Warship of Great Power

Chapter 926: Kirov class goes and comes back

At this time, Nicholas and others were already planning to get in the car and go to the airport. They were saying goodbye to Qin Tao. Suddenly, Xu Zhengyang came over in a hurry.

“President Qin, the Admiral Razaev suddenly caught fire while sailing at sea, and we are requesting fire-fighting support.”

 "Fire? How come there was a sudden fire?" Nicholas was immediately anxious: "How is the fire?"

How about it? You can think with your brain that the fire must be too serious, so you have to ask for help. There are a lot of damage control facilities on the warship, and they can handle a general fire by themselves.

Nicholas reacted quickly and said anxiously: "Qin, hurry up, mobilize all your power to help us put out the flames, hurry up!"

Qin Tao nodded seriously: "Immediately call the nearby garrison for help and ask their professional fire boats to put out the fire. If it's too late, send our helicopter to put out the fire!"

The Mi-26 helicopter has a huge belly that can hold a lot of things. One of the configurations is a large-capacity water tank, which is used for fire-extinguishing operations. In places where fire trucks cannot reach, this kind of helicopter is more efficient in extinguishing fires.

“Thank you, Mr. Qin.” Nicholas said with lingering fear: “Can we take a helicopter and go up to have a look?”

"Okay." Qin Tao said, "I will immediately mobilize a Mi-171 and let's go over and take a look."

When the helicopter flew over the Admiral Razaev, the fire had been extinguished and the smoke had stopped, but the burned area was still clearly visible and shocking.

 Above the bridge platform, the huge mast building is complete.

The top pair of search radar antennas above have been burned and changed their shape, and the spherical shells below have been burned away, exposing the various antennas inside. They are also burned horribly, and the four sides of the mast are also charred black. color.

 “This loss is not small.” Nikolai’s face was gloomy.

For a warship, the most expensive thing is the electronic system. Originally, Lao Maozi planned to make do with it, as long as the power system was replaced first and it could start again. However, the burned main mast in front of them shattered their illusions.

Half of various radars are burned out, how can they be used directly next? They had to be replaced on a large scale, and this fire also showed that it was not easy for them to be used directly.

The helicopter landed on the large deck. Nikolay and others got off the plane with gloomy faces and looked at Stanislav who greeted him: "What on earth is going on?"

 At this time, Nikolai still had questions in his mind: Was it the Mingzhou Group that did anything? However, his relationship with Qin was irreconcilable. It was said that Qin would not tamper with his own things. Moreover, during the refitting of the warship, a large number of Lao Maozi's personnel were present. Under their supervision, the Easterners did not Apart from the free access to the engine room, he has never been to other places, let alone the inside of the main mast to cause damage.

"It's a rat." Stanislav's face was ugly: "Our warship was visited by rats during the period of storage. The radar cable on our main mast must have been chewed by rats and short-circuited."

mouse? Nicholas asked suspiciously: "How are you sure it's a mouse?"

Isn't it just to shirk responsibility?

"Our warship will definitely be supervised by the armies of other countries during its return journey. Therefore, after we left the port, we planned to turn on the radar. Originally we only planned to turn on the MR750 radar on the rear mast for search, but this radar There was no response at all, so we sent people to check and found that the cable had been chewed by mice and there was a lot of mouse droppings in it." Stanislav said: "Because this radar is no longer usable, in order to ensure the safety of returning home, we We could only turn on the MR-800 radar on the main mast. Who would have thought that as soon as the radar was turned on, there would be smoke inside. Although we conducted emergency treatment, we were unable to extinguish the flames in time, so we had to ask for help."

"Damn it, how can you be so stupid? Since the radar on the secondary mast is bitten, don't you think that the radar on the main mast may also be bitten? Moreover, you should also know how powerful the flag radar is. Yes, how could you be so careless!" Nicholas looked serious.

“Nicholas, I think Stanislav is also doing this for the safety of the warship. He definitely doesn’t want to see this happen, so don’t blame him.”

Stanislav looked at Qin Tao gratefully. Mr. Qin was so kind. At this time, only Mr. Qin could say good things to him, and no one else could.

"Now, the key is what to do next." Qin Tao said: "Will you continue to drive this warship back and wait for the radar to be modified, or will you leave it to our Mingzhou Group? I heard that the radar on the mast at the back is broken. We We have the same model here, and we can replace it for you at the cost price."

The MR750 radar is a top-panel radar. This radar actually exists as a backup radar on the Kirov-class cruisers. It can be used on top of the previous MR800 radar when an accident occurs. However, in fact, because the MR800 radar consumes too much power, It is large, and it is still an antique, so when the Kirov-class cruiser normally goes to sea to perform missions, the MR800 radar on the front mast is almost not turned on, and usually relies on the roof radar at the rear to provide power.

This kind of radar is used on many warships. For example, the smaller Glory class is also used. It seems that it was discovered during sea trials that the MR800 radar was useless, so the two radars were exchanged. The top of the mast becomes the top plate, and the top pair is installed on the auxiliary mast at the back, giving the best position to the top plate, which also illustrates the status of these two radars.

 If they want to go back, they need to turn on at least one radar. Now, Dongfang happens to have the same model of radar, which can be replaced for them.

Nicholas thought for a moment, and then said: "We need to report to our superiors, but there should be no problem."

If it is not handed over to the Mingzhou Group for improvement, it will have to be towed back. If it is towed back, then repairs will have to wait. The 22350 that was driven back last time is still waiting, and it is probably the same this time. , and their navy can't wait any longer, and the Pacific Fleet is in urgent need of putting this warship back into service to enhance its strength.

“Well, you can use our top-panel radar, or you can purchase our improved model. Even our top-panel radar has been modified, and its performance has been greatly improved compared to yours.”

Since this kind of radar is a version that can be exported, Qin Tao doesn’t have to hide it when introducing it.

 “Performance improvement?”

"Yes, when we introduced your Type 956 destroyer, we tested your radar. It only has a maximum transmit power of 30 kilowatts. For a target with a radar reflection area of ​​7 square meters, the detection distance is only 130 kilometers, the detection of ships on the sea is only 30 kilometers, and it can only track a maximum of twenty targets. This kind of radar obviously cannot complete the task of long-range search. I wonder if your current radar technology has been improved."

 In Qin Tao's memory, Lao Maozi was launched and revised, and the transmitting power was increased to 90 kilowatts. However, these still cannot be compared with the Eastern ones.

"The transmitter power of our radar has been increased to 100 kilowatts. The search distance for air targets exceeds 250 kilometers. The detection distance for anti-ship missiles can also reach more than 30 kilometers. Those small missile speedboats can also search for more than 50 kilometers. Discovery inside and outside, and not only is the discovery distance increased, our target processing capabilities are also greatly improved."

 The old men present all opened their eyes wide, obviously they did not expect that this kind of technology existed in the East.

"When the antenna rotates once, the radar can automatically track a hundred targets and accurately track the trajectories of twenty targets. It can provide target data guidance for our Red Flag Sixteen and is also compatible with your Shikili air defense missiles. "

"Qin, this radar has advanced performance and can be used as the main search radar of our warships. I believe that the superiors will definitely support it. After all, we do not have the same type of radar in China. If we have this kind of radar, Then our flag radar can also be removed."

 This old-fashioned MR800 radar has been burned out. How to repair it next? Would you like another one of the same type?

There is no way to change it, the factory has stopped producing it a long time ago.

Now, Dongfang's roof-mounted radar can provide a search distance of 250 kilometers, so just use this radar and make do with it. Report it back to the boss, and the boss will accept it, because they can't No choice! In this way, the warship can also be equipped with Shikili missiles, which will provide stronger air defense capabilities. It's just that the radar detection distance is a bit close.

Just when he thought of this, Qin Tao continued: "If it is used as a search radar for destroyers and frigates, the search range of this radar is still a bit short. We are currently studying its further improved models in China, which can increase the search range. To 300 kilometers, at the same time, we also have a brand new single-sided S-band phased array radar, which can also replace this radar, but the price is a bit expensive."

The performance of phased array radar is indeed good, but it is expensive!

At this time, hearing what Qin Tao said, Nikolai immediately made the decision: "As a radar for daily use on warships, there is no need to build a phased array, a radar like the MR750 will suffice. However, your 300-kilometer search range Can the model change keep up with our modification progress?"

“We’ll ask when we get back.” Qin Tao said, “This way, your main mast will be empty. I wonder if you have any improvement plans.”

At this time, the big guy was talking and walking, and had already arrived at the front deck. Looking at the burnt black main mast, Nicholas also frowned: "Yes, in this way, the main mast will be free. , how about transplanting your radar to the main mast?"

Qin Tao shook his head: "No, I think that since the main mast has been burned out, it must be replaced. The mast that uses the four-sided phased array radar on your 22350 frigate is good and can be transplanted."

 Has the main mast of the 22350 frigate been transplanted? Nicholas was speechless: "Qin, this kind of warship was designed by you. The transplantation work will be completed quickly if I leave it to you. However, even if the transplantation of the new mast is completed, we will not be able to complete the subsequent improvement work. After all, our domestic research and development is very slow. Although they keep saying that it can be completed this year, we think that it is good enough to complete it within five years. Our cruiser cannot wait that long."

“If this is the case, you can use our main mast.” Qin Tao said: “We now have a shield ship for export, European style, with a four-sided phased array radar on the top of the main mast. Do you know?”

Nicholas sighed: "I know, but Qin, you should also know that it is impossible for us to replace your weapon systems in large quantities. It will not be approved by the leaders. The leaders have always been looking forward to domestic self-research .well!"

"Then it depends on whether your navy is anxious." Qin Tao said: "You also said that your own parts research and development may not be completed in five years. Your leaders will watch your warship because of Lack of radar equipment on the main mast and the delay in entering service? If you can afford to wait, then bide your time. If you can't afford to wait, then use ours. Isn't this a very simple matter? Moreover, if we use We can also help debug the system and provide guidance for the S-300F missile on the warship."

 “What?” Everyone present was stunned.

They do not allow Orientals to touch the bridge and other places on this warship because they are afraid that the technology will be leaked. Who would have thought that Orientals could actually complete this kind of work? If a four-sided phased array radar is used to provide guidance for the S-300F missile, the combat capability of this warship will immediately reach a new level.

 Although Lao Maozi's Kirov-class cruiser looks very powerful, in fact, Lao Maozi's system integration ability is too poor. Various weapons operate independently, and the actual effect is greatly reduced.

Take air defense weapons as an example. They mainly rely on the S-300F ship-to-air missile system installed on warships. In addition to the old 5V55, they can also use modern 48N6 missiles, which can have a range of 150 kilometers. On the surface It looks like it can provide regional air defense capabilities to the fleet, but in fact, the fire control system limits its performance.

An MR-90 fire control radar is installed at the front and rear of the bridge. This radar has a spherical appearance. Therefore, NATO gave it the nickname TopDome. It is really appropriate. The guidance range of this radar is only There are 70 kilometers, so this kind of arsenal ship-like existence does not have strong air defense capabilities.

Furthermore, although there is a guidance radar at the front and rear, this radar also claims to be able to guide 12 missiles to attack 6 targets at the same time. However, in fact, the radar has too many limitations and is simply unable to cope with multi-target attacks.

Only on the fourth ship, Peter the Great, was the front cover replaced with a tombstone, which was a model transplanted from a land-based missile system. This kind of radar has a detection range of 300 kilometers, but I don’t know why. , only one was replaced, the one at the back still has a top cover.

For now, the performance of these radars is very weak and should have been replaced a long time ago. If Dongfang provides a four-sided phased array radar and can also complete the guidance work of the S-300F, it will allow the warship to gain huge benefits. performance improvement.

“Qin, can you complete the system integration?” Nicholas asked in surprise.

"Of course there is no problem. As long as you provide the fire control interface of the weapon, we can complete the integration." Qin Tao said: "This is an opportunity for you. I hope you can give up some principles and seize this opportunity."

Although the Mingzhou Group initially built the anti-aircraft ship using the Reeve-M suit, Qin Tao could never admit that he had cracked all the secrets inside, and had to ask Lao Maozi to provide it.

 As for whether Lao Maozi will provide it? Then it depends on Lao Maozi's choice. Anyway, it is impossible for one's own side to open the interface, so one's own side can only help debug it.

"We open the weapons interface?" Nicholas frowned immediately: "Qin, how is this possible? For us, this is related to our military secrets."

"What kind of military secrets are already backward?" Qin Tao said: "You are S-300F, which is just an early model modification of S-300P. Now, not to mention S-300PMU2, even S-400 you Can it be sold? What secrets does this early system have? It has been thoroughly studied by the West for a long time. Even the enemies know it. Are you still reluctant to hand over the parameters to your friends? It doesn’t matter if you don’t hand it over, but then we can’t. Helped improve it.”

The expression on Nikolai's face was complicated: "Qin, I can decide on the improvement of the radar on the rear mast. Now we can drive back and improve it directly at your dock. However, for the changes to the main mast in front, we even need to open our As for the weapon interface, it is not my decision. I need to go back and report, otherwise I will make my own decisions without authorization, and there will be big problems."

"Okay." Qin Tao nodded: "Then we will help improve the rear mast first. Five million US dollars is enough for this."

 “Where’s the front?”

“If we improve it as I said, the cost will be 100 million. We are all good friends and we won’t make any money from you.”

Nicholas gritted his teeth and nodded: "Okay, 100 million is 100 million. In order to give this warship modern combat capabilities, 100 million is worth the effort. However, looking at the situation now, this warship still has many problems. For example, all the circuits on the ship may have been bitten by rats.”

“We can help detect this, replace any problems, and install more circuit breakers to avoid similar situations from happening again. Of course, we need the circuit diagram of the entire ship.” Qin Tao said.

 I want some more things!

Nicholas had no other choice but to nod and agree temporarily.

Even if this kind of work were to be done domestically, it would take a year or two, and there is no guarantee that it will be foolproof. The domestic shipbuilding industry is completely finished.

The helicopter took off again, this time flying directly to the airport. Although after some twists and turns, the plane took off on time. At the airport, Qin Tao watched the plane leave and let out a long breath: "Oh, this kind of work is not easy. Making money is all about helping old friends.”

“Yes, Mr. Qin, we don’t make money and we don’t care about the money, so why bother like this?” Xu Zhengyang was also a little curious.

 The mice and the like are of course deliberately arranged. Although the radar is powerful, it is not easy to catch fire.

"It's not for us." Qin Tao said: "If we modify the giant ship for Lao Maozi, some people in the country will push us, say what Lao Maozi is doing, and then condemn us from the moral high ground, without looking at the current situation. what's the situation."

There are no eternal friends, no constant enemies, only eternal interests. Over the years, Dongfang must have a good relationship with Lao Maozi, and even make Lao Maozi stronger, so as to buy more development time for itself.

 Xu Zhengyang shook his head: "I still don't understand."

“When we install the fire control system on them, we can do something to prevent their missiles from firing at us. This will not only make Lao Maozi stronger, but also avoid the threat to us. Do you understand now?”

Xu Zhengyang nodded: "I understand, I will report your arrangements."

“No need for now, who knows if the secret will be leaked.” Qin Tao said: “We will report it when someone comes to trouble us. Now, we have to go to the capital.”

 “Are you going to take care of the children? Stay until the Chinese New Year?”

“Of course not, it’s a navy supply ship.” Qin Tao said.

When we returned to the north, the city was already full of ice and snow. From a distance, we could see thick black smoke coming out of the boiler room of Gongzhufen. It was the heating boiler that had been burning. Qin Tao looked at the familiar building and sighed. He said: "The supply of natural gas is still not enough. We should switch from coal to gas here to give our capital a blue sky."

"Mr. Qin, you are standing and talking without pain." In the car, an adjutant who picked up Qin Tao from the airport said: "The price of natural gas is more than three times that of coal. If we replace it with natural gas, the extra Where does the money come from? Will your Mingzhou Group provide it?"

Qin Tao smiled and did not continue talking. It is true that standing and talking does not hurt your back. It is cheap to burn coal, but it is too expensive to burn natural gas. It is more than three times more than it is now. In the future, the voice of environmental protection will become more and more strict, and many places will switch from coal to gas. , prices will rise.

Mingzhou Group is constantly looking for suitable sources of natural gas to meet domestic demand, but this price must still follow the market. It is impossible to use its own money to subsidize domestic demand. I don’t know how many people will be lying on Mingzhou Group’s side. Suck blood from your body, resell it from your side at a low price, and then sell it at a high price. There is no need to let these people take advantage.

 This is just a small episode.


“Mr. Qin, our aircraft carrier’s recent sea trials went smoothly. The shipbuilding quality of your Mingzhou Group is really good!” a leader said.

"This is what we should do. If the aircraft carrier is built with problems, it will be the sinner of the country." Qin Tao said: "Let's not talk nonsense, let's get to the point quickly. Everyone, the current comprehensive supply ship of the navy is It is far from enough. We need to build a larger ocean-going comprehensive supply ship to meet the use of aircraft carriers. Captain Zhang should have reported to you, right?"

“Yes, our existing Type 908 comprehensive supply ship is indeed not enough, and it cannot meet the use of two aircraft carrier formations at the same time. However, you said that if you want a supply ship with a displacement of 50,000 tons, will it be too big?”

“Is our navy too big?”

“Of course I don’t mind, as long as the price is cheap, even 100,000 tons will be fine.”

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