Warship of Great Power

Chapter 931: Difficulties with old friends

Chapter 931 Difficulties with Old Friends

 Qin Tao initially felt that the electric propulsion solution was feasible, but later felt that there were many technical problems. Now, a two-pronged approach would obviously be safer.

This visit to Huating is like inspecting Mingzhou Group's enterprises here again. Of course, high-tech enterprises are an exception. The chip industry is still developing according to its own trajectory. Qin Tao did not bother them and will be there soon. It’s the end of the year. After a year of hard work, it’s time to take a break.

After leaving Huating, Qin Tao took Zhao Ling back to the capital, intending to stay here to celebrate the New Year. There was no way, his son and daughter were used to being here, and the father and mother in Mingzhou were very busy, and the children were all grandmothers. Show me the big one.

However, after returning to the capital, before Qin Tao could sit on the hot butt, his old friend Nicholas came.

"Qin, our superiors have made a decision to carry out a large-scale upgrade of the weapons system of the Admiral Zaraev, and also agreed to leave the modification work to your Mingzhou Group."

 After the two met, Nicholas couldn't wait to explain his purpose.

This surprised Qin Tao: "Aren't you planning to modify it yourself? How could your leaders agree? Also, don't your relevant domestic companies have any objections?"

The workload of modifying only a roof radar is completely different from that of fully modifying all weapon systems. How could Lao Maozi hand over such a huge modification work of a cruiser to the Mingzhou Group? This is unscientific.

"We have assessed domestically that relying on our own strength, the frigate No. 22350 will take more than five or even ten years to complete the outfitting. We cannot wait so long. In order to put this warship into service as soon as possible , we can only turn to you for help. The main task is to replace the main mast and install a four-sided phased array radar on it. At the same time, replace the main shipborne air defense weapons with S-300 and Shikili air defense systems, and replace all The air defense missiles are all integrated together to reach the air defense level of the Aegis battleship."

Qin Tao nodded: "Of course, no problem. We have a mature modification plan. For the entire system, we will quote you 200 million."

“Money is not a problem. Our country will allocate special funds to build this warship, but we have a requirement.”

"any request?"

"We need you to disclose all the technology." Nikolai said: "After all, we will not tolerate ourselves using a weapon system that we don't know the principle of. This will affect our control of the weapon. We require all hardware Drawings, we also require program code for all software.”

The expression on Qin Tao's face became serious: "Nicholas, you should know that when we export weapons, we have never exported related technologies. Hardware drawings, software program codes, these are our most important things. It’s impossible to export.”

 Hardware drawings can be provided, because as long as the internal structure of the chips used in large quantities is not known, they are equivalent to blind boxes. These can be provided. However, the software program code is different, which is related to the core secrets of arms exports.

"The program codes of these software are not only used on your warships, but also on our own and exported warships. Therefore, it is impossible for us to hand over these secrets to you. It seems that I can only say sorry ”

Does Lao Maozi think he can take advantage of the $200 million modification contract? They actually want to get rid of all the technology, so that they can help develop the radar system for their 22350 frigate. This kind of good thing can only be dreamed of.

“Qin, our navy really needs your help.” Nicholas said.

"But we can't sell our company's core secrets." Qin Tao said: "Nikola, we really can't meet this request. You should also know what these secrets mean, and you plan to transform them from us. One ship, and then we will obtain the relevant technology and transplant it to your 22350 frigate, and then you can also modify the remaining cruisers on your own. I am very sorry, but we can’t help with this. Nikolay, my friend, please don’t Make things difficult for me.”

“Then what conditions do you have? We can accept it if you increase the price.”

"This is not a matter of money." Qin Tao said: "Nicola, this is a matter of principle. It really doesn't work."

Nicholas's face was a little ugly: "Qin, this is a death order given to me by my superiors. Without these core secrets, I can't go back and explain."

“Nicholas, if you can’t stay there anymore, our Mingzhou Group will always open the door for you.” Qin Tao said.

As soon as these words came out, Nikolay's body was shaken.

Nicholas has reached the center of power and is facing a lot of pressure. He wants to develop the navy and has a good relationship with Qin Tao. However, he also faces a lot of doubts and is under a lot of pressure. Now, his superiors have given him this order. , leaving him in a dilemma.

 Qin Tao stretched out his hands. If things are not going well over there, come to me.

Nicholas smiled bitterly and shook his head: "That's not it. This kind of request is unreasonable in the first place. Even if we don't reach an agreement, they won't do anything to me. But, I'm afraid the modernization of our navy will be delayed for a long time. "

"The roof radar has been replaced for you. Although the main mast is still broken, this warship is already usable and you can make do with it. Wait until the four-sided phased array radar you developed yourself matures before replacing it."

Nicholas nodded: "It seems that this is the only way, Qin, our cruiser can only be improved to this extent temporarily."

 Nicola's mood was a little low.

“Nicholas, is there anything else?” Qin Tao looked at Nikolai with some curiosity.

"Your military strength has developed too fast, which has aroused the fear of many people. Some people have seized on the H-6K and H-6J to make a fuss, saying that our navy helped and leaked the technology to you." Nicholas said .

Qin Tao's face also became serious: "Our bomber was developed by ourselves and has absolutely nothing to do with you. This is slander. Nicholas, anyone who makes such remarks must have received dirty money. After you go back, you can investigate in secret. If it's not convenient for you, I can help."

Nicholas reacted: "Are they targeting you?"

"Yes, our Mingzhou Group has become stronger. Our Eastern aircraft carriers have all been tested. Some people can't sit still. They directly criticized us and it didn't work, so they used other methods. Nikolay, you should have been I’ve been dragged down, don’t worry, we won’t stand idly by.”

Nicholas shook his head: "I can handle this kind of thing. I just didn't have a clear direction before. Now that I have found the problem, I can handle it myself."

"You have to tell your superiors that these people are dangerous. They will slowly corrode you and turn your seemingly powerful army into a mess. This threat is very serious and you must take it seriously. Any comments that criticize us are There is no ulterior motive.”

 Nicola nodded.

This time Nikolai came here just as a private person and wanted to ask Mingzhou Group for help. The agreement was not reached, so he left quietly without alerting the relevant departments in the East. However, everyone was very concerned and waited until Nikolai left. After that, Qin Tao was called by his father-in-law and was questioned by a lot of people.

"You want our technology? Of course you can't agree to this." After hearing Qin Tao's introduction, Wu Shengli immediately said: "This is a major matter related to the secrets of our navy. How can you tell him and let Lao Maozi know the source of the weapon system? code, it will be easier for them to find loopholes in the future, and they will be at a disadvantage when engaging in electronic countermeasures."

“Actually, it doesn’t matter if Lao Maozi knows it. The key is that if Lao Maozi knows it, then everyone in the West will soon know it.”

 Hearing Qin Tao say this, everyone's expressions became heavy.

"It's not just Lao Maozi, we ourselves must also pay attention." Qin Tao said: "The attack of sugar-coated shells is very powerful. We have more and more advanced technologies. I don't know how many people betray the army for their own benefit." and the interests of the country.”

"Yes." Wu Shengli sighed with emotion: "We are still very relieved about the Mingzhou Group. After all, your group's wages are very high. The technical staff have everything they need, and they never go abroad. It is not easy to be bribed. However, we need to pay close attention internally."

Qin Tao attaches great importance to these issues and has used various methods to deal with them.

  Are sugar-coated bullets powerful? Then let's play with high salaries. The income of Mingzhou Group's technical staff is among the best in the world. How could they be bribed for some petty profits?

At the same time, we also prevent this kind of thing from other aspects. The personnel who master the important technology of Mingzhou Group have never gone abroad. Those who do maintenance for customers are all logistics personnel. The real developers have always been in China, and there must be secret supervision to prevent They were co-opted.

As for going abroad to do academic research, hold meetings and discussions, etc., Mingzhou Group has never participated. Our academic research is the strongest. Why go abroad to study and study? Others want to come to us to study? Sorry, we don't have time to receive you.

 Mingzhou Group is self-contained, making it difficult for people to penetrate. Moreover, patriotic education has never been abandoned, and a multi-pronged approach is adopted. Although it cannot be said to be completely eliminated, it will certainly not be infiltrated into a sieve. The navy should pay close attention to this.

 This is not Qin Tao’s business.

“If Nicholas goes back this time, he won’t lose power, right?”

 Nicholas is a good friend of Qin Tao and a good friend of the East. If Nicola goes down and is replaced by someone who is close to the West, many of the plans will be ineffective.

"So we have to take action to help this old friend. If we know who has been bribed, then write black materials. We should be very familiar with this kind of thing as Chaoyang people, right?" Qin Tao said: "Since they want to If Nikola is to put pressure on us, then we will give these people a blow."

Wu Shengli nodded: "I will coordinate this matter. Our aircraft carrier sea trials have touched the nerves of many people. We must also be vigilant to crush the conspiracy of some people."

"That's the whole process. I've finished the report." Qin Tao said: "Next, we can also do a program on H6K and H6J to continue to publicize how we developed this technology step by step under difficult conditions. Planting bombers.”

 “Will this be counterproductive?” Wu Shengli frowned.

 What if it’s self-defeating?

“If we announce our latest bomber, those people will shut up. There is no need for us to copy theirs. Our own bomber technology is the most advanced in the world.” A leader said.

"The latest bomber?" Qin Tao reacted: "Is it the project that Mr. Lin is responsible for cooperating with our Mingzhou Group?"

“Yes, they are already building prototypes and the project is progressing very quickly.”

“So fast?” Qin Tao found that he was still too busy and couldn’t participate in many projects. It was agreed at the beginning that after Mingzhou Group developed the vertical take-off and landing fighter jet, this would be its next project. The Air Force also invested a large amount of money. Qin Tao did not know how the project was progressing.

"Mr. Qin, you don't even know about the project you are working on?" A leader said: "You were the one who promoted this project at that time. If Lao Lin sees you, he will definitely be very happy, and we will also benefit from you. Let’s go see it together.”

“That’s right, Tao Zi, please contact them over there. If they allow us to go there, let’s go and have a look together!” Wu Shengli was also very interested.

Qin Tao was a little helpless: "You want to see it yourself, do you need me to contact you?"

"Of course you have to contact us. We have gone to see it before. Do you know what Lao Lin said? If you want to see it, invest in their research and development!" A leader said: "We don't need the Air Force's strategic bombers, so invest in them." No matter what, they didn't let us see it."

"Yes, Mr. Qin, when Lao Lin went to work on this project, it was your recommendation. Your Mingzhou Group also made great efforts. You can take us to see it together. By the way, just say you want to go by yourself. When the time comes, If we follow him together, it will be inconvenient for him, Old Lin, to embarrass us."

 “Okay, let me ask.”

In the eyes of everyone, Qin Tao picked up the phone. Hearing Qin Tao say that he wanted to go there, he immediately expressed his welcome.

the next day.

Although the R&D team is dominated by Mao Duanzhang's team, there is no production capacity for large aircraft in Chengdu. Therefore, after the R&D is completed, the production of the prototype is placed in the 172 Factory.

The special plane taken by Qin Tao and others landed directly on the runway of Factory 172. Mr. Lin was wearing a military coat and waiting on the runway with a smile. He was very excited when he saw Qin Tao coming down.

"Mr. Qin, you have time to come here and take a look!" Mr. Lin was very proud: "Lao Mao's team is so awesome, and there were no detours in the research and development... Hey, why did they get here?"

Mr. Lin looked at the people getting off the plane one after another, his expression getting increasingly ugly: "Who asked them to come?"

“Mr. Lin, they are also concerned about the development of our strategic bombers, so come and take a look.” Qin Tao said: “My father-in-law asked for it, so you have to give me face.”

"No, when have they ever given me face?" Mr. Lin said: "Every time I ask them to invest, they give me nothing. Now, our plane is about to be tested, and they actually come to visit it. They must be trying to purchase it." The idea! Mr. Qin, we agreed at the beginning that this is a market economy, and the price the Navy wants to purchase must be much higher than that of our Air Force!"

"Well, I promise, if the Navy wants it, the price will be twice that of the Air Force. How about it? Let them take a look."

Mr. Lin didn’t say anything else and turned around and walked back.

"Let's go, follow up." Wu Shengli came down with a smile on his face, strode closer to Mr. Lin, and then said: "Old Lin, why are you so unwelcoming when we meet old friends? Tell you, I brought you Here are some bottles of good wine."

 “What kind of wine? I don’t drink anything except Maotai.”

 “Of course it’s Moutai, or Feitian Moutai.”

"That's pretty much it." Mr. Lin nodded: "Let's go, let's take you to see our masterpiece."

 How many bottles of wine were bought? This made other people a little helpless. They had wanted to come and see it for a long time. If they had known about it earlier, they would have bought a few bottles of wine.

 Qin Tao smiled and followed behind.

As he approached the production workshop, Zhou Guozhen came up to him.

“Every leader is welcome to inspect, let’s take a look at our H-6K and H-6J production lines first.”

"Don't worry, everyone, you have to go there first. It's the same outside and inside." Mr. Lin said.

So everyone walked in.

"Since our H-6K and H-6J were finalized, this bomber has become our main force. In order to increase production capacity, we have shut down the old H-6 production line and fully produced this bomber. The current annual output has reached Ten aircraft, and when we further increase production capacity in the future, we will try our best to expand the annual output to twenty aircraft."

"Twenty aircraft are produced a year, and only two hundred aircraft are produced in ten years. This is just enough." Wu Shengli said: "However, after ten years, the H-20 will definitely be in service, and then we will produce this kind of bomber again." , just right to connect.”

"Enough for who? Is it enough for your navy?" Mr. Lin rolled his eyes at Wu Shengli: "Our air force has calculated that we need three hundred bombers. This is not enough for us to fill our teeth."

Wu Shengli did not refute, he would just endure it for now and wait until he finished reading Hong Twenty.

"Yes, with this kind of bomber, the old H-6 should be discontinued." Qin Tao was very excited: "After all, this kind of bomber can fly at supersonic speeds with bombs, which is what we urgently need. In the future, the Navy wants to To get out of the first island chain, the accompanying flight of this kind of bomber is also very important.”

"Mr. Qin, you are only thinking about the navy. This kind of bomber is also very important to our air force. It can carry four cruise missiles at supersonic speed. If necessary, it can carry up to six. This kind of bomber has become It has become the core of our air force's long-range strike force." Mr. Lin said.

"Yes, it is also important to the Air Force." Qin Tao nodded. He suddenly thought of someone's words and couldn't help but say it: "No matter how loud the protest is, it is not as good as a bomber flying with missiles."

 (End of this chapter)

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