In the empire in the realm of destruction, the huge figure took a big step forward, powerful and unstoppable.

Ji Zizai also began to break through the ancient gods, and his body became extremely tall. Every particle in his body was trembling, resonating with the rhythm of the Chaos Tree in the misery.

After the leader appeared, all kinds of cows, horses and snake gods jumped out. You broke through the ancient gods, but you are just low-level ancient gods. I will show you what is the background and what is the real resonance with the world!

Ji Zizai showed the power in the realm of destruction without any scruples. The powerful power spread everywhere and completely controlled the world.


They could almost see the scene in shock.

The entire realm of annihilation appeared.

It was a giant tree that was thicker and majestic than the World Tree.

At this moment, the ocean was vast, the waves were roaring into the sky, and the energy was rolling away, all absorbed by Ji Zizai alone.

He attracted thousands of thunder and lightning, demonstrated the law with his own body, entered the thunder, and tempered himself to surpass the low-level ancient gods.

Logically speaking, the power of the world of destruction should not be like this.

But among them, there seems to be an active divine corpse that is very well preserved.

It was ignited all of a sudden and turned into particles and nutrients, all of which entered Ji Zizai's body.

No, why do I feel like this guy's power is going to surpass Ye Jue's?

The dragon girl was so horrified that she felt that the realm of destruction was condensed into a weight, restraining the realm of misery.

Supporting agriculture in a difficult situation cannot even mobilize any vitality of heaven and earth.

The space was completely condensed, and she could no longer use the Divine Chain of Order.

The light in the realm of destruction seems to surpass everything, reverse the laws, and turn the world around.

Is that the last emperor of the Black Realm?

Jin Yulan and the others all opened their eyes wide and couldn't believe their eyes.

She didn't expect that this emperor who was away from home would have such great ability.

It bloomed with thousands of brilliance, surpassing everyone, even Ye Jue, Ye Yi, and the brilliance of Chaos Zuma leader were suppressed.

It is almost unimaginable to imagine what lies behind the realm of annihilation.

But no matter what it is, it must be prepared by the Emperor of the Starry Sky to surpass everyone's power.

Now, those who should make breakthroughs are making breakthroughs, and they are all activating their foundations to become ancient gods.

this moment.

The most glorious time in this world.

at the same time…

Disaster is about to break out.


At this time, Ye Jue, as the leader, opened his eyes.

He became an ancient god, swallowed the strong man who killed three corpses, and moved the world.

Now the Black Domain has disappeared and was swallowed up by Ye Yi.

He already knew this.

He showed no expression at the betrayal of the Lord of the Black Domain.

Because now I have come to a difficult situation and returned to the big starry sky.

However, it is still far away from the earth.

His eyes penetrated the universe and saw the Chaos Zuma leader and the three pillars who were making breakthroughs.

Now is not a good opportunity to make a move. The power of breakthrough will temporarily bring terrifying explosive power.

Although he is already an ancient god, compared to his strength, he is almost as capable as he is.

He was only slightly better and swallowed a head that had been chopped off three corpses.

The most powerful thing is that Ji Zizai must have mastered a complete ancient god corpse to use as material to help him break through.

No wonder it surpasses everyone.

Ji Zizai, my family is still in his hands. Let me deduce where they are.

In the rumbling starry sky deep in Ye Jue, a catastrophe is approaching, and he must seize the time.

By combining his strength with the calculations of the divine calculator, he can get various information about Ji Zizai.

Then combined with his aura, various clues can be deduced from it.

Now the power of the Holy Calculator is much stronger!

Because I have eaten a lot of materials, I have accumulated a lot of analytical skills.

As a result, this system has reached a mysterious realm and truly has a hint of power to calculate the heavens.

In this way, Ye Jue did not contact anyone and directly made calculations and analyzed the aura.

Now that the realm of destruction is right in front of us, they must be hidden somewhere in this huge tree of chaos.


The power of evolution around Ye Jue condensed into a shadow. This shadow was exactly like him, strangely heading straight towards the Tree of Chaos.

With this excellent opportunity, after saving them, he would immediately find the Lord of the Black Domain to fulfill his promise. After resurrecting Musuli, he would resurrect the entire misery, the land of reincarnation in the sea of ​​colorful trees, and everyone would be resurrected.

Ye Jue's deduction was not concealed from everyone, but performed in public.

There are many people paying attention to him, and they all know what he is going to do.


But at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and a huge palm reached down from the Tree of Chaos, gradually condensing into a form, and grasping the power of evolution.

In a few breaths, Ji Zizai's figure was created, and he suddenly opened his eyes: Ye Jue, you and I are both ancient gods. Although you are the leader, after the breakthrough, don't think that I don't know you. Whatever I want to do, I have left behind a backup plan. This is one of my spiritual bodies, which has long been integrated with the Tree of Chaos with the help of the Emperor of the Starry Sky. You don’t even want to know where they are.

This Ji Ji put her hands on her back freely, exuding a chaotic aura all over her body, her blond hair was flying, and her roots were like a spiritual snake, penetrating into the void.


Ye Jue didn't waste any time and directly increased his calculation power.

The shadow will break free in an instant and rush into the realm of destruction.

However, Ji Zizai said calmly: The calculator in your body is definitely one level higher than mine. Although I don't know what level it is, I told you that you can't calculate it.

His sharp eyes saw through the void, and he stretched out his hand and pinched the shadow directly.

Don't think that's it.

Ye Jue made a rolling sound.

He knew in an instant that Ji Zizai also had a calculator in his body, but his level was lower than his.

Now, Ji Zizai has the power of the entire realm of destruction, controls the Tree of Chaos, and resists his power of evolution with ease.

If he wants to truly break through, he must also master the World Tree.

But that requires Musuri to be resurrected and the World Tree to come to life.


He used all his analytical power to calculate Su Yan and Ye Muling.

This shadow directly escaped Ji Zizai's control and flew towards the Tree of Chaos.


But at this moment, in an alien space, the aura of a powerful existence appeared. This powerful existence was undoubtedly the aura of the Starry Sky Emperor.

He will never forget it.

Emperor of the Starry Sky?

Ye Jue was already shocked, because in an instant, the calculation shadow he created burst into pieces and completely exploded into powder.

The calculator's power is not his own power. This is not how the sacred calculator is used. Let me teach you! Ye Jue!


In the air where he didn't know where, a strong force once again blessed Ye Jue's body and turned into a shadow, with his hands behind his back and a star crown on his head.

In an instant, a storm of destruction erupted around him.

This power comes from deep space, and the starry sky emperor exerts his power in the distance.

Ye Jue roared in the air, the ancient god's power collided with this power, and the power suddenly began to collapse. After all, it was just the transmission of a force, and this was a difficult situation, and even the emperor had a hard time transmitting his thoughts.


All in all, the opportunity is gone.

Ji Zizai succeeded in breaking through the ancient gods, and the frightening power spread. In the void, the extremely tall body seemed to be sitting on a sarcophagus.

The ancient god particles in the coffin were sucked out with the rhythm of his breathing.

Ye Jue, you have no chance.

Ji Zizai stood up and shook his head: Su Yan and your daughter are my hostages. They are the best means to deal with you. They will not be discarded easily. Don't try to rebirth them. It's useless. Yes, I have blocked their reincarnation path. If they die, they cannot be resurrected and will truly disappear.


Jin Yulan shouted lowly.

Huh, those immortal masters are all strong men in the black realm. Now they are making breakthroughs and succeeding one after another. The messenger from the Red Dust Heaven is coming. I can't calculate the specific time, but this is the time for us to prepare. , Three Pillars, the road to destruction has been opened, come on!

Ji Zi Zai Lang Lang said.

Emperor, very good, you did a good job. I arranged you to work with the emperor to plan the ancient god particles, but I didn't expect you to succeed. Although I no longer need the ancient god particles, you undoubtedly did a good job.

The three pillars have also broken through and become ancient gods, and the five have become one person, with fluttering white clothes and a gray color on their faces. They are simple and old, and have experienced vicissitudes and mottledness. It has a taste of the vicissitudes of life. There is neither evil nor peace in it.

They broke through the ancient gods like this because there was no other chance.

Ji Zizai is Sanqing's disciple, and they will definitely not rob the disciple of his opportunity.

What's more, there is no such opportunity.

Ji Zizai was sitting on the coffin, waiting for this moment to break through into an ancient god and transcend the elementary level.

Instead of falling out, it's better to go with the flow.

Master, cultivate in the Realm of Destruction and deal with the messengers from the Red Dust Heaven together.

Ji Zizai was very domineering and full of invincible domineering power. With a wave of his hand, the entire Tree of Chaos gradually faded away and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

In the miserable state, Wanxiang, the leader of Chaos Zuma, Ye Yi, the powerful men of the ancient heaven, and the gods from all walks of life were left behind.

They have all broken through to become ancient gods, and their laws are shining.

The trillion-level time clone of Ten Thousand Phases Blood Sacrifice, his body burning with blazing flames, and his realm was so profound that with just a slight movement, the entire miserable state seemed unable to tolerate him.

There is also the leader of Chaos Zuma, who has merged with the cancerous purple baby of the Chaos Star Sea. Immortal light is erupting from his body, and various laws are lingering. He stands at one end of the starry sky, making countless gods look up.

Ancient God, Ancient God...the pinnacle of the ancient times!


Ye Yi opened his eyes, and his heart was already the heart of the black domain with mottled stars. The power of a trillion-level world was flowing in his heart, and his strength was so terrifying that it was unimaginable.

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