damn it!

King Liao Tian changed his color. The person who came was too fierce. He didn’t know the details. Who he was. It was too late to find out now.

No matter what, they must be stopped!

How could the Iron-Blooded Kingdom's base camp be taken over by just a few people?


But he didn't expect it.

An inconspicuous person reached the command level in one step, and somehow activated the iron-blood system again.


The entire iron-blooded system is running again, but the symbols and rules are a little different, and the colors are wrong.

Didi...Didi...cannot maintain...Didi...

This Ye Jue used sacred calculations to dissect the iron-blood system and directly transform and sort it internally. Originally, the highest authority was in the hands of King Liaotian, and it would soon be easily transferred to his hands.

It only takes a few minutes for the system to change hands.

But the name won't be him.

But Lou Jianzi, he has to hide behind the scenes.

Quick, stop him! King Liaotian roared, and two sharp blades shot out from his pupils, turning into substance and striking towards him.

He discovered that this mysterious man was actually taking away the iron-blooded system.

In an instant, the Liaotian King understood.

This is to take down the system with lightning speed.

As long as the system is controlled, the mecha sequence can be edited at will.

When the time comes, they will be able to win easily.

After all, without the mecha, the strength will definitely be greatly reduced!

The route taken by the Iron-Blooded Nation is not that of an empire.

You must know that a purely technological and civilized race possesses both technology and the power of myth. The two complement each other and are perfect.


However, this attack was intercepted by Musashi's sword.

Come and fight!

Musashi's double swords slashed out, and Niten Yiyi burst out with a monstrous power, slashing on the body of King Liaotian.


King Liao Tian's body, made of an unknown substance, emitted a string of sparks, which were blocked by a strong silver light.


Liao Tian took a breath of cold air, what kind of people are these?

So powerful?

It actually left knife marks on his body!


The luster flows, shining with a hazy brilliance, and the repair is complete.

As the king, he must now stop the strongest and buy time!

As long as the consumption continues, these people will definitely not be their opponents.


Musashi and Liao Tian started fighting fiercely!

Of course, Musashi was just a temporary talent and was not a match for Liao Tian. He suffered continuous losses, so Nikolai went into battle and bombarded him together.

Lou Jianzi, on the other hand, suppressed other high-level officials and openly showed no mercy. His ancestor's mid-level strength allowed him to sweep almost everything.

Bang bang bang!

Liao Tian was so aggrieved and furious, being suppressed and beaten by two mysterious strong men, whose life level was obviously lower than his.

You know, the mecha he piloted was the strongest in the Iron-Blooded Kingdom, but he couldn't win!

He even doubted whether the mecha had been tampered with.

at this time.

Ye Jue has already invaded the system and has three minutes to fully master it.

He looked at the sky above with a calm face, and countless explosions occurred one after another.

The entire Space City No. 1 was in chaos, and dense soldiers rushed towards Yang Zi and the others.

Because the latter signed the scroll of destiny, he was able to resist until now.

But the consumption is also very huge, and it won't take long before the mecha and itself will be exhausted.

But before that, he had acquired the entire iron-blooded system.


A strong man came and was destroyed by him casually, quack, quack... Suddenly, the iron-blood system burst out with more dazzling runes and colors.

not good!

Liao Tian's face turned as pale as earth, and he rushed forward in a hurry.

But he was tightly entangled.

Nowadays, no matter how many there are, it is useless.

It is simply impossible to win by numbers.

These people's individual combat capabilities are too strong, and each one of them is almost comparable to his existence.

In fact, he is not a high-entropy body of six thousand stars, and he is not yet at the peak of his ancestor.

King, you lose.

Lou Jianzi killed all the senior officials of the Iron-Blooded Kingdom. The corpses were piled in one direction, burning smoke and particles drifting away.

Lou Jianzi, damn Lou Jianzi, you traitor, I will eat you alive!

The sky roared loudly, turning into a stream of light and rushing toward him.


His strength is only about the same as Lou Jianzi. Even if he roars seriously and is filled with righteous indignation, it is just a tie.

Why did your strength suddenly change so much?

Liao Tian doesn't understand or figure it out.

Times have changed. I won the Iron-Blooded Kingdom. It's time for you to abdicate!

Lou Jianzi wiped out hundreds of thousands of mecha warriors at once, cleared a circle with himself as the center, and then killed Liao Tian.

The master of this iron-blooded country never thought that such a shocking day would happen.

Not lost to the empire, but lost to the purchased mobile soldiers!

A damn puppet!

He actually counterattacked the Iron-Blooded Kingdom one day!

He defeated the command hierarchy at extremely fast speed and forced him to abdicate!


Liao Tian roared loudly, but there was no one behind him.

The strong men who followed him were all on the frontline battlefields, fighting against the Imperial Army.

Now, he has no choice!

“I won’t give up until I reach the Yellow River.”

Musashi, Nicholas, Lou Jianzi, Yang Zi, and Duan Shuang all gathered around, held up the light curtain, swept a circle, blocked the enemy, and isolated the Iron-Blooded King!

Iron-Blooded King Liao Tian's face became increasingly ugly.

These people are so cruel and their plots are too deep.

Is he going to lose like this?

Everything you have worked hard to create is in vain and handed over to others?


He was unwilling to give in and killed these five people.

Boom, boom, boom! !

A fierce battle broke out again, with metallic trembling sounds, various mythological powers and civilized weapons colliding, void laws intertwined, and various holy lights flying.


Then at this moment, Liao Tian's mecha suddenly turned off.

That's right, the energy furnace was extinguished and the mysterious and complicated rules were changed, causing him to lose control of the mecha.

Bang bang bang! !

Not only him, but also the Predator warriors who fell from the sky like flies screamed one after another.

The mechas can no longer be controlled, no matter how they are activated!

It seems like a dead thing!

The only possibility is that the master control system has been tampered with!


Liao Tian's body flew out of the mecha and collided with Yang Zi. As a result, his arm was broken and he vomited blood and flew everywhere!

you lose!

Lou Jianzi showed a successful smile.

The coup was successful!

Really successful?

Oh My God..

Neither Yang Zi nor Duan Shuang expected that they could capture the iron-blooded country's base camp so easily.

They looked at Ling Xiao, all shocked.

This person was so secretive that he actually took down the Iron-Blooded System in such a short period of time?

Taking down the iron-blooded system means success in seizing power!

All mecha warriors, all mobile fortresses, space cities, motherships, battleships... they all belong to them!

Win cleanly and completely!

Ye Jue, on the other hand, transferred the king's position to Lou Jianzi.

He still has absolute control over the system.

After the coup, shocking legends spread widely.

After all, such a big thing happened, and I couldn't hide it even if I wanted to.

I didn't expect that the Iron-Blooded Kingdom would change hands in one day!

Yes, even the Iron-Blooded King has been imprisoned. It's so miserable!

The new king is called Lou Jianzi. This man is very calculating. He has taken over the Iron-Blooded Kingdom. I wonder what will happen next?

Whatever, isn't it common for such disputes between small forces and the change of kings to become kings?

The signal echoed across the chaotic continent.

Iron-blooded country.

No, it's called the Free State now.

Ye Jue lifted Liao Tian up and placed his finger on his eyebrows. With a slight push forward, all the memories stored between his eyebrows could be destroyed.

Without memory, it is like a blank sheet of paper, subject to brainwashing.

no, do not want!

Liao Tian was shocked and turned pale.

Who is this person?

Ling Xiao?


The guy who just joined the ace team!

Why was he able to win the system?

As the former king, he could not understand all this!


However, Ye Jue was merciless. Even though the various resistance runes were bright, he still could not stop his erosion.

The sky's brows shine with a brilliant light...

Then, he became an idiot.

From now on you will be a member of a free country.

Ye Jue gently knocked on Liao Tian's head, and a ray of light fell into his brain, and then left here.

Ye Gushen, I never thought that I, Lou Jianzi, would be able to turn over one day. This is all due to you. I think you look handsome again today!

After a while, Lou Jianzi said respectfully.

That kind of arrogance and conceit disappeared after seeing the latter.

This attitude comes from the heart!

He is not the real controller of the Free Country now, but he is not a puppet either, but has real power and can talk to the past and present.

Stop flattering, this is just the first step, now is the beginning. Your task is to develop the free country and absorb all the surrounding small countries.

Ye Jue said: The Free Country will not focus on mechas. It will focus on cultivating itself. I will solve the difficulties and problems one by one. I will use alternative means to let you continue to transform your physique, combine mythology with technology, and no longer rely on mechas.

This is a method only available to the empire, and it requires very strong technical support!

Lou Jianzi was shocked.

Indeed, mechas are too backward!

But the Iron Blood Country itself is just a small country.

I'll get the skills.

Ye Jue nodded slightly and said, You just lead your subordinates to show off your talents, and I will take care of the other things.

Then thank God Ye for your hard work.

Lou Jianzi nodded vigorously: I will definitely make the Free Country stronger!

It's inevitable.

Ye Jue's body slowly disappeared here.

His body has gone to a mysterious place in the chaotic continent alone.

Because Ye Yi was there, the scroll of fate was flickering.


After passing through a wormhole tunnel, Ye Jue arrived here.

The sky here is filled with black light, and there are black holes everywhere. An area will collapse at any time, and it is in a state of absolute balance.

In the center of this place, there is an earth-yellow mountain, and the peak is shrouded in brilliant light.

That is Yunshan Mountain.

Ye Yi has already settled down. After all, he and the Lord of the Black Territory arrived in the realm of destruction first, so it is normal for them to develop faster than him.


Before Ye Jue got close, a woman with white eyes appeared and struck forward with a silver fist.

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