Warship of Great Power

Chapter 854: despicable competitor

"Liars, Siamese are all liars!" Lee Mingyao returned to the Port Group, his face full of anger: "They clearly promised me that they would not build the canal again. Who would have thought that they were still secretly burying explosives? Now the entire river has been blasted through!”

"Yes, they are shameless enough, but, Li Mingyao, why couldn't you discover their actions in advance? What have you been doing these days?" Gao Bowen, the group executive, said angrily: "I have made you these days You have been staying in Siam for surveillance, what are you doing?”

The explosives were not buried secretly. Construction was going on day and night. If Li Mingyao had been watching there every day, he would have discovered the clues and reported them quickly. It's a pity that he didn't. After protesting to Qiu Tasin, he stayed in the capital of Siam to eat, drink and have fun. This was originally a tourist city. He used public funds to enjoy performances everywhere and even tasted different tastes. Every day was a pleasure. , until I heard that the canal blasting project was continuing, I realized that something was wrong. I wanted to go to Qiu Daxin to protest, but was driven away and had to come back to report.

"Me, I have been monitoring, but I am alone and cannot monitor all day long. They are too hateful and deliberately avoid me." Li Mingyao said.

Gao Bowen rolled his eyes at him and swallowed. Now we are not discussing Li Mingyao's dereliction of duty, but what to do next.

"The entire canal has been blown up, but the satellite images we got show that the project is not over yet." Gao Bowen said: "There are still a lot of earthworks. If we want to hinder the construction of this canal, then We can only find a solution from this place.”

 “We will undertake the next construction tasks and then do the work?” Others reacted.

"Yes, otherwise what else can we do?" Gao Bowen said: "Even if the Americans come over, they can't make the Siamese people give up the canal. They are only one step away from success, so how can they stop work under external pressure."

What have the Americans been doing so long ago? Had they come forward to exert pressure earlier, maybe the Siamese would have given up? Now, the completion of the canal is just around the corner. Who can stop it?

 This is the only way to do it.

“The person responsible for the construction on site is the Mingzhou Group. They have a good relationship with Siam, so why would they change the construction unit?”

"I have a solution for this!" Li Mingyao suddenly thought of something: "I know that the Siamese people have been in a quarrel for a long time to compete for the fat piece of building the canal. Many people are greedy, but there is no way to intervene. Among them are A man named Trasil is the most greedy. As long as we find him and claim that we can dig the canal at half the price of the Mingzhou Group, and then give him a part of the rebate, he will definitely get this project for us!"

“Yes, this is a way, but it still cannot expose our port group. We need to find a third-party construction unit.” Gao Bowen said.

They are in competition with the Siam canal. If they go over to help build the canal, even a fool will know what is going on. Therefore, they have to use the name of a third-party construction company.

"Okay, let's go to Europe to find a team." Li Mingyao said: "It's all on me. I will definitely not let the Mingzhou Group's conspiracy succeed!"

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you. If you mess up again, you know what the consequences will be." Gao Bowen's face was terrifyingly gloomy.

"No, the people there are easy to deal with. As long as you give them some benefits, they can even sell their own country." Li Mingyao said.

 The capital of Siam.

"What? The next excavation will cost 80 million US dollars? This is definitely a robbery!" Tracier's voice was so loud that the whole building could hear: "The price charged by Mingzhou Group is too high!"

Rakul's face was gloomy: "Trasil, you don't know how big the excavation work will be, so why do you say the asking price is too high? Have you investigated? Do you understand?"

"Of course." Tracier said proudly: "Of course I have investigated and understood it. Isn't it just some debris rolled into the river caused by the explosion? Why use 80 million US dollars? As long as 40 million US dollars, I will do it." A professional construction team can be hired to complete the entire work.”

 “Forty million dollars? Are you sure?” Qiu Daxin was tempted.

Although we have already made an agreement with the Mingzhou Group, after all, they have to pay. Even if the toll is exempted, it is still money. Now that we can save half of it, do we still need to choose?

"Your Excellency Qiu Taxin, we cannot be deceived." Rakul said: "The person Trahir contacted could not be the construction company of the Singapore Port Group, right?"

Qiu Daxin also became serious, yes, this matter is weird! The Port of Singapore has always wanted to hinder its own canal construction, and deliberately sabotaged its own canal when it was blasting. We must take precautions!

"Of course not. If it were them, how could I propose this plan? They are European construction companies. They heard that we needed to clean up the river and came here to support it. You should also know that if the canal is successfully built, the road leading to Europe will be Shipping costs will fall further and they will be able to use cheaper Eastern products, so they set a low price out of friendliness."

LaCour stopped talking. Is this really the case?

“Well, if the Europeans can solve it for $40 million, then we can consider using them.”

"Your Excellency Qiu Daxin, don't forget, we have no money now." Lakul thought of something.

“European construction companies know our economic situation, so they can borrow temporarily. When the canal is opened, we get the tolls and then pay for their projects.” Tracier continued.

 Qiu Daxin was completely tempted.

 At the end of the meeting, Rakul walked out of the conference room with a gloomy face and his hands clenched into fists.

 Okay, if you dare to rob yourself, then don’t blame yourself for being rude! His eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Getting in the car, he said in a cold tone: "Cause a traffic accident, and I want Trasil to die!"

“Okay, but do you want to meet Mr. Qin first? Maybe Mr. Qin has a better choice?”

“Okay, let’s go find Mr. Qin.”

Qin Tao has not left yet and is still staying on the construction site to direct. When he saw Lakul coming, his face was full of pride: "Lakul, we have conducted another survey and are sure that we can complete the task within the specified time. .”

"Qin, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Lakul said in a low voice.

"What happened?"

“Trasil found a European construction company and took over the business at a cost of 40 million US dollars. He can also wait until the canal is opened before paying for the project. So..."

“So you were fooled and suffered big losses because of your petty gains.” Qin Tao said.

 “Suffering a loss? Being fooled?”

"That's right, think about it, Europe's labor costs and mechanical equipment are not as good as ours, so why are their quotes half lower than ours? It's normal for their quotes to be twice as high as ours!" Qin Tao said : "So, there must be something weird about this!"

"what is the problem?"

“If I’m not wrong, this so-called European construction company must be behind the Singapore Port Authority. Their purpose is to delay the construction of this canal for as long as possible.”


LaCour finally reacted. Why didn't he think of this when he was in the conference room just now? Mr. Qin is so awesome. I wish I had known to take him to the meeting with me!

What should we do now?

“I will go back to Mr. Qiu Daxin immediately to report that there is a problem with this construction company!”

"There's no need to go, it's useless to go now." Qin Tao said: "Your leader is attracted by the lower offer and can no longer listen to what others say. If you go and say it now, there will be nothing but disgust for him."

 “Then what should I do?”

"Wait." Qin Tao said: "We promised to complete the project in half a year, but this European construction company cannot complete the project in ten years."

"Wait half a year?" Rakul shook his head: "We can't wait that long. The sooner this canal is completed, the sooner we can get benefits. With money, our navy can purchase more warships."

"You don't have to wait half a year, just wait a month. In one month, let's see if they can finish one-sixth of the work. Isn't that enough?" Qin Tao said, "At that time, not only will you not have to pay them wages, but you will also They must be fined heavily. This fine can be used as funds for our Mingzhou Group."

Lakul's eyes lit up, yes, there is a fine. If you don't complete it within the stipulated time, of course you will have to pay a fine. Report this matter to Qiu Daxin, and Qiu Daxin will definitely agree.

"Also, this so-called European construction company must have bribed your officials to take over this business. At that time, not only can this construction company be fined, but the officials who introduced them can also be jailed and put in jail." The family's wealth was collected to support the construction of the canal, so that we would not be exempted from tolls, but it would almost be enough to pay for our project."

 LaCour gave a thumbs up: "Qin, your method is great!"

Because of this incident, Tracier was on LaCour's blacklist. LaCour only thought of sending someone to drive and kill Tracier, faking it into a traffic accident, but this was just to kill Tracier. Just one person, making a fuss about this matter can bring misfortune to the Trahill family!

 Qiu Daxin is very interested in this project, and after knowing the truth, he will never let Trasil go.

“I’ll ask your navy to find a place to store these construction vehicles temporarily so as not to transport them back and forth. Anyway, we will have to take over the project in a month.”

"Okay, that's no problem. Stop at our naval base." Rakul nodded: "Your people can also stay. Our navy will take care of food and housing."

“Forget it about people, our people are very precious and they have to go to other construction sites to work.” Qin Tao said.

Watching Lakul leave, Kong Laoer was a little angry: "Mr. Qin, we have never done such an embarrassing job before. Even if we don't pay wages in advance, our business has been stolen by other construction companies!"

Qin Tao smiled: "It's normal. There are always people who compete maliciously and destroy the market. We rely on quality and never compete maliciously on low prices. In the next month, I will send you to Shuangsha Island for vacation."

 Holiday to Shuangsha Island?

 Everyone cheered: "Long live Mr. Qin!"

 “Thank you Mr. Qin!”

Lakul returned to the capital and reported to Qiu Daxin. Qiu Daxin nodded: "Yes, we have to add some restrictions to avoid being cheated by them!"

The contract was finally placed in Li Mingyao's hands. He was very excited. He had finally accomplished a big thing. In the past few years, they had never won against the Mingzhou Group. This time they finally snatched it from the Mingzhou Group. He was extremely happy about the business and had nothing to say. He signed his name quickly. As for every detail of the terms and conditions, he really didn't pay attention to it.

 Then you can start working as a foreigner!

Qin Tao also returned to the country and summoned Yang Dawei and others for a meeting at the Mingzhou Shipyard.

"Upgraded version 054?" After hearing Qin Tao's introduction, Yang Dawei nodded: "This is not difficult. Let's just modify the bridge. The internal combat command system can transplant the 052C, so it will be a small shield. The ship, but the displacement has not changed and the price has doubled. Mr. Qin, are you sure there will be customers to purchase it?"

"We just design and sell the design to customers. If they like it, they will order it. If they don't like it, they will order our low-end version. We won't waste much money." Qin Tao said, "What if there is a rich customer?" I’ve taken a liking to it.”

"Okay, let's go and design it." Yang Dawei said: "The project is not difficult. We can complete the design in one week. But I have to go to my brother's unit first to get the information on this phased array radar."

They have never come across this kind of small shield, so they don’t have the data. They need to get the data before they can design it.

Qin Tao nodded: "Okay, I have nothing to do, so I will go with you."

 Having nothing to do? Yang Dawei was speechless, Mr. Qin, you are really the most leisurely boss.

However, just when Qin Tao was about to hang out, Xu Zhengyang reported new news: "Mr. Qin, Damao said that someone is coming to see the progress of the construction of the 22350 frigate."

 Isn’t it just a shell? What catches your eyes? Qin Tao was a little helpless: "Just come and let them see for themselves."

“Your Excellency Nicholas leads the team.”

Since Nicholas is leading the team, Qin Tao cannot leave and must accompany him.

The next day, Nicholas and his team appeared at the Mingzhou Shipyard, accompanied by Qin Tao, who was very enthusiastic.

"Nicholas, since the construction of our 22350 frigate started, we have mobilized elite troops and greatly accelerated the construction progress of the frigate. Now, half of the construction of the hull has been completed."

On the slipway, the 22350 frigate has indeed taken shape. The hull part below has been almost completed. Everyone is very satisfied with the smooth stealth appearance.

“Mr. Qin, we can trust you to build the frigate.” Nicholas said, “Looking at this, we will be able to hand over the complete hull to us next year, right?”

“Yes, it will be almost in the first half of next year. Our construction speed is fast enough, you can rest assured.”

“Alas, it’s a pity that our relevant domestic institutions are too weak.”

"What's going on? Nicholas, my old friend, have you encountered any problems? You can talk to me." Qin Tao felt strange. Nicholas and the others came here with great fanfare, how could it be just for Let's take a look at this half-made iron shell. It must have other purposes.

 “Gushkov, tell me.” Nikolai said to the person behind him.

"Hello, Mr. Qin, I am Yuri Gushkov, the chief designer of Fazatlon Group." The middle-aged man said: "We are the first company in China to develop active phased array radar. , we have encountered many difficulties in research and development, so we would like to ask for your help."

There are two major radar research and development institutions in China, one is Fazatlon, code-named NIIR, and the other is Tikhimilov, code-named NIIP. If we want to talk about developing the first active phased array radar, then there are As for Fazatron, they have developed many advanced radars, such as the famous Beetle radar used on the MiG-29, such as the passive phased array radar used on the MiG-31. At the same time, they are also actively developing The first active phased array radar Beetle-AE.

 Although they have not developed phased array radars for warships, the navy can only place its hopes on their company now.

“Are you having trouble with the four-sided phased array radar used on the 22350 frigate?” Qin Tao looked at them curiously: “This is easy, purchase it directly from us!”

The shipborne phased array radar of Institute 14 is for 052C and 052D and cannot be exported. However, the phased array radar developed by Aerospace Institute 23 is only matched with one 052B. Now they want to sell their phased array radar. completely fine.

 Qin Tao sent Yang Dawei to coordinate the radar of the 23rd institute. Unexpectedly, some customers have already come to the door.

"No, no, Mr. Qin, we cannot directly purchase the entire radar." Gushkov said: "We can also develop related components of the radar. What we urgently need to purchase now is just the T/R components on the active phased array radar. , with these components, we can develop advanced airborne and shipborne phased array radars."

It was only then that Qin Tao realized that the other party wanted to purchase parts!

For active phased array radars, the biggest difficulty is the production of this T/R component. When the 14th Department produced radars for the navy, they also suffered a lot. Later, they gradually mastered the process and were able to reduce the cost of this radar. Lower it down.

Having processing difficulties on our own side, Lao Maozi has even more difficulties, and now they are also worried about this! In Qin Tao's original time and space, Lao Maozi's airborne phased array radar was developed only in 2005, tested in 2006, and finalized in 10 years. As for the navy, it was developed only after 11 years, and now they are completely indefinite.

 The airborne one can still wait, after all, they still have mature radar to use, but what about the shipborne one? The hull is about to be built, and they will take it back to outfit it later. How can it be finalized and put into service without a radar?

 So, after some research, they finally decided to come to the East to seek a breakthrough.

"I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with these. Can you complete the matching work if you purchase our T/R components separately?" Qin Tao said: "I still recommend that you purchase our radar directly, at least the entire radar antenna. For ours, you will do the later circuits to avoid leaks."

 Purchase the whole antenna directly? Nikolai felt that this suggestion was not bad, but Gushkov shook his head repeatedly: "No, no, our main problem now is that we cannot mass-produce T/R components. With such components, we can assemble them into antennas." It’s not difficult, we have the confidence.”

Of course he can't purchase directly, otherwise what would they do with the Fazatlon Group? There are also institutions in China that are researching shipborne radars. What if they steal the order?

"I don't know if this component is sold in domestic units. I only know that when we purchase it, we purchase it in its entirety." Qin Tao said, "I can contact you, but if they don't sell it, I won't There is no way, and besides, the price is not my final say.”

"Qin, as long as you contact me for help." Nicholas nodded: "Now, can we continue to look at your other warships? For example, the warship that is about to be launched?"

 A warship about to be launched? Qin Tao understood again that one of Nikolai's purposes was to take a look at his own 002 aircraft carrier!

"Your Excellency Nicholas, the warship that is about to be launched is a strictly confidential project. You can only look at it from the outside and cannot step on it. If you want to see it, you can also take a look at the 054 frigate we built for foreign customers and your displacement. almost."

“Then let’s take a look outside.” Nicholas said, “Can we get on the gantry crane?”

   054 What’s there to see? I have seen it before, and there is no four-sided phased array radar, so it cannot be compared with our own warships! It was the aircraft carrier that aroused their great interest.

They only have one Kuznetsov, and they often lie in the port and have no money to go out and wander around. But they are ambitious. They hope to have more aircraft carriers in the future. Now of course they have to look at the progress of the Eastern aircraft carrier. .

  After all, this is a super aircraft carrier, comparable to American aircraft carriers! It would be great if Ermao’s nuclear-powered aircraft carrier hadn’t been dismantled!

 This is what the naval officer of Damao thought about.

“The gantry crane cannot go up, but I can find a higher place and take you up to have a look.”

Anyway, you can see it from the satellite, so it’s not a big deal to take Da Mao to see it now. As Qin Tao led everyone, he suddenly thought of something: "Actually, you can also communicate with our navy and ask to join this ship." When the aircraft carrier is launched into the water, you can definitely step on it and have a look."

 Foreign navies come to participate in the launching ceremony of their own naval warships. This is also a sign of friendship and can also build momentum.

Nicholas' face was filled with joy: "This is a good idea. I'll ask your navy to make a request another day!"

Everyone stepped onto a shelf next to the dock and looked down at the huge aircraft carrier, its wide flight deck, and the shed erected in front of the deck, with envy in their eyes.

 With the emergence of this aircraft carrier, the strength of the Eastern Navy will be elevated to a new stage!

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