Warship of Great Power

Chapter 381: J-31 fighter jets on public display

  Chapter 381 J-31 fighter public display

   Entering summer, the Land of Abundance has become sultry.

   Even if you are wearing denim sleeves, you will continue to sweat. As for some people wearing suits and ties, it is even more torture.

   However, they didn't take off their clothes, they wanted to maintain their best condition, sweat ran down their foreheads and dripped onto the press badges on their chests.

   "George, are you okay?" Luo Lisi, who was holding a microphone, said to George, who was carrying a bulky video camera.

   "No problem, this is my job." George said.

   "That's good. After a while, after the door opens, you must run forward with me. We must rush to the front to find the most suitable position."

"No problem at all."

   "Now, let's record a segment first!"

  George wiped his eyes, which were already wet with sweat. He waited until his eyes became clear before pointing his eyes at the eyepiece of the camera, and then made an OK gesture.

"Dear audience, today, we are fortunate to come to the aircraft factory in the Land of Abundance, which has a high degree of secrecy. Here, people are more accustomed to calling it Factory 132. This is an aircraft factory that China focused on when it was building second-tier projects. Since its completion, MiG-21 fighter jets have been produced here. In the East, this aircraft is called J-7. It is characterized by its low price. In the past few years, it has been exported in large quantities. Today, we..."

  Before she finished speaking, she heard a creaking sound from behind, Luo Lisi immediately put away the microphone, and shouted loudly: "Quick, let's run!"

  Like a group of antelopes being chased, a large number of people ran out, and they were guided by people around them in advance. They could run along the road to their destination: the apron of Factory 132.

  Several fluorescent MiG-21s, no, J-7 are placed nearby, but no one cares, their eyes are all attracted by that special-shaped aircraft.

This aircraft has a sharp nose, arc-shaped air intakes on both sides, a round body, and four missiles mounted under the wings. It can be seen from the appearance that it is currently the most high-end Thunderbolt in China. -8 missiles.

  After entering the age of missiles, the country has always been quite backward in this area due to its weak technology. The Jili-5 missile developed with great efforts, just matured in the 1980s, still lags behind the world by a large margin.

Under the circumstances at that time, in order to catch up with the world's advanced level as soon as possible, the country decided to introduce the Snake-3 missile that was brilliant in the air battles in the Bekaa Valley at that time. The country spent 500 million US dollars to introduce a batch of finished missiles and missiles. The supporting production line, produced domestically, is named Thunderbolt-8.

   This missile immediately became the main equipment of the Air Force. Similar to the J-8 interceptor, it is still dominated by four J-8 missiles.

  At this time, the special-shaped aircraft in front of me is equipped with the Thunderbolt-8 missile. What does this mean?

   This aircraft is no longer its prototype, the Yak-38, but an advanced aircraft modified by the East!

  The plane is surrounded by a circle of guardrails. People can't step on it to watch it in person, but they can see the label written on the big sign.


   This aircraft is the highlight of today, the advanced fighter that will be released soon!

  All eyes are looking there, and at the same time, everyone's discussion is also twittering.

   "This plane is almost exactly the same as the Yak-38!"

   "That's right, this plane is the Yak-38!"

   "How can you plagiarize?"

   "They have been copying. Isn't the J-7 over there just copying the MiG-21? Is there any originality here?"

   "Yes, it is!"

  As these words came out, a sour smell began to fill the air.

After a few minutes.

  Zhao Dangsheng took a deep breath, and then walked to a one-meter-high platform specially built beside the plane.

"Everyone, welcome to the Land of Abundance and our aircraft factory. Today, I will introduce to you the most advanced vertical take-off and landing fighter we produce here, the J-31. This aircraft will be launched Play an irreplaceable role in defending the territory of our motherland."

  Following his words, those who had been watching the plane finally turned their heads around, and surrounded the booth with a clatter.

  Luo Lisi finally found the best position and raised her microphone to the front, so that the recording can be clearer.

   "Excuse me, do you want to build an aircraft carrier?" Luo Lisi shouted loudly.

   Regarding her impolite behavior, Zhao Dangsheng was very polite: "Of course not. Everyone should know that our policy is offshore defense. We don't need aircraft carriers at all. Aircraft carriers are offensive in nature."

   "Then why did you manufacture this vertical take-off and landing fighter? Isn't it used on aircraft carriers?"

"Of course not. Who stipulated that vertical take-off and landing fighters must be used on aircraft carriers? In fact, because this type of aircraft does not need a runway, it is also necessary to exist on land. For example, during wars, the runway was destroyed. This type of aircraft It can still take off to meet the enemy. For example, on some islands, the space is not large enough to take off and land ordinary fighter jets, and this kind of aircraft can play a huge role."

  After he said this, the scene immediately exploded.

  Journalists are the most sensitive, and they can quickly realize that they have eaten a big melon.

   This plane is prepared for a certain place! They have all seen the aerial pictures, there are two large platforms covered with a layer of clearly visible refractory bricks, which are actually used for this kind of aircraft to take off and land!

   Now, everything makes sense.

  This vertical take-off and landing fighter, although it is said that the range will be shortened rapidly, and it is called a mast guardian, but it is definitely the most suitable for that place!

   Once there is a situation, we will attack at any time!

   "Okay, now, first of all, please enjoy the wonderful performance of this aircraft. After the performance is over, we have a new project to announce."

   New project? What is that?

  The big guys were full of curiosity, but as reporters, they had the patience. They all turned their cameras to the fighter plane, and there was a well-dressed pilot standing beside the plane.

   "Why is there no ground crew?" The big guy was very curious. Generally speaking, a large number of ground crews are required to follow the plane before it takes off!

"Because what we are simulating now is how to complete the take-off and landing operations of the aircraft on a lonely island without the help of ground crew." Zhao Dangsheng said: "Of course, the prerequisite is that there is fuel. If there is no fuel , then the plane cannot take off.”

   In the eyes of everyone, the pilot was pushing a special cart by himself, and an oil drum was placed on top of the cart.

  He pushed the trolley to the side of the wing, and then creaked and pressed the trolley, so the mechanism under the trolley began to rise slowly. It was a very simple parallelogram principle, and the oil barrel also slowly rose.

At about the same height, the pilot climbed onto the wing and stood there just within reach of the fuel drum, he unscrewed the lid of the drum, put a fuel hose in, and opened the cover on the rear of the fuselage , start to refuel.

   All of this is done so skillfully, it seems that I have practiced more than once.

  Airplanes are different from cars, and have never been operated by one person alone. But now, the scene unfolded on the scene is eye-opening.

  One person can complete the refueling of the aircraft and complete the pre-flight preparations!

  After the refueling is over, the empty barrel is put down and the trolley is pushed away.

  The pilot continued to circle the plane, inspecting various components, and even kicked the tire twice, which made people amazed.

   Then, he climbed onto the plane again.

   "My God, how did he get up there, is it a creeper?"

   "No, under his feet, there are pedals! So creative! Flip back for skin, flip it over for pedals!"

  Although there are only three pedal positions, it is enough for the pilot to climb onto the plane. Moreover, this thing is still electric. After the pilot goes up, those pedals are flipped back again and become smooth skin.

   It is not impossible for the pilot to board the plane alone. He needs to find a way to climb onto the wing, and then walk to the front cockpit. Depending on the shape of the aircraft, the degree of difficulty varies greatly.

  The rectangular air intake can be entered by stepping on the top of the air intake. After all, it is flat. However, it is not easy to go up this kind of arc-shaped air intake.

It is even impossible for some aircraft, such as those with belly air intake, such as the Su-27, the nose is very high from the ground, and it is impossible to climb up unless you do pull-ups on the side wings of the nose .

   "What's the idea, our Tomcat fighter has this function."

   Sure enough, among the reporters, there are still people who know the goods.

  In general fighter jets, the pilots use the gangway to get up and down, but what if the situation is special? How do pilots get up and down quickly?

  There is such a device outside the cockpit of the Tomcat fighter, and the changes in this aspect of this aircraft are really in accordance with the design method of the Tomcat fighter.

  Pretending is complete!

  Pilot Lei Qiang wiped the sweat from his forehead. He was wearing this flight suit. It was too hot, but he had no choice but to let the people outside know that all this was done by the pilot!

  He must wear these from the beginning, so as not to be slandered by those with ulterior motives and have a counterproductive effect.

   Now, Lei Qiang wiped off his sweat, and then toggled the switches to prepare for takeoff.

  Lei Qiang's father once fought in the famous MiG corridor. When Lei Qiang was born, he heard the roar of the roaring engine. He never left the plane in his life.

When Project No. 10 was formally established, Lei Qiang was selected as one of the first batch of test pilots. He once went to Damao to learn flight skills and modern aircraft theory. He is a comprehensive talent who has flown various Excellent pilot of the plane!

After the establishment of the J-31 project, Lei Qiang also became interested. After all, he knew that although vertical take-off and landing aircraft are not common, they also have their unique uses. During the busy J-10 test, he also took a break from his busy schedule. Flying the J-31 many times, I have a good understanding of this aircraft.

  This time there was a performance, the other planes were all cleared out, and the J-10 had been towed to the hangar long ago, so he made a temporary cameo to fly the J-31.

   At this moment, he took a deep breath of air, and then flipped the switch.

  The cover on the back of the machine slowly rises.

  Start the engine!

   There was a roar from the engine at the rear, and then, the two engines on the back also started. As the canopy was slowly closed, Lei Qiang waved his hand outside.

  The roar of the engine came, and Zhao Dangsheng, who was ignored by everyone, finally had a chance to catch his breath. He stood in a corner where no one was paying attention, watching the plane take off.

  At this moment, a person approached.

   "Old Zhao, you're doing pretty well."

   "Boss Qin, I'm also rushing ducks to the shelves. It's not bad. Just now, my hands were shaking."

   "You, you need to practice more in the future. When our J-31A makes its first flight successfully, you will face more reporters."


   Now, the model has been officially determined. This Yak-38 is directly called J-31. As for the project developed by our own side, it is called J-31A, so there will be no confusion.

  In today's performance, the whole world will see the elegance of the aircraft produced by Dongfang, and this spokesperson is also very important.

  Mao Duanzhang and the others are not suitable for appearing. They still hold the pipa and half cover their faces. This is the most suitable way. Is it the technical power of the East, or the technical power of Lao Maozi? Guess what!

Therefore, Zhao Dangsheng, who joined the J-31 project together and became the most important person in charge of flight control, became the spokesperson for this time. He is engaged in technology, which is absolutely top-notch, but now, Facing a large group of reporters, he felt a little uncomfortable.

  During the speech, J-31 had already risen from the ground, especially the flames emitted by the two lift engines, which were so dazzling that all the reporters present had to take a few steps back.

  The plane flew up unsteadily, and slowly turned into a level flight state at a position more than ten meters away from the ground.

Laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the doorway. This flight transition is the most difficult. After all, if the aircraft needs to provide forward thrust, it will reduce the vertical thrust. It is easy to cause a stall and crash.

   I don’t know how many vertical take-off and landing aircraft fell during this stage of take-off and landing.

And the plane in front of me took off vertically and slowly turned to level flight, changed little by little, accelerated little by little, and when it left the sight of everyone, the top cover of the lift engine on the back of the plane was closed .

"so beautiful!"

   "Yes, it's spectacular!"

   "George, are you taking pictures?" Luo Lisi asked her companion.

  At this time, the camera George was carrying was still facing the sky. He didn't put down the heavy camera until the plane left.

   "Of course I took pictures. By the way, the battery power is low. We need to replace it with a new one."

   As he spoke, he began to operate skillfully.

   Just after changing the battery, there was a roar in the distant sky, and the plane came back again.

   In fact, it just circled the airport. After all, what is going to be performed now is vertical take-off and landing.

  In the distance, the plane was aimed at the position of the apron, the cover on the back of the plane was opened again, and the two lift engines turned to the idle state.

  It is even more difficult to switch from horizontal flight to vertical flight. Therefore, the nozzle of the Yak-38 main engine rotates at an angle greater than 90 degrees. In addition to downward jetting, it can also jet down forward.

  In this way, the speed of the aircraft will also be within the controllable range, gradually reducing, reducing.

   This landing is more important.

Because they are going to perform for some people with ulterior motives, and the scheduled place is not big, so they must land exactly at the position where they just took off, and land on the position as big as the offshore platform, then considered to be practically deployable.

  The plane approached little by little, and Lei Qiang held the joystick in his hand, extremely precise.

  Closer, closer!

   Just reached the sky!

  The plane's horizontal speed completely dropped to zero. In front of countless cameras and video cameras, the plane landed slowly and little by little, and finally, it stopped firmly in the central circle!

   That's awesome!

  The roar of the engine disappeared, and the reporter was still reminiscing about the spectacular scene just now. On the other side of the platform, the sound sounded again.

   "Now, our air show is over, we have fifteen minutes to answer questions from reporters, and then we will announce a new decision."

   Crash, the crowd gathered around again.

  They found that compared to the previous time, there was an extra table on this special speech platform, and there was something on the table, covered with a red cloth, and they didn't know what it was.

   "Will you mass-produce this fighter?"

   "It depends on our needs."

   "What kind of engine does this aircraft use? Will it face the problem of insufficient power in the tropics?"

   "Well, you can ask the Siamese Navy, they have already used this carrier-based aircraft on the Chakri aircraft carrier. The scope of their naval activities should be very hot, right?"

   "Excuse me, what is the lifespan of this aircraft in the high-salt waters of the ocean?"

   “We do a lot of salt protection.”

  Fifteen minutes of answering is finally over.

   "Everyone, next, we will announce a new plan." After Zhao Dangsheng finished speaking, he walked to the table beside him, pulling up a corner of the red cloth in his hand.

  At this time, countless people held their breath, and many people were waiting with cameras and cameras. They knew that the next project must be very important.

  However, Zhao Dangsheng put down his hand again.

   "Let me introduce to you first." Zhao Dangsheng returned to the microphone. Looking at the disappointed expressions of the people below, Zhao Dangsheng felt extremely emotional in his heart. When it comes to teasing people, Mr. Qin is definitely first-class!

"We know that this J-31 is very similar in appearance to Lao Maozi's vertical take-off and landing fighter, so some people will say that we copied it, that we are a copycat." Zhao Dangsheng said generously: "That's right. , our J-31 borrowed a lot from the design of the Yak-38. However, for us, this is just the beginning. Any rising star starts from a copycat, but we will not keep copying go down!"

"With the foundation of the J-31, our remodeled J-31A will have a radical change." Zhao Dangsheng continued: "Since everyone is here to investigate, you should know that the current trend of military aircraft development, Or what the trend is.”

  The trend and trend of military aircraft development? Does that need to be said? Of course it is a stealth fighter. In the war in 1991, the F-117 was a big hit!

   "It's a stealth machine!"

"That's right, it's a stealth aircraft, so our J-31A is aimed at stealth performance." Zhao Dangsheng continued: "According to the Americans, their F-117 has a radar reflection area and a ping-pong The size of the ball is about the same, of course we can’t reach that level, but we can be the same size as football and basketball. Although our aviation technology is behind the times, in a certain aspect, we have also achieved catch-up and surpass!”

  Everyone was aroused, and when they continued to look at the covered plane, they were already full of expectations.

   Could it be that this red cloth is covered with a stealth fighter?

"Impossible!" Someone shouted: "The technology of the United States is the most advanced in the world, and their F-117 is only an attack aircraft. The real combat fighter is still under development. How do you Could this kind of stealth fighter be developed?"

"This gentleman is right. If we want to develop an aircraft of the same type as the United States, we will definitely not be able to achieve it. They seem to have proposed 4S indicators, super maneuverability, supersonic cruise, stealth, and super vision. Only the United States and Europe do not have this capability, so we can only focus on it.”

   These questions have long been expected by the big guys, and various corresponding answers have been prepared in advance. Now Zhao Dangsheng, as long as he is not nervous and forgets these plans, he can handle them with ease.

  Now, Zhao Dangsheng answered very neatly.

"Another example is the F-117. This aircraft is going to an extreme. It focuses on stealth capabilities. In order to be invisible, the aircraft does not pursue a streamlined shape, and it cannot even fly at supersonic speeds. The subsystems on the aircraft are also other It was transplanted from the aircraft. But, who can say that it was not successful? In terms of stealth, it ushered in a new era!"

"Our experts who specialize in air combat theory have come to the conclusion that the future era must belong to stealth aircraft. An aircraft may have poor maneuverability and may not be able to fly supersonic, but it must have stealth, because , This technology will completely change the air combat pattern!"

   "Excuse me, is there a stealth fighter under that piece of cloth?"

   "Yes, this is the best aerodynamic layout of the stealth aircraft that we have finally found after years of research. Today, everyone will witness a milestone moment in aviation history!"

   Having done enough, Zhao Dangsheng finally walked to the front of the red cloth, and then pulled it slowly.

  A plane with an extremely peculiar shape appeared in front of everyone. At this moment, countless flashing lights were blooming.

PS: Thanks to book friends 120920135441989, l599xl, Zhong Boshu, Zhai Weilu, book friends 20180414184056983, Draindow, book friends 20170909081045181, semi-deaf, Yu Yuwu group, book friends 20220427144759190 and other friends for their rewards, thank you all book friends of subscriptions and Vote for it!

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  (end of this chapter)

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