Warship of Great Power

Chapter 980: The contribution of the anti-defection system

 Chapter 980 The contribution of the anti-defection system

“Damn it, what’s going on? Is the pilot teasing us?” Banqueiro clenched his fists.

"Probably not. After all, we have his handle. If he teases us, he should know what the consequences will be. Moreover, what is he planning to do by flying the plane over and then back? He will also be arrested after he goes back. Get up."

If you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing. This plane flew from the base in Siam, circled around and flew back. It will definitely take longer than the normal training time and will expose various flaws. This guy named Pallavi If you just tease them, you will definitely be subject to strict investigation when you go back, and you may even go to jail.

It's like watching film and television works from the past era. Those who were caught by the enemy were tortured. Some were strong and iron-clad and did not say a word even after being beaten to death. Others were soft and soft, succumbing to torture and becoming traitor.

Wouldn't he pretend to surrender, tell some false information, and then confess all this to his superiors after he returns?

The answer is of course no. In such a special era, if you were caught by the enemy and then released, you could never say anything when you came back. If you confessed to your superiors, there would be only one result: falling to one's own guns. Down.

Even those who have no problem in the first place will be suspected and may eat peanuts, not to mention these traitors. If you say that you did not tell the truth, who will believe you? How to prove what you said is true or false?

The fastest way to cut through the mess is to shoot the person who pretends to surrender and solve the trouble.

This is the case in any era, and now is no exception. Since Pallavi has already been here, he will definitely not get any good fruits if he goes back.

 “What’s going on?” Banqueiro was confused.

"If I'm not wrong, that plane is very intelligent, beyond our imagination." Stanley's eyes were gloomy, and the duck he got flew away again, which made him very angry, but at the same time, he We can also analyze what happened from a technician’s perspective.

“The level of intelligence is very high? According to the plan, the data link will be closed after the plane takes off. Can they still control it remotely and reopen the data link secretly?”

"It is possible that when flying to a certain place, the system will be reactivated, and then the data link will be opened, and the aircraft will be controlled by the outside. Of course, it may not be external control, but the aircraft itself. There is a navigation system on that aircraft. The positioning device can accurately determine its own position. When it finds that it is not an airport in its own country and tries to land..."

When he said this, Stanley suddenly reacted: "Yes, that's it. Everything was normal originally, but when the plane started to start the landing procedure, something unexpected happened, and the built-in program was definitely triggered! "

Landing at an unfamiliar airport or a potential enemy airport is an act of surrendering to the enemy and treason!

 There is a special program built into the aircraft to make judgments. When such a thing is discovered, the aircraft enters another state: unmanned!

Although there are still people, that Pallavi can't do anything! The aircraft is completely taken over by the built-in program.

 Belenko’s defection is no longer possible in this era!

In the past, fighter aircraft were hydraulically operated. Even if the aircraft could accept command from the rear, it had to be operated by the pilot. The pilot was the direct operator. However, modern fighter aircraft are already operated by fly-by-wire, and the pilot's control stick outputs electrical signals. , and then handed over to the onboard computer to notify the corresponding control surface action.

This can avoid many dangers. For example, if the pilot raises the elevation angle too high, the aircraft may stall. After the computer determines, it will not perform the pilot's operations to ensure flight safety. Another example is, in a large overload, the pilot becomes unconscious and the aircraft discovers After this situation, it will automatically level out.

 Advanced fly-by-wire operation makes flying safer, but it also means that the aircraft may not necessarily obey the pilot's instructions.

This was the case in the accident of a certain airliner that hit the ground vertically in later generations. At that time, they replaced the aircraft with an engine with greater thrust, which would cause the lift to increase and the aircraft to raise its head. However, they were too lazy to make aerodynamic modifications, so they just modified the aircraft in the program. Set it in the middle. When flying normally and levelly, the tail rudder will make the aircraft lower its head, so that it is just balanced.

Normally there is no problem, but when a certain sensor fails, trouble comes. At that time, the pilot finds that the plane is diving and pulls the plane hard, but it is of no use. In the choice of pilot operation and on-board computer judgment, the plane chooses The latter.

The same is true for Xute. When the judgments of the driver and the on-board computer diverge, it chooses to trust the on-board computer.

 “Built-in program?”

"Yes, there is a built-in program. This program is set. When it is judged that the pilot is about to defect, the plane will start the emergency procedure and return. If my guess is correct, the plane must have flown back. !”

 Flying back?

 Everyone present could not understand: "The plane flew back automatically without the pilot's operation? How much computer performance is required."

"Dongfang is already mass-producing drones. These drones have the ability to fly autonomously. Take the big dog owners as an example. They have experienced it several times. After losing the signal from the aircraft, they originally thought that the aircraft had already flown. It was lost, but it flew back and landed at the airport." Stanley said: "If you want to fight independently, especially in air combat, the flight control may not be able to achieve it, but if you return the same way, there shouldn't be a big problem. Yes. Please ask our relevant departments to mobilize reconnaissance satellites to investigate. If the time is right, you can see the plane landing autonomously."

 “What about the pilot?”

That guy Pallavi, won’t he resist?

"Pilot? The plane is completely out of control. If he wants to survive, he'd better be a passenger. If he damages the plane, he will die if the ejection seat disobeys."

In fact, even if the ejection seat is obedient, the pilot cannot easily pull the ejection handle. Especially if there are no rescuers to respond, jumping into the sea is courting death. Jumping to land, if it is a ravine, Resign yourself to fate and see what happens to you, especially if you get hung up on a tree or something like that, there is absolutely no way you can save yourself.

“The ejection seat doesn’t obey? It’s really scary!”

“Under normal circumstances, the ejection seat should be mechanically controlled, but Dongfang’s ejection seat has definitely been improved, and modern ejection seats have also begun to use a large number of electronic components in pursuit of better and more precise ejection. "

 Sometimes the pilot is too late to pull the pull ring, and at this time it is necessary to eject automatically. Therefore, the ejection seat has also transitioned to the era of electronic control.

 The pilot has no choice. That Pallavi is really pitiful.

At this time, poor Pallavi was looking out the window in the cabin.

He had passed the initial period of struggle and hesitation. At this time, he was soaked all over and his hair was dripping. He was just like the one who had just come out of the swimming pool. His eyes had no focus and he was just looking at the cabin blankly. outside.

He once raised the pistol and wanted to point it at his head and pull the trigger, but in the end he did not dare to do so. After all, after returning, there might be a way to survive. As long as there was a glimmer of hope, he did not want to die.

 Sattahip Naval Base.

Atapon's face was pale, and he sat on the chair tremblingly, muttering: "It's over, it's over!"

"Report!" At this moment, the signal soldier ran in: "I just received news from my superiors. I am very angry about this incident that happened at our base. Mr. Lakour has already taken a helicopter and is on his way over."

 It's over, it's all over. When Mr. LaCour comes over, he might take out his pistol and kill him! That **** Pallavi, he betrayed the country alone and cheated everyone.

At this moment, there was a roar outside.

Your Excellency LaCour has come over? So fast?

Atapeng couldn't believe his ears. He stood up and looked through the window of the tower. At this moment, a ground crew hurried in: "Report, a J-31A is flying in!"

“Impossible, our planes are all in the hangar, why did another one fly in?” Atapeng subconsciously thought that he had heard wrong.

“Indeed, we watch it every day and we will never admit it wrong.”

 Could it be that the plane is back? Although this possibility was slim, Atapeng quickly stood up and ran out with long strides. What if he could see a miracle?

By the time he ran out, the plane was already flying close. Someone even saw the number on the side and shouted loudly: "Yes, that's the plane flying back!"

 Atapeng pinched his thigh hard. It was not a dream. This was not a dream!

 What is Pallavi playing? Does he have any difficulties?

 However, after seeing the plane's route, he reacted and shouted loudly: "Quick, clear the runway!"

 This vertical take-off and landing fighter jet is aligning with the runway, apparently intending to make a conventional landing.

This cannot be blamed on the aircraft. After the flight procedure, it was determined that the fuel had reached the bottom, and a vertical landing might not be enough, so a conventional landing was still needed.

On the Su-27 fighter plane, there is a specialized optical sensor. On the advanced fourth-generation aircraft, of course, there is also this improved ISRT device, which can see the runway more clearly, then align it with the center line of the runway and land.

The plane landed smoothly, just like a manned one. When the wheels touched the ground, the engine flames at the tail disappeared. This long flight consumed all its fuel.

The plane almost taxied to the end before stopping. Everyone ran over. The base guards, who were armed with live ammunition, pointed their guns at the cabin. Atapeng climbed up the gangway himself and thumped up.

Through the canopy, he saw a man whose body was exuding water vapor. Pallavi's face was pale, his eyes were distracted, and he was dumbfounded.

 Just one look at him and Atapon knew what was going on.

 “Come here, take him out and lock him up!”

Atapon let out a long breath. The plane came back intact, the pilot also came back, and his position was secured.

But how did the plane get back? Looking at Pallavi's appearance, he was already paralyzed. It was impossible for him to fly the plane. Could it be that the plane came back on its own?

The roar of a helicopter sounded in the distance.

After Rakul heard about this, he immediately became furious, and now, he is equally impatient. Who could have imagined that such an accident would happen! But now, since it happened, he had to find a way to solve the problem.

 Mingzhou Group’s fighter jets are the most advanced fighter jets in the world! The technical level has surpassed that of the United States. Therefore, Lakour held countless meetings and told the aviation base to protect the aircraft. Who would have thought that it was still infiltrated by the Americans. The pilot of this aircraft must have been incited to rebel.

Once the plane falls into the hands of the Americans, there will be no secrets! The Siamese Kingdom has lost a big weapon to deter the US Navy. Ever since they dug the canal, the Americans have been coercing and tempting them, and even finally used gunmen to assassinate Lord Qiu Taxin.

They have broken the relationship with the United States, and now they can only unconditionally trust the Easterners, and the Easterners have also provided them with various favorable conditions. Many customers are ordering stealth aircraft, and they simply jumped in the queue to get the aircraft.

Who would have thought that the plane was actually lost in his own hands, how to explain it to Mr. Qin?

Rakul was full of self-blame and rushed to the scene as soon as possible.

 But when the helicopter landed, he was stunned.

what happened?

 Didn’t you say that all planes should be grounded? Why is it still on the runway? What is this Atapeng doing?

Atapeng had already arrived on his motorcycle with excitement on his face. When he got to the helicopter, he jumped off the motorcycle and shouted loudly: "Report! The defecting plane is back!"

came back?

LaCour was also confused: "What happened? The pilot realized his conscience and flew the plane back again?"

"Probably not. The defected pilot Pallavi has slumped on the seat, just like the noodles. He must not have flown back."

“Who is that? Did the plane come back on its own?”

“It should be like this, technicians are retrieving data.” Atapeng said.

The aircraft has been completely delivered to Siam, but considering that they may not complete all maintenance work, there are still some Easterners to help. They are led by Zhao Qiang, a technical expert sent by the factory. At this time, Zhao Qiang has already sat on the aircraft. On the computer, open one of the data interfaces, connect it to the laptop, and start downloading data.

By the time Lakul and Atapeng came over, Zhao Qiang had already completed the data download.

 “Gong Zhao, how is the situation?” Atapeng asked.

"The flight trajectory has been revealed." Zhao Qiang got off the plane and turned the computer screen over to show the other two people: "After the plane took off, it flew directly towards the Changi Air Force Base in Singapore. After a two-hour flight , arrived and prepared to land, maintaining radio silence along the way, with only a brief conversation before landing."

 After speaking, Zhao Qiang played the recording of the conversation.

Whether it is a passenger plane or a fighter jet, there are professional black boxes that record various flight data, including call recordings. Given these facts, Pallavi can never make any excuses.

“The pheasant is calling Changi Air Base and is expected to land in twenty minutes.”

“Changi Air Force Base has received it, would you like to send fighter planes to respond?”

"No, you can't find me. Just clear the runway."

Listening to these radio calls, Rakul clenched his fists: "Damn it, this Pallavi actually did such a thing, we must not let him go, and he will be sentenced to death for treason!"

Although the trial is not under LaCour's control, LaCour still decided to use all his power to interfere with the trial. Such people must die.

“Fortunately, the plane flew back on its own. How could it fly back on its own?” Atapeng was frightened and curious at the same time.

 Pallavi came back, was tried and sentenced to death. In this way, the responsibility could be placed on Pallavi, and everyone could live peacefully. Only then did Atapeng feel in the mood to ask these questions.

“Can you control it remotely?” Rakul suddenly said.

This question made everyone's hearts skip a beat. These planes already belong to Siam. It would be terrible if they could still be controlled by Easterners at any time!

Zhao Qiang smiled: "Of course not. After this plane took off, even the data link was closed, and we couldn't control it remotely. It was able to fly back because our fighter planes were equipped with a special anti-defection system. "

 “Anti-defection system?”

"Yes, the pilot can fly this aircraft to fight, and can fly this aircraft to the airspace of any country for reconnaissance, etc., but it cannot land. As long as our flight control program determines that this aircraft plans to land in the enemy's territory At the airport, the anti-defection procedure will be activated and the flight will return automatically."

“So that’s it! What if the pilot flies over the enemy’s airport at ultra-low altitude?”

If ultra-low-altitude bombing was conducted in the past and the result was judged to be defection, there would be problems.

“First of all, our aircraft is a stealth aircraft and generally does not need to fly at ultra-low altitude. Secondly, for ultra-low altitude bombing, you need to open the bomb bay door, and to fly at ultra-low altitude and land, you need to put down the landing gear. These actions are naturally different.”

 Everyone was relieved.

“This system is very good. It prevented a serious defection incident. Well done to Eastern Aircraft!” Rakul nodded.

"We generally don't tell our customers about this system, as this may increase the pilot's flying pressure. After all, ordinary pilots will not defect, so there is no need to let them know about such a system to increase their psychological burden." Zhao Qiang said : "So please keep it secret and don't tell the details of the plane's automatic return."

"Of course, we will not reveal the secrets of the East." Lakour said: "It makes Westerners think hard and don't know what is going on."

“These are all forced. We originally didn’t want to design this kind of system. However, our aircraft are too advanced and may be coveted by some people. We also learned many profound lessons in the 1970s and 1980s.”

Lakour nodded: "Yes, these are necessary. By the way, what if the pilot discovers that the fighter plane is returning and destroys the plane?"

“Well, we also have certain ways to prevent it, but it is relatively confidential and is inconvenient to disclose.” Zhao Qiang said.

 What else can be done? The plane exploded? Rakul shuddered and did not continue to ask. After all, if the pilot knew that the plane could self-destruct, he would be even more afraid to fly. It would be better to pretend to be confused.

 In space, a reconnaissance satellite passed by.

 Stanley embarked on the return journey in desperation. As soon as he returned to Lockheed Martin, he received bad news.

“The Marine Corps has ordered twenty F-32Bs, and they are very satisfied with this aircraft.” Daniel said: “I’m afraid we will really lose this bidding.”

They were already lagging behind and faced many difficulties in the development of vertical take-off and landing devices. This time they tried to obtain Dongfang's J-31A fighter jets, which was their last struggle. Who would have thought that they would not succeed in the end!

 The last time Boeing tested the aircraft on an aircraft carrier, although there were some minor problems, in the end the pilot relied on his superb flying skills to land the aircraft on a container ship, demonstrating the reliability of the aircraft.

 The Marines finally couldn't wait any longer.

 That's right, other armies can wait, but the Marine Corps cannot afford to wait.

The Air Force has the F-22 for high-end use, the F-15 and F-16 for bomb trucks, which are enough for the time being, and the Navy has the Super Hornet, which can be used temporarily, but not the Marine Corps, which has been using the Sea Harrier. ah.

After all, the Sea Harrier is a fighter aircraft developed by the British in the 1960s. Although it has been improved several times and its performance has been continuously improved, the Sea Harrier of the US Marine Corps can also hit the mid-range AIM-120, but after all, Lian Po is still old. Now, Seeing that the F-32B has been born and its vertical take-off and landing system is mature, the Marine Corps can't wait. Anyway, it is similar to the vertical take-off and landing method of the Sea Harrier, and they will be very comfortable in using it.

Once the Marine Corps uses it, the Navy and Air Force will have no choice, because the big guys in Congress have always demanded that the three services can be used to reduce operating costs.

 Were they eliminated like this?

“Can we ask the Air Force? Our X-35 Air Force model can mature quickly, and it is similar to the F-22. The Air Force should like the X-35.” Stanley asked.

The Marine Corps chose the F-32, and the Air Force chose the F-35. If the dispute continues like this, the big guys in Congress will have no choice but to equip them separately.

Daniel shook his head: "The Air Force currently has no funds at all and cannot afford to purchase low-end aircraft. Currently, even F-22 orders are declining."

The F-22 was born during the Cold War. According to the original plan, the purchase quantity of this fighter was 750. However, by the time the prototype flew, it was already 1994, and the Americans reduced the purchase quantity of the F-22 to 648. In 1997, this number was reduced to 339 aircraft.

Lockheed Martin is on the verge of tears, but this is not the worst. Just this year, when their factory in Marietta, Georgia, began delivering fighter jets to the military at a rate of two per month, Bad news came again, the number of F-22s was reduced to 277.

 This quantity really does not affect the choice of the Air Force.

Of course, if he knew, this number would have to be further reduced, and I don’t know if he would vomit blood.

 (End of this chapter)

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