Warship of Great Power

Chapter 823: German frigate design flaw: chimney leaks

   Chapter 823 German Frigate Design Flaws: Leaky Chimneys

   It took four hours for the banquet to be considered over. However, not everyone left together. Davidson dawdled and stayed at the end.

   "Davidson, we are old friends. I came here in a hurry this time, and I didn't bring any good things. After our Golden Sun electric car is mass-produced, I will give you one."

  Davidson was overjoyed: "Really? Then I will become the most dazzling person in Africa."

  They not only accepted bribes, but they were aboveboard, and they didn't feel any shame at all. If Qin Tao gave him an electric car, it would definitely be the most eye-catching.

   "Recently, we are preparing for the automobile factory. When the factory is built, we can start working next." Qin Tao said.

   "President Qin, in fact, I have always felt that it was a mistake for you not to participate in our warship bidding. If you came to participate, then you must have won the order."

   "Well, we've been too busy recently, so we didn't take care of it." Qin Tao also sighed, how did he forget the Rainbow Kingdom? The main reason is that there have been too many things in the past one or two years.

  Ever since he was missed by the world police, he has been busy. If it wasn't for this invitation, he probably wouldn't have come.

"It's a pity, it's a pity." Davidson shook his head: "However, don't worry, we will definitely change the contract and produce one at the Glory Years Shipyard. After all, if you change your order, you will have to pay Germany a sum." Compensation is too uneconomical for us.”

   "Not necessarily."

uncertain? Davidson's eyes lit up.

   "Boss Qin, do you have a solution?"

   "After Germany got the order, did they give you a design drawing?"

   "Yes, the detailed design drawing is given."

   "Can you give me this blueprint?"

for you? This is definitely a violation of the contract. Isn't it unfair for the referee to hand over the design drawing of the bidder to another bidder?

"Don't worry, I still don't like the German design. The design of our Mingzhou Group is the most advanced. I just check for you to see what is unreasonable about the German-built frigate. If you can find serious defects If so, then you have a reason to give up the deal, and the Germans not only cannot ask for compensation, but also have to spit out your deposit."

  Davidson's eyes suddenly lit up, yes, why didn't he think of it? If there is no reason, the German contract must not be terminated. What if there is a problem with the German design? At that time, the Germans have nothing to say.

  Even if you go to the international court to file a lawsuit, your side still has confidence!

   "The blueprints are in the navy, and I can get them from the person in charge of keeping them for as long as $50,000," Davidson said.

   "Okay." Qin Tao wrote a check, 100,000!

  The other money is of course a benefit fee for Davidson.

  Watching Davidson leave in a hurry, Xu Zhengyang walked over: "Boss Qin, the problem has been solved, and you should be safe here."

  Qin Tao nodded: "Thank you to the people on the hidden front. Our Mingzhou Group will give them a subsidy."

   "Is this unnecessary?"

   "It's fine to give it directly to their families." Qin Tao said: "Come on, let's go back to the warship and discuss the next exercise. The wind is high and the waves are rough. It's really not easy to shoot missiles, but we can't be ashamed of accidents."

   Liu Dashan was surprised: "Mr. Qin, you don't plan to live in the shipyard?"

   "It's better to be on a warship, otherwise a bribed cook may cause me to die inexplicably." Qin Tao said: "Anyone may betray in the face of great temptation. It's better to be careful when going out."

   "Yes." Liu Dashan nodded: "Mr. Qin, when I get the design drawing, I will send it to the warship for you."

   "No need to send it away."

   "No need?" Liu Dashan looked at Qin Tao in surprise, and then reacted: "You already know what's wrong with this warship?"

  Of course Qin Tao knew about it, but if he pointed it out directly, there would be no basis for it, and people would suspect him, and in this way, he could also give an old friend some extra money. Giving money is also a skill.

Qin Tao smiled: "All countries are developing stealth warships, but some people pursue stealth too much and ignore other problems. Even the veteran Germans have no experience in designing stealth warships. It is normal to make some mistakes. , I knew there was a problem just by looking at the design drawings they announced to the public. By the way, find me Ben Magazine, a magazine with the design drawings of this Rainbow Kingdom warship."

   Liu Dashan looked at Qin Tao with eyes full of admiration: "President Qin, you are really amazing! Don't worry, I have the magazine here!"

  On the warship, everyone is excited, exercise! What they look forward to most is the exercise.

  Although the weapons equipped with a warship are all very expensive, a Santana will be wiped out when a missile is launched. Many sailors have been in the navy for half their lives and have never fired a missile. Needless to say missiles, a small QQ can be destroyed by firing multiple rapid-fire guns once.

Their No. 526 frigate has only fired live ammunition once since it was commissioned. Although their missile silos are half filled with missiles, they are usually just watching, but they have no chance to launch. This time they can finally fire live ammunition. How could they not be excited.

"Don't be too happy." Qin Tao looked at the excited officers: "The sea here is different from ours, with high winds and rough waves. In this case, we must formulate a careful plan and come up with Let's play at our best level, if it flies, then I can't afford to lose this person!"

"President Qin, don't worry, we have already mastered the equipment on the warship in the past few years. It doesn't matter if the wind is high or the waves are rough. No matter how low the target plane flies, we can shoot it down. Just like this In terms of sea conditions, they fly close to the surface of the sea, we can spot it from 20 kilometers away, and kill it from 10 kilometers away!"

Although the Hongqi-16 they are currently equipped with has a range of 40 kilometers, it is for mid-air targets. For ultra-low-altitude targets flying from the sea, the range will be reduced by half, but this is already very good. After all, the air defense missiles of the Rainbow Kingdom The range is only a dozen kilometers.

  It is to show them the strongest strength of their own side, so that the other party can make up their minds to purchase their own complete sets of equipment directly.

  The international arms market is like this, buying and selling is done by robbing.

  The Germans should not be convinced, their technology is not good, they can only blame themselves, look at Europe, what is there now? The air defense destroyer with four-sided phased array radar has not yet entered service. Dongfang has already started to make dumplings. They are already outdated. In terms of air defense missiles, their strength is also very poor. There are only missiles with a range of tens of kilometers, and there is no area at all. air defense capabilities.

   The Rainbow Nation’s navy does not currently have any large warships, so the only thing that can be dispatched for the exercise is a missile speedboat.

At present, the Rainbow National Navy has six Reshev-class missile speedboats. This kind of missile speedboats came from Israel. In the previous era, the relationship between the two parties was very friendly. When facing external sanctions, only Israel maintained close relations with them. Even the brand-new fighters that their air force plans to develop are developed with the help of Israel. Of course, Israel's technology is not enough, so a large number of Dassault technicians have been invited.

The Reshev-class missile speedboat has a displacement of only 450 tons. It is said that this speedboat should be very fast, but due to various technical limitations, its maximum speed is only 32 knots, which is the same speed as a conventional warship. The combat effectiveness is not high.

  However, this is the main force of the Rainbow Nation's navy. Therefore, the Rainbow Nation's navy is eager to obtain a brand new warship. After several years of investigation, it finally placed an order with Germany.

  In this exercise, the Rainbow Nation dispatched four missile speedboats, sailing on both sides of the No. 526 frigate, and the small boats guarded the warship, forming a unique formation.

On the bridge of No. 526, the rainbow country navy formed a six-member observation group. After all, there were too many people and it was crowded, which was not conducive to the conduct of the exercise. The other naval officers who were not selected could only watch the warship from the surrounding missile boats. The eyes are full of anticipation, and in the future, they will also have this kind of large warship.

  In their eyes, a warship with a displacement of three to four thousand tons is already not small.

   "The sailing of this warship is very stable, and it can fully meet the needs of our navy." Long Wayne, the leader of the observation group, said: "Now, we look forward to the next wonderful performance."

  Just now, the five warships sailed together in formation, performed various maneuvers, and demonstrated their sailing capabilities. Next, the most critical anti-aircraft missile interception was demonstrated.

   "This time we launched a target missile modified from Gabriel's anti-ship missile. The technology of this anti-ship missile is very advanced. I hope you are ready." Anderson said.

   They have a total of six guided missile speedboats, one of which is under maintenance, and only five can come to participate, four of which are in the formation, and the other is outside the formation, ready to launch anti-ship missile targets at any time. (It is also said that there are three ships.)

   "We are ready. Without the help of any early warning aircraft, our warship alone can complete all the work of interception." Qin Tao said: "Now, our radar is searching for the target."

The reputation of the Gabriel anti-ship missile is not very good, and it has no results. Many people do not even know the existence of this anti-ship missile. Among Israel's huge military equipment, this is a passer-by. However, if it If it is a copy of the original prototype, it is well known: the Harpoon anti-ship missile.

This missile was developed by Israel on the basis of the Harpoon anti-ship missile. At the beginning, the MK1 and MK2 types were almost the same as the Harpoon. It was not until the later models that there were great changes. Later, the MK5 even had With a range of two hundred kilometers, it stands out among Western anti-ship missiles.

  Of course, the rainbow country has an early model. After all, their missile speedboats do not have the ability to search for targets at long distances, that is, a range of 30 to 40 kilometers.

   At this moment, a radar officer reported: "Target found, distance 50, speed 30, direction 9 o'clock!"

  As soon as this report came out, everyone in the observation group was a little embarrassed. How can this be a sneak attack? The missiles haven't been fired yet, they found the missile boats first.

   If the missile boat was sunk in a state of war, it would be a death before the battle!

   "Boss Qin, isn't your air-to-sea search radar too advanced?"

   "I heard that this kind of radar is an imitation of Damao radar. Damao radar is not so powerful."

"Everyone, the 382 radar is installed on the top of the mast on the top of our warship. Its appearance is very similar to Lao Maozi's roof radar. The main reason is that the exposed identification friend or foe antenna has been removed. However, its internal changes are quite large. "Qin Tao said: "The performance of our radar is incomparable to Lao Maozi's roof radar."

  Qin Tao opened up the conversation box and introduced it to everyone.

Lao Maozi uses the MA type. The maximum power of the radar is only 30 kilowatts. It can detect air targets at a horizontal distance of 130 kilometers, a height of 5 kilometers, and a radar cross-sectional area of ​​7 square meters, or a distance of 30 kilometers with a radar cross-sectional area of ​​500 square meters. The square meter ship can track 20 targets at the same time.

  The export to Ah San is also at this level.

  Later, Lao Maozi underwent a lot of improvements, and the latest MAE-5 radar was launched. The transmission power was increased to 90 kilowatts, and the performance was greatly improved.

  However, this is not as good as Dongfang. The maximum transmission power of this kind of radar in Dongfang has reached 100 kilowatts. For radar, as long as the emission system is determined, the next step is to look at the power. The greater the power, the farther it can see.

   Therefore, the maximum search distance of this domestically produced 382 radar exceeds 250 kilometers. The ejection distance of anti-ship missiles can also reach a distance of 35 to 50 kilometers. As for the missile speedboat? Of course, it can also be found at a distance of fifty kilometers.

  In addition to the high power, the data processing system in the later stage is very powerful. Every time the antenna turns around, it can automatically track more than one hundred targets, and can accurately track twenty target trajectories at the same time.

   Now, the missile speedboat coming at high speed on the sea has been captured, which is equivalent to losing half!

   "Missile ready to launch!"

  Although the opponent has not yet launched the missile, the cover of the silo has been opened here, waiting for a sharp blow at any time.

   "The target is forty kilometers away!"

   "The target is 30 kilometers away, and a target has been separated, with a speed of Mach 0.9!"

   "The target has been locked!"

"launch missile!"

  A plume of smoke rose from the front of the ship's bow and shot straight into the sky. The naval officers of the Rainbow Kingdom watched the missile's flight enviously, and then were curious: "Why hasn't your missile dived down yet?"

  Because it is launched vertically, the missile must hit the sky first, and it must dive in the face of the target flying over the sea from an ultra-low altitude, but now, the missile disappeared when it flew into the sky?

   "Our anti-aircraft missiles first fly at medium and high altitudes, and then dive down when they reach the target." Qin Tao said.

  The range of Hongqi-16 has been increased from more than ten kilometers to forty kilometers. This is the method used, without any changes, just correct the trajectory.

   "Aren't your missiles semi-active radar guidance?"

  With semi-active guidance, the missile must always receive the radar waves reflected from the target, and must follow it. If the target flies at ultra-low altitude, it must also fly ultra-low altitude. Now, it is unscientific for missiles to fly at medium and high altitudes first.

   "The final guidance is still semi-active, but the first half of the flight is inertial or radio commands, which can improve the ability to resist saturation attacks." Qin Tao introduced.

  The multi-target interception capability of semi-active radar depends on how many targets illuminate the radar, that is, the fire channel. What if there are too many targets?

   Assign the target to the missile, and then the missile can be launched. No target to illuminate the radar? Wait, wait until the last bomb hits the target, the target irradiation radar is free, and then illuminate the target it is aiming at.

   "Your technology is too advanced!" The naval officers sighed.

  The speed of the interceptor bomb is very fast. After flying through the middle altitude of about 12 to 3 kilometers, it began to dive down. The target had already flown seven or eight kilometers away, and the distance between the two sides was less than ten kilometers!

   At this time, on the bridge, a monitor specially hung showed the flight trajectory of the missile and the trajectory of the target, and the two sides were getting closer and closer.

   Then, both signals disappear.

   "The target has disappeared, successfully intercepted!"

"Great!" Long Wayne said with emotion: "Under such sea conditions and conditions, your radar equipment detected it in advance, and your missile system accurately intercepted it, which reflects your superb technical level! "

  The others applaud.

"So-so." Qin Tao was very humble once again: "Actually, we have made a plan. In case the interception fails, we can carry out a second interception. If the second interception also fails, we can still use close-up Anti-gun."

   This is not modesty, it is to tell the other party that we have the ability to intercept twice, and we have the ability to intercept three close-in artillery!

   "Boss Qin, your warship is too advanced, let us open our eyes!"

   "I just don't know which one is more advanced, your warship or the A200 frigate we ordered." Anderson also felt emotional.

   "Well, I have something to say, I don't know if I should say it or not."


"This morning, before leaving the port, I found a magazine with an introduction to the frigate you ordered from Germany. There was a design drawing in it. I think there is something wrong with this design drawing." Qin Tao said: "Of course, your navy It must have gone through some review, and now there is a problem, which may embarrass some of the reviewers."

"President Qin, do you see the problem?" Long Wayne became serious: "Then you have to point out the problem to us! Yes, we have passed the audit, but we have no experience in stealth frigates. If there is a problem, it is not the responsibility of our auditors, it is the tuition fee that should be paid, Mr. Qin, please advise."

In front of everyone, Qin Tao took out an issue of Jane's Defense Weekly, which indeed contained the design drawings of the MEKOA200 frigate ordered by the Rainbow Kingdom from Germany. It was just a simple structural diagram for military fans. However, Qin Tao But the problem is seen from above!

  Davidson is a member of the government, but not a member of the navy, so he is not qualified to come up. However, after returning, this matter will definitely reach everyone's ears.

"Modern warships expose themselves in order to reduce the infrared effect caused by the exhaust exhaust of the power system, and generally treat the exhaust system." Qin Tao said: "The main way is to pass seawater to cool the exhaust system. It is said that the Germans have manufactured warships for decades, so they should be very familiar with this kind of operation, and there will be no problems. However, I found that the Germans still lacked in the development of stealth warships. When the chimney was combined with the stealth shape, it appeared. A serious problem."

"what is the problem?"

   "Water enters." Qin Tao said: "Water can enter the main engine through this exhaust cooling system. You are all sensible people, and you know what will happen if the engine enters water?"

I don’t have the opportunity to drive a warship, but I also have the opportunity to drive a car. Once the car is in the water and the engine is turned off, it must not be restarted. Otherwise, the water will enter the cylinder and cannot be compressed, and the piston crankshaft will be completely bent, and the engine will have to be overhauled. And the engine after the overhaul can't reach the original level.

  Of course Qin Tao remembered that in his own time and space, the Navy of the Rainbow Kingdom happily received the Heroic-class frigate and returned to his own sea area for testing. He went to sea a few times, well, the engine was flooded.

  The Germans proposed repairs, but the rainbow country navy refused to do it. The warship I bought recently has not yet officially entered service, so you repair the engine for me? It's not bad if you don't ask you to refund one and pay three, just replace it with a new one!

   Qin Tao knew about this fault, and now he took out the design drawing in the magazine and explained it to everyone.

  The faces of these people are all black.

  The cooling system of the exhaust pipe is leaking, will it enter the engine? This is a big problem! Isn't Germany striving for excellence? Isn't it the world's first craftsman spirit? How can this problem still occur?

   "Mr. Qin, thank you for your guidance. We will find experts to analyze and see if there is any problem with this design." Davidson said: "Excuse me, are there any other questions?"

   "I don't know about the others. After all, I don't have detailed design drawings. Moreover, some of them can't be reflected in the design stage. After production, I will find some terrible problems."

  In addition to the problem of the exhaust pipe, another big problem of this batch of warships is the problem with the construction of the cables: the moisture-proof treatment is not in place! So after a period of time, the cables became damp, and various problems began to appear. The German solution was to replace those damp cables, but the Rainbow Country wanted to replace them all. Who knows if there are other problems? However, for a warship, replacing all the cables is definitely a big project!

  However, this question cannot be said now.

   "Isn't Germany an old brand? How could they have such a problem?" Some people were curious.

   "Well, what's wrong with the old brand? Have they built stealth ships? What is the tonnage of surface ships they have built in the past ten years? The old brand may not be able to adapt to the new era."

  (end of this chapter)

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