Bang! Bang!

Two blows in a row, his whole dragon was hit on the left and right, his soul was in a mess, and there were stars in his eyes.

What kind of power is this?

Easily treat him like a rag?

Spare, spare my life!

Wong Tai Sin shouted.

Only then did he feel that the huge force holding him was gone, and the whole dragon lay dead on the sand dune, tongue sticking out.


The feathered mirror flew up from him, spun around, and came to the top of this person's head.

He is not a stupid dragon, he understood everything in an instant!


Wong Tai Sin quickly crawled on the ground, raising his paws high, and his attitude was as pious as possible.

Stop talking nonsense, stupid dragon, brand the mark of life.

Yi said on behalf of Ye Jue.

Okay, okay, let me brand the eighteenth generation of my family's ancestors.

Wong Tai Sin said quickly, taking action without saying a word, with quick movements and no hesitation at all.


All of a sudden, his life level began to evolve!

what's the situation?

Wong Tai Sin was dumbfounded!

His body was covered with golden light, and his skin actually began to peel off, as if he was reborn!

I have only seen Tianlong from the Dragon Clan.

Ye Jue said suddenly.

Celestial Dragon? Humph, they are indeed powerful, but if we insist on tracing back to the ancient times, my Titan Dragon clan must be the most powerful!

Upon hearing this, Huang Taixian suddenly raised his head proudly.

Now, he is no longer a Titanosaurus.

But the Titan Holy Dragon.

Titanosaurus, what is that?

B said.

Let me see your memory.

Ye Jue reached out and reached out.

Touching Wong Tai Sin's big head, he immediately saw that on a distant Ark continent, in an unknown time period in ancient times, there once lived a race, and they dominated the ancient times.

This race is called the Titan race.

Titanosaurus is a member of the family, with a body like a fat lizard with two wings on its back.

The baby dragon that has not grown into a dragon is also called a titan dragon.

The ancient god who ruled them, the Titan God, was powerful.


He also saw interesting memories.

Wong Tai Sin's father was a Titan Holy Dragon who was besieged to death by the empire.

In other words, Wong Tai Sin is the only dragon left in the entire Titan family.

If he dies, it's extinct.

It is considered a super rare creature.

I am willing to pursue the boss to the ends of the earth!

Wong Tai Sin suddenly kowtowed.

You have signed the scroll of destiny and your strength has been improved. The ordinary imperial army cannot capture you anymore.

Ye Jue said calmly.

That's true, but the wave of imperial troops just now was only at the Earth level. If the Heaven level comes, even I will not be a match now.

Huang Taixian said quickly.

The empire's military strength is arranged according to earth, sky, yellow and xuan, and they were the weakest group just now.

He was really scared and didn't want to live a life of fear anymore.

There was such a thigh in front of him that he would hold on to until death.

Master, you haven't gained a foothold in the empire yet. Why don't you treat this dragon as a mount and announce your subjugation to the outside world? Then no imperial army will dare to snatch it. After all, the rules are there. The empire strictly prohibits internal struggle to seize opportunities, and it can also quickly make you Having a great name is ten thousand times more powerful than slowly getting promoted through tasks, and you have a better chance of getting in touch with the eternal spiritual power.

Yi said repeatedly.

He now calls Ye Jue his master.

That makes sense.

Ye Jue nodded slightly.

Very good!

This made Wong Tai Sin extremely happy, but when he heard that he was going to the Empire, he couldn't help but feel guilty.

There's nothing to be afraid of. I declare you to be my possession. Those greedy people in the empire don't dare to show their plans openly. They may do it in secret, but that's exactly what I want.

Ye Jue said.

Now the mission assigned to him has changed.

The imperial army had just been wiped out by Wong Tai Sin, and their current task was to wait for support.


He took the initiative and informed the system that he had conquered Wong Tai Sin and that it was now his mount.


Testing Taita Wyvern's loyalty.

99% loyalty!

Congratulations, you have conquered the Titan Dragon. Do you want to hand it over to get 8 million contribution points?

Ye Jue naturally refused.

Ding! Your ordnance has been promoted to first-class sergeant major. The benefits have been distributed to your mall warehouse. Please check them carefully.

After accepting Wong Tai Sin, he actually made him jump several levels in a row.

It shows that this Taita flying dragon is used as a fighting force. The empire system recognized that he is a strong man and only then gave him the weapons of a one-shot sergeant.

Otherwise, he would still be a little cannon fodder.

The benefits are a set of battle clothes, civilization runes, mythical power and other miscellaneous things.

Ding! You have a new mission!

Assist the law enforcement team to go to xx, xxx to eliminate an empire rebel. After the mission is completed, you will be rewarded with contribution points...

Immediately, a new task will be dispatched.

Okay, it's time to establish your authority.

Ye Jue stood on Huang Daxian's back. He could pass the distance of hundreds of star fields in an instant. Taita Feilong had special power for flying and could pass through the solid laws of space at any time without being cautious.

Master, look, that's the rebel planet!

Wong Tai Sin shouted.

The cities in that territory are simply steel fortresses, standing on the ocean, plains, and mountains. Countless houses, cities, and streets are surrounded by circles, with thick smoke rising, and rebels coming and going in the sky. Flying at low altitude, these are patrols, surveying the rest of the Chaos Continent for enemies.

Of course, they also discovered Ye Jue, but they did not attack.

Because it is so common, they have become accustomed to it.

No matter what, they can't invade their planet.

The strong ones didn't bother to destroy them, and the weak ones couldn't attack them. Naturally, this situation formed.

The territory controlled by the rebels, 0.1% of the Chaos Continent, is like an ant's nest. It is indeed vast and huge. If we win it, we can quickly upgrade from the weak. This is one of the few opportunities for newcomers.

Yeah, no matter who you are, they want to climb up. Who is willing to be cannon fodder all the time?

You see, more and more recruits are coming, because the system assigns this task to potential soldiers. It depends on who can get the most benefits in this promotion battle and be promoted to a lieutenant. !”

Hahaha, that must be me!

Get out of here, just you?

At this moment, many soldiers have been gathered, each with their own characteristics, possessing powerful civilized weapons, and equipped with different types of energy furnaces in their bodies.

Their energy furnaces were also redeemed from the Empire Mall. They had different powers that drove the whole body and gained power beyond mechas.

Mechas have been eliminated in the empire. They are weapons used by small countries.

The people of the Empire focus on cultivating themselves, constantly absorbing the power of mythology to make the energy furnace stronger. This is their foundation.

From a mythological point of view, it is like Dantian, capable of storing power.

However, there is a limit to Dantian, and there is also a limit to the energy that the energy furnace can hold. Therefore, when it reaches a certain level of strength, it must be updated. Just buy upgrade parts directly in the Empire Mall.

All roads have been paved by the Star Emperor, a straight-line upgrade model, this is the power of the empire.


Ye Jue came holding up a giant dragon, and his huge body naturally attracted the attention of countless soldiers.

They stared at Wong Tai Sin intently, as if they were looking at a rare treasure.

Am I right? Isn't that an evil dragon? How could it be subdued?

That's right, isn't it said that the Titan Shenron clan has no way of recognizing its master and has been brainwashed?

What's going on? Who is this person? He is so capable?

For a time, there was a lot of heated discussion.

Ye Jue instantly became the center of discussion, and the effect was pretty good. Many people wanted to come forward to fawn over him.

This Master Chief is truly a man of God. He can even surrender an evil dragon. This breaks our understanding. This attack on the rebels will definitely achieve great success and become the most dazzling star of the moment!~

someone said.

It seems to be a compliment, but it has bad intentions.

Because among the people who come here, which one is not a potential stock, and who is willing to be reduced to a supporting role?


Sure enough, some people snorted, more than one, and none of them had a good color.

Gungun, my master is too lazy to pay attention to you!

Wong Tai Sin waved his dragon claws to drive away these people.

Long's mind is inherently simple, so he can't think about what these words mean and what they mean.

Such actions naturally gave Ye Jue an arrogant, independent and arrogant attitude.

Hush, when we attack the rebel base later, we will secretly use small tricks to trick him. After this person is killed, the evil dragon will become an ownerless thing, and we will have a chance to conquer it, hahaha!

That's right, he deserves it for being so arrogant, let's kill him!

I'll be the first!

As expected, all kinds of small sounds did not escape Ye Jue's ears.

He raised the corner of his mouth, but it didn't matter.

The purpose is to become famous in the empire and obtain information about the eternal calamity.

When he reaches the rank of captain, he will be eligible to enter the real world of the empire instead of watching from the outside.

The eternal calamity power is most likely within it.

Here we come, the law enforcement team is here!

At this moment, five high-entropy bodies with powerful auras arrived, with cold expressions. Looking around, almost no one dared to look at them, as if they could pierce through the soul, and no secrets could be hidden.

Although they are no longer cannon fodder, they are still mere soldiers at best. How dare they look at the boss of the Imperial Law Enforcement Team?

One by one, they lowered their heads and no longer looked arrogant.

Only a few people are determined to get the right to surpass the law enforcement team in the future and let the law enforcement team kneel down when they see him.

Under our leadership, you will attack the rebel base. Every time you kill a rebel, you will be rewarded with a thousand contribution points. After the attack, if you capture the rebel base, you will be rewarded based on merit. Whoever performs the best will be rewarded. If he is outstanding, we will all see it, and this person will also get a chance to be promoted to lieutenant, do you understand?

The person from the law enforcement team said calmly.


The faces of the people present were extremely excited. The war was finally about to begin. They had been waiting for a long time.

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