Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 1033 Secretly Recruiting a Younger Brother

Ye Jue's voice echoed in the deepest part of Musashi's soul. No one here could detect it, neither Ji Zizai nor the soul of the Tree of Chaos.

who are you?

Musashi frowned.

It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that I can help you so that you have enough capital and strength to deal with Fentian.

Ye Jue talked eloquently.

You just want me to believe you?

Musashi's eyes darkened. This ace team seemed unstable, and there was such a being hidden among them.

What's the purpose?

What are you going to use him for?

Use? No, you are not qualified yet.

Ye Jue said with a smile.

Your voice sounds familiar, I can't remember it.

Musashi pondered for a moment and said: I guess your cultivation level has reached the sky. Could it be that you are an ancient god? There are only a handful of ancient gods today. Which one are you?

Musashi, you don't have to guess about me. I'm helping you because you are a malleable talent. You have no way out now. Without me, you will only have one fate, and that is to be swallowed up by Fentian.

Ye Jue said slowly.

I will become stronger and become as powerful as him!

Musashi said coldly.

Don't deceive yourself. Will Fentian give you a chance? Do you think he will really wait for you to be in the same realm as him and devour you? As long as your original power is elevated to the ancestor level, he can directly control you, understand. Yet?

Ye Jue Langlang said.

Even so, what good will it do you if I help you?

Musashi was suddenly startled.

Placing your life on someone else's thoughts is indeed a joke.

Benefits? Well, I need to create a powerful force in the realm of destruction. I need many powerful subordinates. You are one of them. This is my purpose.

Ye Jue said.

Oh? You want to create your own force. That's really interesting. I'm not a fool. After injecting the chip, I know that the situation in the realm of destruction will not allow other external entities to interfere. Is it just you?

Musashi chuckled and was not optimistic.

Single-handedly creating a powerful force, do you really think you have become a god?

Since you have a chip implanted, you should know the predecessor of Jingxuan Island, right?

Ye Jue smiled.

Huh? Yunshanshan? Are you from Yunshanshan? Are you Ye Yi? Are you Ye Yi, the ancient god?

Musashi was shocked.

You can think that I am strong enough now?

Ye Jue smiled.

That's enough. The chip prompts that Yun Shanshan is standing tall and strong under the imperial army led by Emperor Xingkong. However, because he went to the Black Territory, the World-Burning Spirit took the opportunity to occupy the territory. Otherwise, Fen Tian would not be able to conquer the territory at all. No chance.

Musashi's eyes lit up.

It seems you are moved.

The corners of Ye Jue's mouth rose.

Yes, my heart is moved, because I, Musashi, am now alone, surrounded by a pack of wolves, who are looking at me eagerly, treating me like meat. Their eyes, looking at me, don't look like they are at all. Look at a living person.”

Then I will follow you and I will not betray you. I make an oath!

Musashi said directly: What should I call you?

Just call me B.

Ye Jue replied.

Okay, B, from now on I will be the top thug in your camp.

Musashi said confidently.

Based on your current strength, you are not qualified.

Ye Jue shook his head and said: However, after this battle, you will leave Longxiao Kingdom and stay away from Jingxuan Island. They will not stop you because Fentian wants to find you. It is very easy. You are the Blade of Futian. It can be detected no matter how far away it is, I will give you the coordinates, you go there and wait for me.


Musashi nodded calmly and suddenly said: What about Nikolai?


Ye Jue pondered for a moment.

This Nikolai's ability is a bit too special. Most of it uses blood as its power, so it is of no use in the realm of destruction.

Why don't you leave it to me? I will tell him secretly and win over him, and he will definitely agree.

Musashi suddenly said something.

Okay, but don't be a monster. This idea of ​​mine is placed deep in your heart and can monitor you. Once you find out that you have rebelled, don't blame me.

Ye Jue said coldly.

Don't worry, I, Musashi, will never break my oath.

Musashi said.


Ye Jue's voice slowly fell silent.

At this time, a wide energy wing also condensed from Musashi's back, turning back towards the Dragon Roaring Country.

His particle energy has been used up and he must turn back.

How about it, killing after five thousand years, is it enjoyable?

On the Long Xiang, Wei Ting and Musashi were alone, and the corner of his mouth was raised with some sarcasm.

It's okay, but that's it.

Musashi nodded coldly.

Hmph, you heroes are still as unruly and unruly as before, come here!

Wei Ting clapped his hands indifferently.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

A group of people walked out of the metal ring star gate behind him.

Uh, this is...

Musashi seemed to have seen something incredible.

This is the list of heroes of our Longxiao Kingdom. Come and say hello to our seniors.

Wei Ting laughed.

Are you Musashi?

Huh, so weak?

Not enough!

This group of people, three men and one woman, all had familiar faces. Long Xiaogu, Wu Jin, and Lu Juan, who died on the earth, were all resurrected. They all looked at Musashi coldly. There was even someone who had mastered Pandora's Box. The girl, Pandora, also looked at him without emotion.

You brought them back to life?

Musashi asked in a low voice.

Haha, this is not resurrection, it's just extracting the original DNA and cloning it. We can have as many such people as we want.

The corner of Wei Ting's mouth raised crazily and he said: Including you, we now have your original DNA. If you are not obedient, we can clone a second you at any time. I believe Fentian also likes a good meat who is sensible and obedient.

You're threatening me.

Musashi said coldly.

That's right, it's just a threat. Cook your meat well. Understand. Don't have any wild ideas. It's enough to live for this period of time, experience the future, and witness the future. People should be content, right?

Wei Ting waved his hand, and three men and one woman surrounded Musashi.

Each one is more powerful than Musashi!

Wei Ting, Longxiao Kingdom has such technology, then why don't you resurrect Adam, and even Ye Jue? Didn't you copy him? Continue cloning, reincarnate all the powerful ancient powers, and resurrect them all. How can you, Longxiao Kingdom, Isn’t he invincible?”

Musashi did not give up and stood still.

Haha, you are right. Now our Longxiao Kingdom has mastered the reincarnations of five ancient powerful beings.

Wei Ting laughed and said suddenly: You think we have never cloned Adam? But in the process, we discovered a terrifying fact that you will never want to know. Believe me, as for Ye Jue, he is already an ancient god. As long as If you clone him, you will be punished by God. No matter what, you will not succeed. This is the power of the ancient gods. Hum, Musashi, just enjoy your time, become stronger, and then... wait to be swallowed!

After saying those words, he strode away.

Senior, we have already considered fighting with you!

Several reincarnations of ancient powerful men looked at Musashi and said with a gloomy expression.


Musashi's expression changed drastically.

A few days later.

This war has just ended. Although the opponent's general was killed, there was no benefit at all from the huge number of imperial troops.

Even though Fentian was born again, with ferocious combat power and unparalleled killings, it was simply a drop in the bucket. The imperial army could easily pass through the gate of time and space, and its continuous attacks were incalculable.

In the end, Jingxuan Island was filled with holes.

If this continues, sooner or later they will be exhausted and the base area will be wiped out alive.

No, how many imperial troops are there? How can they not be defeated or retreated?

Fen Tian was furious.

Terascale cannot be formed. It is probably the Ganges Sand level. After all, it is an empire. The only country that reaches the Ganges Sand level can be called an emperor.

Long Shaoqin said calmly.

Damn it, there are countless people who are as strong as Hoshino Canhong. I will use up all my energy to kill every one of them. There will be no end!

Fen Tian was filled with anger.

There's nothing we can do about it. What kind of existence is the empire? It's been created for so long, and the gap between us is just here. The other side sends soldiers, but we have to be bombarded.

Zhao Yin said with a smile.

Is there no way to reverse it? How are Musashi and Nikolai's training going?

Fentian only has this way to go now, he must devour these two people.

But the life level of these two people is too low. Now that they have been swallowed, even the ancient gods cannot attack them. At most, they will gain some special abilities.

They have gone to practice separately. We have people monitoring them. However, it is estimated that it will take about five hundred years for them to become ancestors.

Zhao Yin said.

Pfft, what did you say, five hundred years? How many more five hundred years are there? I don't know when deep space will collapse. Maybe at the next moment, you want to talk to me about five hundred years?

Fen Tian was almost mad and wanted to catch Zhao Yin on the spot and beat him violently.


This Zhao Yin is just a virtual construct, which makes him feel lonely.

World-burning spirit, master of Jingxuan Island, don't worry, the strengthening injection I developed is already on the way. After injecting it into them, they can quickly increase their life level. It will take about one or two hundred years.

Zhao Yin smiled.

One or two hundred years, I'll wait.

Fentian suppressed his anger and suddenly said: There is more than just the corpse of the ancient god Mechanical Angel on your Longxiang. I feel a powerful force gestating. What is it? You want my element Is this what the list is for?

You don't need to know this. Although we are allies, it doesn't mean we can share secrets.

Zhao Yin said with a smile.

Hmph, shit, if it's not good for me, don't blame me for turning against you.

Fen Tian said coldly.

Don't worry, it won't happen.

Zhao Yin's virtual body gradually disappears...

At least, not now.


Fentian couldn't hear these words.

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