Look, there are soldiers wearing strange armor standing guard on the city wall.

How come I haven't seen that armor before?

Is it high-tech?

A group of people started talking quietly.


Ye Jue looked up.

It turns out that those soldiers were wearing anti-demon armor.

Will it be mass produced so soon?

He couldn't help but nodded.

However, this wall still needs improvement.

You can still resist the early demons.

But it won’t work in the later stages.

In the later stages of the wasteland, the base city was divided into levels!

Level 1~5!

Take the level 5 base city as an example. The city walls are hundreds of feet high! !

Moreover, in the construction, the drawings of the treasures falling in hell were also adopted.

It is simply invulnerable, unless you encounter a super powerful demon.

Just looking at this city makes me full of confidence in the future!

Fatty Qian's eyes were filled with admiration.

It looks like it's finally safe.

Wang Xiuhan felt that the burden on her body was relieved a lot.

At least these children can be protected.

that's all.

A large group of people arrived at the heavily guarded entrance.

There are many figures around, walking in twos and threes together.

It looked like a team of survivors similar to them.

However, many of these people were wearing simple military uniforms.

It looks like they have all been drafted into the army.


The Long Roar Base City was established before the disaster.

Because the project was too large, it attracted the prying eyes of many foreign spies.

It also resulted in a series of news stories internationally.

This project was started for about twenty years and was barely completed until the devil came.

It seems like you're going to be searched.

No way, I have a lot of things here...

They won't take it, right?

Not always.

More and more people gathered around, each talking quietly.

The population of the base city is already saturated. You need to show your housing rental certificate or house deed!

A soldier in camouflage uniform walked up to them.

Hey, what are the house rental certificate and the house deed?

Never heard of it!

You won't be allowed in if you don't have it?

The mood of the crowd was suddenly lifted.

Who would have thought that the base city where the broadcast has been broadcasting, this wonderful city...

They were told that the population was saturated.


Play them?

A scam?

Don't worry, we have also considered this situation. Look around you.

The soldier in camouflage uniform pointed around under the wall.

I saw.

There are countless campsites, tents have been set up, and people are coming and going.

Those who eat, trade, recruit teammates...

Hey, that's it. I thought those people were crazy.

Fatty Qian rolled his eyes.

As long as you live under the high wall, you can be protected by the base city.

said the soldier in camouflage uniforms.

Besides the property deed, what other conditions are there to enter the base city?

Wang Xiuhan took a step forward and asked.

New humans at level 3 or above can comply with the call and join the army. They can obtain a temporary residence permit, or they can surrender a magic core and enter the base city in exchange for a temporary residence permit.

The temporary residence permit allows you to live in a temporarily allocated house.

The soldier patiently told these people.

Level 3? Am I only at level 2!

Fuck, where can I find the magic core?

Isn't this asking us to fight tooth and nail?

The crowd suddenly went into a stir.

This condition is too harsh, it’s just a matter of entering a city.

The entrance fee actually requires magic core? ?

Many of them have never even seen a magic core!

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