Warship of Great Power

Chapter 380: The power of water cannon

  Chapter 380 The Power of Water Cannons

  Although Qin Tao said a lot when he was on the boat, it was useless, because what he considered was completely different from what these sea soul shirts considered.

  Qin Tao thinks about the hardships of life on the reef, so he wants to provide them with the best and most comfortable life possible, so that they can better complete their tasks. And in the hearts of these sea soul shirts, the first thing that comes to mind is indeed the motherland.

  They came here with infinite loyalty to the motherland, so the first thing they did when they came up was to raise the flag and patrol around the islands and reefs!

   "Over the years, although the sea soul shirts guarding the reef have changed from generation to generation, our spirit has never changed." Xu Zhengyang also felt emotional.

  Everyone was also aroused with enthusiasm. Even though it was already noon, not to mention the problem of eating, the weather was the hottest, and the big guys still maintained strong energy.

continue working!

  The second platform was hoisted up, several containers were placed on it, followed by the third platform.

  The staff responsible for fixing stepped on the reef, fixed several reserved positions on the platform base and the bottom of the reef with expansion screws, and fixed them securely.

  Two additional steel buildings were also placed on the platform. It is located at the corner of the platform, with a cylindrical shape below, a hemispherical shape above, and a device combining six pipes protruding from the front.

  Yes, this is the imitation version of the AK-630 naval gun used on the original warship!

  It’s perfect for short-range defense. After all, this is an aircraft take-off and landing platform. Since it can take off and land aircraft, of course, there must be special defensive weapons to avoid being landed by others first.

   This is not a joke. If it is an elite special forces force like the US Navy SEALs, it is estimated that they would really dare to appear suddenly and land directly on this platform.

   If you don't know the target and dare to approach it, then give him a blast!

  Finally, the lifting of the last building was completed. On the huge Zhenhua No. 1, half of the cargo was unloaded, and the remaining half was prepared for other nearby reefs.

   Woo, woo!

  Zhenhua No. 1 blew its whistle and saluted the sea soul shirts on the reef. At this time, the sea soul shirts who had been busy without rest stood on the platform of the reef and raised their hands to salute here.

  They are the happiest. They can live in this kind of permanent building just after deployment. They want to thank Zhenhua-1 and Mingzhou Group!

  Zhenhua No. 1 started slowly, walking slowly around the rugged waterway. For them, the return journey was still difficult, and no mistakes could be made.

   At this time, a fishing boat in the distance saw the situation here.

   "Look, what's that?"

   "I saw the flag flying above, report to the superior immediately!"

  There are also radios on the fishing boat, so soon, their superiors knew the situation here, and they immediately became furious.

what happened? How could a permanent fortification be built on Shuangsha Island suddenly and quietly? how did you do that?

   Unfortunately, this is already a mystery.

   That afternoon, without anyone noticing, Zhenhua-1 unloaded other cargo, then set off at full power and set foot on the return journey.

  That night, on the TV, the beautiful hostess made a short announcement to the camera.

"The No. 4 tropical storm last time hit the southern waters of our country, causing one of our fishing boats to disappear. The fishermen on board are still missing. In order to avoid similar situations from happening again, we decided to set up a post on Shuangsha Island. In the event of a tropical storm, if there is no time to escape, you can ask for help from our post."

  Then, the scene of this outpost appeared on the TV screen.

  The flat ground, the three-sided reinforced concrete building, and the flying national flag...

   Laymen may find it simple, but insiders will definitely be amazed. They would never have imagined how such a large amount of engineering suddenly appeared in one day.

   Zhenhua No. 1.

   "Unfortunately, our communication satellite technology is still not good, and the ground reception technology is not good. It would be better if we can see the picture." Listening to the voice in the radio, Qin Tao said with some emotion.

  In later generations, people can watch TV programs even in the car. Why?

   Of course, it is the power of communication technology.

  The antenna on the car can constantly adjust its angle according to the driving of the car, always aiming at the satellite in the sky. Of course, it will not work in viaducts, tunnels and other places. This is called mobile communication.

  The technology of this era is not yet possible, the antenna must be stationary on the ground, and it must be carefully adjusted when it is originally installed.

   Of course, it also has something to do with the satellites in the sky. At present, only the first generation of communication satellites has been launched in China, and the performance is very poor. It only solves the problem of availability and cannot cover more places.

   "Yes, it would be even better if we could see the picture. When our crew sails at sea, we can always hear the voice from the motherland." Peng Weiyuan said.

  These sailors have the strongest need for TV, because life at sea is too lonely.

   "Just wait, it will be realized in a few years." Qin Tao said.

   "By the way, tell me, what will happen next? What will some unwilling people do?"

  Hearing Peng Weiyuan's question, Qin Tao thought for a while, and then said: "There are two paths, either literary combat or military combat."

  Wen Dou, Wu Dou?

   "For Wendou, it is to invite a group of reporters to come out to create momentum, and for military combat, it is to use them... These are not our worries, the superiors will make arrangements."

  Qin Tao put forward a lot of suggestions, analyzed various expectations, and formulated corresponding countermeasures. Therefore, they don't need to think too much about what to do next.

  Hearing what Qin Tao said, Peng Weiyuan nodded.

the next day.

   Yuzheng No. 34 ship.

  Xu Zailin stood on the water cannon and said to the crew members standing in several rows.

   "Now, there is a Bengate cruise ship that is moving over, and the superior ordered us to stop them!"

  After hearing Xu Zailin's words, everyone mustered up their courage.

   "There are people, boats, reefs, and flags."

  Yuzheng No. 34 is just a small boat with a displacement of 300 tons, but what they have to face is a cruise ship with a displacement of 4,000 tons!

  What should they do?

  Everyone knows, there is no going back!

  Nine o'clock in the morning.

  The Bengate appeared at sea level.

  This cruise ship is menacing.

   Seeing the cruise ship appear, Xu Zailin picked up the microphone, and his voice sounded through the loudspeaker.

   "Listen to the ship on the opposite side, there are reefs everywhere under the water, please don't get close, otherwise there is a risk of hitting the reef at any time!"

  However, the ship didn't listen at all, and continued to move forward.

   "Go up!" Xu Zailin shouted loudly.

  The engine roared, the propeller stirred the sea water, and the 300-ton Yuzheng No. 34 ship headed towards the 4,000-ton behemoth.

  The distance between the two sides is rapidly approaching.

   "Please get out of the way immediately, there are reefs underwater here!" Xu Zailin's voice continued to sound.

   "Don't be afraid, if they do collide, they will be the ones who will suffer!" At this time, the captain on board the Bengate also went all out.

  Their task is arduous, they must complete it, and they must not back down!

  The distance between the two sides is constantly decreasing, five nautical miles, three nautical miles, one nautical mile, one thousand meters, five hundred meters!

   "Right full rudder!" Xu Zailin shouted loudly.

  A curved splash appeared at the stern of the boat. The boat was small enough to turn around, and the fishery administration boat drew an arc.

  The captain on the Bengate smiled, hum, let's see if they dare to come over! I really dare to hit it!

  He looked at the ship with contempt, and then his eyes widened in surprise.

  I saw the tail of Yuzheng No. 34, a device like an oil barrel, turned around. That thing looked very strange.

   Could it be the legendary oil barrel cannon?

   Just as he was surprised, he saw a water dragon appearing from that nozzle, rushing towards it.

   "Damn it, full starboard!" shouted the captain.

   Before the words fell, a powerful current of water rushed over, and directly rushed towards their bridge.

   Sailing in this tropical area, the crew members have the habit of opening windows, so under the impact of this current, they immediately felt a chill in their hearts.

  The turbulent sea water, with a strong impact, smashed towards them, and some people were directly washed away.

   Fortunately, the helmsman had already turned the steering wheel, so the surge of sea water only rushed in for a moment, and then hit the side due to the turning of the ship.

   Even so, their berth is already a mess, and everyone has become a drowned rat.

  The captain's face was full of anger, he stood up, and shouted in a growl: "Full port rudder, get back on the right course, close all windows!"

  He wants to fight to the death with the opponent!

   "Damn, what was that just now?"

   "It should be a water cannon, the water cannon used on the fishery administration ship. At the Asian Defense Exhibition, Mingzhou Group showed that kind of thing!"

  After it was displayed by Mingzhou Group, it spread in the industry. If there is such a thing, it would be very good as a non-lethal weapon for fishery operations.

   It's just that they didn't expect that the water cannon on the fishery administration ship would be so powerful!

  The range of this water cannon is probably hundreds of meters. How powerful a water pump is to drive it? The equipment of the fire brigade is incomparable to this thing!

  However, they were unprepared for the first time, and they would not make such a mistake the second time. Seeing that all the windows had been closed, the captain gave the order to move on.

   Yuzheng No. 34 drew an arc on the sea surface, circled a circle, and then caught up with Bengate again.

At this time, the Bengate didn't dare to sail too fast. After all, Yuzheng No. 34's reminder is still correct. There are indeed reefs underwater here. If he is rescued by the other party, how can he have the face to continue making trouble?

  The Yuzheng 34 has a small displacement, so there is no such concern. This sea area is still safe for them. If both parties are sailing at full speed, the Yuzheng 34 may not be able to catch up with the Bengate.

  After arriving, it will be even better to have a fishery administration ship built by a high-speed catamaran! Xu Zailin thought secretly in his heart.

  Although the equipment is not strong, everyone is full of momentum. This kind of water cannon was used for the first time, and it showed a good effect.

  The two sides sailed side by side again.

   "Damn it, if it weren't for the complicated underwater situation here, we would have sunk you!" On the Bengate, the captain raised his **** to this side.

   "Bengate, please leave the waters here immediately, it will be very dangerous to continue sailing!" Xu Zailin continued to pick up the microphone in his hand and shout.

   "Damn it, we don't need your command! Come if you have the ability!"

   "They closed the windows." Here, the lookout post shouted loudly.

   "Did they think that if the windows were closed, there would be nothing we could do?" Xu Zailin said with a smile on his face, "Attention, fill with sand!"

This kind of sea water cannon device is modified by the device of a dredger. It can not only spray water, but also spray mud. Even, the latter is the most important. After all, a dredger is to dig out the seabed. No matter it is rock or sand, it can be dug up.

  After digging out, it has to be sprayed out, the farther the better, so there is no problem with this kind of system for sand blasting.

  So, the crew operating the water cannon picked up the sandbag on the side, cut the opening, stuffed it into the mouth of the water cannon, and then shook it to pour all the sand inside.

   "What are they doing?" Here, the people on the Bengate also saw the movement of the water cannon. After all, they suffered from that thing before!

  What’s in that bag?

   They are all curious.

  The next moment, the turbulent water column sprayed over again, but, unlike the last time, the color of the water column this time was actually yellow!

   Crack, crack!

   Something hits their glass.

   "Sand, **** it, they put sand in the water cannon!"


   At the next moment, a pebble in the sand hit the glass, and everyone looked over with horrified eyes, seeing the crack in the glass.

   If there were only cracks, the glass could still block it, but the water flow was still hitting. Under the impact of a large amount of water flow, the glass shattered in the next moment!

   Fortunately, it is tempered glass. Even if it is broken, it will not form a terrible blade on the edge. Moreover, everyone is prepared and dodges quickly without being hit by the shattered glass.

  However, those waters with yellow sand have entered their bridge.

  The sea water from last time has not yet dried up, but this time the water of the Yellow River came again?

"The water of the Yellow River is coming up from the sky!" The person at the water cannon was very excited, and said to his companions: "I have a bold idea, should we soak it in it, let them taste the taste of drinking yellow and white things ?”

  Looking at the opening of the water cannon, it is completely possible to stick it in.

"Of course not. We are here to remind them. Whether it is water or sand water, we want to tell them that they cannot go here. Because they won't listen, we have to remind them in this way. Once you soak it in, the nature will change."

  No matter in any country or in any civilized world, this kind of behavior is insulting. How can we do this kind of thing?

  The man operating the water cannon bowed his head in shame, and sincerely realized his mistake.

   "Of course, other things are still available. Let's put another bag of things in. Don't worry, let's open the mouth and put it slowly."

  So, the two squatted there, untied the opening of the other bag, and began to stuff the water cannons one by one.

  The people on the Bengate were drowned again, covered in sand and soil, all a little annoyed, the captain scratched his face with his hands, shook off the water, and then looked at the ship with angry eyes.

   "What are they doing?"

   "It's like loading cobblestones!"

  Nima, one pebble in the pile of sand just now is enough for them. This time, if all the pebbles are filled in, wouldn’t all their glass have to be smashed?

  Thinking of this, the captain's body trembled, not knowing whether it was anger or fear.

   "Captain, what shall we do?"

   "What should I do? What else can I do, let's finish the mission and return!"

   Can’t fire anymore, the opponent’s water cannon is too fierce!

   "Then shall we admit defeat like this?"

   "Of course not. After we go back, we will find the same water cannons and install them. We will have a water battle with them at sea!"

  The captain is very annoyed, but there is only one way, they can't use hot weapons!

   Watching the Bengate leave, Yuzheng No. 34 ship cheered loudly.

   Win, we win!

  The water cannon is too powerful!

  Mingzhou Group is mighty!

   When receiving this news, Qin Tao's Zhenhua No. 1 has completed all tasks and is on the way back.

   "Mr. Qin, the water cannon produced by your group has played a huge role." Peng Weiyuan said excitedly to Qin Tao.

   "Yes." Qin Tao simply answered with one word, and he had expected this result a long time ago.

"Next, let's see how the other party makes moves. Let's see what they do. In short, we will never let their plot succeed." Qin Tao said: "After we go back, we should also make arrangements for the Shuangsha Island Fishing and Tourism Village. Well, I think those fishing boats last time were good, and we can definitely encourage those fishermen, artificial breeding on Shuangsha Island is much more comfortable than fishing at sea."

  Xu Zhengyang nodded. Mr. Qin doesn't need to show up for such a small matter, he can arrange it properly. After all, he is Mr. Qin's secretary.

   "However, the fishing boat should be kept. Going out to salvage something without copper is still very good."

  Peng Weiyuan was a little curious, not knowing what Qin Tao was talking about.

   "Report, just received the news that there is a helicopter coming to meet President Qin!"

  Helicopter to pick me up? Looks like things have changed!

  After Zhenhua-1 unloaded its cargo, the middle of the hull was empty, and the helicopter landing was very convenient, and Qin Tao no longer needed to climb the rope ladder.

  After going up, Qin Tao saw several familiar faces.

   "Boss Qin, you need to go to the Land of Abundance."

  (end of this chapter)

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