
The white-eyed woman's punch directly destroyed mountains and ancient veins with a radius of no less than ten thousand.


It even shook the absolute balance in the sky, as if it was going to collapse this small domain.

The power is unquestionable.

However, the sound of pound was finally printed on Ye Jue's palm.

Boom boom boom! !

All the power was dissolved, as if it had been struck on cotton. It was very strange and mysterious.

Awesome, Ye Gushen's strength is indeed extraordinary. My punch seems ordinary, but it actually uses the secret technique of the Tianlong clan to strengthen the power more than ten times. I didn't expect it to have no effect on you at all.

This female Tianlong is Ye Yi's subordinate, a general under Yunshan Mountain. She and the dragon girl from Earth are both Tianlongs, but their ethnic groups are different, and the two dragons have never had much contact with each other.

It's you.

Ye Jue had seen it before and nodded slightly.

This way of greeting is really irritable, and it is indeed very strong for other beings.

Ye Gushen, come with me. My master is waiting for you. I never thought that such a day would come.

Female Tianlong led the way, her figure swaying, very beautiful.

Everything in the world is impermanent, and the large intestine wraps around the small intestine.

Ye Jue said.


At this time, a very strong spiritual wave came down from the huge Yunshan Mountain, which was the aura of Ye Yi and the Lord of the Black Domain.

When Ye Jue flew into Yunshan Mountain, he found that the entire mountain was densely packed with folds of space. He didn't know how many big demons were hiding there, with fierce auras, staring at him like wild beasts.

There were only a few ancient gods alive in this world. Facing a newly promoted ancient god, these demons did not feel frightened. Instead, they were full of fighting spirit and wanted to challenge.



When Ye Jue glanced over, these so-called big monsters were all like pugs, crawling in the folds of the empty surface, no longer daring to make a 'woo-woo' sound.

One look lets them know what is powerful and what is terrifying!


The space changes again, and the surrounding scenes move into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Jue appeared in a glorious hall. This was an unpredictable place. The divine light in the hall was extremely extraordinary.

It must have been the birth of the King of Demons that led to such a great trend.

Ye Jue, you took over the Iron-Blooded Country? However, that small country is too weak to be worthy of attention.

The voice of the Lord of the Black Domain rang out from the main hall.

Although the Iron-Blooded Kingdom is weak, it has a great connection with the Longxiao Kingdom and Jingxuan Island. Ye Gushen, with his good tactics, managed to break into the enemy without even knowing it. I have also accepted all the power of Jingxuan Island. My offense is of great use.”

Ye Yi's body is constantly reorganizing here, piece by piece, it seems that he has practiced some mysterious ancient magic, and he can't see through the reality.

You're doing well. Are those big monsters newly transformed?

Ye Jue said calmly.

Those big demons just now were actually transformed into life forms in the realm of destruction. They were infected by Ye Yi, the demon king, and became monsters like viruses. They lost their original self and reason and became the fighting power of Yun Shanshan.

It seems that countless small countries have been brutally murdered.

Thirty-five small countries and six big countries.

Ye Yi said, but shook his head: The number is still too small. The elemental bodies of the World-Burning Spirit can be produced continuously. What I need is an extremely large-scale crushing, and I can defeat it with a moment of overwhelming force. We must not delay the war, otherwise I will lose.

Although this world-burning spirit is not an ancient god, he possesses the abilities of an ancient god. If he is promoted to an ancient god, his strength will be comparable to mine.

Hmph! The Lord of the Black Territory was not happy when he heard this, and said: Ye Yi, it seems that you still don't know my power. I am the only one in the ancient mythical land in the world. You haven't completely refined it into a weapon. When If you succeed, no one can be your opponent, you are directly invincible!

Directly invincible? Why should I talk about it?

Ye Jue is indifferent.

Haha, the same goes for you. You have absorbed the three corpses, the invincible strongman who can use the power of the three corpses, and the ancient divine weapon. With the Feathered Mirror in your hand, who is your opponent?

The Lord of the Black Domain smiled.

These are external forces, not my power.

Ye Jue shook his head, clasping his hands behind his back, with an inconsistent expression on his immature face, unmoved.

Ancient God.

In fact, it is the power in history. There are beings who have long said that this is the state of being destroyed, not the end.

What he wants is to break the shackles and create a level of life that transcends history and surpasses the ancient gods.

It seems that your pursuit is quite big.

Ye Yi said: Then, you must get the Heavenly Artifact. If the Feathering Mirror becomes the Heavenly Artifact, you can be promoted to an intermediate ancient god. When the deep space collapses and the new world starts, you can almost become a high-level ancient god. Only ancient gods are qualified to break through history, and only one high-level ancient god will be born. Only with the accumulation of all the resources in our anti-universe can a middle-level ancient god be promoted.

What if I said, this one would be me? Will you fight?

Ye Jue said calmly.

Hahaha, there is no need. We are allies. If you become a high-level Ancient God Queen, if you can really break the eternal deadlock, then I will also be invincible in the new world. What's more, you might be able to go to the positive universe. These are all It’s not a dream.”

Ye Yi smiled.

You have a battle with the leader of Chaos Zuma. Refining the entire black domain into a weapon is indeed an unparalleled thing. However, there is a sharp sword that is always hanging around your neck. Since you won't fight, then I will help you. This ally.”

Ye Juekan said.

The reason why Ye Yi has been unable to refine the Black Territory is because there is a cancer born from the Black Territory in the chaotic star sea of ​​the leader of Chaos Zuma. This cancer was originally a purple baby and wanted to fight against the Black Territory.

But before it could grow up, it was refined and melted by the leader of Chaos Zuma.

This leader of Chaos Zuma is Ye Yi's mortal enemy and can kill him if there is a chance.

No, I can handle it myself, Chaos Zuma Leader.

Ye Yi waved his hand and said: I let you take the risk this time because I know one thing. Ji Zizai and the Three Pillars are going to attack the territory controlled by the Moon Emperor. It is very urgent. This is a good opportunity and cannot be missed. .”

That place is too far away. By the time you arrive, it will be too late, so I asked her to lead you and use the teleportation method of the ancient Tianlong clan to get you there directly.

Only she can activate this teleportation method of the ancient Tianlong clan.

As soon as she finished speaking, Female Tianlong came over. She nodded slightly and was ready.

Ji Zizai is so eager to attack the Moon Emperor, isn't it just for the simple purpose of obtaining the heavenly weapon?

Ye Jue said.

That's true, because the Moon Emperor controls the boundary monument, which originally belonged to you. I don't know why, but the portrait of the Lord of Heaven is also in his hand. This is amazing. The power of the heavenly artifact is enough to penetrate the virtual world. Let the ancient gods revive.

Ye Yi said.

The portrait of the God Lord that day originally belonged to the Emperor of the Moon Palace, but the Emperor of the Moon Palace was killed by Ye Jue.

The Lord of the Black Domain added.

So that's it. Anyway, Ji Zizai feels threatened. If the void is opened, the situation in the realm of destruction will be turned upside down again and become even more chaotic. It has to be said that this is all controlled by the Tree of Chaos in secret. The more chaotic it becomes, the more chaotic it becomes. The more powerful it becomes.”

Ye nodded.

Nonsense, the Tree of Chaos only follows the rules and maintains chaos. There is no secret control.

At this time, a female voice came from Ye Jue's body.

Huh? Who?

The Lord of the Black Domain was shocked.


Ye Yi was also at a loss. He didn't feel the origin of the owner of the voice.

After some calculation in my mind, it turned out to be nothingness.


A woman with long hair appeared slowly, with a dissatisfied expression.

She is Chen'er, a part of the Tree of Chaos, which can be said to be emotions.

Ye Jue gave a brief introduction.

Ah? Tree of Chaos?

The Lord of the Black Territory was shocked. Judging from his tone, he was very shocked.

The soul of the Tree of Chaos?

The same was true for Ye Yi, whose expression changed drastically.

did not think of!

Ye Jue actually secretly controlled such a giant!

If she hadn't jumped out on her own initiative, they would still have been kept in the dark!

Because this is a big deal!

There are too few people who have seen the soul of the Chaos Tree!

I heard that only the Starry Sky Emperor has seen it!

Others have no idea of ​​its existence.

Now, when I see her, can I not be shocked?

Humph, on behalf of the Tree of Chaos, I would like to correct your rhetoric. The Tree of Chaos has never calculated or conspired. It has never contributed to the flames from ancient times to the present. Everything is created by yourselves. You cause chaos. But he imposes responsibility on it, so that the Tree of Chaos will be in chaos, otherwise, it would be the purest great god in the world!

Chen'er said unhappily.

The purest ancient god? Doesn't the Tree of Chaos represent chaos?

Ye Yi asked curiously.

It is because it is too pure that it is easily contaminated. Over time, it is called the Tree of Chaos.

Chen'er immediately retorted.

Then what is the name of the Tree of Chaos if it's not called the Tree of Chaos?

The Lord of the Black Domain asked.

Are you asking about the name of this great god? It has been unknown for a long time. Only I know it, Qishishu.

Chen'er said.

The Enlightenment Tree?

Ye Jue also felt novel.

There is a world tree in the realm of suffering, but the tree in the realm of destruction is actually called the World Tree?

So what are the trees in deep space called?

I see.

The expressions of Ye Yi and the Lord of the Black Territory changed.

The branches of the Enlightenment Tree in the Destruction Realm formed the entire chaotic continent world. The empire was called Trasil, which was also another name of the main god Odin.

The continent derived from this tree is divided as severely as the branches. The center is the atrium, which is where the empire is located. It controls the core place and represents hegemony.

If you want to enter the empire, you have to walk on a rainbow bridge between Shenyang and Shenyue.

In the chaotic continent outside the empire, there is a high-entropy body called Helheim.

It is difficult for the mythical body to remember this Western-oriented title, which is directly translated into the name of the country of death.

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