Warship of Great Power

Chapter 822: 054 frigate looks good

  Chapter 822 054 frigate looks good

  What does it mean to come with a frigate? Do you mean the frigate procurement contract? What I care about is the army on the frigate!

   There are not only naval fighters, but also a large number of weapons and equipment, and even advanced weapons! These are beyond doubt, with these, how can I act?

  Robert looked confused, but after Anderson finished speaking, he stood up and left. For Anderson, he has done his best in this matter, and he doesn't want to get involved in the next thing.

   After spending millions of dollars, is this the result? Robert was dumbfounded.

   A few days later, Glory Days Shipyard.

  Originally, when the Eastern Navy came to inspect and visit, it should stop at the military port of the Rainbow Country. However, the Glory Years Shipyard is too meaningful, so the two sides made a total calculation in the radio, and simply put the reception place at the Glory Years Shipyard.

At this time, the familiar melody is playing on the speakers in the shipyard, so that everyone who hears it will feel a high-spirited and uplifting force. Over the years, they can not only listen, but also sing, using their own country language to sing this song.

  The bell sounded the signal to return home, and in his life, there seemed to be a little bit of embarrassment. Listening to this lyrics, the old man couldn't help sighing. Over the past few years, the Rainbow Kingdom has undergone earth-shaking changes!

  The meaning of black skin to him is a lifetime of dedication. In the struggle of skin color, years and months have turned possession into loss. He has been fighting all his life!

  Tired eyes with expectations, today only the remaining body, welcome the glorious years, hold freedom in the wind and rain. It's not raining, it's a sunny day, but they're free! They are no longer discriminated against, they already have a normal legal status.

  Amidst the singing, a warship sailed over from the distant sea, riding the wind and waves.

The wind and waves in the southern Indian Ocean are not small. The bow of the warship plunges into the sea sometimes, and sometimes throws it high into the sky. Under such circumstances, the entire warship seems to be able to handle it with ease. would be afraid of this situation.

   "Yes, this warship seems to be able to adapt to our sea conditions here." Davidson said.

   "Yeah, the quality of warships built by the East is quite good."

   Everyone is sighing, unconsciously comparing with the A200 frigate under construction, can your own frigate reach this level?

  The frigate in front of them has a beautiful shape, the upper part of the hull is retracted inward, and the superstructure looks very simple. It is the advanced warship they yearn for, and the displacement does not seem to be much larger.

  Finally, the warship slowed down and docked slowly. After it stopped, the whole warship became quiet again.

On the shore, the military band began to play. Amidst the majestic sound, groups of well-dressed marines stepped off the warships and lined up neatly on the port. They stood upright, motionless, as if they were trees Like a pine tree.

  Qin Tao and Captain Zhang Pingping stepped down and were very surprised to see the welcoming crowd at the port.

   "Old man, why are you here?" Qin Tao walked up to the old man: "The seaside is a bit rough, what if it affects your health?"

   "Yes, the prison life in the past few years has caused a lot of damage to my health, but I still have the energy to welcome you, Mr. Qin, you are a true friend of our Rainbow Nation!" said the old man.

   "Just right, this time the warship Shanghai has some soldiers on board, please review our navy." Qin Tao said.

   This is also a kind of international etiquette. During the visit of warships, it is also very face-saving to accept inspections by leaders of other countries.

  The old man nodded, looking at the soldiers standing still in the sea wind, full of envy: "These are the masters of tigers and wolves."

   "It's nothing. Usually it's just fighting pirates in the Gulf of Aden. Now the pirates turn around and leave when they see us, so there is no fighting." Ma Tieshan said very modestly.


  The voice was loud and resounded through the sky.

  All soldiers saluted in unison to welcome the old man's review.

  Mighty teacher, majestic teacher, civilized teacher!

  In the distance, someone looked at this scene with a binoculars, and his heart was cold. There were more than a hundred marines in front of him. This was clearly a deterrent to some people, telling them not to act rashly.

   Liu Dashan was very proud to follow behind the crowd.

For these years, Liu Dashan has been working as the director of the Glory Years Shipyard. He has gotten used to the life here and has established good relations with the officials here. Every year, one-tenth of the shipyard’s profits are used to maintain the relationship. Of course, this is also beneficial. Now that they want to build their own, these people all support the construction of warships in their glory days shipyards. Only by paying can you gain, especially in African countries.

   "Mr. Qin, your Marine Corps is really good. Next, can we go to your warship to see?" Davidson said.

  The first time Qin Tao came here, he established a relationship with Davidson, Eddie and others. Now, of course, they want to help Qin Tao speak. The big guys go up and have a look. What if they think the Eastern warship is better?

   "Of course, we drove 054 here this time, that's what we mean, everyone, please board our warship!"

  Although the contract has been signed, if you see better ones, maybe you will purchase two more ships?

Everyone stepped on 054. Although the wind and waves came all the way, the warship was still extremely clean. Except for a few lively fish in the bulwarks of the bow, everyone walked on the bow first, looking at the sharp edges and corners on the top and the shell under the shell. The 100mm naval gun, looking at the vertical launch unit behind the naval gun, there is a lot of discussion.

   "Boss Qin, this naval gun is your main naval gun, right?"

   "That's right, we use this type of naval gun on frigates of three or four thousand tons. It has a fast rate of fire and strong firepower. It can target both the air and the sea, especially because it is light in weight."

   "What kind of ship-to-air missile is launched by the vertical launch unit at the rear?"

   "This is our main Hongqi-16, with a range of 40 kilometers and semi-active radar guidance. It can build a middle-level protective circle for the fleet. By the way, I heard that you have also developed an advanced vertical launch air defense missile system?"

  The people present were a little embarrassed.

  Although the new MEKOA200 warship they ordered was produced in Germany, it also installed a large number of weapon systems developed by the Rainbow Nation. After all, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. The military technology of the Rainbow Nation was also very powerful.

The air defense missile installed on it was also developed by themselves, named the Spear of the Nation air defense missile. However, the performance of this missile is not good. In the era when active radar guidance has become popular, it uses the first generation of missiles. The radio command guidance method is just to improve the hit accuracy, and an additional infrared composite guidance is added. The maximum range is 12 kilometers, and the maximum speed is Mach 3.5.

  However, if it wasn't for Qin Tao's promotion, the navy would still be the main force of Haihongqi Qiqi. This is still an imitation, and Rainbow Nation is self-developed, so the strength of Rainbow Nation is still remarkable.

   Now, it's a little embarrassing.

   "That's right, Mr. Qin, we have our own advanced air defense missile, we call it the Spear of the Nation, and hope it can support the sky of our navy." Anderson said.

   "Oh, our launcher has a capacity of 32 pieces and is modular. It should be no problem if it is replaced by your Spear of the Nation." Qin Tao said.

  If the warship is exported to the Rainbow Country, the other party will definitely not be equipped with Hongqi-16 alone, but will replace it with its own anti-aircraft missiles. Therefore, Qin Tao is now saying that this warship is suitable for them.

   "That's right, our A200 is also designed with a 32-round vertical launch unit, which seems to be really interchangeable," Davidson said.

   "It's windy here, let's go to the bridge to have a look." Qin Tao said.

When the 054 frigate first came out, the stealthy appearance attracted the attention of many people, but now, the frigates developed by various countries are all stealthy, and even the old men who have always been five big and three thick have played with the stealth 22350 frigate, so, 054 The shape is no longer so brilliant.

   However, it is definitely state-of-the-art on the inside.

   After walking onto the bridge, everyone was stunned. Where is the table with charts? What about messy nautical instruments? The top is clean, only the display console!

   "Boss Qin, when was your warship built?" Someone asked.

   "This one? It has been in the water for three years." Qin Tao replied.

   "Three years ago, you already had this kind of operation method of the display console?"

"Yes, isn't this normal?" Qin Tao said, "Our computer level is the highest in the world, and our warships are of course also the most automated. Look, we have nine display consoles in total. They are divided into three groups to handle various operations of the warship. Moreover, these have redundant backup capabilities and can be replaced at any time. The entire warship is composed of high-speed optical fibers to form an advanced network. Even in the crew's cabin, it can be used through the network. Our own laptop is connected to the control system of the warship, and if necessary, we can even remove the helmsman and completely operate the warship on the computer."

  Qin Tao is not bragging. The computer technology in the East is indeed quite advanced now. This counterattack process also makes people sigh: how important it is to choose the right technical route!

  Advanced computer systems are the most important part of modern warships. After all, it is the age of information. If there is no advanced computer, it will fall behind and be beaten.

   "Not bad, really advanced!" Everyone sighed.

  After visiting the bridge, when everyone walked down, they glanced at the pier again. The soldiers there were still standing, motionless. Elite soldiers, this is definitely the most elite troops! Disciplined and well trained!

  Finally, everyone visited the stern of the ship.

   "This warship actually only uses diesel engines?"

   The big guys finally found out what they were not satisfied with. Why didn’t they use gas turbines?

"Yes, our warship focuses on cost-effectiveness." Qin Tao explained: "We have a vast coastline and a large number of maritime rights and interests that need to be maintained, so we also need to have affordable warships. The price of diesel engines can compare with gas turbines. Save half of it. When it comes to gas turbines, of course we have them, and we even have the world’s largest 40-megawatt gas turbines. You should have heard of the 22350 frigate we officially started building for Damao, right? The above plans to install our production Gas turbines. In our own navy, we only have gas turbines on destroyers."

   "How much does such a warship cost?"

"It depends on the configuration, the customer's demand and relationship." Qin Tao said: "If you purchase such a 054 frigate of the same model, and it also carries two base ammunition, the price will not exceed 150 million We are friends, of course we will quote you the lowest price, if other customers purchase, the price of this warship will exceed 200 million."

  Different customers, different periods, get different prices. Now Qin Tao’s quotation is of course based on the price that Germany built warships for the Rainbow Kingdom. The Germans built four ships for the Rainbow Kingdom. The total contract value reached 1.2 billion, and the price of each warship was 300 million. Tao only quoted half the price, that is to say, even if the compensation was paid for breaking the contract, the Rainbow Kingdom would still be a good deal.

  Hearing this price, many people muttered. When they purchased it, why didn’t they expect to inspect the warships in the East?

   "What if it is replaced with a gas turbine and a pump-jet propeller?" Even Anderson was tempted.

"If this is changed, the price will rise to about 200 million." Qin Tao said: "After all, gas turbines and pump-jet propulsion are very expensive, but when it comes to pump-jet propulsion, we are still very experienced. We used this advanced device when manufacturing the Type 022 missile boat ten years ago, and now the advanced submarine we are manufacturing also uses pump jet propulsion, and it is no problem to use it on warships.”

   Two hundred million! Even so, it is still 100 million dollars cheaper than Germany.

   "What if the missile is replaced with a spear missile developed by ourselves, and the naval gun is also replaced with our version?"

"Well, it depends on the quantity you purchase. After all, changing missiles requires adjustments in the fire control system. If the quantity is too small, the research and development expenses cannot be apportioned." Qin Tao said: "For example, the research and development expenses are 40 million. Distributed to four warships, each ship is 10 million, so if we remove our missile system, each ship should save 20 to 30 million US dollars, but if you only order one, the price may have to go up. "

   It is well known that the more quantity produced, the lower the cost.

  If they want to order, should they hand over all the contracts for the four German warships to the Orientals? This can be hundreds of millions cheaper.

  Getting off the 054 frigate, everyone was in a mixed mood. It would be great if the decision was made a few months later!

   "Everyone, please come to our cafeteria next, we have prepared a sumptuous welcome banquet." Liu Dashan finally interrupted.

  Since they came to their Glory Years Shipyard, they are the hosts. The key is President Qin.

The shipyard has been well-arranged a long time ago. After entering, the lights are bright, and the chandeliers are all the most fashionable diamond chandeliers. On the dining table below, all kinds of delicacies are continuously served, such as braised pork, sweet and sour fish, boiled sliced ​​pork and oily pork. , all Chinese dishes.

   Over the years, with the influence of the shipyard in the glorious years, oriental cuisine has also become popular. After all, the locals are lazy and can’t resist the temptation of food. Compared with the simple recipes in the West, the oriental food culture is definitely extensive and profound.

   "This first glass of wine, thank you for coming to greet me personally, and wish our friendship will last forever!" Qin Tao raised his glass.

  The old man nodded: "Yes, our friendship will last forever!"

   "This second glass of wine, thank you for your love for our glorious years shipyard, and you still want to give us a share of the warship construction."

  If Qin Tao hadn't mentioned this, everyone seemed to have forgotten that Mr. Qin came here because he wanted to hand over a German frigate to the Glory Years Shipyard for production! Now, the big guy has a weird expression on his face.

   They already think that the frigate of the East is not bad!

"President Qin, we have strong winds and high waves here, and many semi-active radar-guided missiles will lose their targets in strong winds and waves. I wonder if your warship's air defense system can cope with such complicated weather conditions?" Anderson asked. .

  The ship-to-air missile developed by Rainbow Country uses radio commands and infrared guidance, in order to overcome the influence of sea clutter.

   "Well, you have to try it to know. If you are interested, we can hold a joint military exercise next. During the exercise, we will conduct a live ammunition shooting, how about it?"

   "Mr. Qin, your warship is from Somalia and has been on mission for several months. Could it be that your warship was loaded with anti-aircraft missiles before going to sea?"

"Yes, what if the pirates can fly." Qin Tao said: "We have to take precautions against various situations, but our missiles are sealed in launch boxes. No problem, as long as it is within the warranty period, the misfiring rate can be controlled to one in ten thousand."

  The vertical launch system is very advanced, but it is also very dangerous. The biggest problem is blind fire. What if the launch button is pressed, but the missile does not launch?

If it is a cold launch of the old Maozi method, even if the missile is not launched, it has been ejected by the high-pressure gas. Since the vertical launch is slightly inclined, as long as the hull does not shake very much, by chance, the missile will normally It will fall into the sea, and the thermal launch will be dumbfounded. It is a dangerous product that may explode at any time!

   If there is a sudden bombardment, the missile explodes directly in the launcher, which may cause a chain reaction, causing the entire vertical launch to explode, and the warship will definitely sink by then.

This is the danger of the vertical launch system. Therefore, it must have a very low rate of blind fire. One ten thousandth is quite strong. It means that there is almost no danger.

   "Okay, then organize a joint maritime exercise!" The old man made a decision immediately.

  Qin Tao originally said in the letter that he wanted a joint exercise, but the big guy still had some concerns, so he didn't finalize it on the spot. Now the big guy is very interested in warships, and the Orientals are willing to waste missiles for performances, so what else is there to say!

  Of course we can engage in joint maritime exercises!

   "President Qin, we didn't know that your navy had such advanced warships before!" A naval officer said with emotion.

"That's because we have too little communication." Qin Tao said: "I think we can hold joint naval exercises every two years in the future. Our navy can come over, and your navy can also pass by our side. Go, so we can get to know each other better."

  After this exercise was held, the relationship between the two sides became closer. It is logical to hold an exercise every two years in the future.

  What are the benefits of doing this?

   Of course it is to deepen the relationship with Africa!

  The West has developed by plundering in the early years and has its own sphere of influence. If the East wants to expand its influence, it has to find a way from its brothers in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

In Africa, the Rainbow Country is the only developed country. Although it is gradually degenerating into a developing country, it still has a solid foundation. Holding a biennial maritime exercise with them will allow Africa to better understand the East. The relationship between the two sides will be greatly improved. more intimate.

  The old man nodded: "We really should cooperate more, so that we can better understand the development level of the world. We thought that European technology was the most advanced, but we didn't expect..."

   While the big guys were discussing how to deepen the relationship, in a certain corner, a group of people were planning.

   "Those marines are all elites, and now they are guarding every corner of the shipyard, and we can't get close at all!"

   "Yeah, this is really a guy who is afraid of death!"

   "How about we have a long-range sniper and kill him with one shot!"

   "No, it's too straightforward for us to do this, and it will cause unpredictable consequences!"

"Qin is always the core figure of the Mingzhou Group. If you can't catch him, you can kill him. However, this must not be seen as murder. In my opinion, we still have to find a way from other aspects. By the way, Have you bought the cook from the shipyard?"

  There are many ways to kill people invisible, and they are good at doing this.

   At this time, someone suddenly sniffed: "I seem to smell a smell of gas?"

"Not good, retreat quickly!" They suddenly thought of something, and their faces changed drastically, but at this moment, a huge explosion sounded, and blazing flames rushed towards their faces. In the next second, they were blown away by the air wave, Their mouths spat blood, their eyes went black, and they lost consciousness.

  Ten minutes later, fire trucks and ambulances arrived, as did journalists, who reported on the scene.

"A gas explosion occurred in a private house fifteen kilometers away from the Glorious Years Shipyard, causing the deaths of several workers staying here. Here, we would like to remind the audience to use advanced gas with caution. equipment to prevent accidents from happening."

  (end of this chapter)

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