Warship of Great Power

Chapter 925: From peak to trough

In the era of burning boilers, it takes a long time to start the main engine, and nuclear power is no exception. Nuclear power still burns boilers, but it does not use coal and oil. However, the start-up of a gas turbine is very fast, and after starting , the maximum power will be reached quickly.

The roar of the gas turbine came from the rear, and light blue smoke came out of the chimney of the Admiral Zarayev again. The entire hull also trembled, as if it was excited about being reborn.

“Report, both hosts have been started!”

 “Two cars, one forward!”

When the floating dock lowered the warship, it had already turned the direction, with the bow facing outward. At this time, following the order, surging power was transmitted to the motor, and the motor drove the propeller to rotate. Amidst the sound of water, The huge hull relied on its own power to move again!

 When it came, it was towed by a tugboat. When it returned, it could already use its own power!

 Everyone is excited.

 “Can this warship reverse?” someone suddenly asked.

 This is a simple question, but also a critical one.

 How to reverse a warship?

This depends on the structure of the main engine. If the main engine can be reversed, this is the most convenient. Directly reversing the main engine can reverse the propeller. The steam turbine can be achieved by setting reverse-rotating turbine blades, and even some marine diesel engines can To do this, the drive shaft of the low-speed diesel engine is directly connected to the propeller. There is no gearbox in the middle. If you want to reverse the vehicle, you can only reverse the diesel engine.

If the main engine cannot reverse, it will be troublesome. You need to add a reverse gear in the gear box, just like the reverse of a car. If you use a variable pitch propeller, you can reverse the deflection direction of the propeller blades, which can also be achieved. The purpose of reversing.

This 25,000-ton giant ship uses a gas turbine, but it is not directly driven by the gas turbine, but is driven by electricity. How can it reverse?

“This is simple. When reversing, you just need to reverse the input current of the motor.”

 For DC motors, that is to adjust the positive and negative poles, and for three-phase asynchronous motors, that is to adjust two of the phases, both of which can meet the requirements of direct reversal. The reversal of the motor is too simple.


 “Do we need testing now?”

"No, the most important thing for us is to test the speed." Nicholas said: "Continue to increase the speed!"

The huge hull speeded up and moved towards the seaport. When it left the river and reached the sea, Nikolai couldn't wait to give the order: "Two vehicles, advance five!"

The gas turbine rotates at high speed, and the power of 80 megawatts is transmitted to the efficient generator at the rear. The electric energy from the generator surges into the four drive motors at the rear. Each drive motor is 20 megawatts, two connected in series to drive a propeller.

  The propeller speed increased, and the huge warship also accelerated.

 Verse fifteen, verse twenty, verse twenty-five, verse thirty!

“Report, the speed has reached thirty knots!”

“Okay, that’s great, our cruiser is finally resurrected with full health!” Nicholas was very excited: “The sea trial is over, and I declare that this warship has met the delivery requirements!”

 Is this the end?

 The audition is scientific and rigorous!

At the Mingzhou Group, there is a standard process for sea trials, but this is not the case at Lao Maozi. The delivery of warships by Lao Maozi has always been careless. The navy comes to sail the ship and go out for a walk, which is pretty much it. That’s it, check one by one? Wouldn’t that be suspicious of the shipyard? Shipyards do not coddle the Navy.

 In the past era, Lao Maozi's shipyards were still very domineering. Of course, they also had domineering capital. They could pat their chests and guarantee that there would be no problems with the warships we built ourselves!

Since the collapse of the Red Empire, Lao Maozi's navy has not received any new warships, so they have not changed their rules.

This sea trial is just a trial trip at sea. It’s not a big deal. Don’t they still believe in Mingzhou Group?

 Furthermore, this warship only had its power system modified, but nothing else was changed, and there was nothing to test.

There were bursts of applause nearby, and other old men were also very excited. This warship can go back!

How powerful the Pacific Fleet was once. Two heavy-duty aircraft-carrying cruisers supported the facade, and together with other large and small warships, scared the Japanese so much that they wrote a Minsk attack. What now? The current Pacific Fleet only has one Glory class with a displacement of 10,000 tons to support the facade. The Mao Navy has declined to such an extent that it is in urgent need of restoring its former glory.

When the Admiral Zaraev enters service, they can immediately replace their navy's shotguns with cannons, double the displacement of their main warships, and more than double the number of missiles they can carry. Although it remains to be seen whether they can gather all the missiles. I don’t know, but at least I can use it to scare people.

They were too anxious. Now that it had been repaired, they quickly drove back to the town. As for the changes to the upper electronic equipment? That ship No. 22350 has not been repaired yet, and this ship is not in a hurry.

“Okay, then on behalf of the Mingzhou Group, I would like to congratulate you on the new life of the old ship!”

The whole sea trial process lasted for an hour. After everyone came ashore, Nicholas and others signed the delivery documents. Next, the sailors boarded the ship and received training, and Nicholas and others came to the guest house restaurant.

“Come, let’s raise a glass and thank Mingzhou Group for renovating an old ship for us. If it weren’t for Mingzhou Group, this warship would have been abandoned.” Nicholas raised his glass.

"These are what we should do. You need a strong navy to restore its past glory. The remaining ships are welcome to be sent to us for modification at any time." Qin Tao raised his wine glass and said.

"That's for sure. After we go back, we will make suggestions to our superiors." Nicholas said: "Our three major fleets all need to have such powerful warships, especially the Northern Fleet, which needs two Type 1144 aircraft carriers to **** us. , speaking of aircraft carriers, yours has already been undergoing sea trials, what was the result of the sea trials?"

“The results are very good, the sea trial went well, and it is expected that he will enter active service in the navy soon.” Qin Tao said.

“This aircraft carrier of yours is really good! I wish we could order one too.”

“Yes, our own shipbuilding industry is so bad. After the 22350 warship sailed back, it has been soaking in the water, and there is no way to install various equipment in time.”

Listening to these people's words, Qin Tao also sighed in his heart. Lao Maozi has declined. Their shipbuilding industry cannot meet the needs of the navy at all. Even if the shell is built for them, they will be very difficult to install various equipment. Slowly, the 22350 will not be able to complete the outfitting within ten or eight years.

However, if Lao Maozi is not allowed to give it a try, they probably will not give up and leave it to their own side to equip them. After all, they are not of the same mind as our own side and cannot trust our side unconditionally.

“For you, what you need most is an amphibious assault ship. At present, we have begun to manufacture this kind of warship for customers. If you need it, you can order it from us.” Qin Tao began to lie.

Although Lao Maozi is down and out, he still has certain capabilities, otherwise he would not have ordered two Mistral-class ships from France. Now that the relationship between the big guys is so good, of course the French cannot take advantage of this. Qin Tao believes that as long as he works hard, Deep, an iron pestle is ground into a needle, and sooner or later Lao Maozi will be tempted. Every time I see Lao Maozi, I lie to them about this.

“Amphibious assault ships cannot take off and land conventional fighter jets. It would be great if they were equipped with catapults.” Some people began to make requests. If a catapult is installed, more advanced fighter jets can be taken off and landed.

“If there is no catapult, it can be changed to jumping to the deck instead.”

“Everyone, I’m talking about an amphibious assault ship, not an aircraft carrier.”

Qin Tao eloquently introduced the differences between amphibious assault ships and aircraft carriers, while introducing them and deceiving them at the same time. Many people were tempted.

The night was getting darker and darker, and the drunk Lao Maozi was sent to his room to rest. Inside the warship docked on the dock, there was a group of people listening to the introduction of the technical staff.

 In fact, the operation of the gas turbine is very simple. After all, there is no need to light the boiler or observe various pressure gauges. This kind of gas turbine is not too bad and has a long life.

“The key is fuel. Our gas turbines burn diesel. Don’t mix other fuels, otherwise big problems will occur.” The technicians warned us repeatedly.

Gas turbines can use various fuels, and the best one is aviation kerosene. After all, gas turbines are similar to aircraft engines. However, this thing is too expensive, so it can only be modified. Diesel is the most common fuel, and it is easy to replenish.

 “Isn’t it okay to use heavy oil?”

"Of course not, absolutely not. We have installed a special diesel fuel tank on this warship. If you replace it with heavy oil, the warship will be scrapped."

 Heavy oil is the cheapest fuel, but it also has many shortcomings. It is better not to touch it for marine gas turbines.

Unconsciously, the eastern sky gradually became brighter.

Stanislav stood on the bridge, filled with emotions.

"Back then, when we parked this warship on the dock and extinguished the nuclear reactor, we never thought that it would be reborn again." Stanislav said: "Today, this warship will finally set sail again. It has witnessed It has witnessed the strength of the Red Empire and our decline after its collapse. Now, it will witness the rise of our Da Mao Navy! Now, let us take this warship home!"

Stanislav used to be the captain of this warship and personally issued the order to shut down and seal it. After that, how many times did he expect that this warship could be renovated and put into service, and how many times he was disappointed. Now, Stanislav still feels It's like a dream.

His eyes looked towards the port, where a large number of senior naval officials were seeing him off. They looked at the warship with excitement.

“Thanks to the Mingzhou Group, otherwise this warship would never have been reborn.” Nicholas sighed again.

 “We just did what we should do, and I wish you a safe journey.”

“Woo, woo!” The whistle sounded, and the huge warship slowly left the port with the help of several tugboats.

“Salute!” Nicholas shouted, and all the old officers raised their hands to salute the huge warship and watched it leave.

"It's so exciting. We are going to fly back to Vladivostok to receive this warship and hold a grand commissioning ceremony." Nikolai said excitedly: "Qin, we are going to Farewell, do you want to come with us?"

"Still not." Qin Tao shook his head: "We still have a lot of things waiting for me here."

Qin Tao indeed still has a lot to do. The aircraft carrier has already undergone sea trials. How can it be done without a dedicated supply ship? Last time I met Peace Dove III at sea, I should go and have a look. There are many things waiting for me, but I can't travel to Da Mao. The key is, there is nothing good there now.

"Okay, then please be prepared to receive our other warships of the same model."

The Admiral Zalayev sailed into the sea and headed north. Stanislav said excitedly: "Get ready to turn on the radar!"

 “Which radar to turn on?” the subordinate asked.

“Of course it’s the MR750 radar,” Stanislav said.

They will definitely receive a lot of attention on their way back. There will be many planes watching along the way. They have to be prepared, so they have to turn on the radar.

On the auxiliary mast of this kind of warship, there is an MR750 radar, with a Western code name on the top plate. Yes, it is a commonly used search radar on the modern class. The performance of this radar is still very good, and it can fully meet the daily use.

“Understood, turn on MR750.”

 Many of the sailors who came to receive it were sailors who had operated this warship before and were quite familiar with it, so they could get started immediately.

 The passwords were sent out one by one, but the radar soldier did not see any images on the screen.

“Report, MR750 radar failure.”

“Troubleshoot the problem immediately and hope not to burn the tube, otherwise we will have to turn on the MR800.”

The sailors climbed into the rear auxiliary mast and began to check the radar equipment. Soon, the news was reported.

“Reported that the cable leading to the radar antenna was chewed by rats, and a lot of rat droppings were found at the scene.”

“Damn rats.” Stanislav gritted his teeth: “It seems that we can only turn on the main radar, start the MR800!”

The highest position of the entire warship, that is, the top of the main mast, is installed with this MR800 radar, codenamed Top Pair in the West. This radar consists of two antennas, one is an orange petal placed horizontally, and the other is a watermelon placed vertically. Skin.

This kind of radar is composed back to back of the MR600, a three-coordinate long-range air search radar codenamed Top Sail in the West, and the MR-500, a two-coordinate radar codenamed Topnet in the West, and is mainly used for long-range early warning.

Relying on its powerful power, this kind of radar has a search distance of more than 500 kilometers. Even a target the size of a fighter jet can reach a search distance of 300 kilometers, and because of its high power, it will hardly be interfered with.

However, this kind of radar also has many shortcomings. For example, its short-range search capability is seriously insufficient, so it needs a top plate to fill the leakage. Moreover, it consumes a lot of power, so it is not dare to be used at ordinary times.

This time they went back, they only planned to open a top plate, but the top plate was broken and there was no backup cable, so they had to turn on the top pair of radars.

“Understood, turn on the flag radar!” The man flipped a switch, and a huge current surged to the radar element. The next moment, a burning smell spread into the bridge.

“Where is the fire?” Stanislav shouted: “Quickly, find the origin of the fire and put out the fire as soon as possible!”

 For a warship, catching fire is a very terrible thing. It may burn the entire warship. Such tragedy usually occurs when the warship is being built or renovated, but if you are unlucky, it may also occur during navigation.

At this time, everyone became nervous. Soon, someone shouted on the radio: "Report, smoke is found on the main mast!"

 Smoke coming from the main mast?

Stanislav suddenly thought of something: "Damn it, our radar is on fire. Quick, turn off the radar!"

Since the mouse has chewed up the MR750, of course it can also chew up the MR800, and even many circuits. However, the MR800 has the highest power, so if it is chewed, the short-circuited part will immediately catch fire!

You can't see it from the bridge. You have to come out and stand on the deck or the top of the bridge to see it. After all, the Kirov-class cruiser is too big, so its main mast is far behind the bridge. , the top of the bridge is flat. When Stanislav quickly climbed out of the bridge and stood on the roof to look behind him, there was not only smoke and dust billowing from the mast, but also a lot of flames. These flames went downwards and began to sweep through other white balls. But they are all kinds of radars or satellite dishes.

Stanislav was shocked.

 “Quick, put out the fire, put out the fire immediately, where is the damage control? Come on!”

The fire hose was taken out, but after opening it, no water came out.

 “Quickly, repair the fire-fighting equipment quickly!”

For the sailors on this warship, this was the most sad moment. They went from peak to trough in just half an hour. At this time, the warship had just headed north when such an accident occurred.

Seeing that the fire-fighting facilities on the warship were not in use, Stanislav thought of something in despair: "Quick, contact Mingzhou Group immediately and ask them to help put out the fire!"

Ten minutes later, a fire-fighting ship came out from a nearby port, and fire hoses rushed here, one after another, spraying in short bursts.

“Tell them we have cut off the power and they don’t have to worry about electric shock!”

Water can extinguish fire, but can it extinguish electrically charged fire? The answer is yes, this is a short spray. Before the water reaches the flame, it is already at a safe distance from the fire sprinkler here, so it will be fine.

The fire hose sprayed out a continuous stream of water. Three minutes later, the flames were finally extinguished. However, the entire mast was completely destroyed. Looking at the charred pieces of equipment, Stanislav wanted to cry without tears.

At the Mingzhou Group, Nicholas and others who were about to leave were also completely dumbfounded.

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