Warship of Great Power

Chapter 971: Hyundai III plans

Chapter 971 Modern III’s Plan

The construction of 055 has begun at a frightening speed. However, it will take some time before a certain country's satellite passes by, and it will be discovered that a brand new destroyer is being built on the slipway.

The eyes of all countries are still focused on the Snow Dragon 2. Although there is Mr. Chen's platform, most people think that this icebreaker is prepared for scientific research. However, people with a discerning eye can still see that this ship is definitely not for any scientific research. , but have more important tasks, such as opening up the Arctic shipping route.

Because the Arctic is too cold, it is usually sailed in the summer, and more and more cargo ships are traveling here. Fortunately, they still have to make a detour in the winter. When the Xuelong 2 is officially built, they can continue to use the Arctic route in the winter. This route is not only closer, but also easier to avoid various risky places.

 Dongfang is still making strategic layout!

Just when others were speculating on the great significance of Xuelong 2, Mingzhou Group once again welcomed an old acquaintance.

"Nicholas, welcome." Qin Tao said: "Why did the cruiser Razarev make such a big fuss when it returned to China this time?"

"Hmph, there are always some people who are wary of the power of our navy. They think that our power is a threat to them. What's wrong with us? We are a threat. We will continue to threaten." Nicholas said: "I am here this time to fight with you. Through your coordination, we hope to have our remaining two Type 1144 cruisers renovated as soon as possible."

This is Lao Maozi. Although he is poor and has no money in his pocket, he is still proud.

“Well, as long as you drag the cruiser over, we can modify it at any time.”

"Qin, the Nassimov is still in our shipyard. It seems that they are not very willing to continue repairing the warship themselves, so we can only send the Admiral Ushakov first. Send it here, this warship is currently dismantling the nuclear reactor, and when the power system is removed, it will be towed over to you."

Their domestic shipbuilding companies were anxious. They originally hoped to rely on the modification of the Nasimov and kept asking for money from the government. Unexpectedly, the government actually wanted to hand over the modification work to outsiders. This made them dumbfounded and started to complain. .

In order to appease their emotions, the only option is to send the lead ship Ushakov, formerly the Kirov, over first.

Qin Tao nodded: "Of course, we can modify this one first. When the modification is completed and the Nasimov is still silent, they will have no choice but to give up the modification and leave it to us."

"Yes, that's what it means. Our navy can't wait." Nikolai said: "We must expand rapidly. Alas, if we knew that you could improve it so well, then we would not have sold those four heavy-duty carrier aircraft in the first place. It’s a cruiser, I’ll leave it all to you to modify it.”

 Not for sale?

Qin Tao shook his head: "Based on our relationship at that time, even if we were to help with the transformation, I'm afraid you wouldn't agree. You always have a skeptical attitude towards us."

Nicholas also began to think deeply, yes, that was the case at the beginning. Even now, many people still have objections to leaving it to the East to transform, but the boss is on their side this time, because the boss also wants a powerful navy to achieve its former glory.

“Apart from these cruisers, don’t you have anything else you want to modify?” Qin Tao asked.

Although the Glory class is also old, it is a gas turbine cruiser after all, so it can still be operated. It is also the flagship or backbone of each fleet and does not need to be modified for the time being. Apart from these, what else is there?

Nicholas thought for a moment: "A number of our Type 956 and Type 1155 destroyers have also been retired. It would be great if these warships could be taken out and refitted. Qin, what do you think?"

 Lao Maozi doesn’t have much left, so he can only continue to rummage through his own property.

 These two warships are the modern class and the fearless class respectively. One is an anti-aircraft type and the other is an anti-submarine type. Both have a displacement of seven to eight thousand tons. Lao Maozi wants to use these two warships together to become the mainstay of the fleet.

But now, many of these warships have been decommissioned. Would it be faster if these warships were taken out and renovated?

"Let's talk about 956 first." Qin Tao started the deception mode again: "You also know that we also have 956 destroyers in China. They were used as main warships back then, but now, these two warships have obviously not kept up with the times, so we This warship will be modified."

Back then, when the Navy was in decline, it relied entirely on outsourcing to maintain its combat effectiveness. Two modern-class ships and one Glorious-class ship were once the most powerful combination of the navy. But now, they can only be used occasionally. After all, they are not the navy. Many things within the system are inconvenient to maintain, and the Navy is reluctant to eliminate them, making them somewhat useless.

 The Glorious class has undergone some upgrades since its return, so there is no need to worry about it for the time being. However, the two modern-class ships will definitely go to the shipyard's dock to continue their transformation, although there is no transformation plan yet.

 At this time, Qin Tao said it with confidence.

“How do you plan to change it? Are you going to install a four-sided phased array radar?” Nikolai also became excited.

 Four-sided phased array?

Qin Tao smiled bitterly and shook his head: "This thing is too expensive. For us, it is not suitable to be installed on old warships. We plan to remove the two Shikili medium-range anti-aircraft missile launchers at the front and rear and install two With a 16-unit vertical launcher, the entire ship will have a 32-unit vertical launch system, which will greatly improve the ability to resist saturation attacks. We also plan to install a short-range air defense weapon on it."

 The four-sided phased array radar looks very high-end, but the cost of this thing is also very high. For the Eastern Navy, this is simply a renovation of an old ship and is not worthy of any fanfare. Just replace it with Hongqi-16.

Of course, Lao Maozi can also modify it according to this plan. After all, Lao Maozi also has the vertical launch system of the Shikili missile. But if Lao Maozi wants a four-sided phased array radar and is not afraid of spending money, it can be installed.

“Would it be a waste for such a large warship to only install a 32-unit vertical launcher or a Shkili missile?” Nikolai asked.

This is also the reason why it is useless. The 054 frigate with a displacement of more than 4,000 tons can carry 32 vertical launchers. How can a modern-class frigate with a displacement of 7,000 to 8,000 tons carry so many?

 This is of course determined by the original design. Although Lao Maozi's destroyer has a large displacement, its internal design is old and it is not easy to carry it on board. Small modifications are okay, but major modifications will be very troublesome.

“If there is a major overhaul, 16 more units can be added to reach 48 units.” Qin Tao introduced: “To be specific, the tail gun is removed and missiles are inserted there.”

Hyundai-class destroyers are very distinctive. In addition to having a twin-mounted 130mm naval gun at the bow, there is also one at the tail.

It is rare to have a naval gun at the tail. Generally, warships are equipped with a helicopter landing platform at the tail. Because the modern-class naval gun is stuck there, the helicopter can only be moved to the second deck platform. The shaking warship The higher the position, the more violent the shaking, so it is impossible to take off and land the helicopter at that position in high sea conditions.

What's even worse is that there is only one take-off and landing platform and no hangar. If the helicopter needs maintenance, the guardrails on both sides will be pulled out to form a temporary hangar. It is very primitive, so the modern class does not often carry helicopters. , because there is no hangar.

In Lao Maozi's view, it may not be a big deal. After all, the modern-class combat mission is air defense and anti-ship, and the anti-submarine mission is left to good friends.

 But now, as Lao Maozi's strength gradually weakens, these problems have become more serious.

If Qin Tao wants to modify it, he can only do a simple modification, remove the tail gun, and insert a set of launchers. This is almost the limit.

 However, Nicholas is obviously still not satisfied.

"Your 052 destroyer only has a displacement of more than 6,000 tons, and it can already install 48 units of vertical launchers, and they are all area air defense missiles. Our Type 956 destroyer has a displacement of 7,000 to 8,000 tons. How can it be equipped with these? Qin, We want more lobs!”

Nikolai is obviously not satisfied. He regards the modern-class junk as a treasure and eagerly hopes to improve it into a powerful air defense destroyer like the 052.

"If you want more hanging hair, you need to make major changes." Qin Tao said: "You can show us the design drawings of the 956 destroyer. We may be able to find a way to stuff more hair inside." missiles."

A simple modification means that you don't have to go to war and complete the modification without disturbing the cabins as much as possible. However, if you want to make a major modification, you will need detailed design drawings, and you may also need to open up some cabins. This is the same as smashing the load-bearing walls during renovation. , it’s not something you can do casually. "No problem." Nikolai said: "We will coordinate with the relevant domestic units and ask them to send over the design drawings. However, Qin, you have to do the sum total first to see how best to modify it. If you can It would be better if the S-300 missiles were inserted."

 How to modify it better?

Qin Tao pondered for a moment: "Invite Yang Gong to come over and come up with their design plan."

 “Do you have more design plans?” Nicholas was very excited.

“It’s not a perfect design, it’s just a simple design they made after work, which may not be practical.”

This kind of design has actually been done by the first design office of the Mingzhou Group. After all, the two domestic modern-class ships need to be improved. However, since the Navy has begun to storm the 052DL, it is impossible for the Navy to deal with the two modern-class ships. In a large-scale war, we can only use the simplest modification method, such as changing the original position of the anti-aircraft missile to a vertical launcher, and try not to make major changes.

However, they have also made some ideas on how to modify this warship to achieve greater combat performance. Now it is time to show it to Lao Maozi.

If all of Lao Maozi's warships are taken to Dongfang for renovation, then Mingzhou Group will not only be able to make a lot of money, but more importantly, it can set up special programs in the warship's command operating system to make itself safer. Although This situation will not happen, but it must be prevented in advance.

Furthermore, Lao Maozi's navy has become stronger. If it can be on par with the US Navy, the US Navy will definitely continue to regard Lao Maozi as its number one imaginary enemy.

“Mr. Qin, are you looking for me?” Yang Dawei came over quickly.

The plan for 055 has been frozen and construction has started, so they have no work for the time being and are just focusing on the construction of 055. Now Qin Tao wants to give them more tasks, so why not do them.

“Well, in the modification plan of our modern-class destroyer, are there any plans for major modifications, with the installation of more vertical hair as the first priority?”

“Of course there is.” Yang Dawei said, “Just wait, I’ll look for it.”

Yang Dawei opened his laptop, plugged in the Internet cable, and began to search for the server. After a few minutes, the portable projector turned on and printed the design drawing on the wall.

“This is our design plan.” Yang Dawei introduced: “In this plan, we cut off the entire superstructure.”

 In this design drawing, there is no trace of the modern class, especially the Sunburn anti-ship missiles arranged on the side slopes of the ship. The entire superstructure is almost the same as the current 052 destroyer.

 Cut off all the superstructure! This is a major surgery!

"From the bridge, the sides of the hull are added to the rear, and the entire deck is the same height." Yang Dawei continued: "This creates optimal conditions for our modernization, and we will continue to retain the modern-class chassis. , as well as its mature steam power system, above the deck, except for the forward gun, which will not move, everything else will be completely updated."

Nicholas opened his eyes wide, looking at this modern modification plan and listening to Yang Dawei's introduction.

"Behind the naval gun, it can be installed..." Yang Dawei paused when he said this, and then continued: "Da Mao's current 3S90M vertical launcher can be inserted in. Here behind the naval gun, one can be inserted 6*6 launcher."

 Mr. Qin must have called him here to modify Lao Maozi into a modern version, so let alone his own Hongqi-16, just talk about Lao Maozi's Shikili missile vertical launcher.

  There is no need to pay attention to the original hull superstructure, which brings great convenience to the layout of the warship. Just behind the naval gun, there can be 36 units of vertical launchers.

 Nicola’s eyes were full of excitement.

 “What’s behind?”

"Behind these anti-aircraft missiles, you can install the heavy-duty vertical launch device specially developed by you. When we last coordinated the Kirov-class cruiser modification project, you said that you were developing this vertical launch device code-named 3S14. , currently we don’t know the size of this device. If it is small, four groups of 8-unit vertical hair can be arranged in this area. If it is large, two groups of 8-unit vertical hair can also be arranged, so that this warship Has powerful long-range attack capabilities."

3S14, the heavy-duty vertical launcher that Lao Maozi is planning. In addition to anti-aircraft missiles, it can carry almost all kinds of ship-borne long-range attack missiles. It also has both hot and cold racks. Its performance on paper is very advanced. It can be inserted into Go to P-800 Onyx anti-ship missile, 3M54 anti-ship missile, 3M14 land attack cruise missile, 91RT anti-submarine missile and a series of missiles.

The modern class can be equipped with Sunburn missiles, which is already very powerful. When it was introduced to the country, it was known as an aircraft carrier killer. In fact, Lao Maozi's most awesome is the P-800 anti-ship missile. It can be determined from the name. The maximum range of this missile is 800 kilometers. It is a more powerful anti-ship missile than the previous P-700. It can still cruise at supersonic speeds. If the modern-class missile is equipped with this missile, it will definitely be a shotgun exchange for a cannon.

If four groups of eight-unit launchers can be installed, that is a scale of 32 missiles, half of which are cruise missiles, one quarter of anti-ship missiles, and one quarter of anti-submarine missiles. Then the modern class is considered a A very powerful warship.

 Nicola’s eyes were full of excitement.

“Great! Where is the island? Is this a four-sided phased array radar?”

“That’s right, it’s a four-sided phased array radar.” Yang Dawei thought for a moment, and then the mouse began to move quickly, replacing the four-sided phased array originally arranged below with the four-sided small shield on the top of the mast, keeping it consistent with the export model.

"If you need it, we can provide you with the same model of four-sided phased array radar as the one on the cruiser. If you think it is expensive, you can also replace it with an ordinary top-plate radar. For the Shikili air defense missile, An ordinary top-plate radar is enough, and a four-sided phased array is a bit wasteful. After all, good steel should be used on the blade."

Yang Dawei continues to introduce the following.

"Behind the chimney, we can also put in a set of 6*6 3S90M vertical launchers. As an all-round warship, the focus of this warship is still air defense. It has excellent medium-range air defense capabilities. Behind it, there are aircraft The hangar and helicopter landing platform, according to the current popular method, the helicopter landing platform is arranged at the very back, because the deck is large enough, so a double hangar can be set up at the back to accommodate two helicopters."

 After reading this design drawing, Nikolai was excited: "We hope to improve the Type 956 destroyer in this way. After such improvement, it can fully adapt to the situation of the 21st century. Let's call it 21956."

Qin Tao's face was slightly embarrassed. When he went to Damao to purchase modern-class warships, the Northern Design Bureau had made a similar plan and named it 21956, hoping to sell this kind of warship to the East. However, Qin Tao Tao knew what Dongfang needed, so he just listened and didn't take the bait.

Now, if this plan reaches the ears of the Northern Design Bureau, will they have a falling out?

“Nicholas, I heard that the Northern Design Bureau also has a plan for 21956. Let’s change the name so that they don’t think we plagiarized it,” Qin Tao said.

Nicholas nodded: "Yes, those people will have opinions, so what name should we change?"

"How about calling it Hyundai III? According to your naming principles, it will be called 956-III." Qin Tao gave a simpler naming method.

"Okay, let's call it 956-III." Nikolai said: "You also need to hurry up and come up with the detailed design drawings of this warship. In this way, the displacement will probably increase, right?"

“As long as we have drawings, we can design it. As for the displacement, it may soar to more than 8,000 tons. We will try to control it within 9,000 tons.”

 (End of this chapter)

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