Musashi left Jingxuan Island. In this world of destruction, his only purpose was to go to the coordinates given to him by Yi. It was a quiet place located at the farthest end of the chaotic continent.

The Chaos Continent is the World of Destruction, the only continent bred within the Tree of Chaos.

This continent is surrounded by stars.

The empire, Jingxuan Island, all the major forces are on it.

The Heavenly Way of the Tree of Chaos, which is also the soul of the Tree of Chaos, has part of the human heart, and part of it is mysterious and unpredictable. It operates the laws of chaos like a machine and controls the entire chaotic continent.

At this moment, in the mainland, on a certain field, there was abundant vegetation, but it was peaceful. There were no insects, no birds, and no beasts roaring. This was a dead land without any trace of life.

However, there is a woman sitting here alone. There is no breath of life in her body, only endless chaos.

The emperor went to deep space to seize the power of the Creation Spirit, but the Red Dust Angel blocked his plan. Now it is difficult to turn back. We must wait until deep space collapses and the Tao realm is annihilated.

This woman is the human incarnation of the Tree of Chaos. She murmured to herself: The souls in the suffering realm have been reborn. However, the souls in the Tao realm have been successfully analyzed by the group of high-entropy bodies and have become artificial beings that absolutely serve them. Smart tools will collapse sooner or later.”

Huh? Why is someone here?

She suddenly looked into the distance, her body sank into the ground and disappeared without a trace.

The visitor had long black hair, narrow eyes, extremely fast speed, and a very strong body. He had amazing physical strength without relying on external force. He turned into a pale golden light and shadow and descended here.

Ye Jue randomly picked this place and sent it to Musashi to ask him to come.

But it would take some time for Musashi to come over, so he had to wait for a while.

Ye Jue, Fentian wants to devour the Futian Blade, and the Darkness of Tomorrow evolves into an ancient god, but you secretly win over his flesh and take him as your younger brother. Are you creating chaos internally, and are you cooperating with Ye Yili?

B's voice rang out, but its body remained in Ye Jue's cave and did not appear.

Because as soon as it appears, it will be noticed by the Tree of Chaos.

After all, he is an ancient divine weapon, and his breath can open the sky.

Yes, look, our allies sent a message.

At this time, Ye Jue felt the vibration of the scroll of destiny, and a series of fonts appeared on it.

Ye Yi used his magic power to condense words and inform him of the movement.

‘Gather the Xuanxiang, split the troops, and wait for the leader of Chaos Zuma to attack the Moon Emperor. I will take Jingxuan Island. You can go to this coordinate. The mantis stalks the cicada, but be careful of the oriole! ’

What's the meaning?

B asked.

He told me that the Chaos Zuma Cult was going to attack the Moon Emperor. If he wanted to get this heavenly weapon, he would have to organize the Imperial Army to go to war. He sent me the coordinates. He didn't go because he knew that Fen Tian would also receive the news and go to snatch the Moon Emperor. , take the opportunity to capture Jingxuan Island.

Ye Jue said.

Oh? Then this is really an opportunity. Fentian can't bear it at all. It depends on the attitude of Long Xiaoguo. If they don't covet the heavenly weapon and stay on Jingxuan Island, then Ye Yi will go to war with them.

B thought deeply and asked: Then how do you choose, do you really want to go?

I must go. The Moon Emperor has taken away my boundary monument. The portrait of the God of Heaven has not been resurrected yet. If it is really resurrected, the ancient Celestial God clan will rise and the situation will become even more chaotic.

Ye Jue said: So, I want to capture the will of the God Lord and control the Ancient God clan. It will be of great benefit to me in developing my power and can become the cornerstone. When I got the boundary monument, it meant that I would take this step.

Yes, you are the master of the virtual world, and the gate to heaven in the virtual world is also a good bargaining chip for negotiating with the invincible powerhouse in the deep space. You must get it before the deep space collapses.

B nodded vigorously and said: Moreover, you'd better get the Divine Artifact of the Moon Emperor and let me devour him. Then I can upgrade it to a heavenly weapon and directly promote you to an intermediate ancient god with great power. Much stronger.


The same is true for Ye Jue.


He didn't expect that there was a pair of bright eyes staring at him, his eyes moving.


At this time, a shuttle flew from the sky, distorting the void and emitting a black light. It quickly descended on this place, and a familiar man walked out of it.


He looked calm and walked towards Ling Xiao's position without saying a word.

This Ling Xiao is too mysterious, I don’t know who he is.

Ye Yi is just his guess.

But no matter what.

He all swore an oath.

As long as this existence can provide him with help, let him have the power to fight against Fentian and get rid of meat.


Behind him, an elegant man in a suit appeared.


He was moved and came here to see Ling Xiao.

we are coming.

They spoke.

Okay, let's get right to the point. First, stamp your names on this long scroll of destiny.

Ling Xiao said directly.

Huh? This isn't a slavery contract, is it?

Nicholas said jokingly.

Slavery? If I want to enslave you, I will just use a big brainwashing ban to turn you into my puppets.

Ling Xiao said slowly.


Musashi and Nikolai looked at each other, each seeing the shock in the other's eyes.

Can you brainwash them casually?

This existence is too dangerous!

But with this kind of power, why bother to conquer them?

I see that you are confused, but what I need is not puppets, but loyal subordinates. As long as you surrender, I will share my power and let you directly upgrade to Immortal Lord.

Ling Xiao said indifferently.

Directly upgrade to the Immortal Lord? This is too dangerous. If we break through to the Immortal Emperor and then evolve to the ancestor level, wouldn't it...

Musashi's mouth froze.

Don't worry, it's not so easy for Immortal Emperors and Ancestors to succeed in cultivation.

Ling Xiao waved his hand.

Okay, let's sign.

When Musashi and Nicholas came here, they had already expressed their attitude. After hearing this, they did not hesitate and directly imprinted the mark of life.


Their names appeared again on the huge scroll of destiny in Ye Jue Cave.


In an instant, the power feedback came to Musashi and Nikolai.

This is……

They exclaimed, feeling that their original power was rapidly expanding and expanding, as if a mysterious and powerful force came from somewhere, stimulating the particles in the cells throughout the body.

Ugh! Ugh!

In just a short moment, Musashi and Nikolai reached the peak of Immortal Lord status, emitting rays of light, emitting traces of divine power, and possessing magical power that makes people look down upon the common people.

There is only one step left to break through to the Immortal Emperor level!

I have to admit that Ye Jue's accumulated wealth is so rich that those who sign a destiny with him will directly receive huge benefits.

If it weren't for the spiritual influence, I'm afraid outsiders would have their heads broken by force.

This is the power of the Immortal Lord?!

Musashi condensed two swords, and after the collision, the divine light burst out, making a sonorous sound, and the crystal contained the power of breaking the sky.

Ertian Yiyi also followed suit.


A blood sac appeared on the top of Nikolai's head. After a sharp roar, the air flow exploded, and the void was pressed into a blur. It was as powerful as a full blow from a first-level weapon in the ancient world.

Then from now on, you are members of our Free Sect. Our Free Sect has hundreds of millions of people, but it has just developed in the realm of destruction. You are the first and second. I will pass on you three thousand restrictions. There are two thousand nine hundred and eighty of them, go and understand them!

Ling Xiao used two palms in the air, and the power beyond the scope of understanding poured into the latter's body.

This, this, this...

Musashi and Nikolai were shocked.

They are all mythological symbols that cannot be explained by common sense, and they keep coming.

The big king's boxing ban, the big cage ban, the big witch ban, the big...

These powers are all the three thousand great restrictions in the black domain, but the first twenty are missing.

The first is that Ye Jue is not complete yet and is still short of the top five.

Second, with the strength of the Immortal Lord level, understanding these is already the limit.

It seems we really bumped into a big shot.

Musashi sighed.

Fear of these powers, fear for the first time.

This Ling Xiao is definitely an ancient god!

Otherwise, how could you just pass the three thousand prohibition to them casually?

He must have looked down upon such power, so he was so casual.


Each of these major restrictions made them excited, excited, and incredible.

He still clearly remembered how he was killed when he fell into hell.

If he had had this kind of power before, he could have turned hell upside down with just a slap of his hand!

I will pass on some protective weapons to you, and install a power on you. You should not use this power. When necessary, it can save lives, defeat enemies, and scare the ancestors into retreating.

Ling Xiao pointed his finger and quickly flew out two balls of calamity power.

Immortal, eternal, impermanent, original.

There is a trace of primitive breath in the power of these two tribulations. When it bursts out, it will cause a terrifying mental attack and is very powerful.

The Neng Immortal Emperor instantly became an idiot!


Musashi nodded.

Well, your next task is to recruit people for me. I have inconveniences, so I can only let you take action. You go and recruit more people, sign the scroll of destiny, and I will give you more benefits. , you get these benefits, and when the time comes, Fentian won’t be afraid at all.”

Ling Xiao talked eloquently.

We understand.

Nikolay understood.

This Ling Xiao still wants to hide his identity, but he doesn't know what his purpose is and cannot expose it.

You can only let them do things on your behalf.

This is not bad, the more people sign the scroll of destiny, the more power they can share.

Okay, go ahead. Long Xiaoguo has arranged some strong men, and their eyes are still on you. Now you have the strength to deal with them.

Ling Xiao said calmly.

It just so happens that I, Musashi, will take revenge today.

Musashi smiled coldly.

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