Warship of Great Power

Chapter 908: Mooring test

Chapter 908 Mooring Test

After Qin Tao solved the problem in Mo Country, he returned to Rainbow Country, arranged the production of subsequent ships, communicated with many old friends in Rainbow Country, completed the finishing work, and then returned to his motherland. When I returned to Mingzhou Shipyard, the design plan for an offshore oil and gas aircraft carrier had already been freshly released.

"President Qin, after several revisions, we have finally finalized the entire design of our ultra-deep water floating LNG ship." Yang Dawei confidently reported to Qin Tao: "The length is 432 meters long and 66 meters wide. It is 38.5 meters high and weighs 220,000 tons. It integrates underwater mining, natural gas liquefaction, storage and product export. When it is built, it will become the first in the world."

Qin Tao nodded with satisfaction. Originally, he just asked us to bring out an initial design drawing, and then he personally participated in the modification. But now it seems that this does not require his participation anymore. It is perfect. The Mingzhou Group Design Department is so awesome. , fully equipped with independent research and development capabilities.

“However, such a big thing is also expensive, especially since we also plan to install our nuclear power plant Bora as the main power source. In this case, the cost will exceed 5 billion yuan, and the price will be as high as that of a real aircraft carrier. "

“Nuclear power? Have you not considered using natural gas as power?”

Different ships require different power sources. Normal merchant ships generally use diesel engines, which is the most economical. However, many ships transporting natural gas have switched to natural gas as power. In this way, the natural gas dissipated along the way can be utilized to reduce operating costs. cost.

Now this ship is a natural gas extraction ship. Since there is no shortage of natural gas on board, it is best to use natural gas to provide energy.

"Yes, we have considered it, but this ship can only use natural gas as energy after the natural gas is extracted. It requires energy supply during the process of moving along the way and during the extraction process. Mining is full of many unknowns. It may not be possible to extract natural gas from underwater for several months, or even half a year. In this case, if the ship also uses natural gas as power, it means not only Not only is there no energy supply, but energy needs to be provided, and natural gas is not as convenient as fuel. Therefore, after various considerations, we do not believe that using natural gas is a good choice."

"It doesn't matter, just use natural gas. It will take us about a month to start the operation, and it will take about ten days to expand the working surface. As long as we can store the demand for natural gas for forty days, we can produce natural gas, and there will be a steady stream of natural gas in the future. Energy is supplied.”

Butchers are never short of meat, and people who work in wineries are never short of wine. Their ship is originally designed to mine natural gas under sea water. Of course, it must use local materials and use relevant energy to provide power. This is the most economical way. , that nuclear power bank is not cheap, and will have to be replaced after ten years, and this kind of offshore oil and gas aircraft carrier will last at least thirty years. It would be even more wasteful to replace the nuclear power bank twice midway.

At this time, everyone’s eyes were turned to Qin Tao: can the output be produced in forty days?

"If this is the case, then we will be able to make a profit that year. After all, the annual production capacity of this ship is 3.3 million tons. According to the current price, it is about 2,000 yuan per ton, so we can make 6.6 billion a year. If we do not use nuclear power If it's a treasure, then the cost of our ship can be controlled within 4 billion." Yang Dawei calculated simply.

Mr. Qin said that natural gas can be extracted within ten days, which means that he is fully confident and knows where the oil and gas fields are. As for how Mr. Qin knows, they don't need to ask, as long as Mr. Qin knows.

The current price of natural gas is 2,000 RMB per ton. This is because the demand for natural gas has not been released. After all, human beings' environmental awareness is increasing. The price of natural gas will soar in the future, and the purchase price will reach 4,000 RMB per ton. , and in the hands of users, it is worth 7,000 yuan per ton. This offshore oil and gas aircraft carrier can create more than 10 billion in annual revenue!

Even now, everyone is surprised by the profitability of this project. Of course, the premise is that natural gas can be produced in a short time. If you drill everywhere and find nothing, you will definitely lose money.

"It will take about ten days to modify the design. After ten days, we will start building the ship. It will take about two years to build the ship. After all, this is a ship that has never been built before. .”

Qin Tao nodded: "Consider this ship as our main civilian ship project, and prioritize the best workers to build it. After the ship is launched, we can start a new business, and there may be other customers in the future." If you come to us to order this kind of ship, each ship will cost at least 4 billion yuan."

After the energy on land is explored, people will inevitably turn their attention to the ocean. Mining on the seabed is much more difficult than on land. We are the only country that can mine natural gas on the seabed, and can also directly liquefy, store and transport it. Factory, this kind of boat will definitely be liked by many users. Customers will definitely come to visit in the future, and they will be sold at a high price.

 The amount remains unchanged, just convert the RMB into US dollars. If you want to buy, you can buy it. If you don’t, you can sell it.

Everyone nodded.

Even if this project is arranged, Qin Tao would like to go to Mozambique to mine natural gas immediately, but he does not have the right mining equipment, so he can only wait for the time being. Two years is not a long time. During this period, it is just enough time to put on a show and let people know that they have gone through arduous efforts to finally find natural gas resources from the coastline of Mozambique. If someone covets it in the future, then first settle your own expenses during this period. A total of 10 billion US dollars was spent on exploration.

The time has entered October, which is the harvest season. When Qin Tao came out from the meeting, Muran found that his father-in-law and a large group of naval leaders were meeting in another conference room, with Makarov and Babbage inside. Make a report.

How is this going?

With curious thoughts, Qin Tao opened the door and gently sat on a chair near the door.

"At present, the outfitting has entered the final work. After analysis, we believe that the next mooring experiment can be carried out. To verify the performance of the aircraft carrier's main engine and auxiliary engines, to verify whether our integrated power system of the whole ship is reliable, the mooring experiment is completed Later, the outfitting will be completed simultaneously, and the first sea trial can be carried out. Our power system is completely mature and reliable, so we are confident to complete the test of the aircraft carrier's power system and propulsion system."

Isn’t this too fast? Qin Tao was shocked. Last time, this aircraft carrier was still being outfitted, but now it is about to start a mooring experiment? The navy are too anxious!

At this time, Makarov, who was making introductions, saw Qin Tao sitting at the door and felt a little embarrassed: "Mr. Qin, I'm very sorry. You were originally required to host this meeting, but you were not here during this time, so I can only be chaired by you. I’m here to host it.”

"Who is in charge is secondary. The key is, under the current circumstances, are we sure to carry out the mooring experiment? What if something unexpected happens, for example, a certain circuit is not connected properly, resulting in an accidental fire?"

Fires often occur during the construction of warships. The most serious cases may even lead to complete damage to the warship. What should I do if I stumble while running forward like this?

"We have already checked these, and the damage control system is in place. The remaining finishing work is mainly the installation of daily equipment in the living cabin, and does not involve the modification of any circuit parts. During this period, the internal wiring of the aircraft carrier has It has already been used, it just uses external power, and now it is necessary to transition to its own power generation." Makarov said: "In the final stage of outfitting, the ignition of the aircraft carrier's main engine is also a normal operation."

"You must be confident. If something unexpected happens, our Mingzhou Group cannot afford the losses. The Navy had better give us a liability exemption letter, because the Navy is eager to urge us to start mooring experiments during the outfitting stage. So if there are serious consequences, we will not be responsible.”

Now it was the navy leaders' turn to be in trouble, especially Wu Shengli, whose face turned dark immediately: "What do you mean? You still want to give our navy a kick? Do you believe it or not, our 003 aircraft carrier order is given to other shipyards?" ?”

 003 aircraft carrier? Qin Tao felt his eyelids start to beat. He started planning so soon?

Although the 002 aircraft carrier has been built, it is only a conventionally powered aircraft carrier after all, and there are many conservative aspects in the construction, and the relevant technical reserves are also available. Therefore, the construction of the 003 aircraft carrier is only a matter of time, or a financial issue. , see when the finance allocates funds, then when will the construction start.

“Ahem, Dad, I just had concerns. Since our navy is not afraid, what should our shipyard be afraid of? Has the funding for the 003 aircraft carrier been approved?”

"Tenders should be invited next year. By then, it may not necessarily fall into the pockets of your Mingzhou Shipyard. There are many other shipyards who are eagerly waiting for it." Wu Shengli said: "If this 002 aircraft carrier cannot meet the needs of the Navy, According to the requirements, the Navy must give careful consideration to the construction of the 003 aircraft carrier."

 “Next year, so soon?”

"Yes, the international situation is so complex now. Our navy must deploy troops to deal with various possible crises. Before the tender for the 003 aircraft carrier, the navy naturally hopes that the 002 aircraft carrier can complete the sea trials and be finalized for service. This way, it will be ready for the next ship Only the aircraft carrier will have confidence. Otherwise, why do you think the Navy would be so anxious?"

“We at Mingzhou Shipyard fully support it!” Qin Tao’s attitude changed so quickly that the naval leaders present couldn’t help but laugh.

Makarov also breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Mr. Qin supports it, there will be no problem with this project. Otherwise, if Mr. Qin doesn't sign, they won't be able to carry out the experiment. Who will be responsible for anything that goes wrong.

This time, the Navy leaders officially proposed the 003 project, which excited Makarov even more. He had long known that the Mingzhou Shipyard was preparing. Over the years, it has perfected the nuclear power system and built a prototype reactor. On icebreakers, it can be said that the construction of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers is already a matter of course. He was also very excited to think that this kind of aircraft carrier could finally be comparable to the US-made aircraft carrier.

"Okay, then this mooring experiment can officially begin." Wu Shengli said: "Next, let's not carry it here. Let's go see the smokestack of the 002 aircraft carrier for the first time."

 “Hey, why are you all so anxious!”

Qin Tao followed the crowd helplessly to the outfitting dock. All the scaffolding on the 002 aircraft carrier island has been removed, and all the electronic equipment outside has been installed. The ship island looks tall and majestic, with phased array radar tigers on all sides. The power of a tiger makes people yearn for it.

Since they had been there last time, the naval leaders were familiar with the journey and came to the engine room. The 001 aircraft carrier has a total of five cabins, and the layout is the same here. One of the cabins is dedicated to auxiliary engines.

 In the auxiliary engine room, naval engineers and shipyard technicians are already in place.

“Start the auxiliary engines first.” Babbage gave the first order.

There are a lot of preparations before starting the diesel engine. For example, to open up the entire oil circuit and remove the air in the oil circuit, you need to use a hand oil pump to pump the oil first. Now, after the order, everyone got busy.

 The exhaust fan in the engine room was whirring, taking away some of the evaporated steam from the discharged fuel. Ten minutes later, the preparations were completed.

“Start the auxiliary engine!”

 The hissing sound of compressed air sounded.

Small diesel engines generally use electric start, that is, a motor is used to drive the diesel engine to rotate, and then the diesel engine can work by itself. However, this is not possible for large diesel engines. There is no motor that can start it up, or in other words, The motor that turns it is too big, and there aren't any batteries to power it.

Marine diesel engines are almost always started by compressed air. The compressed air enters the cylinder in the corresponding order and pushes the piston to move. This can drive this giant thing to rotate. When it runs smoothly and then injects fuel, it will start to rotate normally.

There was a vibration under my feet, and a buzzing sound echoed on the bulkhead. At this moment, the entire warship seemed to be excited, as if it was alive.

“Should the chimney be smoking now?” Wu Shengli said excitedly.

 No one agreed with him, which made him a little curious: "Taozi, is the exhaust of this diesel engine too small to see the smoke?"

“Of course it can emit smoke, but the smoke from diesel generators does not go through the chimney.”

 Not going up the chimney? Wu Shengli was stunned: "Then where should we go?"

 “Side discharge.” Qin Tao said.

The chimney of the aircraft carrier is only used to discharge the boiler. After all, it is the main engine, which smokes a lot, but the auxiliary engines are not needed. Just drill a hole directly above the waterline of the warship to discharge the boiler. You can see this from the side of some aircraft carriers that have been sailing for several years. It can be found that some places are blackened. Especially the U.S. aircraft carrier. After all, the U.S.-made aircraft carrier uses nuclear power and has no chimney on the ship island. Once the auxiliary generator is started, the smoke emitted will float directly out from the side.

Wu Shengli made a big mistake.

 “Increase the speed!”

 “Output is stable!”

 “Increase to rated power!”

 The vibration became more severe and the sound became more harsh. The technician shouted loudly: "The No. 1 auxiliary engine is operating normally and the generator is working!"

 “Attention, prepare to switch the power grid.”

 In the outfitting situation, the power of one diesel generator is enough for the entire ship. Originally, the power transmitted from the dock was used, but now it is time to switch for the first time!

 The light above the head suddenly went out, then suddenly turned on again, and it seemed to be brighter than before.

“Power switching is completed and the power distribution system is working normally!”

“The No. 1 auxiliary engine was tested successfully!”

The crowd cheered.

“Is it time to burn the boiler next?” Wu Shengli asked.

“It’s not possible yet. We need to first test the reliability of the auxiliary engine’s electric power preheating of the main oil pipeline.” Babbage said: “These are very important.”

The auxiliary engine uses diesel. Under normal circumstances, an oil transfer pump is enough, but the boiler uses heavy oil, which requires preheating. Although it can be preheated with the shipyard's original electricity, it will not be possible to test the performance of the auxiliary engine. .

"Fortunately, our shipyard is in the south. If it were in the north, during the outfitting process, the warship must not only provide power and ventilation, but also heating." Qin Tao said from the side: "Our shipyard has many advantages in building aircraft carriers. It’s so big that other shipyards can’t compare.”

In Qin Tao's time and space, in the winter when the 002 aircraft carrier was being built, green smoke would come out of the chimney. This was because of the winter construction, and the boiler had to be burned in advance to warm the internal cabin, otherwise it would freeze inside. Anything may have to be reworked.

All the leaders suppressed laughter. Mingzhou Group has built so many aircraft carriers, so the next domestic aircraft carrier must be from Mingzhou Group. Everyone knows it well. However, if Mingzhou Group thinks it must be its own, Just being arrogant will not work. Leader Wu beat his son-in-law, and it seems to have a good effect.

There was a buzzing sound in the cabin, which made me dizzy after listening to it for a while. One can imagine the working environment faced by the engineers who have been working here. After waiting for a while, Wu Shengli became a little impatient: "Let's go to the boiler room and take a look. ?”

There are also engineers busy in the boiler room. When the Navy got the 001 aircraft carrier, it trained two crew teams just for this aircraft carrier. Now, although the aircraft carrier has not yet been commissioned, there is no shortage of skilled sailors.

 The boilers of the two aircraft carriers are the same, and it is easy for the engineers to operate them. Everything is done as usual.

When Wu Shengli walked in, he saw an engineer soldier helping another sailor put on a fire-fighting suit and wrap his whole body.

 “Is this going to be a fire?” Wu Shengli was excited for a while.

 Lighting a boiler is a technical job and also very dangerous, so preparations for ignition must be done well. Generally speaking, the person responsible for igniting the fire is the chief engineer, carrying forward the fine tradition of Eastern soldiers: leaders in dangerous places go first!

“About that, we can light the fire in half an hour.” The chief engineer, who had put on fire protection clothing, said, “Let’s make some preparations first.”

“Attention, the compressed air pressure has been restored, prepare to blow the pipe!” At this moment, another order came.

 “Got it! Blowpipe work!”

"I know this." Wu Shengli just made a big mistake, but he didn't care. He didn't understand, and neither did those sitting in the offices in the Yellow Building. Only the engineers and designers on the aircraft carrier understood. Nothing to be ashamed of.

 Now, he still knows about this blowing operation. After all, this is the normal operation of the boiler power before it is started for the first time.

The power of the boiler is very simple. Use the boiler to burn water into high-temperature and high-pressure steam, then enter the steam turbine, blow it on the blades, push the blades to rotate, the air pressure is high at the beginning, and the small blades are blown. The farther back, the lower the air pressure, and the larger the volume. The ones are large blades, and the steam turbine is such an ever-increasing series blade combination.

If there are impurities in the airflow, the consequences will be very serious: the impurities will hit the blades, damage the blades, or even break them! Once the blades running at high speed break, it will cause a more terrible accident and even cause the entire turbine to be completely damaged.

Therefore, before the boiler system is started, a pipe blowing operation must be performed. Although the inside of the pipe has been polished smooth, there must be impurities inside. If you are unlucky, there will be residual welding **** and the like falling. Under the high-speed steam, When pushed, it will be like a flying bullet!

 So, blowpipe work must be carried out to blow out all these things.

To blow the pipe, of course, compressed air must be used. The high-pressure air used to start the auxiliary engine has this purpose. Just after starting the auxiliary engine, the lost compressed air has been replenished and is now used to blow the pipe.

The opening and closing valves of the pipeline were skillfully operated by the engineering soldiers. As the commands were completed one by one, the compressed air entered the inside of the pipeline with a bang, just like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, blowing out all the impurities along the way. When the exhaust port comes out, all kinds of debris and impurities are densely scattered everywhere.

 “The blowing job is complete!”

 “Attention, the No. 1 boiler is igniting!”

 The order to light the fire finally came!

Everyone had been looking forward to it for a long time. At this time, when they heard the ignition order, they immediately looked at the chief engineer. However, the chief engineer held a long ignition gun and began to chase people away: "Everyone, please go outside! "

The ignition operation is dangerous, and so many leaders must not be present. If the ignition is not successful and the flames are put out, something big will happen.

“Can we keep the door open and let’s watch?”

“No, according to safety regulations, the door must be closed.”

As a result, everyone was isolated outside and could not see the operations inside at all.

 You can only hear the commands coming one by one.

 “Open the diesel valve!”

 “Fuel injection!”

 “Ignition successful, furnace temperature rises!”

 “Get ready to start the heavy oil pump!”

 “Heavy oil was successfully ignited!”

 The heavy oil ignites, which means the ignition is successful!

Outside, for the first time, thick black smoke came out of the chimney of the 002 aircraft carrier. When the heavy oil just started to ignite, the combustion was incomplete and the smoke was the strongest. This thick black smoke rose into the sky one after another, towards the aircraft carrier. The whole world declares: The main engine of the 002 aircraft carrier has been ignited, and the sea trials are about to officially begin!

 (End of this chapter)

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