Warship of Great Power

Chapter 970: arctic tourism

"Mr. Qin, it's great that we can rent this kind of polar research ship. This Snow Dragon 2 has a large displacement and strong ice-breaking ability. It can take us to the North Pole. If we rely on ourselves, we don't know how to do it. How long will it take for the country to allocate funds for us to build an icebreaker of this level? We cannot take it for granted, we must give money." Chen said.

How can they have the nerve to use it for free? As long as they can rent such a ship, it would be good. After all, in the past, they could only find a way from abroad, which was not only expensive, but also not necessarily available for rent.

Now, with the help of the Mingzhou Group, they definitely want to use it at any time. If they are not satisfied with this, how can they be shameless and use it for free?

"Our Xuelong 2 has a large displacement and many cabins inside." Qin Tao said: "It would be a waste if we only carry the scientific expedition team. Therefore, we will use the name of the Arctic scientific expedition team to communicate with the outside world." Announce the North Pole tourism project and sell a large amount of boat tickets. This income is enough. We use your name to promote tourism, and of course we have to give it to you for free. We are in a cooperative relationship, and you are not taking advantage of us. Cheap."

 Mr. Chen's eyes were full of emotion.

 Mr. Qin said that tourism projects are just for them. Qin always uses this method to support their Arctic scientific expeditions!

"Mr. Qin, then we can't use your ship in vain." Mr. Chen said: "Before departure, we will take care of the food supplies for the entire ship, including the food for the tourists. During the entire trip, we The scientific expedition team members will become commentators for tourists, explaining to them the uniqueness of the Arctic tourist attraction. We can also lead the team and take them on a tour on the ice, and we can also hold a football match at the pole of the Arctic."

Now that Mr. Qin has said it to this extent, of course they can no longer refuse. Mingzhou Group provides them with free ships, and they must do their best to help Mingzhou Group entertain tourists. If the tourists just take a boat to travel to the Arctic, That's not interesting. There must be commentators on the side, constantly explaining interesting things about the Arctic, and organizing various activities. These are the strengths of their Arctic scientific expedition team. With the Arctic scientific expedition team acting as commentators for tourists, this tour requires It’s so colorful, and there are also ice football games and the like, which will be even more enjoyable for everyone.

Hearing what Mr. Chen said, Qin Tao didn't refuse anything.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Qin Tao said: "We have the Snow Dragon 2. In addition to taking the fleet to shuttle on the Arctic routes, we will definitely organize some Arctic tourism projects. We have no experience. , it would be much more convenient to have experts like you as tour guides.”

Zhao Ling’s eyes were full of admiration. Brother Tao is so awesome. With a simple proposal, he found a way to cooperate for both parties. The Arctic scientific expedition team saved money and Mingzhou Group made money. It was a win-win situation.

“Mr. Chen, since you are here, don’t leave in a hurry and wait until tomorrow to attend our launching ceremony.” Zhao Ling issued an invitation.

 “Well, I’m honored.” Mr. Chen nodded.

“After it is launched into the water, the outfitting will be carried out.” Qin Tao said: “You can go up and take a look first and give us some valuable suggestions.”


The matter was settled in this way, and the day passed in a busy manner. As night fell, the restaurant of the Mingzhou Group Guest House was bustling with activity.

"Come on, it's not easy for us to sit together today. We have to have a drink." Wu Shengli raised his glass and looked at Chen Qi: "Old Chen, although we are both making a living at sea, we have nothing in common with each other. After all, you The place we go to is not accessible to our navy, so this time we sit together, it is a kind of fate."

“Yes, Lao Wu, I respect you.”

 “What do you respect me for?”

 “You have a good son-in-law.”

Wu Shengli smiled heartily: "Haha, yes, I have a good son-in-law! Are you all envious? My son-in-law is number one in the country, and you can only envy me!"

Qin Tao was helpless on the side, sipping the wine glass. His father-in-law was happy. The launch of Xuelong 2 will further verify the safety and reliability of the nuclear reactor. At the same time, 055 will start construction tomorrow, which is the most proud of the Navy. Large warships will be the future fist of the navy.

Let my father-in-law say what you want to say, and wait here by yourself.

"Report." At this moment, an adjutant came in: "I just got the latest news. The Mao Navy dispatched two modern-class destroyers to respond to the Admiral Razaev. At the same time, the island nation's navy also dispatched an 88-meter destroyer. Fleet, both sides..."

"Okay, not bad." Wu Shengli nodded with satisfaction: "Taozi, you helped Lao Maozi repair the Kirov-class cruiser. There are some people who are talking nonsense and saying that you are immature and may give us Bringing threats, huh, how do those idiots know your strategic vision!"

The Admiral Razaev is too sensitive. After all, when it was called the Frunze, it was a nightmare for the entire Pacific West Coast countries. Now that the Mingzhou Group is helping to resurrect such a giant ship, will it bring any consequences to itself? To threaten?

Some people who don’t know the truth will always make wild comparisons, especially some time ago, when the clown jumped out to cause trouble for the Mingzhou Group, and even used this incident as a reason to attack the Mingzhou Group.

Now, everyone finally sees that this 25,000-ton monster has been resurrected with full health. It is beneficial to our own side and has completely attracted the attention of the West!

 “Are the Americans on the move?”

"No, they probably didn't dare to face it directly, so they just watched from the sidelines. The South Pickle Country also dispatched two warships, but they only watched from a distance and did not move forward. Later, Lao Maozi dispatched We organized a regiment of Tu-22M bombers and successfully resolved the crisis."

 Figure-22M! This kind of variable-sweep wing bomber has always been a nightmare for the US aircraft carrier formation. When it flies over with huge anti-ship missiles, it is enough to send the US Navy's aircraft carrier formation to the bottom of the sea, not to mention the Japanese fleet. Well, they had no confidence in intercepting all the missiles. As long as one slipped through the net, they would be doomed.

“Bombers are also very important at critical times. Our naval aviation equipment does not have enough H-6Js, and we will have to expand them in the future.” Wu Shengli immediately learned from the experience.

“Yes, our J-16 must continue to be equipped.”

“Taozi, if you analyze it, what will happen next?”

"What's next?" Qin Tao smiled: "Our shipyard is going to be busy again. Lao Maozi will definitely bring the remaining two cruisers over for us to transform, and the shorter the construction period, the better. Lao Maozi may also Place an order with us for an amphibious assault ship. Fortunately, our Qiongzhou No. 3 Shipyard has started construction and can share part of the construction tasks, otherwise we will be really busy in the future."

 Lao Maozi can also benefit from this incident. They feel that they have become stronger again, and they can't wait to resurrect other giant ships.

  Anyway, these modification costs are all traded through wood, and they don't have to spend any money.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Zhengyang came over: "Mr. Qin, I just received a call from Damao. They will send people over soon to negotiate with us about the modification of the next two Kirov-class cruisers. They hope that we will do it." Be prepared.”

 “Mr. Qin is truly a god!” Mr. Chen sighed with emotion.

“Don’t Lao Maozi have four Kirov-class cruisers?” Some people also raised questions.

"Yes, there are four ships, but the fourth Peter the Great has always been in good condition, so it does not need to be modified." Qin Tao said: "The first three ships are in urgent need of modification. They have to thank our Mingzhou Group for letting them Their cruiser was given a new lease of life.”

Lao Maozi called this type of warship Type 1144. Initially, there were seven warships in the "1144" plan, including the first ship "Kirov", the second ship "Frunze", and the "Kalinin" , "Yuri Andropov", "Dzerzhinsky", "Russia" and "Varyag".

However, when the keel of the fifth "Dzerzhinsky" was being laid, the Red Empire was already on the verge of disintegration, so the fifth ship was dismantled, and the remaining two warships only stayed on the design drawings. , has never been built, and the first four ships have also been renamed, seeming to make a clean break with the past.

The first two warships were laid down in 1992 and 1994 respectively due to poor condition, and were later decommissioned.

As for the third cruiser, which has been renamed "Admiral Nakhimov", its condition is not very good, but Lao Maozi couldn't bear it. From 1997, it was driven into the Severodvinsk shipyard. Originally, They just planned to replace the old electronic equipment on it, but no one thought that once they went in, they would never come out again.

With Lao Maozi's maintenance technology, he has been tinkering with it for many years. In 2008, Lao Maozi decided to revise its modernization and upgrade plan, and the nuclear fuel on it had also reached the replacement deadline and needed to be replaced and repaired. So, I tinkered with it for more than ten years.

It was not until the spring of 2021 that the "Admiral Nakhimov" finally entered the mooring test stage, and Lao Maozi did not make a big leap forward. According to the plan, it will not complete the test until 2024 and return to service. A warship modification After more than 20 years of tinkering, Lao Maozi is the only one in the world who is so procrastinating. In comparison, there is still a lot of money. Over and over, Lao Maozi invested 80 billion rubles in this warship, which is about $1 billion.

The same price is enough for the Mingzhou Group to repair all four warships, and it doesn't cost any money. It only needs to let the Mingzhou Group cut down the trees.

Lao Maozi looks at the Nasimov that he renovated in the shipyard, and then looks at the Razaev that Mingzhou Group helped renovate, and he should know how to choose. They want to support their own shipyard, but it is a pity that their own The shipyard is not strong enough. The navy cannot be taken advantage of. The navy also needs to resurrect the giant ship as soon as possible!

“By the way, it’s time for Lao Maozi’s aircraft carrier to have its life extended in the medium term, right? Will it also be given to the Mingzhou Group for renovation?” Someone suddenly asked. Qin Tao smiled: "That is the treasure of Lao Maozi's house. Why are you willing to send it to us? We don't care. If Lao Maozi is willing to give it to him, it doesn't matter if he doesn't want to. To us, that warship is already There are no secrets anymore.”

After all, the sister ship of the same model, the former Varyag, now No. 16, is in China. Qin Tao really has no interest in that warship.

“It’s a pity that the Lao Maozi Navy ruined all four of their Kiev-class aircraft carriers. Otherwise, let us renovate them and maybe they can be put into service again.” Someone expressed emotion.

There are four Kiev-class aircraft carriers. The Kiev has become an aircraft carrier park, which should be the best destination. The Minsk was dismantled, and the Novorossiysk was sold to Asan and transformed into the Super Sun King. Who would have thought of bombing it? The boiler collapsed and the jump deck turned into scrap metal. The Gorshkov was sold to Tuji. The Tuji is still being renovated and has not been improved yet. It is obviously a failure.

“It’s not cost-effective to retrofit old aircraft carriers. It’s better to build new ones.” Qin Tao said: “If Lao Maozi is willing, he can also order a brand new aircraft carrier from our Mingzhou Group.”

  Let Lao Maozi order aircraft carriers from Mingzhou Group? Of course this is a fantasy, but now I am just joking and don't care about it.

 Qin Tao talked a lot about the mountains, and everyone felt happy after having a meal. The day was over, and the slipway became lively early the next morning.

 Warmly celebrate the launch of Xuelong 2!

Slogans were fluttering in the wind, and countless people stood in front of the slipway, waiting for this moment to arrive. Flags were flying and colorful flags were fluttering. Although Mingzhou Group often launched various ships, the ship launched this time still aroused their special attention. Pay attention, after all, Qin Tao was present at the launching ceremony of this ship!

 The ceremony that Mr. Qin participated in must be a very important ceremony, and not only Mr. Qin, but also other people, for example, senior navy officials were also present!

Since this ship is for the Mingzhou Group’s own use and is produced and sold by itself, the customer is itself and the ship owner is also itself. However, the brothers still have to settle the accounts clearly. Who should the ship be given to?

At first, Qin Tao planned to give it to the aircraft carrier park, but the aircraft carrier park was just a static display and had no experience of traveling to various parts of the world. Therefore, in the end, the Snow Dragon 2 was affiliated to the transportation company, and the transportation company received it. The person in charge, Ma Laoliu, stood there with a smile, looking at the outline of the huge Snow Dragon 2, waiting for the next ceremony.

“Thank you all for coming and participating in the launching ceremony of our Xuelong 2. Now, we would like to invite our guest, Mr. Chen, Director of the National Oceanographic and Polar Survey Office, to come to the stage to give us a speech!”

Since Mr. Chen is here, he can't just be a spectator. He must come up to speak. Moreover, the launching ceremony of Xue Long 2 is not only attended by ordinary people, but also by reporters. This is major news in the country.

Until now, there is only the Xuelong icebreaker in China. This ship was bought from abroad and renovated, and its icebreaking performance is not very strong. Now, the launch of Xuelong 2 has made Dongfang's icebreaker become the world's largest icebreaker. Qiang, the launch of such an important ship must be announced to the outside world in a grand manner.

Looking at the cameras in front of him, Mr. Chen walked up with a smile.

"Today, we are very happy that the Xuelong 2 icebreaker with a displacement of 50,000 tons is finally going to be launched! This is the world's largest nuclear-powered icebreaker. Its successful construction represents that our domestic shipbuilding companies have overcome another difficulty! Mr. Chen looked at the people below with a smile on his face: "This is a major breakthrough in our shipbuilding industry. It is a major contribution we have made to the world's scientific research and Arctic shipping routes. Here, we thank Mingzhou group!"

"When this icebreaker is outfitted, its maiden voyage will be to the North Pole. Our scientific expedition team is already ready and waiting to take it to the North Pole to conduct scientific expeditions. At the same time, because this ship is too big, for To avoid waste, a certain number of cabins will also be left for people who want to travel to the Arctic! The Arctic is the only frozen ocean in the world. There is an environment that has never been destroyed. There are beautiful aurora, polar bears, and all kinds of things. There are all kinds of interesting things. We welcome people who like the Arctic to explore the Arctic with us!”

Mr. Chen, on behalf of the official unit, promoted the tourism work of Mingzhou Group, and there was a warm round of applause at the scene.

 When Mr. Chen finished speaking, it was the shipowner’s representative’s turn.

Ma Laoliu came to the stage: "On behalf of Mingzhou Group Transportation Company, I would like to congratulate the launch of this ship. We also look forward to its launch, completion of outfitting, and joining our Mingzhou Group Transportation Company. After more than ten years of development, we The transportation company has become one of the largest transportation companies in the country and even the world. Our express delivery business can be delivered the next day in major areas across the country. We can deliver express delivery to all parts of the world. We added a batch last year. Cargo passenger plane…”

 Ma Laoliu came up and started advertising as expected!

“With this icebreaker, our business can reach the Arctic. Even if you want to send express delivery to the Arctic, you can choose our Mingzhou Group Transportation Company!”

Qin Tao glanced at him helplessly, are you finished yet? It's a wonderful launching ceremony, but so many advertisements have been inserted into it.

Ma Laoliu didn't pay attention to Qin Tao's gaze and spoke for another ten minutes before finishing.

 “Okay, now I announce that the launching ceremony has begun!”


Although it is not a warship, civilian ships still have to throw wine bottles into the water. As the prepared champagne was smashed against the icebreaker, the huge icebreaker began to slowly move backwards and backwards. The stern entered the water first, splashing huge waves. Then came the bow. The entire ship swayed on the river for a few times before it finally stabilized.

“Now, drag it to the outfitting dock! All journalists are welcome to go to the outfitting dock to continue the interview!”

Everyone headed towards the outfitting dock in a huff, and naturally they couldn't see it. The people who stayed behind continued to work, and new banners were hung up.

 Warmly celebrate the start of construction of the 055 destroyer!

This is not only the launching ceremony of the Xuelong 2, but also the groundbreaking ceremony of the 055 destroyer. In comparison, the start of the 055 destroyer is even more important. This means that the main warship of the Eastern Navy has passed the 10,000-ton displacement indicator!

Wu Shengli looked at the staff arrangement with a smile. When the banners were hung up, he couldn't wait to walk to the podium.

"Comrades and co-workers, we are very happy today. The navy's long-awaited 10,000-ton cruise ship is finally going to start construction. For our navy, this day is of great significance. It means that our main warships have begun to move towards the same level. Ten thousand tons march forward!”

"I think back then, our navy had nothing and used gold to purchase four destroyers from Damao to serve as the Four King Kongs. Our shipbuilding industry was unable to provide the navy with this opportunity! Now, we have finally waited, and our navy has modernized Warships are launched one after another!"

"Our main destroyers are constantly advancing from three thousand tons, to four thousand tons, to six thousand tons, step by step. The displacement of the 052DL currently under construction has reached 7,500 tons, but it is still not enough. We have to build more Big warships, only in this way can we protect our maritime rights and interests!"

“This 10,000-ton large-scale propeller will become the backbone of our navy in the future and the flagship of formations other than aircraft carrier formations. It is of great significance. We also look forward to its entry into our navy as soon as possible.”

"Now, I announce that the construction of 055 has officially begun!"

There was a burst of warm applause below.

Amid applause, the first steel plate went through the cleaning process and was sent to the work station. The flame of the plasma beam began to cut. No one was seen, only the flame of the plasma beam.

“Mingzhou Group’s steel plate cutting has also entered automation?” Wu Shengli asked in surprise.

“Yes.” Qin Tao nodded: “Since welding can be automated, cutting can also be automated, and cutting is plane cutting, so complex configurations can be cut and formed in one go.”

  After the steel plate cutting is completed, with the help of automated transportation equipment, it enters the next station, where it is bent into the corresponding shape by a fully automatic three-dimensional CNC bending machine, and then enters the next station.

This shipbuilding has also entered the era of automation!

They were originally worried that Mingzhou Group would continue to face the problem of shortage of manpower due to the renovation of the third shipyard. Now it seems that they are overly worried. With the help of these fully automatic equipment, the manpower needed will be greatly reduced.

“Our eyes have been opened this time. If we hadn’t come here this time, we wouldn’t have thought that Mingzhou Group’s shipbuilding technology would have taken another step forward.” Wu Shengli said with emotion.

 In fact, these equipment have always been in use, but in the past, when they came here, they just stared at the built warships without paying attention to these equipment. This time they saw clearly, and opened their eyes with a knife on their buttocks.

"Our shipbuilding will also enter the era of automation and intelligence. In the future, shipbuilding will be as simple as building blocks." Qin Tao said: "The technologies we are using now can greatly speed up the construction. If we start construction now, if we only If you make a shell, you can launch it by the end of the year. Not only does it take less time, but the cost is also low..."

“You said that the navy should order a few more ships at once so that they can be built in batches. Are you planning to use this machine for batch construction?” Wu Shengli asked.

"Yes, the machine also needs to be debugged. After debugging is completed, only the same model will be produced, and the speed will be very fast." Qin Tao said: "The era of naval violence has come, and it depends on whether your pockets are bulging."

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