one comes, he will definitely be defeated.

For a moment, some people's eyes were rolling.

In this world, there are as many moves as sand, but this person has reached the pinnacle of cultivation. This is a cannon fodder background. All low-level fighters are like this, because they don't have very advanced moves to practice. From this point of view, he really has no background. It's very good. Take action!

When the other imperial warriors saw this scene, their eyes became even more sinister, now revealing the reality of this person.

Then, you won’t hold back!

All kinds of conspiracies and calculations began.

Boom boom boom!!

They once again attracted powerful enemies from the rebels, and even pretended to be invincible to lure them here.

After all, Nie Long is so ostentatious that no one who sees him will let him go.

Not to mention these rebels, it is absolutely impossible not to be jealous when they see an imperial soldier driving such a creature.

Why do you have the same level of life and I don’t?


On the battlefield, some rebels gathered together.

This was all done deliberately by the imperial soldiers, so that these rebels gathered in one place and attacked Ye Jue.


Immediately afterwards, there was a fight with all kinds of moves.

Wong Tai Sin's dragon breath is constant. Although his strength is strong, his energy is not unlimited.

However, B's billowing energy was transmitted secretly, causing a thin layer of golden light to condense around Wong Tai Sin. Those who didn't know it thought it was a protective energy shield, but it was actually B's special ability that allowed this dragon to kill.

The more Wong Tai Sin shows off his power, the more he reveals the incompetence of the person on his back.

Therefore, both the enemy and others have red eyes.

But nothing can be done.

Every time he reaches a dangerous situation, this Taita Holy Dragon will break out of the siege.

Now, rebels have surrounded the dragon.

No one from the imperial warriors came to rescue him. They were all waiting for Ye Jue to fall so that they could seize the opportunity.

Dead, dead, this grass is not dead?

Damn it, did you kill him again?

What the hell, did you really break through the encirclement of 100,000 rebels?

They shouted again and again.

Helpless, this person just won’t die!

As a result, their little hearts are plucked every time, and then they are severely disappointed.

They were so speechless that they almost vomited blood.

Due to the system, they cannot attack it directly.

Otherwise, he would have joined forces with the rebels long ago.

Hahaha, Master, look, those people are so anxious that their eyes are about to pop out. I'm playing with them!

Wong Tai Sin spun around and broke through from what looked like death, as if he had narrowly escaped death and survived again.


He's not dead?

Ahhhhh, I can't help it anymore!

As a result, those imperial soldiers went crazy again and their eyes turned red.

This is really annoying!

If you want to die, die quickly!


As a result, Wong Tai Sin roared, and the lin fragments all over his body turned into shiny golden armor, wandering under the starry sky like gold.

He actually broke through again in the battle.

This change made those people scold their father and mother again, thinking of playing dirty tricks.

The results of it?

Not only delivering food, but also helping this dragon evolve!


Every time a rebel is killed, a thousand contribution points will be awarded. It is still a points system.

After killing for so long, how much did you get?

As a result, these people have not killed many people so far, but have become tools to lure monsters and enemies.

This will simply cause internal injuries and cause errors in the operation of precision machinery.

Wa hahaha!!

Wong Tai Sin kept laughing wildly, crossing the battle lines between the other side and the enemy. Countless swords struck each other, leaving sparks on his body, which was brilliant.

It was like turning into a radiant centipede. Wherever it landed, the golden pincers would tear it apart.

Performing well.

Ye Jue nodded slightly.

He himself also used some garbage moves to continuously kill enemies, creating a scene of trying his best.

With this dragon taking the lead, he didn't need to do anything, saving a lot of energy.

Moreover, it will also make him more famous.

It is more effective and more eye-catching than his own killing spree.

After today's battle, you will be jokingly called the man behind the dragon.

B said with a smile.

After hearing this, a playful smile appeared on Ye Jue's face.

Now his contribution value has skyrocketed.

I don’t know how many rebels have been killed, how many strong men have been killed, and how many main base cities have been destroyed.

Others didn't get any contribution at all, they were all taken away by him.

This son...

The five strong men from the law enforcement team narrowed their eyes.

They all have energy detection systems and life gene survey systems. Although the energy furnace is not as powerful as the most powerful driver, the God Engine, it is not bad at all, with one-tenth of the power.

That's how they can defeat this dragon together.

Not surprisingly, the most outstanding person in this battle was this new recruit.

People don't have much ability, but their mounts are really good.

A law enforcer's eyes flashed with light.

Yes, if I obtain this dragon, I will definitely be able to reach another life level.

However, it would be a pity to kill him directly. Just keep him as a battle pet.

The others nodded slightly.

He also showed a wonderful change of expression towards Nielong.

Even they can't be unmoved.

A new recruit, Danzi, actually has such a pet to help him.

It's like a small soldier took the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, like Fang Tian's painted halberd, killing all directions.

It's really upsetting.

Someone nodded.

However, these potential stocks are too useless. They have lured so many strong men, but they have not killed this dragon. They even helped evolve it once. In fact, I have been waiting, but because of the title of law enforcer, I can't do it directly. .”

A woman from the law enforcement team kept biting her fingers.

Aoshuang, you originally wanted this dragon. Well, you still have to let me do this kind of thing. I guarantee that there will be no leaks, so just be prepared to collect it.

Suddenly, a long-haired man from the law enforcement team said: The king of the rebels turned out to be an elite warrior from Tianzihao, but now he is the leader of the rebels. I have a way to lure him out, Aoshuang, watch my performance.

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