Warship of Great Power

Chapter 864: J-20 aircraft carrier

  Chapter 864 J-20 Aircraft Carrier

"They actually chose X-32?" Qin Tao felt a little unbelievable when he received the news. Although he has been pushing, it is absolutely beyond Qin Tao's interference in the final choice of the other party. He is not that big. energy.

"That's right, they've officially called the program the F-32, with the Air Force version called the F-32A, the Navy's version called the F-32C, and the Marine Corps' version called the F-32B, and the British are officially doing it too. Make a decision to purchase the F-32B."

   "Type B? What the **** are they doing?" Qin Tao was very surprised: "Aren't they going to launch an aircraft carrier that catapults to take off and block landing? It should be a Type C."

"That's right. Although they claim to build this type of aircraft carrier, they lack key technologies. Therefore, it is safest to purchase Type B. In case the development of the catapult fails, their aircraft carrier can still have combat effectiveness. Moreover, if the fighter jet If the progress is faster, they can also be equipped on the Invincible-class aircraft carrier."

  Qin Tao nodded: "Well, this explanation is very reasonable, so what shall we do next?"

"They do theirs, we do ours." Wu Shengli continued: "Our navy will firmly follow its own path. In the future, our aircraft carrier will be operated by J-32 and J-15 carrier-based aircraft. However, the United States The person's number coincides with ours again."

   "Well, they still learn from us, even if it's just a number." Qin Tao said with a smile.

   "It's a pity that we still lack heavy stealth fighters." Wu Shengli said: "By the way, 611 is developing a fourth-generation stealth heavy fighter. It is said that progress is good. Do you think we can change it to shipboard?"

Qin Tao has explained many times before that the existing aircraft are enough, but Wu Shengli is still dissatisfied, so he shook his head: "Of course it can't be carried by ships. The J-20 is the same as the J-10. They can only be equipped with land-based equipment. Besides, the future of our navy lies in aerospace aircraft, Dad, you should take a longer view."

  Wu Shengli smiled, what aerospace plane, your project is bluffing.

   "However, if you go over and have a look, it's okay. I haven't met Song Lao and the others for a long time."

  Time has entered December, the north is icy and snowy, and the Land of Abundance can't see any ice or snow. The cold weather gives people a different feeling, but in the assembly workshop of Factory 132, it is another scene in full swing.

A heavy-duty fighter appeared in front of everyone. It was still assembled at this time. You could see the titanium alloy frame and the various parts inside. However, since the basic skeleton had come out, the whole frame could be seen clearly. The structure of the aircraft.

  Rhombic nose, parallelogram air intake, canard layout, double vertical tails have not been installed yet.

   "Mr. Song, your progress is really fast, and you are now starting to build a prototype!" Qin Tao looked at the plane in front of him with great emotion, the progress was unbelievable.

   "Thank you all so much." Elder Song said.


"Yes, with your participation, our research and development will be faster. The nose part of this fighter is contracted by your Mingzhou Group team. We are developing the fuselage in 611 and researching the flight control at the same time. We will cooperate separately. , the efficiency is greatly improved."

In the design stage, the nose of the J-20 was similar to that of the J-31A, so in order to speed up the research and development, the 611 Institute simply contracted the nose to the team of Plesakov and Zhao Dangsheng. They are good at the canard layout of the fuselage and flight control, so that the big guys work together and the efficiency is just right.

   "Where's Mao Duanzhang?" Qin Tao immediately became excited.

   "Old Mao is working, and left after completing the research and development of the machine head."

   "Gone?" Qin Tao opened his eyes wide: "Where did I go, why don't I know?"

"Didn't go abroad, isn't our brother's unit doing H20? This project still has Lao Lin in charge. Seeing that the project is not going well, Lao Lin called and transferred Mao Duanzhang. Zhao Dangsheng stayed with us to continue Do it."

In addition to the J-20, there is also the H-20. This project is more important. It is the Tianzi No. 1 project of the Air Force. If you want to say that the most experienced researcher of stealth aircraft in China is of course Plesakov, so he is called passed.

  Zhao Dangsheng was busy at the nose of the plane at this time. When Qin Tao called him, he smiled and continued to work.

"Thanks to our technical reserves on the fourth-generation stealth aircraft, our heavy-duty aircraft now directly plans to use active phased array radar, and relevant units are also undergoing intensive development." Song Lao said: "In terms of performance, our J-2 Ten is definitely not worse than F22."

  At present, most of the fighters exported by Mingzhou Group still use flat-panel slot radar, but a version of active phased array radar has also been developed for rich users. As long as the radar is modified, it can be used by J-20.

  The research and development of this aircraft can go on the fast track, thanks to the foundation laid by Mingzhou Group.

"We have what other people have, and we have to have what others don't have." Qin Tao said: "The fourth-generation heavy-duty machine is necessary. The environment we will face in the future will be more dangerous. Only the fourth-generation heavy-duty machine can guarantee our country. Safety."

   "Yes, for the navy, we have Mingzhou Group, and for air power, we have Chengfei." Wu Shengli said: "It seems that our J-20 will be able to make its first flight next year, right?"

   "Yes, we strive to achieve the first flight next year and enter active service earlier than the F-32."

  Now they can target the F-32.

  Hearing what Song Lao said, Qin Tao was very curious: "Song Lao, are you still concerned about the progress of foreign military aircraft during your busy research and development work?"

"It's mainly my assistant's attention." Elder Song looked at another young man who was busy next to the plane and said, "I'm already old, and the research and development of the next model must be handed over to my assistant. In fact, he is already taking the lead now. , Our J-20 is mainly in charge of him, and I will check it. He pays attention to world events and the progress of other countries' military aircraft."

  "Mr. Yang?" Qin Tao respected this man: "Do you think F-32 is good?"

"It's just a project that has been fooled." Yang Gong jumped out of his station, walked over and said: "The F-32 looks simple in structure, but it wastes too much space. Its engine is arranged in the center of the body. The long pipeline reaches the tail of the aircraft, and there must be waste in it. Its vertical take-off and landing performance is simply not comparable to that of the X-35. Is it going faster than Lockheed's?"

  Lockheed's X-35 is only a vertical take-off and landing model with a little more dead weight, but other models are still normal. The space behind the pilot's back can be freed up to add fuel or electronic equipment to increase its blanking time.

Boeing's X-32 directly arranges the engine in the center, and the space in the rear half of the fuselage is all wasted. Even the conventional take-off and landing models have to accommodate it. This layout is absolutely inappropriate. If it is the only advantage, it can Inheriting many designs of the Sea Harrier, the difficulty is low, so its research and development progress is also fast.

   "It's probably the last reason." Qin Tao said: "They can't wait any longer, and use whichever progresses soon."

   "Well, our Strategic Deception Bureau has done a really good job." Yang Gong said: "It also bought us a lot of time and opportunities."

   "It's good to work with young people. You can make a joke if you have nothing to do." Qin Tao said with a smile.

   "Am I not joking?" Gong Yang expressed his confusion.

   "Aren't you kidding me? Then you should know that we don't have any strategic tricks in our country. When you have nothing to do, you don't go online. There are too many gossips on the Internet." Qin Tao said.

   Was fooled? Gong Yang was a little curious, but this just showed that the Bureau of Strategic Deception did a great job!

   "This plane doesn't look big. It looks smaller than our J-15. If the wings are folded, it will be able to board the aircraft carrier." Wu Shengli said beside him.

  Of course, what he is most concerned about is whether the fourth-generation heavy-duty aircraft such as the J-20 can be boarded.

   "Of course there is no problem getting on the aircraft carrier." Yang Gong said, "We have already demonstrated it."

no problem? Now it was Qin Tao's turn to be surprised: "Is there really no problem?"

   "This demonstration project is also in charge of Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhao, come down!" Mr. Yang shouted loudly.

   Zhao Dangsheng came down from above: "President Qin, according to our experience in developing the J-31A and J-32, it should not be difficult to transform the J-20 into a carrier-based aircraft."

"Its landing gear is conventional. The front landing gear is connected to the main stress-bearing structure of the fuselage, and the rear landing gear is also very strong. As long as it is strengthened according to the needs of the carrier-based aircraft, it can meet the requirements of catapult takeoff and blocked landing." Yes, although the tail has pelvic fins, it is inclined, and it should not be caught on the deck during takeoff and landing. As for the wings, we can choose to fold them or not.”

Both the J-10 and J-20 have a canard layout. This kind of aircraft has a characteristic: the front is narrow and the rear is wide, so if necessary, it can be arranged in a cross. The French Rafale fighter is like this, and it is not much more wasteful than folding wings. area, but can significantly reduce the structural weight.

  Wu Shengli is full of excitement. Their navy not only has the stealth single-engine J-32, but also the double-engine J-20! It would be so cool to drive our own 002 aircraft carrier into the water, if it is paired with the J-20, we are not afraid of facing the F22!

"However, there are still difficulties." Zhao Dangsheng continued: "Even if the wings are not folded, compared with land-based aircraft, the weight needs to be increased. If we still rely on our existing turbofan fifteen, it is impossible to let It has the performance of a land-based fighter, so if you really want to carry it on a ship, the best way is to match it with our turbofan 15th modification."

Turbofan 15 is the original R79 engine. Although some improvements have been made, the main purpose is to increase the lifespan. There is no change in the key indicators such as weight and thrust. Related units have also made major changes on the basis of Turbofan 15. The weight is reduced and the thrust is increased. This kind of engine is the most suitable for the J-20 carrier.

   That is to say, if the Navy wants the J-20 carrier-based aircraft, it needs to wait. This has nothing to do with the 611, it depends on the contribution of the 624 and other units.

"At the same time, another difficulty is that our production capacity is limited." Song Lao said next to him: "The Air Force attaches great importance to this J-20. After it is finalized, the Air Force will definitely use it on a large scale. After all, your navy does not have We invest R&D funds in this project, so the fighters we produce have to be given priority to the Air Force."

   "How much does the Air Force want?"

   "It is planned to equip 500 aircraft."

   "What about your production capacity?"

   "According to our current capacity, the monthly output is about one. In the future, we plan to open another production line, and the monthly output can be increased to two."

  Twenty-four a year, 500 can be produced in twenty years! Wu Shengli frowned: "This is absolutely not possible, there are too few! You open two more production lines!"

  It is not just a matter of opening more production lines, it requires more equipment and more technicians!

   Song Lao didn't answer, just smiled. The navy wanted it, but it had to wait for a chance.

   "Do you have extra production capacity?" Wu Shengli asked Qin Tao.

   "Our current order has been scheduled for ten years later." Qin Tao said.

"It seems that Shen Fei is the only one left." Wu Shengli said: "It is no longer necessary to modify the Su-27 fighter they produced. Later, let them stop these planes and produce J-2 for us." ten!"

   "Dad, are you joking? It must be a joke." Qin Tao smiled.

  The fighters developed by 611 are handed over to Shenyang for production? Let alone the issue of intellectual property rights, who is responsible for the crash after production? Is it a design problem or a production problem?

  It would be the same if Shen Fei was merged into Cheng Fei, but this kind of thing is not simple, they should not worry about it.

"Let's put the production aside. Since you have the project demonstration of the carrier-based aircraft, you can't abandon it. Continue the demonstration. When manufacturing the prototype, you will also build a prototype for our navy." Wu Shengli can't wait: "The navy will pay for this fee!"

After saying this, Wu Shengli felt that it was not safe, and continued: "Old Song, you also know that although our navy has a stealth carrier-based aircraft, there is no secret about that aircraft. Not only are we using it, but many foreign customers also use it. In use, others will definitely be able to figure out the performance of our aircraft, or J-20 is better, this type of aircraft is completely for personal use and will never be exported, this will be a sharp sword for our navy in the future."

  Qin Tao was a little helpless there, Dad, you said that my equipment is not good in front of me, you seem to be going too far. However, it is understandable for the old man to say so.

The J-15 that the navy is using is a heavy-duty aircraft, and the navy is also used to using heavy-duty aircraft. If the J-20 can be on board, it can perfectly replace the J-15. As for the ability to carry anti-ship missiles, it can also be equipped with stealth capabilities. The weapon pod is implemented.

If the navy has the J-20, some people will have a headache. Even if their navy’s stealth aircraft comes out, it is completely different. No matter whether it is F-32 or F-35, it can’t deal with J-20. Only F22 can. , the question is, how could the Navy want the Air Force's aircraft on board? They can't afford to lose this man.

   Song Lao nodded: "It is something we wish for to be able to produce carrier-based aircraft for our navy. We will definitely work hard to form a special carrier-based aircraft modification team with Mr. Zhao at the center to complete the carrier-based aircraft modification."

   Now there is really nothing wrong with Shen Fei. Even if it is a navy fighter, they don't want to touch it again. Even if they make a double-engine carrier-based stealth aircraft, they will definitely not be able to compare with the J-20.

   "How deep is the bomb bay of this aircraft? Can it carry bombs?" Qin Tao began to ask some questions.

There are many arguments in later generations about whether the J-20 can be on the ship. One of the opposing opinions is that the bomb bay of the J-20 is too shallow, so that it can only carry air-to-air missiles, and cannot carry air-to-ground or air-to-ship missiles. The cabins are all listed: see that? The bomb bays of J-20 and F-22 are not deep enough, and only JSF can carry JDAM bombs.

Is it really like this?

According to some information, the F-22's built-in bomb bay can carry not only the AIM-120 advanced medium-range air-to-air missile and the AIM-9 Sidewinder missile air-to-air combat bomb, but also the GBU-32 joint direct attack munition. Correct the ammunition dispenser, GBU-39 small diameter bomb, etc. If you do not consider stealth to plug in, it will be even more against the sky.

  Qin Tao just didn't know the capabilities of his own F-22.

   "If we want to carry bombs, then our built-in bomb bay really needs to be deepened. This is not difficult, but Mr. Qin, is it a bit overkill for such an advanced stealth fighter to carry out bombing missions?" Elder Song asked.

   What is J-20? It's an air superiority fighter! The meaning of the existence of this kind of fighter is to seize air supremacy, knock down the opponent's aviation unit, and then the own aviation unit without stealth ability can drive straight in.

Take the opponent's aircraft carrier formation as an example. If it really comes to the time when war is needed to solve the problem, then one's own J-20 carrier-based aircraft will first destroy the carrier-based aircraft of the opponent's aircraft carrier, and let the opponent's air defense The firepower circle shortened rapidly from four to five hundred kilometers to about one hundred kilometers. At this time, various fighter planes, warships and even anti-ship missiles carried by submarines of one's own side could swarm up and send the opponent's aircraft carrier formation into the seabed.

   Is it appropriate to use the J-20 to carry bombs and carry out attack missions?

"Back then, when the F-16 was just developed, it claimed that it didn't have a gram of weight to attack the ground. Now? As you can see, the F-16 has become a special bomb truck. Our J-20 fighter jet is in In the early days, we must focus on capturing air supremacy, but in the future, when no one can challenge our hegemony, we will definitely need the ability to attack the ground." Qin Tao's argument convinced everyone.

   "That's right, Taozi is right, but that's a matter for the future. We'll talk about it later, and now we still focus on air superiority." Wu Shengli concluded: "As for the attack, we still have other aircraft."

  The non-stealth aircraft carried on the aircraft carrier can completely carry out attack missions. Of course, how to match the carrier-based aircraft on the aircraft carrier in the future will be discussed later. If there are advanced fighters, of course they must be used.

  Qin Tao smiled and nodded: "Yes, when we arrive, the task of attacking may fall on the drone, so I don't have to worry about it."

The significance of the electromagnetic catapult is not only from the age of steam to the age of electricity, but also has a very practical significance. Due to the continuously adjustable thrust, it can not only eject 30-ton fighters, but also eject several tons of unmanned aircraft. machine.

  After arriving, the long-range attack mission of the aircraft carrier can be completely handed over to the carrier-based drone. Even if it is shot down, it will only lose the aircraft and will not face the problem of rescuing the pilot.

"Mr. Qin, we still have some ideas for the interior design of this cabin." Taking advantage of Qin Tao's presence here, Yang Gong put forward his own idea: "We saw that when the Mingzhou Group's stealth machine was being sold to the outside world, there were A large-screen cockpit display version, but when it is officially sold to the outside world, there are still more conventional layouts of one level and three downs. For our J-20, what layout do you think is more appropriate?"

   One level three down is the mainstream of this era, one head up display, three down display, sometimes with several mechanical instruments to form the cockpit display system together.

  However, if you look at it, a large screen is undoubtedly more modern.

"We use one level and three times because the technology of liquid crystal display is still not up to the mark. If our relevant units can provide this kind of large-screen display, of course it is better to have a large screen. It can display more content, and switching is also easy." will be easier."

   "But if all of them are screens, will the pilot accidentally touch them during operation?"

The big guys still have concerns about the touch screen. After all, the touch screen has no power feedback. In the past, you could feel it with your fingers when you flipped a switch or turned a knob. Now you can directly press the button on the screen without any feedback. , which cannot be operated blindly.

   "Use the speech recognition system." Qin Tao said: "We have been developing the speech recognition system, and it should be almost mature now, and it can be transplanted."

  European Typhoon fighter jets already have voice recognition, and their own electronic technology is much more advanced than that of Europe, so of course there is no problem.

   "Moreover, not only do the three downward-looking displays need to be replaced by a large display, but we also need to develop an advanced helmet-mounted display system. In the future, it may be able to replace the cockpit head-up display."

When domestic fighters were remodeling the J-7, they imported equipment from Marconi and entered the era of head-up display. It is a piece of glass poked in the center of the instrument panel. Important data is projected on the glass, so that the pilot can see the outside airspace as well as some data of the aircraft when flying. The pilot does not need to bow his head, which is of great benefit in fierce air battles.

When it was first equipped, some old pilots were not used to it, so they turned off this thing when they got on the plane, thinking it was an eyesore, but now, the head-up display has become a very important equipment on the plane, and the technology is also developing. Diffraction HUD has been developed in China now, and the green HUD is more modern.

  Qin Tao proposed a more advanced technical route: remove the HUD and replace it with the goggles on the helmet.

In Qin Tao’s time and space, only the F-35 realized this function. The helmet with numerous bulges looks full of science fiction. It integrates the three functions of HUD, night vision and AR enhancement. It is the first choice of a flying helmet. ceiling.

However, this kind of helmet also has problems: excessive weight, signal delay, etc. However, this is a development direction after all. Our side can't do it now, but it may be possible in the future. First propose the technology, and then relevant personnel will come. Research on it.

  Hearing Qin Tao's introduction, everyone's eyes widened. This thing sounds really sci-fi.

   PS: My eyes are dim, and when I looked at the map, I suddenly made a mistake. I still thought that the border between Siam and Asan is not bordering, so why did I connect it? It has been revised, and there are still some questions about the above picture raised by readers. The picture of Flying Toad has been uploaded, but it is estimated that it has not passed the review, so it did not come out. Thank you readers for subscribing, rewarding and voting! At the end of the month, readers who have valuable monthly tickets, please vote for Huadong Zhixiong. Starting tomorrow, we will continue to update twice a day.



  (end of this chapter)

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