Warship of Great Power

Chapter 853: Someone sabotaged? We must insist on digging the canal

Chapter 853 Someone is sabotaging? We must insist on digging the canal without stopping!

 The Kingdom of Siam.

Rakul's face was filled with excitement: "Mr. Qin, we have buried a total of 3,600 tons of explosives, which is enough to complete this feat!"

During this period of time, Rakul was the busiest one. He applied for funds from his superiors. Although Trasheer was causing trouble, Qiu Daxin was on his side. Therefore, if you need funds, you need funds and power. With power, no one from the local governments along the canal dared to cause trouble or offend him, but they directly dared to send navy soldiers to block the door.

In this way, all roads were open, and the infrastructure team responsible for planting explosives was very strong. Therefore, in a short period of time, all the explosives along the canal were placed.

 Blow up a canal! He was excited just thinking about such a genius idea being realized in his hands.

“Thank you Mingzhou Group for your help. Without your infrastructure team, it would have been impossible to complete this project in such a short time.” Rakul continued.

"These are what we should do. After all, as long as the canal is successfully built, our entire East will benefit, our foreign trade routes will be closer, and our economic development will be faster. Now, what are you waiting for?" Qin Tao asked road.

“Waiting for Your Excellency Qiudaxin,” Lakul said.

At this time, they are located at the blasted Kra Isthmus. From here to the east, all the explosives have been laid. As long as they are lit from here, the explosives will detonate in sequence, and then a brand new canal will appear in front of everyone. In front of my eyes.

Qiu Daxin attaches great importance to this project. Now that it’s time to light the fire, of course he has to come to the site in person.

While the two were talking, Qiu Daxin's motorcade drove over, and Qiu Daxin stepped out in a suit and leather shoes, looking radiant.

“Mr. Qiu Daxin, you are finally here.” Rakul hurriedly greeted him: “Everything is done, just waiting for you to press the start button!”

"Okay." Qiu Daxin nodded, then looked at Qin Tao: "Mr. Qin, thank you for your help."

The Mingzhou Group made its official appearance after the first detonation, and the entire project was handed over to the Navy. Lakour spent a lot of money to hire the Mingzhou Group's construction team. However, this kind of thing cannot be hidden from others. I guess Qiu Daxin has already I know that the Mingzhou Group was involved in the first explosion.

 But it doesn’t matter, after all, this is a political achievement of Qiu Daxin, and he will remain famous in history because of this project!

"It's all right. We in the East and Siam are neighbors separated by a strip of water. Now that you are building the canal, it will be of great benefit to us. Of course we will come to help." Qin Tao said.

How can we be neighbors separated by a strip of water? Our two countries are not even close to each other! Qiu Daxin complained a little in his heart, why is Mr. Qin's geographical knowledge so poor? However, he still had a smile on his face: "Yes, Mr. Qin is right. We have cooperated happily with Mingzhou Group over the years. The aircraft carrier purchased from Mingzhou Group is still our most important warship. I believe that with the opening of the canal and our economy improving, we will purchase more warships from you!"

“Thank you for your trust, our Mingzhou Group will also bring out the best warships.” Qin Tao said.

This was originally just a polite comment, but LaCour took it seriously: "President Qin, are you talking about the Aegis battleship? Our aircraft carrier formation needs the **** of the Aegis battleship!"

 Aegis Battleship?

 Qin Tao was a little speechless. You should know that it is impossible for us to sell this kind of warship at present. After all, we don’t have many ships of our own. Even if we have 052D, the Navy will not let 052C leak the secret.

However, how to veto the other party?

"Your Excellency LaCour, the tonnage of your aircraft carrier is only more than 10,000 tons. If the warship escorting it is 6,000 or 7,000 tons, it would be inappropriate. I think it is not suitable for you to purchase about 4,000 tons. A frigate is enough.”

   054 This kind of sword-carrying **** is the most suitable solution for escorting light aircraft carriers.

“Four thousand tons is okay, but it must have a four-sided phased array radar.” Lakour said: “By the way, aren’t you still building the 22350 frigate for Damao?”

 Rakul’s words made Qin Tao’s eyes light up.

054 is the main export warship of the Mingzhou Group. Countries that have purchased aircraft carriers from the East will almost never refuse the temptation of 054 and purchase a few ships to form a fleet.

054 has vertical hair, which can meet the air defense needs of the aircraft carrier, but after all, it does not have a four-sided phased array radar. In this era, if you don’t carry a four-sided phased array, you will have no shame in going out to meet people.

Therefore, we have modified 054 to make it look more advanced, and we should be able to sell a lot more. Moreover, with the addition of a four-sided phased array, the price will definitely rise sharply. The unit price will be high, and the profits will naturally be higher. high.

As for the four-sided phased array, it is also very simple. Just transplant the 052B mast. At first, the Navy wanted to invite bids. As a result, in addition to the 346 phased array radar, the relevant domestic institutions also specially developed a small C-band radar. , this kind of radar does not need to be improved, it can be used directly.

Speaking of which, it’s almost time for the European tour team to come back, right? This trip took more than half a year, but it was of great significance. Westerners opened their eyes and realized how advanced the technology in the East was. Under their propaganda, the East seemed to be as backward as Africa.

“Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin?”

LaCour was a little surprised, why did Mr. Qin lose his mind?

Only then did Qin Tao come back to his senses: "Well, Rakul, I was just thinking about our frigate. I can design an advanced warship with a four-sided phased array radar for you, so that your navy can become a strong force in this region." ! You must have a strong navy so that you can maintain order on both sides of the canal."

LaCour nodded: "Yes, once the canal is successfully constructed, our place will become the center of the world, and we must have a powerful navy to maintain order here!"

 Mr. Qin is so awesome. He has found such a good excuse for himself. The navy will usher in a huge leap in the future!

“Cough, cough.” Qiu Daxin coughed twice.

"Your Excellency Qiu Daxin, let's go over there. You just need to press the button lightly and it will create a new canal for us!" Rakul quickly returned to the topic.

Just now he was only talking to Mr. Qin and left Qiu Daxin aside.

 Qiu Daxin is the rightful owner!

Qiu Daxin nodded, continued walking forward, and came to a platform.

Although a large number of reporters were not invited to come over for a reception, the necessary ceremony still had to be held. A camera was set up next to it. It first photographed Qiu Daxin. When Qiu Daxin finished speaking and pressed the button, It will expand the field of view and take photos of the explosion scene.

"Let me in, let me in!" At this moment, a voice came from a distance: "I am Lee Ming Yew, representative of the Port of Singapore Group! I want to see His Excellency Qiu Tat Sun. His Excellency Qiu Tat Sun promised me, Said this canal will not be built!”

Hearing this voice, Qiu Daxin's face changed slightly, and Lakul on the side immediately understood: "Come here, kick out the troublemaker. Don't interfere with His Excellency Qiudaxin's speech. If he dares to make trouble, he will Let him become our unique androgynous person!”

 The sounds outside disappeared.

Qiu Daxin regained his composure and spoke into the microphone: "This is a great moment! As early as hundreds of years ago, our ancestors were looking forward to building canals to benefit mankind. However, due to various restrictions, this kind of The plan did not succeed. Now, in our era, the canal will finally be built successfully. Its cost and time are much less. The construction of this canal will give our country of Siam an additional income, which will contribute to the contemporary era. , the future is long-lasting! Now, I declare that the construction of the canal has officially begun!"

 After speaking, his finger pressed on the button.

 Boom, boom, boom!

 An explosion sounded.

 The location they were in had been blasted and was very safe, but the momentum still made their faces change slightly.

There was a huge roar in his ears, a huge vibration under his feet, dust flew up to the sky, and then fell, like a giant dragon extending into the distance. The air was filled with the smell of smoke and dust. Qiu Daxin endured it. Fearful, he said: "This explosion scene is so spectacular!"

“Yes, this explosion stretches for more than 80 kilometers and lasts for more than half an hour. It will be even more spectacular if seen from the sky.”

There is a helicopter in the sky, supervising the entire explosion process. Looking at the helicopter, Qiu Daxin became interested: "Let it come down, and I will go up and have a look!"

Since the explosion will continue for more than half an hour, the helicopter will have time to complete takeoff and landing.

"Okay, of course, no problem." As soon as Rakul finished answering, he noticed something strange: Why didn't the ground beneath his feet shake?

 It shouldn't be, even if it explodes to the east, the vibrations on the ground will still be heard.

 Is the engine turned off?

 Damn it, this is the most dangerous situation!

Whether it is blasting to demolish buildings, detonating ordnance, or digging into mountains, the most feared thing is this situation: one part explodes, and the other part does not!

LaCour said with a dark face: "Where is the demolition expert?"

Since it didn’t explode, you have to send someone to find the cause. The danger in this situation can be imagined. What if it suddenly explodes when it passes? When the blowback is like Brownian motion, no one will know.

Hearing Rakul's words, Posana felt his body trembling. He was a demolition expert who stayed at the scene. He knew all the explosives were laid, so now it was his turn to play!

 Can you still come back alive?

"Yes. I'll go right away." After Posana finished speaking, he looked at the people around him and said, "Put me on an explosion-proof suit."

He just hopes to be slower when putting on the explosion-proof suit and delay it for a while. What if the explosion continues after putting on the explosion-proof suit?

Unexpectedly, Rakul didn't give him a chance at all: "You don't need to wear explosion-proof clothing, just go directly!"

There are more than 3,000 tons of explosives, an average of two tons of explosives every 50 meters. Is it useful to wear explosion-proof clothing? At most, a whole corpse will be left behind when it explodes! Now, Qiu Daxin is waiting on the side. Who has time to wait for the explosion expert to slowly put on the explosion-proof suit?

Posana's face turned pale. He didn't even have time to write a suicide note.

At this moment, Qin Tao said: "When burying the explosives, our construction unit also participated. We also sent people to go with you to inspect together. Maybe it will be faster."

LaCour's face was full of emotion. At this time, most people would retreat, even their demolition experts didn't want to go, but the Easterners took the initiative to ask to go! This is a true friend!

"No, Mr. Qin, this kind of thing is too dangerous. You can just come and help us with the construction. How can we let you go in such a dangerous time? Posana, what are you waiting for?"

“It doesn’t matter, since we are the ones doing the construction, we have the obligation, brother, to send someone there!”

Hence, Kong Laoer shouted: "Xiaosi, you come with me!"

The man named Xiaosi was a man in his thirties. After hearing the arrangement, he immediately walked to Bosana: "Let's go!"

Posana had no choice but to follow him, as if he was going to the execution ground.

Qiu Daxin looked ugly. The blasting was interrupted after such a short period of time. What went wrong?

 Isn’t Rakul too unreliable in doing things?

His face was dark, and Rakul felt very uncomfortable. Fortunately, the news came back after ten minutes.

"The detonation cable was cut?" Rakul's expression suddenly changed: "This was intentional sabotage!"

The distance was too long. After they planted the explosives and installed the detonating devices, they could only send people to patrol back and forth. There must be gaps in the middle, but they didn't expect it to be destroyed.

As long as it is intentional destruction, it has nothing to do with him. He looked at Qiu Daxin: "Your Excellency Qiu Daxin, our construction of the canal will harm the interests of many people. They deliberately cause destruction, but we will not They bowed in the face of destruction, they cut the cables, we reconnected them!”

In fact, if it is a regular excavation, one should bury a section of explosives, detonate one section, and then proceed to the next section of construction. But if this is the case, there will be no way to keep it secret. If Siam wants to dig a canal, it will arouse the resentment of many people. , after a series of explosions, within a few days, the work will be stopped under huge pressure. What they want is a sudden effect, so they bury all the explosives and detonate them at once. While they are buried, they can still say it with certainty. Saying that the canal will not be dug can keep the secret as high as possible.

Unexpectedly, something went wrong, and someone actually sabotaged it secretly.

“That’s right, they destroyed it and we repaired it. No force can stop us from building the canal!” Qiu Daxin clenched his fist.

Originally, he wanted to blame Rakul, but now that he knows that others are doing the damage, he no longer has this idea.

There are definitely people who want to cause damage, but we are not afraid, we will continue to do it.

 Half an hour later.

 Boom, boom, boom!

 The explosion sounded again, but just like last time, it lasted for another three to five minutes and then stopped again.

 “Keep checking!”

In this way, from morning to evening, we worked all night and until the next morning, all the blasting work was completed.

Qiu Daxin did not leave. He stayed here, waiting for the final good news. When all the blasting work was completed, he took a long breath: "Okay, this project is finally over. Our canal When will it be open to navigation?”

Rakul's face looked a little ugly: "Those people not only destroyed our detonation device, but also destroyed the explosives we originally stored. Some of the explosives were damp and the explosion effect was not as good as before."

 Qiu Daxin had no expression: "So?"

“So our blast was not as successful as last time.”

 “No success?” Qiu Daxin’s expression changed.

"It's not a failure, it's just not as successful as last time. If the explosives we originally buried had detonated normally, the canal would have been blown open. But now, some holes are big, some are small, and some are not coherent." "We need further repairs," LaCour said.

"Hmph, those **** guys are trying to hinder us from building the canal in this way, no way!" Qiu Daxin gritted his teeth: "Then we will further repair it, can we continue to use explosives?"

"No, if we continue to use explosives, it will be inconvenient to control, and the exploded soil may splash onto the blasted areas. We can only use construction machinery to excavate."

 Qiu Daxin’s eyelids twitched.

 Construction machinery for excavation?

The amount of this project is quite large. According to the previous plan, it would take eight years to complete the project. Will it take several more years now? Is this project going to be abandoned halfway?

“President Qin’s engineering staff made a rough calculation and found that if enough construction machinery is used, the construction should be completed within half a year.”

 Half a year? Half a year is okay! Qiu Daxin breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's just that digging like this will cost a lot." Lakour said: "The price quoted by Mr. Qin to us is roughly US$80 million."

Qiu Daxin’s face darkened.

 Eighty million dollars? Where to get such a large sum of money? The funding needed for this explosion was received in full and in time, but this was all he could mobilize, and it was simply impossible to come up with the money now.

“Is their quote too expensive? Can you find another engineering team?” asked the deputy next to Qiu Daxin.

"Mr. Qin's quotation is cheap enough. You can think about how many billions it would have cost to dig this canal if we had not used explosive operations. Now our total cost is only a fraction of what it was before. If other countries' When the engineering team comes, the quotation should be over 100 million, and they don’t have as efficient a construction team as Mingzhou Group, so it may take two or three years for them to do it,” Lakul said.

In fact, they had this hunch yesterday: without the construction of large-scale construction machinery, the canal would not be able to be used normally, so they started to estimate it yesterday, and today they have a rough estimate.

Of course, what Qin Tao said was 70 million US dollars, which was enough. LaCour asked for an extra 10 million US dollars. After doing so much, he had to make some profit.

"If we want to build the canal, we have to build it quickly." Qiu Daxin said: "Mingzhou Group is our good friend, and we agree with their quotation. However, the problem now is that we cannot afford so much money. Come on, if I ask for money again, many people will object." Qiu Daxin said that although he has a high position of power, he cannot say the same thing.

“Then let’s discuss it with Mr. Qin?” Rakul asked.


Qin Tao came over from the construction site quickly. His feet were filled with dust. Seeing him like this, Qiu Daxin was very moved. Mr. Qin regarded this canal as their own country's project.

“Mr. Qin, were you on-site inspection just now?”

"Yeah, I'm going to see how the construction is most convenient. If we want to speed up the construction, we plan to carry out thirty working surfaces at the same time. We have to mobilize two to three hundred vehicles of various professional machinery and equipment. Our canal project cannot be delayed, otherwise there will be variable."

"Yes, we also want to complete it as soon as possible, but Mr. Qin, as you know, our economy has been in recession in the past few years, so I'm afraid we won't be able to come up with 80 million US dollars."

“This is easy. When our Mingzhou Group builds ships for customers, many customers cannot afford the money. We have come up with a package of solutions. You will be fine if you don’t have money, and you can do it if you have mineral resources.”

mineral resources?

Qiu Daxin shook his head: "Mr. Qin, our domestic situation is special. Various mineral resources are controlled by others, and it is difficult for outsiders to get involved."

 Only in emerging industries that no one is involved in, will there be opportunities for outsiders to intervene, otherwise it will be difficult.

Although Siam is rich in mineral resources, it is not easy for the Mingzhou Group to get involved.

Qin Tao nodded: "Then only the canal is left. When the canal is opened, the cargo ships of our Mingzhou Group Transportation Company will be exempted from tolls when passing through the canal, so as to offset the construction costs."

“Okay, this is a good idea!” Qiu Daxin agreed.

As long as you don’t spend money, everything else will be easy to handle, and in this way, you can tie the Mingzhou Group to the canal project. No matter how much money is spent, the Mingzhou Group will pay. Once the canal is not opened, the losses will be borne by the Mingzhou Group. , which means that the risk is borne by Mingzhou Group. Can you still agree to such a good thing?

"However, if this is the case, we must have a prerequisite."


“Ports will definitely be opened on both sides of the canal, and we hope to contract and operate them, just like our Gwadar Port.”

This canal is a brand new project and no one is involved. At the same time, when it comes to building ports on both sides of the canal, of course no one is involved. Mingzhou Group happened to take over.

“Mr. Qin, you have promised to build a petrochemical project. If you build a port again, won’t it cost a lot?”

“It’s not big, these are within our tolerance.” Qin Tao said.

The significance of contracting a port is greater than building a canal. Just like the current naval **** fleet, you can go to Gwadar Port to rest when you are tired. If you contract a port in Siam, the navy can also park and rest here in the future. Qin Tao It can be said that a lot of painstaking efforts have been made for the development of the navy.

"I can't agree to this project yet. I have to go back to a meeting to study and decide. However, this plan of using navigation costs to offset the cost of digging the canal is completely fine. Mr. Qin, can your construction team start now?"

“Okay, we can start now, but if the conditions of the contracted port cannot be passed, we will stop the work immediately unless you come up with funds to pay for our project costs.”

 (End of this chapter)

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