Warship of Great Power

Chapter 932: Stealth bomber reaching alien technology

Chapter 932 Stealth Bomber Reaching Alien Technology

 Compared with the previous H-6, this bomber is larger and more modern.

The cabin section of the cockpit appeared in front of Qin Tao and others. There were two openings on both sides of the cabin. From the openings, workers could be seen busy inside, installing various equipment, and advanced LCD screens had been plugged in. Entering, it looks modern.

"The biggest advantage of this bomber is that it greatly improves the reliability of ejection and rescue operations." Mr. Lin pointed to the cockpit with satisfaction: "The HTY-8 ejection seat is installed inside, which can guarantee the safety of the four crew members in the event of a risk. All members will survive."

 In the old H-6, the crew members were located all over the aircraft, ejecting upwards and ejecting downwards. Once an accident occurred, it was difficult to ensure that everyone could be saved by ejection, and it might even lead to the destruction of the entire aircraft.

Now, this new bomber has avoided this problem. The four crew members sit together in two rows, with the captain and pilot in front, the weapons operator and navigator behind, and above everyone's head. Hatch cover, when you need to save someone, just eject directly from the top of the head, and the chance of survival will be greatly improved.

Furthermore, the famous HTY-8 ejection seat is used.

“Have we copied the K-36D?” Qin Tao asked excitedly.

When the Su-27 fighter technology was introduced, Lao Maozi also played a lot of tricks. The aircraft technology could be provided, but the engine would not be provided. When asked, this is a third-party patent, and the same is true for the ejection seat. Trying to use this A way to jam the neck of Eastern fighter production.

 But now, this hope has been dashed. Dongfang has a mature turbofan X. At the same time, Dongfang also has an ejection seat imitating the K-36D. According to the domestic product serial number, it is named HTY-8.

"Yes, we not only copied it, we also used our own technology to improve it. However, when it comes to the ejection seat, our HTY-5 is actually not bad. Lao Maozi's ejection seat is still a cover ejection. We My own HTY-5 already uses micro-explosion cover penetration technology." Mr. Lin continued: "It's just that our ejection seat was developed for the J-10. It is mainly used on domestic aircraft and does not match Lao Maozi's aircraft. That’s why I didn’t have the equipment to go up there.”

Domestic countries also have their own ejection seats, and HTY-5 is one of the best. This ejection seat adopts the world's advanced technology. For example, in order to adapt to the high overload cockpit of the J-10, the seat's recline angle reaches 22 degrees. For example, In order to allow the pilot to fly out faster, a detonating cord was buried in the center of the hatch, causing the hatch to rupture directly. Although this kind of seat received the number 5, it was just because the project was established early. Speaking of performance, It is much more advanced than the subsequent HTY-6 and HTY-7.

Lao Maozi's cockpit has its own characteristics, and it is more suitable to match their ejection seat. Therefore, HTY-8 is also used in many places. The domestically produced Su-27 series models: J-11, J-15, J-15 Sixteen, these all use HTY-8. At the same time, this bomber also uses HTY-8.

The emergence of this kind of ejection seat makes it easier for pilots to eject and save lives. As long as the pilot does not delay the opportunity to parachute in order to save the lives of the aircraft or people on the ground, he can still escape safely.

Qin Tao looked at the inside of the bomber being assembled and was very satisfied: "It seems that our modern electronic equipment has been used to improve this bomber."

"Of course." Zhou Guozhen introduced at the side: "We have installed the most advanced electronic equipment, such as the naval H-6J. We used a 1.5-meter-diameter radar antenna to give it a range of 500 kilometers. The aircraft carrier formation can be found within the sea search distance and provide guidance for the supersonic long-range anti-ship missiles mounted under the wings."

The AWG-9 radar relies on a 910 mm diameter radar antenna to achieve a search distance of up to 320 kilometers. This bomber has a larger nose space, which also means that a larger diameter radar antenna can be installed. This kind of radar has already It is not an ordinary airborne radar, but similar to the Shuishui-2000MS radar used by the Y8J airborne surveillance aircraft, with a longer search range and more advanced performance.

At this time, after hearing Zhou Guozhen's words, Qin Tao nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, if our navy's bombers can find and attack targets on their own, it will greatly improve the flexibility of executing missions. However, if our bombers can mount Eagle If you hit -21, that would be even better."

“The YJ-21 is a ballistic missile!” Wu Shengli frowned, and then reacted: “You mean, we want to develop an air-launched anti-ship ballistic missile?”

"Yes, we have such a good weapons launch platform, of course we must use it. Anti-ship ballistic missiles are our big killer. The combination of H-6J and YJ-21 will definitely make the enemy frightened. arms."

"Mr. Qin, you have been planning for the navy and our air force." Mr. Lin was unhappy there.

"The Navy has air-launched anti-ship ballistic missiles, and the Air Force can also have them." Qin Tao said: "The Navy's is to attack moving targets at sea, while the Air Force's is to attack fixed targets on land. It will be easier in comparison. You need ballistic missiles can also be improved from the YJ-21, just change the warhead. Although this project is funded by the Navy, if the Air Force needs it, the Navy will never be stingy. Dad, I said it is that OK?"

Wu Shengli was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing, nodded and said: "Yes, our navy is very impressive, but unlike some guys in the air force, even the equipment of three melons and two dates has to be carefully compared with our navy."

Mr. Lin also reacted: "Can the investment in ballistic missiles and bombers be the same? What's the deal? I will trade my house in the capital for your house in Mingzhou. Are you willing?"

“I don’t have a house in Mingzhou.” Wu Shengli answered simply.

 Everyone continued to move forward while talking.

 After the nose structure, there is the fuselage, which is divided into many components, which are assembled separately and then butted together. This can speed up the assembly efficiency. The two shiny titanium alloy wing boxes in the front look so dazzling.

 For a variable-sweep wing bomber, the wing box is the most important component. Whether it can be processed also determines whether the aircraft can be produced.

"The titanium alloy wing box is provided by the Mingzhou Group. The titanium alloy 3D printing technology is fast, efficient and of good quality." Zhou Guozhen said with emotion: "The Mingzhou Group is everywhere in the R&D and production of our bomber. .”

"Needless to say, this bomber, ours..." Mr. Lin looked at the workers around him, but gave up. There are many things that cannot be said carelessly. These workers outside are not qualified to know the research and development of the bomber in the deepest part of their workshop. project.

At this time, everyone has reached the tail structure section of the aircraft. Qin Tao looked at the layout of the tail: "We still retain the tail cannon?"

The old H-6 has a tail cannon, and it even requires a special gunner to be in position at the tail, ready to fire at any time. The tactics used during World War II have no meaning now. The way to deal with bombers is no longer to bite the tail of the enemy plane and then use it. The cannon fired, but it was the missile launched by the enemy plane. It is said that this kind of tail gun has no significance in existence.

"That's right, something is better than nothing. Although there won't be enemy planes biting the tail to pursue, there will still be missiles flying over. After we have gone through the optimization process, this kind of tail cannon has a certain probability of intercepting air-to-air missiles. missiles, so that the safety of the aircraft can be better protected."

 Interceptor missiles?

 Qin Tao looked at the twin 23mm cannons at the back and wondered if it would be more effective to replace them with 730. However, if they were too heavy, they would obviously be inappropriate.

An aircraft that was undergoing final assembly appeared in front of everyone. The huge NK-32 engine was being installed. Looking at this engine, everyone was filled with emotion.

 An advanced fighter aircraft must have an advanced engine. The fact that this type of bomber can be quickly finalized and put into production has a lot to do with the successful imitation of the NK-32 engine.

“Mr. Qin, this engine is also thanks to your help.”

“This is the credit of the 430 Factory.” Qin Tao said: “They originally said they would develop a gas turbine based on this engine, but I don’t know what happened next.”

 The original research and development plan for the 40-megawatt gas turbine was first proposed by 430 Factory, which was based on the NK-32. Later Tianjiao Aviation came up with it, and 430 Factory expressed dissatisfaction for a while. Qin Tao said that as for market competition, as long as they figure it out, they can compete.

"They gave up on this project. Currently, both our Air Force and Navy need a large number of new H-6 engines. This kind of engine is also in short supply. The first batch of H-6K and H-6J in the army have flown too frequently, and it is time to replace the engines. They only produce engines for bombers and they are too busy." Zhou Guozhen said.

“Has it reached the end of its life? How long is the life of this engine?” Qin Tao opened his eyes wide. Could it be the same as the previous engine, only three hundred hours?

“The current life before overhaul is 500 hours. The 430 Factory is actively working hard to increase the overhaul interval of this engine to 1,000 hours.” Zhou Guozhen said.

 No wonder!

 The engine life before overhaul is only 500 hours, which is simply not enough! This kind of bomber is a long-range bomber. It may fly for more than ten hours to perform a mission. If it flies three times a month, it will be fifty or sixty hours. It will reach the end of its life in ten months, which is about one year. The navy and air force I can't stand it.

The previous engines had a short lifespan, but the price was also cheap, so you wouldn’t feel bad if you threw them away. Now that the engine lifespan is too short, the navy and air force are really struggling. If you add in the fact that a large number of pilots must be trained to prepare for war, then overhaul The interval is even shorter.

"One thousand hours is not enough. It would be best to overhaul it every 1,500 hours." Wu Shengli said: "However, we can't be too demanding. After all, this is a high-thrust engine. It would be good to give priority to ensuring that the thrust reaches the standard. In other words, We have come to the end, is it time to take a look at your project?"

It only took two hours to walk this way. What’s next?

"I'm hungry. I have to go eat first. Lao Wu, where is the wine you brought?" Lao Lin said, touching his stomach.

"No, absolutely not!" Wu Shengli refused immediately: "Old Lin, what idea did you have, do you think I don't know? You deliberately delayed here, and when it was time to see your project, you went to eat. There was so much time for eating. If you drink a few drinks and then you can’t wake up, we won’t be able to watch it! Let me tell you, if you don’t see your project, there’s no way you can drink my Moutai!”

 “Anyway, I’m hungry and dizzy, you can do whatever you want!”

“Taozi, where are the compressed biscuits you brought? Give him a few.”

  Qin Tao could only take out the compressed biscuits from his pocket.

Lin Laobai glanced at Qin Tao: "This thing is not very interesting. Okay, I will take you to see it. It will take up to half an hour. After half an hour, we will go to eat!"

 After passing through the factory building here, after exiting, they entered another factory building that was guarded at all levels. When the door of the workshop was opened, everyone took a deep breath.    This is too science fiction, right?

 A flying-wing bomber appeared in front of them.

Like the B2 bomber, the bomber in front of you does not have a traditional fuselage and wings. The entire aircraft looks like a flying wing structure.

In the center is the bulging fuselage. You can see the porthole glass in the front. There are air intakes on both sides of the fuselage. Above the fuselage, nothing can be seen below. From the nose to both sides, there are two diagonal lines. Extended to form the wings on both sides, the entire nose is like a spear.

At this time, what they saw was the nose part of the aircraft. Just seeing this place shocked them extremely.

 We finally have alien technology too!

The B-2 bomber is like a ghost. It can appear in any corner of the world at any time, making it difficult to guard against. Moreover, this bomber can also carry a large number of bombs, which is unmatched by tactical attack aircraft such as the F-117. .

Although Dongfang has the H-6K and H-6J, these bombers do not have stealth capabilities after all. They will be spotted from a distance. When attacking, they can only use the distance advantage. From four to five hundred kilometers away, the opponent Launch long-range missiles before interception begins, and then return. As for flying over the opponent's sky to carry out carpet bombing? There is no such thing as this.

 Only stealth machines will work. Stealth machines will have a greater deterrent effect on the enemy.

Now, the East finally has a stealth bomber!

Countless engineers were busy beside the plane. When they saw Qin Tao and his party coming, some of them shouted excitedly.

 “Mr. Qin!”

 “Mr. Qin!”

There was another one who strode over directly from the three-story iron frame. His high bridge of nose and beard that had no time to shave all showed his identity.

“Mr. Qin, you are finally here! Our second stealth aircraft project is already in the prototype manufacturing stage!” Mao said to Qin Tao excitedly.

 “Well, you have worked hard.”

"When I came to the East, I originally thought I could only build one project. In fact, for me, the success of the stealth fighter project has given me no regrets. And now, the stealth bomber project makes me feel that my life It makes sense!”

At the beginning of Yakovlev Design Bureau, he was so depressed and helpless. When he came to the East, his life was rejuvenated and he started a new journey!

He would never have dreamed that he would be able to participate in such a project before, but now, he is not only participating, but also the main person in charge of it. He is in charge of the entire stealth appearance.

"It would be great if you can find the meaning of life." Qin Tao said: "Mao Duanzhang, how about introducing us to this plane?"

"Okay, our aircraft has a flying wing layout, which is rare among aircraft models in the world. Moreover, in order to reduce the radar reflection area, our bomber does not have a vertical tail, and it also relies on the tail rudder. To deflect, this requires superb flight control technology, but the flight control is not our responsibility, it is developed by relevant brother units. We only care about the body, as long as it has the best stealth shape. The entire nose is similar to the B2, but the tail is It’s different.”

Now Mr. Lin has become a spectator, and everyone is listening to Mao's fragmentary introduction.

"The tail of the B2 bomber uses a complex fold line, which is equivalent to two W's combined. We use a simple fold line, with only one W." Mao broke the chapter and pointed to the tail, which is still under construction. Through the iron The frame shows the basic structure of the tail.

“Not bad, you are creative.” Qin Tao nodded with satisfaction. The Americans also simplified the tail design when they developed to B21. We directly used a design similar to B21, which looks much more pleasing to the eye.

“You made the whole appearance?” Wu Shengli was very excited.

“Yes, we developed it, but brother units are also developing ship-based drones and plan to use this structure.”

There was excitement on Wu Shengli's face. Okay, our navy can also use this kind of thing. Your air force can just keep it to yourself. We won't necessarily purchase it when the time comes. We can just use drones with this shape. It will be more advanced.

"The jet nozzle at the tail has not been installed yet, and there are complex pipes inside. Although this reduces the airflow speed from the tail nozzle and reduces the thrust, it improves the stealth. The exhaust gas it sprays is no higher than the temperature of the atmosphere. How many."

 A stealth aircraft not only needs radar stealth, but also infrared stealth, so its engine layout is also very particular.

When the domestic J-8 was being manufactured, a cover was added to the rear of the engine. This was a structure inherited from the J-7. It seemed logical at first. Later, under the guidance of designer Lao Maozi, the cover was removed. Suddenly, I was surprised. Discovery: The thrust increased by 3%!

Now we go in the opposite direction and put the engine into the cover. There are complex pipes inside. Cold air is sucked in from the outside to cool the nozzle. This will of course lead to a reduction in the thrust of the engine, but everything is aimed at low detectability. , the reduction in thrust is acceptable.

The top is not covered yet, so you can see the complicated jet ducts, which makes everyone smack their lips.

"This kind of engine layout is not convenient for disassembly and assembly!" Wu Shengli suddenly thought of something: "We looked at those aircraft outside. The overhaul life is only 500 hours, and the engine has to be disassembled once a year. Now the engine is arranged here. Frequent disassembly and assembly will not only be cumbersome, but also destroy the stealth appearance, right?"

 The technology of a stealth bomber is very complex. Considering the stealth requirements, the arrangement of the engine in this way will also lead to many other problems.

Conventional engines are disassembled from below. With just an iron frame, a few technicians can dismantle the engine. But for the bomber in front of you, you have to do it from above, that is, you have to disassemble the upper skin and then remove the engine. Hoist it up.

And there are four engines. This maintenance requires a lot of work.

Hearing what he said, Mao spread his hands in disarray: "This has nothing to do with us. We are not responsible for the engine. We do not have advanced long-life engines. It is not something we can decide."

 The short engine life has nothing to do with the overall machine designer. We are only responsible for the overall consideration.

"The test flight takes a long time. After the test flight is successfully finalized, it is estimated that our engine overhaul life can be increased to one thousand hours." Mr. Lin said: "Even if it is a five hundred-hour overhaul, we have to recognize it."

"Yes, Mr. Lin is right. This kind of strategic bomber needs to be cared for as carefully as a child." Qin Tao said: "I wonder how our stealth paint is developed? You don't need to re-spray it every time you fly. ? You don’t need to put it in a special constant temperature and humidity hangar, right?"

 “And such delicate paint?” Everyone opened their eyes wide.

Stealth bombers are very delicate. Look at the Yankee B2 bomber. In the more than ten years since it was finalized and equipped for the army, the ground crew at the base could not solve the coating maintenance problem of the stealth aircraft. The coating of this aircraft is very special. The hangar must have air conditioning, constant temperature and humidity. Only under certain conditions can the integrity of the coating be ensured. And the key is that after each flight, the coating will be damaged and then re-sprayed. The ground crew cannot dry it. I need technicians from the factory to help.

The B2 was discontinued after only about twenty were produced. On the one hand, the Red Empire is gone and there is no need for so many. On the other hand, it is naturally because the maintenance of this bomber is too complicated. If it purchases hundreds of them, the U.S. Air Force will So exhausted.

“It seems like ours is not, that’s good.” Qin Tao nodded.

“In order to pursue stealth, we use composite materials on a large area of ​​​​the fuselage, but the specific effect is not clear. If cracks or other conditions are found after the test flight, I am afraid it will have to be reworked.” Mao Duanzhang said.

 The use of composite materials on the fuselage can not only reduce weight, but also improve stealth. After all, metal has the strongest ability to reflect electromagnetic waves, and composite materials rarely reflect. However, this is the first time that composite materials have been used on a large scale, and no one knows what problems may arise.

“It doesn’t matter. If an accident occurs, we can continue to conduct research and develop more advanced composite materials. When the research and development is mature, it can also be used on our navy’s drones.” Wu Shengli consoled him.

Lin Laobai glanced at him: "Your navy doesn't have R&D funds, so you can make sarcastic remarks here!"

“How is the avionics system?” Qin Tao quickly changed the subject.

 (End of this chapter)

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