Wang Xiuhan also frowned upon hearing this.

Her conditions were met, but if she left, what would happen to these children?

So, you can camp here. We will distribute food, water and daily necessities regularly, hunt down demons, and try to enter the base city.

The soldier in camouflage uniform said with a smile.


When his eyes accidentally glanced at a person in the crowd, his whole body froze.

Up, up, up, up...

He suddenly stuttered.

On what?

Fatty Qian raised his eyebrows.

Colonel, it's you!?

The soldier came to the man excitedly and suddenly saluted with a standard military salute.

what's the situation?

Going to school?

Who is the principal?

A group of people were suddenly stunned.

When he looked at that person, he looked stunned.

It's him?


It's him?

That powerful man!

I almost forgot I was a colonel.

Ye Jue shrugged his shoulders.

Unexpectedly, he was recognized.

Is his face too handsome?

Dear Colonel, we have welcomed you for a long time. You are our idol!

The soldier looked so moved that he almost cried in public.

Holy crap, is it necessary to be so exaggerated?

Isn't he just a high school student? He's also an idol...

We are not human beings...

Some voices in the crowd were dissatisfied.

You guys know nothing, this person is...

When the soldier heard this, he immediately retorted.

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted.

shut up.

The person who came out of the entrance was a tall red-haired woman, holding a writing book in her hand and a serious look on her face.

Is this someone from the institute, come to pick up the principal in person?

The soldier quickly came over and quickly explained the situation.

I already know all this.

Wang Yanyan motioned to the camera on the city wall.

Things return to the research institute——

Director Wu Zheng and Dr. Xiao began to exchange words in the distance because of their different ideas on a research direction.

Various documents, quilts, and folders were flying everywhere.

This made Wang Yanyan, who was sitting in front of the computer, helpless.

She picked up a cup of coffee and looked at the camera on her computer.

This camera was specially installed for the institute.

Hey, that person looks so familiar. I seem to have seen him in pictures.

Wang Yanyan raised her eyebrows and found the pictures on her computer.

Above is Ye Jue's profile picture and information.

This person looks very similar to the picture, can't he be a real person?

Wang Yanyan was not sure to pay attention for a moment, so she quickly dragged Director Wu over.

Didn't you see that I was busy? Uh-huh? It's Comrade Ye Jue! He's still alive, I knew he was still alive!

Director Wu recognized that person at a glance.

He's here? Okay, okay, let's let him comment on whether the second generation anti-demon armor should be developed like this!

Dr. Shaw shouted.


When Wang Yanyan came to the city gate and heard that the soldiers were about to expose Ye Jue's identity, she quickly stopped her.

If someone discovers him here, he is Ye Jue...

Seventh in the hero list and first in China, it will definitely cause a sensation!

Hello, I am the person who communicated with you before, Wang Yanyan.

Wang Yanyan smiled and stretched out her hand.


Laifu's eyes lit up!

He rushed forward and put his dog's paw on Wang Yanyan's chest.


Wang Yanyan did not expect to be suddenly attacked by a dog, and she took a step back in shock.

You perverted dog.

Ye Jue was speechless and went up to hammer Laifu's dog's head.

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