Warship of Great Power

Chapter 981: the forgotten generator

Chapter 981 The Forgotten Generator

 Mingzhou Group.

"The capital is under good control, and there are no new ones now." Zhao Ling said: "However, the capital is still on high alert. Therefore, it may take half a month to go to the capital for a meeting. "

 Qin Tao nodded and glanced at the calendar. It was already May 23rd. In half a month, it would be almost there.

"In half a month, the 075 in our dock will be launched. This will coincide with the replacement of old and new ones, and the construction schedule of the dock will not be delayed," Qin Tao said.

The first 075 was built for the Guinean Navy. Although Qin Tao described this ship as an aircraft carrier when promoting it, in fact, it was an amphibious assault ship. After such a long time, the amphibious assault ship Construction is also nearing completion.

Through this construction work, Mingzhou Group has mastered the construction of amphibious assault ships, so when the navy needs it, there is no need to make other choices. It can be ordered directly from Mingzhou Group, just like aircraft carriers. .

"Well, due to the recent special circumstances, I hope our old friends in Guinea can agree to us holding the launching ceremony online." Qin Tao said: "They should not come in person."

Although things have gotten better in the country, who knows if there will be any accidents when foreign people come here. Qin Tao doesn't want to break the rules. If those people come, they have to stay in a hotel for a week without contact with outsiders.

"Yes. That's true. However, I think we can say hello first. If they want to come to the scene in person, they have to leave a week in advance." Zhao Ling said.

 Qin Tao nodded: "Go and make arrangements."

He stood up and looked towards the dock. The huge island of the 075 aircraft carrier had exposed the side wall of the dock and could be seen clearly from here.

 This is also the difference between aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships.

The amphibious assault ship has an extra dock, so it is very tall. The height above the waterline, 075 is more than five meters higher than 002, which brings a higher center of gravity, so it is impossible to float outward.

If you look at it from the sky, the square deck of 075 is not bad either.

“The French have paid the full payment, and our UGT40000 gas turbine has been shipped.” Zhao Ling continued to report on the next project.

“Well, the French have no choice but to purchase from us. We are a big company and it is fair and reasonable.” Qin Tao said.

Far away France.

"The Orientals are really too much. They didn't give us the information in advance. They had to make us pay the full price before they gave us the technical parameters of the engine." Lucas said, "Now, we still have to modify our engine compartment based on this information. , I hope the intake and exhaust volume of this gas turbine will not be too large.”

  Their original northwest wind stage was powered by a diesel engine. Now they want to install such an additional gas turbine, which requires some changes.

"Yes, fortunately, what Da Mao wants is the version with the largest displacement. We can completely stuff the engine room into the increased space. If the chimney needs to be larger, we can also lengthen the island to achieve it." Duquesne said : "Da Mao's first tranche of funds will be available soon, and by then, our segmented construction can begin."

Da Mao's actions were not slow. They originally thought it would take a long time, but they didn't expect that they had almost prepared the first sum of money now. Da Mao really made up his mind.

Lucas said while looking at the data on the computer screen. The information given by Dongfang was very simple. It was an encrypted USB flash drive that could be read through the computer. He looked at the data carefully with a look of surprise on his face.

“This gas turbine has good performance, high thermal efficiency, long life, and mainly uses diesel. It is simply the best choice for our amphibious assault ship.”

 In the past, they all thought that American and British products were the best. After all, these two countries were very good in the research and development of aero-engines. But now, they suddenly discovered that the strongest technology actually came from the East.

 The performance parameters of Dongfang's gas turbine are no better than the MT36 developed by Rolls-Royce, but the latter has not yet matured, while the former is already widely used. This is the gap.

"The intake and exhaust is a big problem, and the flue needs to be added." Lucas continued: "However, we use electric propulsion and can place the gas turbine directly below the flue. This can reduce the length of the flue and improve performance. Wait, I seem to have missed something."

Lucas suddenly reacted: "We are propelled by electricity, and this gas turbine needs to drive a generator!"

DiCena also reacted: "Damn it, why didn't you think of it in advance? With this generator, can we still make a profit?"

Last time I calculated it, the profit was a pitiful 10 million. Now the gas turbine has to drive a generator, and the generator also costs money.

There is such a serious problem with cost accounting. Who can blame it?

 They were all dumbfounded.

“Call Alstom quickly.” Duquesne said, picking up the phone.

Alstom is a multinational group headquartered in Paris. Its main businesses are power generation, locomotive manufacturing, etc. They manufacture a large number of rail transit systems and various electrical equipment, and are known for their environmental protection.

 Now, if you want to buy a generator that can be driven by a gas turbine, you must first turn to this company.

“Hello, I’m Duquesne, and I want to order a 40-megawatt marine generator from your company. What? Today is not April Fool’s Day? I’m not kidding! Hey, hey!”

DiCena put down the phone with a helpless look on his face.

The other person actually thought he was joking!

  Duquesne spread his hands helplessly. Seeing him like this, Lucas picked up his phone and dialed a familiar number.

"Hey, Ntamac, this is Lucas, and we need to order a forty-megawatt generator from you guys now. Yes, it's a forty-megawatt generator. We urgently need this thing for amphibious use. Attack the ship, I’m not kidding!”

Since they were acquaintances, the other party did not hang up the phone. The other party expressed his apology sincerely.

"I'm sorry, Lucas, you probably don't know what a generator of this level means. The generators we currently develop specifically for warships have a maximum power of only ten megawatts, and the 40-megawatt generators can only generate electricity on land. The equipment is available, but the generators on land are very large and heavy, and cannot adapt to the rocking of the ship. We can only develop the generator you want from scratch."

 There is a big difference between those used on warships and those used on land. For example, in another time and space, Dongfang developed a gas-fired heavy engine for land use, code-named R0110. In various publicity, this gas turbine has an output power of 110 megawatts, and many media have boasted that it is tailor-made for aircraft carriers. Built engines.

In fact, this is of course layman's nonsense. This kind of gas turbine is for use in oil and gas fields on land and is not intended to be put on ships. There is a big difference between the gas turbines used on land and the gas turbines used on warships.

Gas turbines on land do not need to consider the size. Anyway, if the size is large, then it is enough to build a large factory. Therefore, the various accessories are very large, and the power density indicator is not considered at all. However, every inch of land on a warship is precious. , this indicator must be regarded as the first choice.

At the same time, gas turbines on land are low-cost and use a single shaft. In fact, they are not much different from previous steam turbines in essence, except that they use a special combustion chamber to burn fuel. As for the gas turbines on warships, there are fewer dual-shafts and more three-shafts. Only in this way can the efficiency be improved, and cost is not what they want to consider.

Furthermore, once the gas turbine on land is started, its speed is fixed. The speed of the gas turbine on the warship must be able to change according to demand. Especially in the past, the propeller was directly driven, and the speed had to be adjusted according to the speed.

Gas turbines are like this, and so are generators. Generators used on warships are of course different from generators used on land. This must be specially developed.

“If it is specially developed, how much will it cost?” Lucas took a deep breath.

“It will cost at least tens of millions of euros, I’m not sure, maybe more.”

 Putting down the phone, Lucas's face turned pale.

 Because of their negligence, this project was ruined!

"R&D requires too much money, so we can only purchase ready-made ones." Duquesne analyzed on the side: "Now, the Orientals must have this kind of generator. After all, they have used this kind of gas turbine on many warships. It is electric propulsion, but if we go to the East to purchase, the other party will have to charge a high price, and we..."

"We called the British." Lucas said: "The British Queen-class aircraft carrier also needs a 40-megawatt generator. We can inquire about their aircraft carrier generator supplier, and then go to the relevant Unit Procurement.”

Apart from the East, there is the United Kingdom. The British were stimulated by the East and wanted to build the same 40-megawatt gas turbine and an advanced Queen-class aircraft carrier. They moved very quickly and built it in sections. Who would have thought that it would actually come out? There is an error and cannot be closed. Even so, the British cannot abandon this project and must continue to work on this project. I heard that ship gas turbines have not yet been developed. The British aircraft carrier project was launched in such a hurry.

Since they have relevant units to develop gas turbines, they must also have relevant units to develop generators.

 Let’s find out!

Duquesne dialed the number of the director of the British shipyard.

 “Hey, old man, I want to ask you about something, okay, okay, I’ll wait for your call.”

Ten minutes later, Duquesne's phone rang. When he answered the call, he was also surprised: "What are you talking about? Your aircraft carrier didn't choose a matching generator?"

The British aircraft carrier was also launched in a hurry. They argued over the order for segmented construction, and argued over the inability to close the segments later. The aircraft carrier was not contracted to an independent shipyard, but to several units together, so they actually built it. I forgot the matching generator!

This can be forgotten, which shows how rushed this project was, which is unbelievable.

The design unit of the aircraft carrier gave the power system directly to Rolls-Royce, and Rolls-Royce simply thought it was a gas turbine. Now they don't care about anything else and have been working **** gas turbines. Generators are not what they are good at.

In various documents, it was always 40 megawatts of power, so much so that they ignored it: they didn't actually build a generator!

 The British aircraft carrier project management is chaotic, which is evident.

“Oh, you have decided to hand over this project to Alstom? That’s good, that’s good.” Now Duquesne was relieved.

They have ignored the generator system, but other systems are still needed. The British Queen-class aircraft carrier is very tall. It not only uses an integrated power system, but also an electric propulsion system. The propulsion unit uses That's four 20-megawatt induction motors.

These motors are produced by Alstom. At the same time, the integrated power system on the entire warship is also designed by Alstom. This company is also a giant in power systems.

By 2005, the company's electromechanical department will become independent and become a separate French company, renamed Corfud Electromechanical Company.

 At present, it still belongs to Alstom.

“We need to go to Alstom,” Duquesne said.

 The fault was created by them, and of course they have to make up for it.

Hearing what Duquesne said, Lucas nodded: "We'd better treat Ntamac to a drink."

The French like romance and mystery. When Duquesne, led by Lucas, came to this mysterious bar, he couldn't help but sigh: There is nothing you can't imagine!

 Where is the door to the bar?

Duquesne and Lucas came to an old telephone booth on the street. Duquesne opened his eyes wide and watched as Lucas picked up the phone and shouted inside: "I am your guest, please come in." ,my cell phone number is…"

 Ding dong!

Lucas' cell phone rang and received a text message with a series of numbers on it. Lucas compared the numbers and dialed the dial of the ancient telephone. After the last number was dialed, a message opened behind the phone booth. Door.

 “Let’s go.”

Dicayna almost wanted to turn around and leave, but thinking that he had an important task next, he still had to follow Lucas, stepping on the steps, going down step by step. When the door below opened, he saw the underground bar inside.

You need a password to enter, and you will find it is in the basement. It is an authentic underground bar. The decoration style is retro and elegant, reminiscent of Parisian bars in the 1920s.

"It's very quiet here, and it only accepts acquaintances and people introduced by acquaintances, so in addition to drinking, it's also suitable for talking about business." Lucas said, and saw the people in one of the booths: "Entamac, we are here !”

There was a cocktail in front of Ntamack. He swung the glass, took a sip, and said, "I know why you invited me to drink. I just hope you don't make any particularly excessive demands."

“Entamac, our project is related to the work of tens of thousands of shipyard workers in France. It is very important.”

 “Okay, tell me.”

“I heard that the British are asking you to develop a 40-megawatt generator?”

“Yes, not long after you made the call, I was shocked. They didn’t even have a generator!”

“This is a big business,” Lucas said. “How many tens of millions of euros are you asking for R&D funding?”

"For 50 million euros, we are not sure. After all, the construction deadline they required is very tight. After drinking this glass of wine, I have to go back and work overtime. Damn overtime! We French people actually have to work overtime. The night belongs to our romance. "

“Can you give them more money?” Lucas said: “The production costs of the two generators will also be paid, and then they will be given to us.”

“Are you kidding? Why do we give you generators?” Ntamack said: “What do those tens of thousands of shipyard workers have to do with our company?”

Lucas was speechless.

Duquesne said: "This is related to the glory of France. We sold the amphibious assault ship to Da Mao. This is the beginning of a new era!"

“That has nothing to do with us.” Ntamack said: “At most, you don’t need to pay for research and development. After all, the British have already paid for it, but you must spend money for procurement.”

"How much?"

"I don't know. We haven't built it yet. We don't know how much it will cost. Maybe five million euros, maybe twenty million euros." After Ntamack finished speaking, he drank the wine in one gulp: "Okay, finish it. With this glass of wine, I’m going back to work, **** it!”

 Dickener's face was complicated.

 If it’s five million euros, they’ll make absolutely no profit. If it’s twenty million euros, they’ll still lose money!

 Is there no room for change in this matter?

“Should we ask for additional funds from Da Mao?” Lucas asked.

"If the funds are increased, Damao will abandon the order on the grounds of breach of contract and claim compensation from us. We have already spent a lot of money to purchase two engines from Mingzhou Group, and the US$100 million will be wasted. "

 The biggest cost lies in these two engines, which are too expensive! However, they can only purchase from Mingzhou Group, they have no other channels.

“Why don’t you ask the Orientals how much this kind of generator costs?”

 “That’s right, I need to ask.”

Duquesne picked up the phone on the spot, and a few minutes later, a distant voice came from the other side.

 “Hello, who is this?”

“France, Brest Shipyard, we would like to ask, how much does a generator matching UGT40000 cost?”

 After a moment, Duquesne's expression changed: "What? Thirty million US dollars per unit? So expensive?"

 A gas turbine costs 50 million, and a generator costs 30 million. Such a power unit costs 80 million? Isn't this a money grab?

"What about twelve-phase generators? I don't care about that. I'm your old customer. Can you give me the lowest price? What? This is the lowest price?"

 (End of this chapter)

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