Warship of Great Power

Chapter 988: The third factory construction site

 Qin Xue was jumping around, while Zhao Ling and Zhao Xiu'e were watching from the side. As for Qin Haiyang, he had already run to the construction site by himself. Xu Zhengyang was afraid that something might happen to him, so he followed him to protect him.

Qin Tao looked at his father-in-law. The aircraft carrier has just been commissioned and you are actually thinking about maintenance. This is clearly looking down on our Mingzhou Group. Our group is very powerful. How could the aircraft carrier need to be docked just after it has entered service? Isn't it the same as Ah San?

Wu Shengli smiled: "Of course I believe in the strength of your Mingzhou Group. Since you are so sure, I won't say anything else. If you want to build the slipway first, then just build the slipway first."

"Dad, the slipway must be built first. After the slipway here is built, we can start construction of ten warships together." Qin Tao said: "054, 052 and 055 can all be built here together. As long as the navy If we have money, we can keep building it continuously!"

Mingzhou Group's construction plan is to build the slipway first. After all, ordinary warships can be built on the slipway. They can be launched directly from the slipway. Even if they are 30,000 to 40,000 tons, they can be built on the slipway. Only aircraft carriers need to be built on the slipway. The construction started in the dock, because it is more convenient to launch from the dock, and the propellers and the like can be installed directly in the dock, which is very convenient.

Like the Mingzhou Group, there are ten slipways here, which means that ten warships can be built at the same time. The era of naval violence has arrived!

“Well, when the slipway is completed, our navy will be able to build a large number of warships. However, after discussion, we decided to build a part of 056.”

 Qin Tao looked at his father-in-law curiously.

Wu Shengli continued: "Our navy has a large number of old warships, such as Type 053 frigates, Type 037 submarine hunters, and Type 21 missile boats. These warships can no longer adapt to the modern maritime battlefield. Our Navy plans to use these warships To be phased out gradually, the 056 built before is good and can completely replace these warships to perform patrol missions."

In order to station in Pearl of the Orient and Ma Port, Mingzhou Group specially built a brand new warship for the navy. The displacement was only more than a thousand tons, but it looked very grand. It skipped several numbers and was directly named 056.

Only a few of this 056 frigate have been built. After all, the navy does not have enough main warships. But now, the navy no longer looks down on those old warships, and it is time for many warships to be replaced.

The motherland has a long coastline that needs to be protected. Not to mention Aegis battleships, even if it is used 054, it is a waste to perform patrol tasks in peacetime. For offshore patrols, only a thousand tons of light frigates are enough.

 056 is the most suitable patrol tool.

“Dad, it seems that our navy’s allocation is really large, and we don’t even care about old warships.” Qin Tao said.

Three years of new life, three years of old, and another three years of mending and repairing. The Eastern Army is accustomed to living a hard life and is not willing to eliminate its old equipment.

Now that the Navy is actually willing to get rid of those equipment, it shows that the Navy has money in its pockets.

"Of course our navy still wants to continue to use those old warships, but in order to expand the strength of the coast guard, our superiors require our navy to retire some of the old warships for the coast guard. In this way, our navy needs a modern warship to meet the needs." Wu Shengli said: "Over the years, there have been more and more conflicts at sea. For some conflicts, it is not convenient for our navy to intervene, so we have to rely on the coast guard. It is not good if the coast guard is too weak."

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, the Coast Guard does need to be strengthened. Our 022s can also give them part of it."

"Are you kidding me? 022 is the magic weapon of our navy and cannot be given away."

 Qin Tao smiled and did not continue.

 At the beginning, the navy was weak and the 022 was a good weapon and equipment. After all, the 022 had high concealment and ran fast. With the advantage of the data link, it could hit and run.

  However, when the navy develops, it will be a confrontation between aircraft carrier formations. At this time, missile boats will not play a big role.

The reason is very simple. The seaworthiness of missile boats is not high and they can only move in offshore areas. When the navy has an aircraft carrier formation, if a war breaks out, it will definitely not be fought on the doorstep of one's own home. It will definitely be fought in the vast ocean. maritime.

Of course, 022 has only been in service for ten years, and it is still the fastest warship in the Navy. The Navy will definitely be reluctant to eliminate it, and the Coast Guard will have to wait for a while.

 In the future, not to mention 022, 056 will belong to the coast guard.

The navy is only responsible for ocean operations, and all nearshore operations are handed over to the Coast Guard.

"Our country's technology is developing rapidly." Wu Shengli continued: "The roofs of the factory buildings you built are all covered with solar panels. If it hadn't been for this project, I wouldn't have known that in the field of photovoltaic power generation, we in the East are also Come to the forefront.”

“Of course, we can definitely become a big and powerful country in the photovoltaic industry. After all, we need photovoltaic power generation, and the government’s subsidies for clean energy are also very large.”

The motherland has a vast territory, with developed cities in the east and remote villages in the west. As the motherland continues to grow stronger, it is necessary to eradicate poverty and provide everyone with access to electricity.

For those remote areas, it used to be too difficult to pull wires for the power system. It is better to build photovoltaic power stations on the spot. In this way, the motherland will have a large demand for photovoltaic power generation.

 The electricity is produced and sold by oneself without being connected to the grid, which is easier.

Moreover, environmental protection has gradually become a consensus. Photovoltaic power generation, an environmentally friendly method, is protected by policies and will receive national subsidies. Of course, it will develop very quickly. When the development reaches its final stage, even Europeans can’t stand it anymore and demand that the East Conduct anti-dumping investigations.

 After all, as long as Dongfang gets involved in a certain industry, the prices in this industry will become cabbage prices.

The photovoltaic industry is no exception. The main material of photovoltaic panels was monocrystalline silicon at first, and later transitioned to polycrystalline silicon, which doubled the power generation capacity. However, the material of this panel was very expensive. Initially, it cost more than 3 million yuan per ton.

However, after the photovoltaic industry was established in the East, the main material of this photovoltaic panel dropped all the way to hundreds of thousands of yuan. Later, the production cost dropped to a minimum of less than 60,000 yuan per ton. This kind of involution made the West Completely angry, their industry was almost beaten to the point where they couldn't even lift their heads.

 Now, photovoltaic power generation projects in the East have started.

  Qiongzhou is the most suitable place for photovoltaic power generation. After all, it has a low latitude and abundant sunlight.

Moreover, the photovoltaic panels at the Mingzhou Group Shipyard are easier to use.

"If it is for civilian use, it would have to generate electricity during the day and use it at night. However, our shipyard is a big consumer of electricity. The electricity generated by these photovoltaic panels can be used during the day. In this way, there is no need for energy storage facilities, which greatly simplifies the use of solar energy. Power supply system equipment.”

It is inconvenient to use solar energy directly. It needs to be stored in a power storage system, that is, a large number of batteries. Now with the maturity of lithium-ion batteries, this has begun to be used as an energy storage device. A solar power station may require a container of lithium. Ion batteries to store electricity.

 This is not worth the gain. If the solar battery system is used for a few years, it will be scrapped and replaced with new energy storage batteries. The cost of replacing a batch of batteries is enough to offset the electricity bills over the years, and the overall cost is still a waste.

In cities, solar cells can be directly connected to the grid, that is, the electricity generated is sold to the grid. However, at the Mingzhou Group Shipyard, it can be used immediately.

Qin Tao nodded: "Our shipyard has made significant contributions in energy conservation and emission reduction. The government must award us a clean unit award."

Hearing what he said, Wu Shengli smiled: "The government also gives you rewards? It would be nice if the government didn't crack the whip behind your butts. Your shipyard is being built very quickly. What about the tourist attractions next to it? When are you planning to build it?" stand up?"

This area is all developed by the Mingzhou Group. The tourist area next to the shipyard is also a project of the Mingzhou Group, and the navy's port expansion is also a project of the Mingzhou Group.

 The naval ports and shipyards are progressing rapidly, but what about tourist attractions? The Mingzhou Group surrounded it with iron plates, and then there was no movement.

 The government also hopes to develop this area as a tourist attraction and develop this tourist city.

Mingzhou Group's slow movements made the government very anxious and wanted to use a small whip to slap the lazy donkey's butt.

Hearing what Wu Shengli said, Qin Tao smiled: "Don't worry about this. We'll talk about it in ten or eight years."

Wu Shengli was stunned: "So long?"

“This does not take long. The development of many scenic spots takes a long time. It requires demonstration, planning, and various plans. Everything is left to our Mingzhou Group. What if we lose money?”

Wu Shengli thought thoughtfully: "Are you going to delay it to save those tourists from prying into the secrets of our naval base?"

 “Dad, thank you very much.”

Although there is a shipyard in the middle, with the development of technology in the future, what will tourists do if they play with drones on the beach? There is nothing we can do to dissuade you here.

So, the best way is to hold it off for ten or eight years. Then it may be gone, or if it is resold, the land will be worth a lot of money.

 This is what Qin Tao had in mind.

Wu Shengli realized it now, and his eyes were full of energy.

“Only you, the Mingzhou Group, dare to do this. The local government will never quarrel with you over the development of a beach.”

Mingzhou Group has huge industries in Qiongzhou, including the shipbuilding industry and the aerospace industry. These industries can bring huge tax revenue to Qiongzhou. Local officials do not dare to come to Qiongzhou to press, which annoys Mr. Qin. What if the place changes?

“We are also doing this for the sake of the navy.” Qin Tao said: “To save ourselves from having to worry about these tourists every day, if we act a little more harshly, we will be morally kidnapped by these tourists.”

With the advent of the Internet age, these trolls are the best at moral kidnapping.

I fly a drone to take pictures of the great rivers and mountains of my motherland. Where did I go wrong? Why do you hit my drone? You have to compensate me!

What happened to me riding a motorboat on the sea? Is the sea your home? I also have to give way to the aircraft carrier, which taxpayers paid for!

 At that time, there will be many problems, which will give the person in charge of the base a headache. Now we simply cut them off at the source and there will be no tourist attractions here.

“Mr. Qin, it’s almost time, do you want to stay here for dinner?” Kong Laoer asked.

  Qin Tao looked up and saw that the sun was in the sky, it was already noon, and it was indeed time to eat.

“Okay, let me see what our workers eat.” After Qin Tao finished speaking, he glanced at Wu Shengli: “Dad, are you going to eat at the naval base or eating here?”

“Here.” Wu Shengli said, “Your Mingzhou Group’s food supply is pretty good.”

After Wu Shengli finished speaking, he looked at the followers following him: "What about you?"

 “Let’s follow Wu’s leadership.”

“Okay, let’s go and see what the features of the canteen here are.”

The shipyard canteen is one of the first buildings to be built. It is four stories high, with one floor for cooking and the second, third and fourth floors for eating. All meals are uploaded through elevators, which is very advanced.

Since the roof is completely covered with solar panels, solar energy can be used first for cooking energy, and natural gas will be used if the electricity is insufficient.

At this time, since there were only shipyard workers and no shipbuilding workers, the canteen only opened on the second floor, which was sufficient for dining.

At the door of the second floor, a large sign clearly says three words: Card Application Office.

Kong Laoer was a little embarrassed: "Mr. Qin, our meal card has a limit of thirty per meal. I'm afraid I can't use my card with everyone. I'll apply for three more cards for you."

“No need, I’ll do it.” Qin Tao said.

“Hello.” The staff at the card processing office is a beautiful girl in her twenties. Her voice is also very sweet: “Now, sir, please sit on the chair in front.”

 Qin Tao sat down.

 “Now, please look at the camera and keep smiling.”

“Okay.” “Now, please blink your eyes.”

Wu Shengli looked on with great surprise: "Aren't you applying for a card? What are you doing?"

 “Apply for a card.”

 “Do I need to take a photo to apply for a card?”

“Well, it’s like this. It’s inconvenient for our workers to carry meal cards when they work, but if they don’t bring meal cards, they can’t eat. So, we were the first to use facial recognition technology.”

 For people who work in the office, it is not a problem to bring a meal card with you. Many companies require you to wear a badge and just put the meal card in the back.

However, for people working on construction sites, it is inconvenient to carry this thing, and it is not safe to put it in the pocket. It is easy to lose it when climbing up and down.

Therefore, at the end of last year, at the annual meeting of Mingzhou Group, Qin Tao proposed strict economy, so their construction company started a meal card system. After two months of doing it, Kong Laoer knew that this thing was not reliable. , have to change!

So, after discussing with Goose Factory, Goose Factory came up with a solution: Then use our latest face recognition technology.

Facial recognition technology has been researched since the 1950s and entered the practical stage in the 1980s. Goose Factory has used the development of electronic technology over the years to improve facial recognition and provide a more complete solution for construction site canteens.

 Qin Tao finished taking the photo and stood up.

 “Hello, please recharge 100 yuan.” The girl extended her hand.

Zhao Ling handed over the money: "Three hundred, let's apply for three tickets. Come on, I'll apply for the second one."

Kong Laoer’s eyes widened: “Xiao Wang, can’t you see that this is the leader of our group?”

The girl named Xiao Wang nodded: "Of course I can see it, but you said that no one can violate the rules and use the back door, and the group leaders are no exception."

"Okay, that's right, that's it. The group's accounts must be clear. If any leader wants to use the back door to eat and drink for free, the company will be ruined." After Qin Tao finished speaking, he looked at the girl again: " You're doing a great job, and after the shipyard here officially opens, you can go to work in the finance department of the third factory."

Kong Laoer opened his eyes wide.

 After the construction of the third factory is completed, it will officially start construction. These three factories require a lot of people, including shipwrights, management personnel, and financial personnel.

Qin Tao is still worried about the staffing of these personnel. After all, he cannot transfer all the people from Mingzhou, bring some of them over, and then recruit some.

Financial personnel are more important. Whether they can abide by the principles is related to the future of the shipyard. The girl in front of me is just an ordinary card clerk, but she is neither humble nor arrogant. She recognizes that she is the leader of the group and charges relevant fees. Such people have already It's rare. It hasn't been polished by society and it hasn't become sophisticated. It's good.

Xiao Wang was also stunned for a moment: "Mr. Qin, I am just a junior college student..."

 Universities continue to expand their enrollment, and the value of higher education graduates is also declining.

In the past, junior college students were also very good. When they entered the factory, they were assigned to the cadre establishment, but this is no longer the case. It is difficult for junior college students to find jobs in society. She also applied for many companies, but was rejected by them because of her low academic qualifications, so she ran away. I came here to work as a card clerk.

 At the end of the day, this is a temporary job.

 Now, Mr. Qin actually wants to recruit her as a formal employee of Mingzhou Group, as well as a financial staff member! This is definitely a step to the sky.

“Are you majoring in accounting?” Qin Tao asked, “Do you have an accounting certificate?”

"there is."

“That’s fine. Our group’s recruitment of talents does not solely focus on academic qualifications, but also on personal qualities.” Qin Tao said, “I will work hard in the group from now on.”

“Yes, thank you Mr. Qin.” The girl bowed deeply.

Qin Tao smiled and walked to the window with his meal card.

 “Dad, what do you want to eat?”

Wu Shengli looked in through the window and found that there were many dishes he didn't recognize inside.

"What's this?"

 “Pomegranate chicken.”

 “What about that one?”

 “Mutton and bean soup.”

 “The thin and crispy one?”



 “The Parthian Kingdom.”

Wu Shengli looked at the people at the window inside and found that their clothes and appearance were different from those in China.

"Kong Laoer's wife is from the Parthian country." Qin Tao said: "Wherever he goes, his family will follow him. His wife doesn't want to be idle, so she comes to the canteen to cook and make some authentic dishes. Parthian cuisine.”

Kong Laoer smiled sheepishly: "Not only these, there are also many foreign workers among our workers, especially Parthian people. They have their own eating habits, so we have opened a window specifically for them. "

 It’s not just the cooks, there are also the people who eat.

Wuli Sheng looked at the tables nearby, and sure enough, there were some people with the same faces.

“Give me a piece of the same food and let me try it. I haven’t tasted the delicacies over there yet.” Wu Shengli said.

 “Get one of the same, and then how do you pay the bill?”

Qin Tao looked at the card punching machine. Before he put the card in, there was a beep sound and the money had already been deducted.

“Face recognition, no need to check in.” Kong Laoer said.

“This face recognition is really powerful, but if someone else uses a photo, will the recognition be successful?”

Wu Shengli just asked casually, feeling that Mingzhou Group's technology was so powerful that there would be no loopholes in the things developed. Who would have thought that when he finished asking, Kong Laoer immediately nodded: "Of course it is possible. "

 Of course?

Wu Shengli's eyes widened. He was just thinking about whether this facial recognition technology should be popularized in all relevant confidential departments of the navy. In this way, it would be clear at a glance who entered and who came out, and the data would be generated directly.

How did you expect that a photo can be used to decipher it?

“I don’t know much about it. I just heard from Goose Factory that the current face recognition technology is still 2D.”

Zhao Ling also came over and introduced the food while looking at it.

"Yes, the current technology is all 2D. Specifically, it uses a camera to shoot the face into a flat figure, and then compares it in a computer database. Due to the limitation of depth data loss in 2D information, the collected The information is limited, the security level is not high enough, and there is a possibility of being breached by photos.”

Although Zhao Ling has become a secretary, she still has not given up her technical skills.

“Then you still dare to use facial recognition, so you’re not afraid that others will use photos instead for freebies?”

Kong Laoer smiled: "If anyone dares to use a photo to describe his face, the master inside will dare to hit him on the head with a spoon."

Wu Shengli reacted.

 Face recognition is based on different occasions.

Taking the example of making a meal, if anyone dares to use a photo to post it, then the people around him can’t see it clearly. Will this guy have the nerve to stay here in the future?

 So, here, face brushing only provides convenience and does not carry risks, but it is not necessarily the case in other situations.

 Several people all packed their meals and sat down to eat together.

Qin Xue looked around and was a little curious: "Where is my brother? Why didn't he come?"

“He is still enjoying looking at the construction site, so don’t worry about him. If he doesn’t come here to eat, we will take some out for him when we are full.” Zhao Ling said.

“Brother, it’s strange that he is interested in these things. These are so boring.”

“Xiaoxue, what are you interested in?”

 “I’m interested in rice.”


Qin Tao smiled: "Okay, then you can eat more."

“Taozi, what are you doing here?” Wu Shengli asked while eating.


“Well, it’s okay to go on vacation. Haiyang is on summer vacation and Xiaoxue has been holding back in the capital for a long time. It would be good to take this opportunity to go out for a vacation and appreciate the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.”

“Well, we came to the ends of the earth.”

 Speaking of the ends of the earth, tourists will think of that stone. In fact, it is not the real southernmost point.

On the map of the motherland, the southernmost end of the continental shelf is the breakwater southeast of the Qiongzhou Naval Base. This is the real end of the world.

PS: The protagonist’s son Qin Haiyang, I don’t know why it is recorded as Qin National Day. Is it because the National Day is coming soon? terribly sorry. .

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