This is……

All humans on Earth hear it.

This is a heritage that spans thousands of years and emerges from the deepest part of the heart.

Long-cherished wish!

Ye Jue’s long-cherished wish!

Now he did it!

When he was the ancient god, all living beings in the billions of worlds achieved immortality!

All outsiders should not enter the world, and all sentient beings should not be corroded by outsiders...

When he was the ancient god, all the heavens and all the sentient beings on billions of motes of dust could read his name and be at ease, boundless and limitless!

He is an ancient god, and all evil conspiracies will eventually be destroyed...

He is an ancient god, and all karma will be finally liberated...

When the ancient god was born, all time and space, the past and the future, all kinds of stars shattered into dust, countless living beings who thought of his name in their hearts were all gods...

Everyone recited this sentence.

Deep in their hearts, there is a door.

The ancient door creaked open, extremely heavy, making these sounds.

The entire starry sky is echoing like a yellow bell.

The same goes for the dragon girl, wearing cold metallic armor, standing quietly in the void.

Swish, swish, swish! !

Suddenly, thick blood appeared on them.

They broke out!

When you read his name, you will feel at ease, boundless and limitless!

The Earthling pronounced the name.

It was completely activated, and in an instant, the entire starry sky flashed into darkness, a darkness that was so dense that it could not be broken away.

But they turned into light, their bodies were golden, and their divine light split the sky!

Virtual Immortal, True Immortal, Mysterious Immortal, Golden Immortal...

The power pierced through the sky, pierced through the sky, and the rolling breath of breakthrough split the sky!

This is a miracle!

Everyone has soared in the day!

The real clear sky soars and becomes a land god!

The Dragon Girl has surpassed the Immortal Lord and evolved to the level of life of the Immortal Lord.

The entire starry sky buzzed, creating a brilliant myth and incredible things.


Wei Ting's eyes almost popped out!

The main aircraft observed what happened on the earth.

It’s simply outrageous! !

Everyone, even children and the elderly, are soaring, and their life levels are rising.

It’s faster than riding a curvature aircraft!

This is the breath of the gods!

Zhao Yin's eyes are full of wild birds of prey.

He never thought that when they organized an army for the last time to attack the earth, Ye Jue would evolve everyone on the planet.

The strength of the earth now is unimaginable!

Their Ancient God Particle Mecha suddenly lost its absolute advantage.

Although slightly better.

However, this result is definitely not what he expected.

What he wants is to be crushed!

Totally shattered.

It's not over yet. Let's leave quickly and return to the realm of destruction. The catastrophe is about to break out with Ye Jue's breakthrough!

Although Long Shaoqin said it calmly, he could clearly feel a tremor inside.

Wow! !

The huge fleet disappeared across the bright universe.

The mortal angel of this life is coming!

The eyes of the Lord of the Black Domain flickered.

At this moment, Ye Jue has devoured and killed three corpses, completely erupting the ancient god's energy, penetrating all the worlds.

This is the scene that every great power wants.

It’s finally starting!

Great disaster, great catastrophe!

The breakthrough is right around the corner!

The first ancient god appears, and soon there will be the second, third, and fourth gods in the world. Breaking through the ancient gods is extremely dangerous, but as long as this world recognizes it, the difficulty will be greatly reduced. Although I don't know how Ye Jue is He can resist the past, but he is not the only ancient god in this world.

Ye Yi suddenly said: Lord of the Black Territory, shrink the world. The scroll of destiny has been secretly modified by you. Turn all your power to me. Let's open a new world of destruction.

Yes, that is the first step, but the cancer has not been eliminated yet. Only by eliminating the cancer can we truly open a new world. Let me use my power to break through the ancient gods first.

The Lord of the Black Territory nodded, his figure blurry, except for a pair of eyes like golden lamps, emitting a terrifying divine light in the twisted void.


He has activated the original power of the black realm.


The black world was suddenly shrinking violently, but the gods in the world felt nothing.

In a miserable state, human beings see an extremely huge trillion-level world, peeling off space faults and shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Puff puff puff puff! !

Some of the top gods flew out.

Their faces were cold.

I had known this scene would happen for a long time.

They don't want to become someone's power.

Now, the rules have been actively broken by the Lord of the Black Domain, and no matter who it is, they can leave the Black Domain.

The first place is naturally the three pillars.

Sanqing, lying in the sky, Luo Tian left the black realm and landed in the world of misery.

They have already practiced here and have returned to their hometown.

Immediately afterwards came the leader of Chaos Zuma. Although he lost a portion of his Chaos energy, he still appeared unscathed thanks to the power of the Chaos Star Sea.

Thousands of other ancestors, as well as people at the pinnacle of immortality, have all left the Black Realm.

They knew that they could not stay in the Black Territory any longer.

Today's black domain will soon become someone else's power.

If you stay in it, you will only be squeezed out.

They have always exploited others, how could they let others exploit themselves?

The only ones we can't live without are those gods who don't know the truth.

Those golden immortals and loose immortals with low cultivation level.

Like Immortal Lord, Immortal Lord can already break out of the crystal wall system.

The realm of misery and destruction suddenly ushered in the great migration of the black realm.

Dong dong dong...

Almost the moment they left, the trillion-level world turned into something like a heart, made of black starry sky, beating and pulsing.

Appears above the realm of destruction and suffering.


Jin Yulan seized the opportunity and captured him directly.

At the same time, there were also Buried Immortal King, Xi Chuangyue, Ming Yue and others.

They won't give it up!


Ye Yi, who was in the heart, had already taken the lead.

With a pop sound, the heart changed and took the shape of Ye Yi.

Ye Yi, who was crushed, turned into a human form again.

It's useless. The Lord of the Black Territory has already reached a consensus with me. Let's break through, Ancient God!

Ye Yi shook his head and suddenly roared.

The endless light began to converge towards him.

What made people stunned was that he actually wanted to break through the Ancient God on the spot.

Because there is precedent and the rules of the world have recognized it. If we don’t break through now, how long will we wait?

When the mortal angel comes, will he be easily killed?

We also break through!

The three pillars sat cross-legged in the void.

They have long accumulated endless resources and possess a secret technique that allows them to break through and become ancient gods without the need for a trillion-level black world.

But using this secret technique requires sacrifice, three become one, five people become one.

They have been ready for a long time.


Suddenly, the breakthrough began, towering for eternity, unshakable, rumbling like a stormy wave crashing on the shore, with huge momentum.

Gah ga ga, Lord of the Black Territory, it seems you really can't bear it anymore. The cancer is in my hands. How dare you shrink the world? This cancer under the sea of ​​chaotic stars will be your fatal weakness in the future. Don't try to become an ancient god. It can be eliminated, and now I want to merge with it, and this power can also push me to the realm of ancient gods.

The leader of Chaos Zuma also made a sound, looking up to the sky and roaring, swallowing clouds and spitting out mist, and Ruoyuan Dragon ascended to the sky.

He also began to break through the ancient gods.

Isn’t this the moment we have been waiting for for endless years?

Boom, boom, boom! !

The tumor under the sea of ​​chaotic stars turned out to be a purple baby, which instantly merged with the leader of Chaos Zuma, bursting out with bright purple light.

What happened to Misery?

The dragon girl still doesn't understand what happened.

She only saw one power after another that was comparable to Ye Jue's, all of which were tyrannically sublimating.

It seemed that he was deliberately waiting for Ye Jue to break through and advance one after another.

But no matter what.

She saw that Ye Jue's brilliance was still the most dazzling one.

Hahaha, has this moment finally come? Sure enough, it's you, boy. You have been the leader. When the time comes, let me break through. With the blood sacrifice technique, I sacrifice all my time clones to help me break through!

At this moment, time was shattered in an area, and the arrogant man who had been blasted out of the black world appeared after swallowing the energy of time.

It’s exactly Wanxiang!


The death knell rang, and the same trillion-level time clone merged into the main body in an instant.

In an instant, like a blue dragon roaring, its body filled with brilliance and power, filled with divine power, the breakthrough of the ancient gods began!

How many more are there to break through the ancient gods?

Jin Yulan stared at these people, one after another breaking through, impacting her.


She didn't accumulate enough strength.

Otherwise, you can break through the ancient gods.

But she is not in a hurry. Legend has it that the Red Dust Angel brings not only disasters, but also endless benefits.

After all, it is the last period of an era, and all kinds of encounters will happen during this time.

As soon as I finished speaking...

In all directions, the aura of the ancient gods was born again.

One statue, two statues, three statues, four statues, five statues...

Why so many?

Jin Yulan was startled.

He quickly looked at that space. It didn't matter. He almost stared out of his eyes.


She screamed!

It turned out that the trillion-level world of the Black Domain was gathered into Ye Yi's body, and Gu Tianting also broke away from the Black Domain and jumped out alone.

On the architectural pillars of the ancient heaven, there are six, seven, eight, nine...ten!

There are ten of them who are going to become the ancient gods of the world!

It shocked her to death!

These ten ancient heavenly masters, inherited from the ancient secret land, have some strange and forbidden secret techniques. They must have been preparing for an era and waiting for this moment.


What made her even more numb was that it wasn't just the current ancient god!

In the ancient heaven, there are also ancient gods who achieved success in the last era. In order to avoid the world of mortals, they entered the black realm and have survived until now.

The strength of these people has been accumulated for another era. How terrifying is it?

It’s scary just thinking about it!

When she was jumping around in the black world, she didn't know that there were terrifying eyes, maybe they were watching her secretly.

Has this moment finally arrived?

At this moment, not only the realm of suffering, but also the aura of the ancient gods shook out of the realm of destruction.

The first one to bear the brunt was Ji Zizai. He suddenly opened his eyes and smashed the crystal walls of the realm of suffering and destruction with one punch. The blazing electricity intertwined, like an ancient beast coming out of the gate, and an ancient god was about to appear again.

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