Warship of Great Power

Chapter 865: Import and domestic

   Everyone chatted for a long time in the assembly workshop of the J-20. After eating, they continued to see the production line of the J-10.

"We have gained experience from the production line of the J-31A, and now the production line of the J-10 is also a pulsating production line. This method has greatly improved our efficiency. The current monthly output of advanced J-10 fighters can reach two." Song Song The old man brought Wu Shengli and Qin Tao to visit the production line. Although the navy does not want these fighters, the navy is also qualified to see them.

   "These are also single-engine medium-sized aircraft, but the Air Force actually thinks highly of the J-10, and didn't place all the orders on the J-35?" Wu Shengli said with a smile.

  J-35 is the air force model of the fourth-generation stealth aircraft developed by Mingzhou Group. The Air Force also took a fancy to it and ordered a batch, but not fully ordered.

  The two fighters are about the same size, and they both use a single-engine pusher. In terms of performance, the J-35 completely dominates. Therefore, why doesn't the Air Force purchase the J-35 in full?

"Because the J-35 is an export-oriented fighter." Qin Tao answered the question: "There is no secret about this fighter. Although it is very important to use this fighter in Guodu now, but after five or ten years, There is no secret about this fighter. The J-10 is a fighter for our own use, and it still has a canard layout. The outside world is not familiar with it. Of course, the Air Force cannot put all its eggs in one basket."

Back then, when there was no J-35, the Air Force purchased large quantities of Su-27 imitations. At that time, some people said that there was no need to develop J-10 by ourselves, and free up research and development funds to buy more Su-27s. This statement was wise Mr. Lin and the others vetoed it. No matter how good the Su-27 is, it belongs to someone else.

  J-10 was born out of nowhere, and the outside world didn’t even know how good its maneuverability was. Even though it was a single-engine fighter, when it was engaged in domestic confrontation, it often beat the Su-27 all over the place.

   Now, of course, the Air Force will not give up on the J-10.

"Yes, Mr. Qin is right. We created the J-10 ourselves. The technology is kept secret and the outside world doesn't know about it. Therefore, the Air Force still needs to purchase a batch of them as low-end fighter jets. Even if we don't perform air superiority missions in the future, It’s not bad to be a bomb truck.” Elder Song said with a smile.

  J-10's positioning is just to target the F-16. The Air Force needs advanced stealth aircraft, but also non-stealth aircraft that can carry a large number of weapons.

   "Since it's a bomb truck, the J-10 has to be upgraded. Mr. Song, after the J-10 was finalized, you rushed to develop the J-20. You haven't considered upgrading the J-10, have you?" Qin Tao asked.

   "J-10 upgrade?"

   Due to the existence of the J-35, the status of the J-10 is a bit awkward. Everyone thinks that this aircraft is transitional and there is no need to continue to improve it, but Qin Tao puts forward a different point of view.

  J-10 has to be changed!

Looking at the six sticks on the rectangular air intake of the J-10, Qin Tao said: "For example, since air superiority is no longer the main focus, the adjustable air intake of this negative isolation layer is cumbersome. We have The advanced DSI air intake can be completely transplanted to save weight and improve efficiency, even if the high-altitude and high-speed performance is slightly reduced."

  In the era when the J-10 was just developed, the Air Force lacked advanced combat aircraft, which put forward many requirements for the J-10.

   If you want high-altitude and high-speed, you must pay attention to the air intake.

The fixed Pitot inlet of the F-16, although it is nominally able to fly up to Mach 2, but after Mach 1.6, it has to sway slowly, and the acceleration process is extremely slow, because at high speeds, the air inlet There's a lot of drag created, and the higher the speed, the smaller the intake has to be, which requires an adjustable intake.

  J-10 uses the complex adjustment of the baffle air intake, which is necessary to perform air superiority tasks, but if it is used as a bomb truck in the future, it can completely use the bulging air intake.

   Song Lao nodded.

Although Mr. Qin is a shipbuilder, he has also put forward many useful insights in the aviation industry. Among other things, just look at the fourth-generation stealth aircraft that are being mass-produced in China, and you will know how powerful Mr. Qin is. The general advice makes sense.

  J-20 can use bulging air intakes, and of course it can also be transplanted to J-10.

   "As for the engine, after our turbofan ten matures, we can also replace it with a turbofan ten. The third uncle is just a temporary replacement."

"There is also avionics equipment. Our domestic electronic technology is developing rapidly, and it will be outdated in five years. It can be replaced by more advanced avionics. When our active phased array radar is made into a cabbage price in the future, it can also be used Active phased array radar to replace."

"President Qin, according to what you said, our J-10 will usher in a major change." Song Lao said: "We have to wait until the J-20 makes its first flight before we can gather enough technical strength Do it."

  Wu Shengli was a little disapproving at the side, this plane is just a transition, you really treat it as a treasure, various improvements.

  Wu Shengli certainly didn't know how much Qin Tao, as a time traveler, valued the J-10. For the aviation industry of the motherland, this aircraft plays an important role in connecting the past and ushering in the future.

  Stayed in the Land of Abundance for a day, Qin Tao saw the progress of the J-20, gave some pointers, and was very satisfied. That night, Qin Tao and his father-in-law began to discuss plans for tomorrow.

   "Since we are here, there is no need to rush back. We can go to the plateau to see how our railway and oil pipeline are going." Qin Tao said.

Under the promotion of Qin Tao, the oil pipeline from Gwadar Port to China has been paid attention to. After all, railway transportation is not as fast as the oil pipeline, especially the Qinghai-Tibet Railway is only repaired to LS. From LS to the border, an oil pipeline must be built, otherwise It has to be transported by car, which is less efficient. It has been a few months since the last time this plan was finalized. How is the construction going?

  Qin Tao is looking forward to it.

   "It's winter, it's freezing there, are you sure you want to go?" Wu Shengli asked.

   "Our construction personnel are not afraid of the cold weather, can I be afraid?" Qin Tao said: "By the way, Dad, you are old, and this matter has nothing to do with the Navy, so don't go."

   "You boy, are you looking down on me?" Wu Shengli rolled his eyes at him: "If you can go, I can go. Let's take the railway construction vehicle and move along the railway!"

  After the railway is repaired, it cannot be put into operation immediately. It must first be run in for a period of time, which requires special vehicles to run back and forth on it.

   It’s just that you can’t get on the railway right away. After all, the Qinghai-Tibet Railway is not connected to Chengdu, and it starts from Xining in Qinghai. Qin Tao and Wu Shengli can only take the Black Eagle to Golmud first, and then go to LS from Golmud.

"At present, the development of our domestic Z-20 is going well, especially Genghis Khan Aviation, which is making rapid progress in the development of helicopter engines, which guarantees the development of helicopters." On the Black Hawk, Wu Shengli and Qin Tao continued to chat: "It is expected that we When the aircraft carrier is in service, it will be able to board the ship until the 20th."

  Qin Tao nodded: "At that time, the hangar on our destroyer will be completely designed according to the straight twenty, and we won't need other helicopters."

Zhijiu is too small, and Ka-27 is too high. These are not suitable. When designing domestic destroyers, the hangar has always been a headache. up!

  The army, air force, and navy will all use this kind of helicopter as their main force, even if it is an amphibious assault ship, it will also carry a batch of straight 20 helicopters.

   "However, in the field of helicopters, we are still behind. The United States already has an Osprey, so we still have to work hard."

The motherland has spent decades catching up with the world's advanced level, and has reached the world's first-class level in some fields, but in other fields, there are still flaws. Helicopters, because they don't seem too important, have been used for a long time. has been ignored for a long time.

  The Z-20 that has been developed now has just reached the level of the Black Hawk, and the U.S. military has already planned to eliminate the Black Hawk and replace it with a more advanced tilt-rotor aircraft.

   "That's right, we still have to work hard, but now we have to use good steel on the blade, and we can't be so anxious. Later, we will also have advanced tiltrotors." Wu Shengli said.

  Outside the porthole, a rolling plateau has appeared. This scene looks very beautiful, with so many beautiful mountains and rivers!

  The helicopter landed in Golmud, and everyone came to the platform with great interest.

   "Welcome to the leaders, we have prepared advanced imported trains for the leaders." Pan Renbao, the person in charge of the station, said excitedly. His bronze face represented that he had worked on the plateau for many years.

   "Imported trains?" Qin Tao frowned: "Don't we have domestic trains?"

   "Mr. Qin, the quality of our domestically produced trains is poor and cannot be compared with imported trains. For your safety, we deliberately..."

   "No need to be special, I like domestic products. If there are domestic products, I will not take the imported one." Qin Tao said: "Please, comrades, replace the front of the car for us."

   "Yes!" Behind Pan Renbao, an engineer replied excitedly, and then ran out without taking two steps, and fell down with a plop.

   "Old Zhang, you just came to the plateau not long ago, and you can't do strenuous exercise. You don't even understand this? Come on, take a few mouthfuls of oxygen." Pan Renbao said while beckoning the people next to him to get an oxygen tank.

Zhang Guangming took a few breaths of oxygen before recovering: "Old Pan, can I be unhappy? Your railway department is not as good as the imported ones. We don't believe in this evil. Our Qishuyan factory specially developed the snow area for the plateau. The performance of the Shenzhou diesel locomotive is definitely not inferior to that of the United States!"

  There is something wrong here! Qin Tao's face gradually became serious: "Mr. Zhang, tell us what's going on here?"

  The front of the car began to change outside, and Zhang Guangming, an engineer from Qishuyan Factory, introduced it to everyone at the station.

"Mr. Qin, our Qishuyan factory is an old-fashioned railway locomotive manufacturer. More than ten years ago, the railway department continued to increase the speed, requiring passenger cars to reach 140 kilometers per hour, trains to reach 90 kilometers per hour, and the maximum axle load. 25 tons. At that time, our Qishuyan factory developed a new type of high-power diesel locomotive, named Dongfeng 8B. This locomotive can tow 5,000 tons of cargo and run at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour, and there is still plenty of power. After production, it will become the most advanced diesel locomotive in China."

"Old Zhang, the hero doesn't mention the courage of the past, why do you always mention these things? Your Snowy Shenzhou is just an improved model based on the Dongfeng 8B. This locomotive has not been specially improved for plateaus at all, and it cannot be used at all. It meets the needs of our plateau railway." Pan Renbao said beside him.

   After finishing speaking, he looked at Qin Tao: "Mr. Qin, you probably don't know the technical problems here, let me introduce you."

After Zhang Guangming said something, his body couldn't take it anymore, and he continued to inhale oxygen. Pan Renbao pointed to the map hanging on the wall and introduced to Qin Tao and others: "Our second phase of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway project runs from Golmud to Kunlun Pass. Tanggula Mountain enters the territory of XZ and finally reaches LS City. The total length of the railway is 1140 kilometers, and the areas along the line are all high-altitude areas. The altitude is 5071 kilometers."

   "It's not just that the height is too high. In areas such as the northern **** of Kunlun Mountain and Yangbajing Canyon along the line, the drop has reached 1,000 meters! The maximum **** of the line has reached 20%..."

  Qin Tao nodded: "I know what you mean. Because of the high altitude, the power of our railway locomotives has dropped seriously. If you climb uphill, you are afraid that the power will be insufficient."

"That's right. According to the test of the existing first-phase railway section, when the diesel locomotive is at an altitude of 3,000 meters, the power of the diesel engine will be reduced by 25%. In this way, if it passes through the pass of Tanggula Mountain, the power will be lost by 100%. 40 to 50, so the front of the car may not be able to provide enough traction, causing serious safety hazards to our trains." Pan Renbao continued: "Even if our diesel engine uses a supercharger, at an altitude of more than 3,000 meters, The efficiency is already very low, and we have to use a special high-altitude supercharger if we want to go to the second phase of the railway. Therefore, the railway department decided to import advanced diesel locomotives from the United States.”

  Wu Shengli frowned on the side, seemingly normal on the surface, but judging from his years of experience, there is a problem here!

"After hearing that we lack plateau locomotives, General Electric Company of the United States and yi Andy Company came to bid. After comparison, the railway department decided to choose General Electric's C38AChe plateau diesel locomotive. Now this locomotive has been named NJ2 type, where N stands for internal combustion engine and J stands for AC drive. This is a locomotive specially developed by General Electric Company for our plateau railway."

  Qin Tao smiled: "The choice of the railway department is really interesting. We found a country with the least developed railway technology to build locomotives for us."

  Is the technology of the United States advanced? Indeed, some technologies are incomparable, but there are also some technologies that are not good, and railways are one of them.

Although the total mileage of American railways ranks first in the world, they are all old railways built before. Of the total mileage of more than 200,000 kilometers, only more than 1,000 kilometers are electrified railways, and the rest are diesel locomotive railways. , or even more than 90% of them are sleeper structures. After all, they were built decades or even hundreds of years ago. These old railways lead to their low operating efficiency and frequent safety problems. For example, From 1990 to 21, there were an average of 1705 derailments per year, with an average of 4.7 derailments per day.

   Such a railway, what safety can there be? Can the diesel locomotives produced in this country be advanced?

After the opening of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway, 18 NJ2 diesel locomotives were put into operation. As a result, during the 1.5 million kilometers of operation in the early stage, 16 major quality problems occurred one after another: diesel engine radiator leaks, locomotive running The internal stone sweeper is loose and falls off, the friction plate of the axle box guide frame inertia falls off, the cooler of the locomotive air compressor fails, etc.

The myth of American manufacturing was shattered in this way. The railway department did not dare to continue to use this imported diesel locomotive alone. It could only arrange trains such as Xueyu Shenzhou to be jointly tractioned with this kind of train. Advanced domestic diesel locomotive.

   "Mr. Qin, the railways in the United States are the most developed, and their total railway mileage ranks first in the world. At the same time, they also have rich experience in the development of diesel locomotives."

  The railways in the motherland are also developing rapidly, but the railways in the motherland will soon enter the era of electrification. As long as the power grid can be laid, the electrification transformation should be realized as soon as possible. After all, the manufacture of electric motors is much easier than that of internal combustion engines.

  So, in terms of internal combustion engines, China is really inferior to the United States.

   "But do they have plateaus thousands of meters above sea level?"

  The geographical location of the United States is very good. It is alone in a continent. They can participate in the world war if they want to, and no one can fight on their land. At the same time, the terrain is also very good: there are a few mountains in the west, plateaus in the middle, and plains in the east. Moreover, the altitude of the plateau is not particularly high, with an average altitude of only 760 meters.

  Looking at the east again, although there is a full land area of ​​9.6 million square kilometers, only the east is suitable for farming and living, and the west is only suitable for short-term tourism, not suitable for normal human life.

"Although they don't have a particularly high altitude, they have a wealth of experience." Pan Renbao continued: "Mr. Qin, you and Leader Wu are the most important figures in the country. There must be no accidents. You should follow our arrangements." .”

   "Of course not, I believe in domestic locomotives more."

  Zhang Guangming's eyes were full of gratitude: "Mr. Qin, thank you for your trust. We are confident in completing this mission, and our car will never have any problems!"

   "Boss Qin, why don't we use double fronts? Put American ones on it too?" Seeing this, Pan Renbao knew that there was no way to stop Qin Tao from using domestic products, so he could only provide a double insurance plan.

   "No need." Qin Tao shook his head.

   "Let's hang it up." Zhang Guangming said: "This will also test the traction capacity of our locomotive."

  Wu Shengli also said on the side: "Yes, Taozi, for a long time, we need to transport oil from the Middle East by train. Our fronts need to have enough traction."

  Qin Tao smiled, yes, if you go to LS, you need to climb uphill, but if we transport oil, it is downhill! It is transported up and down from the plateau, the traction should be counteracted as the braking force is almost the same.

  However, since my father-in-law said so, I can't continue to insist.

   "Okay." Qin Tao nodded: "Then let's go together."

   "Boss Qin, I'll go with you." Zhang Guangming put down the oxygen tank: "I can guarantee that there will be no problems with the front of our car!"

   "As long as there is no problem this time, we will leave the task of transporting oil to you in the future. As long as domestic locomotives can be used, we will not use imported locomotives."

  Pan Renbao had a complicated expression there, Mr. Qin was really serious, why was he so obsessed with importing or domestically produced?

  The front of the car is changed, and everyone gets on the car.

At the front is Xueyu Shenzhou, which is the modified Dongfeng 8B. Behind it is the NJ2 locomotive imported from the United States. The appearance of the two locomotives is different. The NJ2 locomotive has American characteristics, and the front of the locomotive is recycled. Just like the old locomotive a hundred years ago.

   Behind it are four green leather carriages and four cargo boxes.

A train that can transport 5,000 tons of goods in the plains can reduce its transport capacity by half when it reaches the plateau, and transport 2,500 tons, which is enough to ensure safety. Now, the total weight of the entire train is less than 1,000 tons, which is simply There will be no accidents.

  The train started and slowly left Golmud, this unique journey finally began.


  Amidst the sound of the siren, the train moved on the snow-covered plateau. Looking at the scenery on both sides, Qin Tao said with a smile: "I used to like to travel to the southern seas and islands, but now I realize that this plateau is also good."

"That's right, the plateau has the scenery of the plateau. When it was said that the railway was going to be built, I followed along to investigate the railway line. When I went back, I was attracted by the scenery here. At that time, I was thinking that we must let the railway locomotive produced by ourselves run. On this plateau, Mr. Qin, thank you for your support!"

"What I look down on the most is those guys who are always talking about how advanced the imported goods are. Some of our industrial technologies are lagging behind, but if there is a gap, we will catch up until we develop to the world's advanced level. If we lag behind, we will go abroad. When will our own products develop?" Qin Tao said: "Besides, our technology has also developed now, isn't it the plateau railway train? I believe that the products developed by our relevant units are not as good as those in the United States. behind!"

   "At an altitude of 3,500 meters, the traction test is fully qualified!"

   "When passing an uphill section, the self-load power correction is completely normal!"

   "The cold protection function of the locomotive is normal!"

   Tests are reported one by one, and there is no problem with this domestic locomotive!

  Ahead, a long **** with a **** of 20% for more than 100 kilometers appeared. Zhang Guangming was full of confidence: "Our Snowy Shenzhou, keep going!"

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