Warship of Great Power

Chapter 987: Next aircraft carrier plan

Chapter 987 The next aircraft carrier plan

The French are definitely not willing to modify the aircraft. This is not a simple matter of cutting off two pieces from the end of the wing and then connecting them with a rotating shaft.

 After the modification, the weight outside the wing has increased. Does the static test need to be redone? Should we also do resonance experiments?

 As the external weight increases, will the wings be torn off during heavy overload? Can missiles still be mounted outside the wings? If not, where to put the reduced racks?

This is definitely a matter that affects the whole body. The French are rigorous. They believe that the offer of 300 million euros is not much at all.

 So, in this case, they still suggested that Asan Navy improve the elevator. After all, this seems simpler.

Sunil had a dark face, but he had no other choice but to grit his teeth and agree.

“Okay, let’s ask about the modified lift.”

 They can't change this, they have to find someone to change the design.

Full of complaints, Sunil came to the computer, turned on the camera, and connected to the Northern Design Bureau.

 The wait was a bit long this time. After more than ten minutes, a response finally came from ICQ.

 “What’s the matter?” Misin looked tired.

“Mr. Mising, our aircraft carrier has a design flaw and needs to be modified.”

 Mixin's face suddenly changed: "The design flaws were all exposed during the sea trial stage. You haven't had the sea trial yet, how do you know about the design flaws?"

 Isn’t this throwing dirty water on us?

"No, no, it's not a navigation flaw, it's a basic flaw." Sunil quickly explained: "Our aircraft carrier elevator is designed to be too small. When we used the new aircraft, we found that it was larger than the elevator. There was no problem on the aircraft carrier at all. Inoperable."

"The design is too small?" Misin shook his head: "How is it possible? We have reserved a distance of about sixty centimeters on both sides. How can it be too small?"

“No, of course there is no problem if we operate the MiG-29K, but if we want to operate other aircraft, there will be problems.”

“What can go wrong? Even if you operate the Hornet, the distance is already enough, and your own LCA fighter is also big enough.”

When Asan proposed the performance indicators of the aircraft carrier, he did propose to put their own LCA on the ship. The wingspan of this aircraft is only 8.2 meters. Therefore, Lao Maozi would not consider it a flaw when designing a nine-meter-wide aircraft carrier elevator. .

"The larger the area of ​​the lift, the smaller the area reserved for the deck will be. We designed the most suitable size of the deck lift based on your requirements. You also signed on this project at the beginning. How can it be said to be a defect now?" Misin was unhappy.

"Sorry, the aircraft carried by our aircraft carrier has changed. We plan to carry Rafale M fighters onto our aircraft carrier. The wingspan of this fighter is 10.97 meters, so we need an elevator that is at least 12 meters wide." Sunil said.

“That’s a change in your needs, not a flaw in the design of our aircraft carrier. Mr. Sunil, please be careful with your words!”

Sunil blushed a little.

“Okay, there’s something wrong with what I said. Now, we need to expand the aircraft carrier’s elevator.”

“Of course there is no problem, just leave it to us to modify it. The modification fee is 300 million US dollars.”

 “What?” Sunil’s eyes widened immediately: “You want so much?”

 It’s just a matter of modifying an elevator. Isn’t it simply a matter of enlarging the hole? How much can this cost? He thought that 10 million U.S. dollars was a lot, but the other party actually wanted 300 million U.S. dollars? This really dares a lion to open his mouth.

"Do you think it's just a big hole? We need to do a full-ship strength test, and we need to design a strict reinforcement plan. We have not done this yet. There is a lot of work to do, especially since you have used it extensively on aircraft carriers. We don’t trust the inferior steel you produce yourself.”

Sunil’s eyes were filled with puzzlement. He still couldn’t believe this fact, that he actually had to spend so much money?

"Of course, you can also do it yourself and spend millions of dollars to solve it. However, if the tragedy of the Super Sun King happens again, don't blame us for not reminding you. If there is a problem with the strength of the entire ship, it may Broken on voyage.”

Sunil's face darkened.

The Super Sun King was a failed arms purchase by Asan Navy. It spent a large amount of money to purchase an advanced warship, but it was actually useless at all!

The frigate they copied also broke during the first trip to sea. The steel monster of the warship looks simple, but in the actual construction, there are many details. If they rashly expand the lift, they will have to open it on the hull. With a bigger hole, will the aircraft carrier break from this hole after going to sea?

The thought of this scares them.

 Such a vicious incident must not happen!

 They cannot act recklessly!

“Mr. Mising, we will not act recklessly, but the modification cost of 300 million US dollars is too much. Can we...”

"No, this is necessary." Misin said: "In many cases, modification will cost more than the original design and construction. After all, this affects the whole body. If you think such modification is too expensive, is it not? If it’s a good deal, just give up.”

give up?

Sunil's face was gloomy: "We spent billions to purchase the Rafale fighter jets. If we can't get on the ship, wouldn't it be a huge loss?"

"That's because you didn't investigate clearly yourself, and it was Dassault that deceived you." Mising said: "Dassault must have known about the lift, but it just didn't remind you and wanted to make you suffer."

 What’s going on with Dassault?

 “Why didn’t Dassault warn me?”

“If they remind us, then you will come and ask us, and we will propose high modification funds. Do you think you will still purchase Rafale fighter jets?”

Sunil reacted, and sure enough, the French had no good intentions!

"You should just stick to our MiG-29K. This carrier-based aircraft has advanced performance and first-class quality. It is your best choice." Mising said: "As for the Rafale fighter jets, you can use them on land first. Wouldn’t it be enough to wait until the next aircraft carrier and design the elevator to be larger during the design stage?”

 The next aircraft carrier?

Sunil gritted his teeth: "How much will it cost to add elevators to the next aircraft carrier?"

“The design cost of the entire project will not exceed 200 million. Please rest assured that our Northern Design Bureau is the most professional and will definitely be able to design the most suitable plan for you.”

 The video ended, with a smile on Misin’s face.

"Your Excellency Mising, wouldn't it be great if we spent millions to change the design for them?" the assistant asked.

 They need these millions of funds.

"A few million are nothing." Misin shook his head: "Ah San spent a huge amount of money to purchase Rafale fighter jets, but now that the Blue Sky Guardian cannot be used, they can only start construction on the second one, and then they will have to come to us. Design, even if the design fee is reduced by half, it still amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars. This is the big deal. We can’t pick up the sesame seeds and lose the watermelon.”

The assistant nodded: "Yes, if we design a brand new aircraft carrier for Ah San, it will definitely be a big deal!"

 Mi Xin smiled: "We at the Northern Bureau are just waiting for Ah San to come and deliver the money!"

Ah San is very depressed.

They never dreamed that they would stumble again on the Blue Sky Guardian!

 The Rafale M fighter jets purchased at a huge cost cannot be used on the Blue Sky Guardian!

so what should I do now?

Sunil had no choice. Looking at the dark night sky outside, he decided to go and report to his superiors.

“Sunil, our Rafale fighter jets have been purchased. Are these good aircraft?”

“Yes, with the Rafale fighter jets, the strength of our navy will be further enhanced, so that we can curb the expansion of the Easterners in the Indian Ocean!”

 In the conference room, everyone looked excited when they saw Sunil.

For Asan, they have always believed that the Indian Ocean belongs to them. However, as Siam builds canals, they see the presence of Easterners in the Indian Ocean. In the past, they only fought against pirates, but now they are flirting with Siam.

 They feel that they have been greatly challenged. They want to vigorously develop their navy and continue to be the overlord of the Indian Ocean.

“Although Dongfang’s aircraft carriers have a larger displacement, our aircraft carriers have advanced Rafale fighter jets, which are fourth-generation aircraft and have better performance than their fighter jets.”

 Everyone looks confident.

Sunil didn’t even know what to say, he just turned pale.

 “Sunil, what’s wrong with you?” The superior leader first discovered that he was abnormal.

“I came here this time to propose a plan for the navy’s next aircraft carrier.”

 “The next aircraft carrier?”

“This aircraft carrier has not been built yet, and we do not have enough funds.”

“Yes, our current funds should support the construction of this aircraft carrier, and after the construction is completed, we can build the next one.”

 Everyone was talking a lot, and they didn't understand Sunil's suggestion to run before he learned to walk.

 “This aircraft carrier is now defective.”

 “What flaw?”

“It cannot operate the Rafale M aircraft.”

 “How is this possible?” The meeting room suddenly exploded, and everyone expressed their disbelief in every word.

“Because our elevator area is not large enough, we cannot move the Rafale M to the hangar below.” Sunil said: “We can only operate the Rafale M on the deck, which cannot meet the maintenance needs at all.”

 Everyone calmed down.

He was actually stuck in the lift!

“Can we build a shed on the deck specifically as a maintenance station for the Rafale M?”

“Should we install a crane on the side of the deck and lift the plane directly?”

 Asans began to use their imagination.

Sunil shook his head: "I think we already have dozens of MiG-29Ks, so we can definitely carry MiG-29Ks on the Blue Sky Guardian. When our LCA matures in the future, we can also carry the MiG-29K on the Blue Sky Guardian." It is equipped with LCA fighters, Rafale M, and now it will be used on land. We will immediately start working on the next aircraft carrier. After all, our navy cannot have only one aircraft carrier."

 Everyone began to think deeply.

 That's right, they can't have only one aircraft carrier. If they want to show their presence in the Indian Ocean, they must have a dual aircraft carrier formation. In 1957, the tenth anniversary of Asan's independence, Asan was very proud. With a wave of his hand, he spent 15 million pounds to buy the "Dignity" class aircraft carrier "Hercules" from the British and named it Vikland. From then on, it began to show off that it was the number one navy in Asia.

In 1986, Asan bought back the recently retired British aircraft carrier "Sports God" and named it "Virat". So far, Asan has become the first country in Asia to have a dual aircraft carrier fleet.

 But not long after, the Vikram had to be decommissioned because it was too old, and they became a single-carrier country again.

They set their sights on Da Mao and bought the Kiev-class aircraft carrier from Da Mao. They named it the Super Sun King and planned to replace the equally old Virat.

I just didn’t expect that the Super Sun King would become a pit. Billions of dollars had been spent on it, and when it came back, it was even damaged!

The Navy suffered this loss and realized that it had to rely on self-research, so it began to build its own aircraft carrier, the Blue Sky Guardian. Until now, the Blue Sky Guardian has only been launched, while the Virat is still persisting. Not decommissioned, but at most persist until the Blue Sky Guardian is commissioned.

In this way, they are still a single aircraft carrier, how can they deal with future threats?

 There must be dual aircraft carriers, that is to say, another one must be built!

"The Orientals already have two aircraft carriers in their hands, but they are not willing to give in. Satellite photos show that a larger aircraft carrier is being built in the dock of Mingzhou Group. The displacement of this aircraft carrier is likely to reach 100,000 tons. , and it is also nuclear powered." Sunil said: "So, we must continue to build aircraft carriers!"

 “That’s right, we have to build the next aircraft carrier!”

 They reached a consensus immediately.

“The Orientals have a displacement of 100,000 tons, and we will also build an aircraft carrier of 100,000 tons!”

“Ahem, the dock at our Cochin shipyard is not big enough.”

 “Then let’s build a big dock!”

 The Asans were in great excitement.

 Eastern, Mingzhou Group.

 Qin Tao finished his day's work and returned to the Mingzhou Group Guest House with brisk steps.

Whether he is alone or a family member, he does not like living in a family home. The guest house is more comfortable, has a good view, a good environment, and there are people to clean up.

  However, when he opened the door to the room where he lived, a little girl trotted over inside.

 “Daddy, daddy!”

"Xiaoxue?" Qin Tao bent down and picked up Qin Xue. Qin Xue looked at her father's face and kissed him immediately.

This is also the difference between Qin Xue and Qin Haiyang. In comparison, Qin Tao prefers his daughter, a little cotton-padded jacket.

 However, Qin Tao was a little curious: "Why are Xiaoxue and the others here?"

Zhao Xiu'e poked her head out of the kitchen: "The children said they missed their father, so I brought them here."

 “Mom? Are you here too?”

Qin Tao was very surprised: "I mean, how can you walk around casually?"

“Well, it’s been more than seven months, and the WHO has announced that it’s over this time.” Zhao Xiu’e said: “We can regain our freedom again.”

"Yes, this sudden appearance and end so quickly fully reflects our country's adaptability." Zhao Ling came out of the room and said to Qin Tao: "However, in the past few months, many domestic enterprises have There are still a lot of losses. Fortunately, our Mingzhou Group has not been affected."

 “Is the ocean inside?” Qin Tao asked.

“Yes, he was drawing on the computer in the room. I called him several times, but he didn’t come out.”

 “What picture are you making?”

“He said that he was going to design an aircraft carrier, and there was only the final work left. When the design is completed, he would let you take a look.”

“Okay, he still wants to be a designer?” Qin Tao walked into the room and looked at his son who was designing seriously on the computer with some curiosity.

 However, when he saw the design drawing of the aircraft carrier, he was stunned again: "Is your island too far back?"

"The island is far back, and the angle between the oblique deck and the central axis of the aircraft carrier reaches ten degrees. In this case, the space from the front of the island to the catapult can allow two rows of carrier-based aircraft to be placed directly sideways, even if it is not Considering the elevator, 24 carrier-based aircraft can also be placed, and they can be directly dragged to the position of the front catapult for ejection take-off, so the launch efficiency will be very high."

Qin Tao opened his eyes wide and looked at his son's design.

The Yankees' USS Ford aircraft carrier placed the island at the very back, which looks very strange. The advantage of this approach is that more fighters can be placed in the front to improve take-off efficiency!

“Well, not bad, I have an idea.” Qin Tao praised.

"Of course, your son will definitely be better than you." Qin Haiyang continued: "Dad, when I grow up, I plan to be self-reliant like you, start my own business, develop and grow, and finally compete with your Mingzhou Group. It may even be so crowded that your Mingzhou Group can only operate civilian ships and steal all the warship business."

Facing his ambitious son, Qin Tao had a smile on his face: "Okay, we are worried about having no competitors. If you dare to do it, dad can give you the start-up capital."

“No, Dad, I heard my mother tell you your story. You could kill the wolf with nothing at that time, and so can I now.”

"You kid, how can you talk? What do you mean by being a white wolf with nothing?" Qin Tao rolled his eyes at his son: "Your father calls it the best of both worlds, everyone is happy."

 “The food is ready, it’s time to eat!” A voice came from outside.

 “Let’s go, son, let’s have dinner together.”

 “Dad, wait until I finish drawing these last ones.”

"No, if you don't go, I will turn off the gate for you now."

 Qin Haiyang could only leave the computer and go to dinner together.

 The family is enjoying themselves.

"It's a pity that dad didn't come. He must be very busy during this period, right?"

"No matter what I'm busy with, I can't hold it back at home. For a while, I couldn't even go to Huanglou, so I had to work at home." Zhao Xiu'e said: "Now that you can come out, your dad will come out immediately."

“He’s out? If he doesn’t come to our Mingzhou Shipyard to see the aircraft carrier, what is he doing?”

"Qiongzhou." Zhao Xiu'e said: "There are many projects in Qiongzhou, such as the expansion of military ports, and your Mingzhou Group's third shipyard. He wants to go and see it."

Qin Tao's eyes lit up: "Xiao Ling, we have been waiting in the shipyard for so long, why don't we go to Qiongzhou together? It happens that the children are on summer vacation."

Summer vacation started in July, but there have not been many classes this year. The children have been at home. The education system is really bad, and there is no provision for supplementary classes during the summer vacation. Every day I shout about reducing the burden, but this school is actually more relaxed, and the parents will be even more tired.

 Fortunately, Qin Tao is rich, so at worst he can hire a tutor for each subject, but what about ordinary families?

Qin Tao is a shipbuilder, and he can only complain about other things and cannot interfere. When he heard Qin Tao say this, Zhao Ling nodded: "Of course, the children can also..."

“Mom, I want to stay in our shipyard and see how my uncles build ships.” Before Zhao Ling finished saying that the child could relax for a while, Qin Haiyang began to express his opinions.

"Hai Yang, we have started construction of the third shipyard in Qiongzhou. Aren't you planning to start from scratch? Will you have to open your own shipyard in the future? Don't you want to know how to build a shipyard?" Qin Tao followed suit.

So, Qin Haiyang nodded: "Okay, let's go to Qiongzhou and have a look. Dad, you go to the beach and leave me alone. I'll see how to build it in the shipyard."

  What I do, my children have been influenced by it since they were young, so they are very likely to follow the same path.

I am a musician and have played the violin at home since I was a child. As my children grow up listening to the sound of the violin, of course they have musical abilities. I drive a car, and my son has grown up listening to the roar of the engine and smelling the smell of the exhaust pipe, so of course he likes cars.

  Qin Tao is a shipbuilder, and his son has been interested in shipbuilding since he was a child. This must be due to family reasons.


 The entire Mingzhou Group, including all its subordinate units, had made various preparations in advance, so this unexpected situation did not affect them.

 Mingzhou Group’s third shipyard is also under construction in full swing and has not been affected by external conditions. Kong Laoer, wearing a safety helmet, accompanied Wu Shengli during the inspection.

“Leader Wu, don’t worry. The construction quality of our Mingzhou Group’s construction team is absolutely top-notch, and there won’t be any problems. Besides, this is for our Mingzhou Group to do the construction ourselves.”

“Well, I’m not worried about the quality, I’m just worried about the construction period. When will this dock be completed?”


Kong Laoer glanced at Wu Shengli with some confusion: "Leader Wu, does the Navy plan to start construction of another aircraft carrier?"

 What is the big dock used for?

 Build an aircraft carrier!

 At present, the most advanced 003 aircraft carrier is being built in the Mingzhou Group's shipyard. Does the Navy still feel that it is not enough and plans to continue construction here to build the second ship of the 003 aircraft carrier, or even the more advanced 004 aircraft carrier?

 Does the country have so much money?

Wu Shengli shook his head: "Of course not, but with the dock, we can place the 002 aircraft carrier here. If the aircraft carrier needs maintenance or something, it can be driven into the dock."

"What's the rush? The aircraft carrier built by our Mingzhou Group will definitely not need maintenance within ten years." Kong Laoer was very proud: "So, don't worry about it."

“That’s right, Dad, you clearly don’t believe in the strength of our Mingzhou Group.” A voice came from behind.

Wu Shengli turned back curiously: "Why are you here?"

"We are all here! Dad, are you the only one allowed to come?"

PS: Recently I decided to write lying down so that my waist feels better. I will give you two updates tomorrow.



 (End of this chapter)

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