Warship of Great Power

Chapter 909: There is an error in the keel docking

 Everyone in the shipyard could see the black smoke coming out of the chimney. Many of them stopped what they were doing and stopped to watch with complicated eyes.

Although Mingzhou Shipyard has built many aircraft carriers, this one is the most special because it was built for the Eastern Navy, and because it is a super aircraft carrier with a full load displacement of more than 80,000 tons, which is completely comparable to the Kitty Hawk class!

Now, the boiler is ignited, and this aircraft carrier has taken a new step! How could this not excite everyone? This aircraft carrier is one step closer to entering service!

In space, a satellite passed by and captured a clear picture. Soon, a photo of the aircraft carrier with the boiler smoldering appeared in Swift's hands.

"Smoke from the boiler means that their main engine has started to ignite. However, it is the first time for the Orientals to build such a large aircraft carrier. They estimate that they still have to do a lot of work. It will take a long time for a brand new aircraft carrier to go from sea trials to service. Look at France, after so many years of tinkering, the Eastern aircraft carrier will not be too fast." said the assistant next to him, Brian.

"No, that's because the French are too procrastinating." Swift said with a sullen face: "The Orientals will not be so procrastinating. Their power system is from the previous aircraft carrier, which is very reliable. Their catapults and blocking devices A large number of tests have been carried out at that training base, and successful projects have been transplanted to various radars on the ship island. Dongfang people always work very quickly, and maybe it will take a year for sea trials to be officially put into service. "

 “How is that possible? Even we can’t be so fast.”

"Yeah, we can't be so fast, but the Easterners can, after all, the Easterners have been creating miracles." Swift said: "Soon, we will face the threat of this big guy."

 “Then what should we do?”

"How do I know!" Swift's face became increasingly gloomy. Over the years, he had been watching Dongfang's strength continue to grow. He had also done many things, but to no avail.


"Huh, isn't it just a one-time ignition? What's all the fuss about? The 002 aircraft carrier in the East can't be compared with our Queen-class aircraft carrier at all! Our aircraft carrier is the most advanced! We have all-electric propulsion, and we have four A gas turbine!" Benjamin said with disdain.

“Report, Sir Benjamin, Congress has just rejected the budget request for our aircraft carrier, and hopes that we can reduce it to two gas turbines.” At this time, his subordinates came over and said.

"What? Our aircraft carrier has been built in sections, and now we actually need to modify the design plan?" Benjamin was dumbfounded at the moment: "Moreover, if the two gas turbines are removed, the speed of our warship will be greatly reduced!"

"It has been demonstrated over there. Anyway, we are taking off by ski jump. It is no problem to reduce the speed, and even take off vertically in the end." The subordinate continued: "However, the research and development of the gas turbine has encountered some problems, and the quotation is also getting higher and higher. The higher it is, the more financial resources can’t bear it, so we can only use this method.”

Benjamin said with a dark face: "Why can't these idiots make qualified gas turbines? What a shame for us! Oriental's 40-megawatt gas turbines have been installed on warships, and ours is still under development. Moreover, our warships It’s already being built, it’s a joke!”

“We can’t compare with Dongfang. Our gas turbine quotation is already twice as expensive as Dongfang and is still under development. Therefore, if we want to obtain four gas turbines within the existing budget, we may be able to purchase them from Dongfang.”

"Purchasing from the East? How is it possible! We, Great Britain, actually want to purchase gas turbines from the East?" Benjamin said angrily: "What are you thinking about?"

"However, we originally thought that it would be very simple to improve existing aero engines. But now, the investment in R&D has reached 400 million pounds, but we still have not seen results. They continue to ask for additional funds. With these R&D funds, , we have been able to purchase enough gas turbines. Now, continuing to spend money is still a bottomless pit, and we don’t know whether the quotations will increase further in the future. In this case, it should be the most economical for us to outsource.” The men were still worried.

 If you can successfully develop it yourself, who would be willing to outsource it? Isn't this something that can't be helped? Besides, it costs too much. At present, except for the two aircraft carriers, other warships are not available!

 “No, we absolutely cannot buy from the East.”

 “What if we purchase it from Ermao?” the subordinate continued to ask.

Dongfang’s 40-megawatt gas turbine was not developed independently, but together with Motor Sich Company. Therefore, if purchased from Motor Sich Company, this embarrassment can be avoided.

Benjamin shook his head: "No, of course not. Motor Sich Company is already an empty shell. Currently it only has the ability to repair engines. All gas turbines must be produced by Tianjiao Aviation, that is, produced on Dongfang's production line. Our aircraft carriers are absolutely There cannot be a single part made in China! Otherwise, it would be a shame for us. In the future, we will still be able to sail freely around the world and go to the East. Can we drive a warship in the heart of the East there? No matter how much money we spend , we all have to develop it ourselves, this is a political issue and cannot be changed!"

So, the subordinates could only shut up.

"Report, the sections constructed at Portsmouth Shipyard have been completed and shipped to Rosyth Shipyard for final assembly!" At this moment, a piece of good news came, and Benjamin immediately became excited: "That's great. , great, our shipbuilding industry is so advanced! I want to go and see it myself!"

After the aircraft carrier drawings were frozen, the construction started. Stimulated by the aircraft carriers from the East, the British funding was received in time, and the various shipyards were naturally operating at full capacity. After all, a deposit was required to build the ship, and the final payment would not be made until the segmented construction was completed.

Especially Rosyth Shipyard, which is responsible for the final assembly task, is even more anxious. They spent a lot of money to buy the gantry crane. When the aircraft carrier is completed, they have to sell the gantry crane. The shorter the interval, the less money they have. The less likely it is to break the chain.

There are two extremes in the construction of British aircraft carriers: the construction of the hull is very fast, but the engine development has been delayed. It may be like the launch of Asan's aircraft carrier. However, many warships are launched without a main engine. Yes, just cut it open when necessary.

When Benjamin arrived at Rosyth Shipyard, he was immediately attracted by the huge blue gantry crane on the slipway.

"Your Excellency Benjamin, welcome to our Rosyth Shipyard." Lambert, the person in charge of the shipyard, greeted him and said excitedly: "This is our Goliath gantry crane, the largest gantry crane in Europe! After several This gantry crane was just installed a few months ago.”

Lambert was very proud.

Shipyards that can undertake the final assembly task must purchase gantry cranes. Therefore, their little-known Rosyth Shipyard became the aircraft carrier final assembly plant because they spent their own money to buy this gantry crane. For the gantry crane, they also spent a lot of money. In order to pass the Forth Iron Bridge along the way, they also precisely controlled the time of low tide and increased the ballast water tank.

This huge gantry crane is 68 meters high and 120 meters wide. It spans the slipway and the area next to it. When the giant segments are transported, the gantry crane can be used to move the giant segments to the slipway, accurately align them and close them.

"Well, yes, this is the pride of our shipbuilding industry." After Benjamin finished speaking, he looked at the boom on the gantry crane: "What is the ZPMC logo?"

 “Zhenhua Heavy Industries.”

Benjamin was immediately bored. He actually forgot that Europe could not build such a large gantry crane. This thing was purchased from the East.

At this moment, someone cheered and looked at the water in the distance: "It's coming, it's coming!"

The huge red-painted segment floated on the water, with countless tires of the transfer vehicle underneath. The whole thing was placed on a flatbed tugboat. There were two tugboats towing it in front and behind, driving it slowly over.

This scene is very shocking. Even Benjamin feels a sense of excitement from the bottom of his heart. Did you see it? Only Great Britain can build and transport such giant segments!

"What is being transported now is the 02 section built by Portsmouth Shipyard, which weighs eight thousand tons. It will be docked with our four thousand-ton section 01." Carroll, the project director on the side, said: "This It will be a major milestone in the history of our aircraft carrier construction!"

"Yes, after the six giant segments are closed, our aircraft carrier will begin to take shape." Lambert continued: "Then we will close other segments, including 6 middle segments and 12 side sections. Taiwan segmentation and two island-type superstructures, in this way, a complete Queen-class aircraft carrier is built."

The main segments of the aircraft carrier are the six segments of the lower hull, but there are other smaller segments. After they are built, they are put together to form a Queen-class aircraft carrier. The entire construction process is as simple as building blocks.

Benjamin nodded: "I hope our Queen-class aircraft carrier will be completed as soon as possible! We want to prove our strength to the world!"

You can see the cross section of the aircraft carrier from the segments. This giant segment is divided into seven layers. Of course, this is not all. After all, this is just the bottom of the hull. The hangars and decks above have not been stacked on top. Otherwise, the number of layers There will be more. There are compartments and pipes in the exposed areas. It looks very complicated.

 An aircraft carrier cannot be built by others casually. It is a very complex piece of equipment!

After the tugboat arrived at the shore, the transporter started to move. This transporter was specially built to transport giant sections. It was more than 100 meters long and had countless tires underneath. Just like the centipede, the chassis was very low, there was no cab, and the remote control operate.

This kind of transport vehicle moves very slowly. A normal and healthy snail can climb it. Fortunately, the moving distance is not very far. When it reaches the slipway, the huge gantry crane starts work for the first time.

 When constructing sections, various steel plates must be used, and a crane is required. However, there is no need for this giant crane that can lift sections of more than 10,000 tons. Now, this is the first time that this huge gantry crane has been officially operated.

The eight-thousand-ton segment, a huge monster, was slowly left the transport vehicle and headed for the first segment built on the slipway, hoisted by countless steel cables.

 This is a great moment!

The camera is snapping photos, and the camera lens is also staring at the giant segments. This spectacular scene can only be seen when building an aircraft carrier!

There are hundreds of thousands of tons of civilian ships, but there is no need to build them in sections like this. They can be built directly in towers. Only aircraft carriers, and aircraft carriers with very urgent construction deadlines, are needed. Of course, another reason is that this big cake needs Many shipyards are divided together. If the segmented construction model is not used, only one or two shipyards will eat the meat, and the other shipyards can only watch helplessly.

As if knowing everyone’s expectations, the huge segments moved to the slipway little by little, and then were placed on the brackets below, perfectly aligned!

“Awesome!” Benjamin was the first to applaud, and then, applause floated over the entire shipyard, resounding through the sky, announcing the power of Great Britain’s shipbuilding industry!

Since the Invincible-class was built, no aircraft carrier has been built here. Moreover, the Invincible-class has a displacement of only 20,000 tons and is not a large warship at all. This is the first time they have built a giant ship with a displacement of 60,000 tons. This is a new beginning. Their empire has not ended, and they are still very powerful!

The whole process lasted for more than half a day. Now, the sun has slipped to the west and dyed the sea in the distance red.

Just when Benjamin was about to leave, a man came over anxiously and looked at Carroll, the project manager in charge of docking: "Mr. Carroll, there are some problems with the docking."

"what is the problem?"

“The error in the keel docking exceeds 10 mm.”


Carroll was a little disapproving at first, but when he heard the news, he could no longer control his shock and said loudly: "How can there be an error in the keel? The outside of the hull looks like it is completely connected!"

Segmented construction can greatly speed up the construction progress, but it puts forward higher requirements for construction accuracy. If the accuracy is insufficient, large errors may occur during docking!

If it is an ordinary steel plate, there may be ways to remedy the error, but if there is an error in the keel, it will be fatal!

In the old wooden ship era, the most important part of a ship was the beam laid longitudinally from front to back. It had to withstand the longitudinal bending moment of the ship. Due to the complicated manufacturing process of wood, from cutting down the trees to making the keel, it was often necessary to use several year time.

In the age of steel ships, the outside of the hull looks like a layer of steel plate. If it is a small ship, it really does not need anything. However, in order to ensure strength, large ships still have to have a keel. The common ones are square keels and flat keels. Square keels The keel is on the outside and protrudes from the bottom of the ship. It can ensure the structural strength of the hull and reduce the rolling amplitude of the hull during wind and waves. However, it is easy to be damaged in the event of an accident, so most of them use flat keels, with the steel plate on the outside and the keel on the outside. It is placed inside the hull. Because the keel is not much thicker than the hull steel plate, some people think that modern ships do not have keels.

Large warships must also set up two watertight bottom girders symmetrically on the left and right sides of the center line of the flat keel, and form a box-shaped structure with the inner bottom plate, ribs, etc., thus forming a box-shaped keel. Not only can pipes and cables be laid in this space, but it can also be used as a passage for inspection.

For the Queen class of more than 60,000 tons, the keel is very important and indispensable. However, no steel plant will build a keel several hundred meters long at once. The keel is segmented. Welding is done in shipyards to increase length, so warships built in sections can naturally have their keels butted and welded together. Under the monitoring of modern equipment, it is completely guaranteed that the welded parts have the same strength as other parts.

  However, what if the docking error is large?

 This is a big problem!

Lambert on the side said immediately: "It is definitely not a segmentation error on our part. Ours was built directly on the slipway. It is completely accurate. It must be a segmentation error when it was built at Portsmouth Shipyard!"

Lambert, who had been to Dongfang, also learned how to play football. There was no conclusion to the investigation yet, so he immediately shook off the responsibility: "The construction section of Dongfang Shipyard was built next to the slipway. Use a gantry crane to lift it over. The sections we build are in different shipyards. After they are built, they have to be loaded onto ships and then transported. During this process, stress will definitely be released, leading to deformation!"

"No, it's definitely not our problem!" The technician from Portsmouth Shipyard immediately shook his head: "We have already considered stress relief. Even if there is an error in ours, it was caused during the lifting process. Transformation is the responsibility of your Rosyth Shipyard!"

"Shut up!" Seeing these people quarreling, Benjamin immediately darkened his face: "Isn't it just an error of ten millimeters? Is there any need to be so anxious? Carol, is there a simple way to solve this problem? ?”

 Although Benjamin is the leader, he does not understand technology. Obviously, Benjamin has not realized how big a trouble this is at this time!

 “No,” said Benjamin.

“Why is it not there? With an error of ten millimeters, can’t we weld an extra ten millimeters of keel on both sides and then connect them?”

 Simply put, it means that there is no alignment, and an extra piece is tied to the side to increase the width.

"Of course not. This is the keel, and it must be a straight line. If it is misaligned, the torsional moment caused by waves and other waves on the hull cannot be released during navigation, and it is likely to crack at this place."

 Cracked? Benjamin felt his eyelids jump up. This seemed serious?

“Can you remove the problematic section and replace it with a new one?”

Since they are all welded together, since there is a problem with this piece, just cut it off and re-weld it!

"Other parts can be used, but not the bottom of the ship. If we want to dismantle this place, we need to turn this 8,000-ton structural member 180 degrees so that the bottom of the ship is upward."

 In the past, tower shipbuilding was done slowly from the bottom up. The foundation must be laid well, and there must be no problems with the bottom of the ship. Once problems occur, they cannot be repaired at all.

 The bottom of the ship is the stress-bearing part. If this structural member is turned over, it will definitely still deform after it is welded and then turned back over!

 “How should we fix it?” Benjamin realized something was wrong.

 “The best way is to create a new one.”

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