Warship of Great Power

Chapter 993: Ba Ye’s future

What age has it been, these guys still want to reach out for it, and they are still so shameless.

Tang Yiping on the side looked ugly. If he hadn't been a guest, he would have wanted to scold him. How shameless are you?

Qin Tao smiled: "Okay, you just need to send us millions of tons of iron ore for free, and everything is easy to discuss."

“How is it possible? We dug out the iron ore with great effort and a lot of manpower and electricity. How can we give it to you for free?”

“Then our missiles and radars just fell from the sky?”

“After all, you have a vast land and abundant resources, so you don’t care about this.”

These words were so reasonable that Tang Yiping's throat squirmed and his mouth opened, ready to curse.

Qin Tao patted him on the shoulder: "Old Tang, I remember that we have an aluminum smelting factory in China. It has long been interested in these scrap fighter jets, right?"

Tang Yiping was stunned for a moment, then realized: "Yes, they are willing to buy our fighter planes for 160,000 yuan each. One of our fighter planes can remove at least eight tons of aluminum, and the price of scrap aluminum is 20,000 tons per ton. We are here Twenty-four fighter planes can be sold for four million."

"Four million, that's a lot." Qin Tao said: "I think, let's not give it away. What do our superiors think? If we give four million as a gift, our money will not come from the strong wind." .”

Yin Chengze suddenly became anxious.

They just take it easy. Whether they are going to Damao or Dongfang, they always focus on money. If they really can't go out, they will spend money.

These fighter planes were given to them for free. Of course they were very happy and came over in a long-distance train. Now that it's time to refit it, of course I don't want to spend money yet, so I don't know how to tell the other party that it's urgent.

“President Qin, President Qin, since these fighter planes are said to be given to us, they belong to us. You can’t sell them anymore.”

"Yes, selling these fighters and putting them into a high-temperature furnace would be an insult to these fighters. These fighters should continue to fight in the sky."

“We gave away fighter planes for nothing, but you are still picky and choose not to give them away, not to give them away.”

“We don’t pick, we don’t pick, this batch of fighters is of great significance to us, we are willing to accept it, and we are happy to accept it.”

 “What about modifications?”

“We are willing to pay for modifications, especially to install your missiles with a range of 100 kilometers, which are more powerful than our MiG-29.”

“Okay.” Qin Tao nodded: “Since you are willing to modify it, we will help you and only charge you the cost price. Do you want a flat-panel slot radar or a phased array radar?”

“Phaseded array radar, this is the most advanced radar. This radar is only used on fourth-generation aircraft in the United States.”

“Yes, with this kind of radar, our aircraft can fight against the F22.”

"Okay, this kind of radar costs 20 million US dollars per set. You can ask about it. This is definitely the cost price." Qin Tao said: "We will not accept iron ore. This has been delayed for too long, so we should just go directly Trade in cash.”

 Twenty million dollars a set! If all twenty-four were modified, that would be US$500 million!

"That's right, in our model peace project with the United States, we only modified a flat-panel aperture radar, with a search range of only a few dozen kilometers, and the price was 550 million. Now at the same price, it is absolutely cost-effective to modify it into an active phased array radar!" Tang Yiping said from the side.

 Everyone else was crying, $500 million is absolutely impossible.

“It’s too expensive.” Yin Chengze said, “Mr. Qin, can you make it cheaper for us?”

“If it’s cheap, it’s a flat-panel gap radar. We can reduce the price to US$6 million per unit, which is absolutely cost-effective.” Qin Tao said.

  I know they can’t afford it, so these are all by comparison. Flat-panel slot radars are of course cheaper. Inflation has been serious in recent years, and the US dollar is worthless. A US$6 million airborne radar is really worth the money.

“How does this radar perform?”

“The furthest search distance is three hundred kilometers, and it can be used as an early warning aircraft when needed.”

Tang Yiping on the side opened his eyes wide, Mr. Qin, are you telling the truth?

of course it's true.

What Qin Tao is talking about is the 1493 radar currently installed on J-11 and J-15 fighters.

This radar is equivalent to the pinnacle of domestic flat-panel slot radars. With a radar antenna diameter of more than 900 millimeters, its search range is quite long. For targets with a radar reflection area of ​​3 square meters, the detection range can reach 250 kilometers. For large targets such as bombers, the detection range can be 300 kilometers.

The AWG-9 radar of the Tomcat fighter jets back then could do it. Of course, our own radar must also have this performance.

 There has been no further development since then. After all, the next step is the era of active phased array radar.

Although the performance of the J-8 fighter is not very good, it has a huge nose that can fit a large-caliber radar.

  (No information was found. Some said the diameter is 780 mm, but visual inspection shows that it is no smaller than the Su-27. Let’s just refer to the radar installed on the Su-27.)

Yin Chengze nodded: "Okay, for this kind of radar, it costs six million US dollars. We need to report it to our superiors, but we think our superiors should be able to agree. By the way, what about the missiles?"

“Missiles are cheap. One only costs $280,000.”

 “So expensive?”

"Cannon shells are cheap. If you don't mind, we can just give them to you. Are you sure you can fly the plane to the distance of the cannon? This is a missile with a range of 100 kilometers. Our general market retail price is 500,000 Dollars and up.”

 Modern war is all about money, and the current price of missiles is actually not outrageous.

Just this year, the purchase price of the US Air Force's AIM-120 was US$386,000. By 2020, the price of one has risen to US$1.37 million!

 At this price, you won’t even be able to buy a single close-range combat bomb in the future.

 The prices Qin Tao mentioned are really not expensive.

 “Can I exchange it for ore?”

"Of course. We will give you the corresponding number of missiles according to the ore you give us. Don't you dislike our low purchase price? You'd better sell it to the international market. It's best for us to collect cash directly."

Qin Tao said, it’s not easy to make money from you, so we still do direct cash transactions. We will never deliver the goods without receiving your money.

"Mr. Qin, this is not a small expense. We may have difficulties."

“It doesn’t matter, then you can modify the aircraft first, and then purchase missiles when needed later.” Qin Tao said, “By the way, do you plan to modify the engine?”

 A plane first, then a missile? Take this plane and it will be a dove of peace for a long time! Tang Yiping lamented on the sidelines that Mr. Qin was really good at deceiving people, but what was going on with this modified engine? Mr. Qin shouldn't fool them into using the Turbojet-14, right?

 In those special years, a group of people spent great energy and enthusiasm on the research and development of the turbojet-14, an advanced turbojet that can provide follow-up power for the J-7 and J-8.

 Unfortunately, the research and development of aero-engines is not simple. They have experienced countless failures, and the final engines they finalized are still unreliable.

Judging from the data, the turbojet-14 is very strong. Even a batch of J-8s in the Air Force were replaced with turbojet-14s. However, they were replaced not long after they were used. Various malfunctions, surges, and flameouts were encountered. It's not the most serious, parts will be sprayed from time to time.

The Air Force does not dare to use it, so it still uses the turbojet-13. Although it is backward and has a short lifespan, at least its reliability is good.

At this time, after hearing Qin Tao's words, Tang Yiping thought of the unreliable Turbojet-14.

If it can be used by the North Kimchi Country, then it can be considered. After all, they still have a large number of MiG-21s and J-7s on hand. These aircraft can be replaced with turbojet-14s. The larger the number, the slower the engine will be. Mature slowly.

 Just like Turbofan 10, it struggled for many years and finally matured slowly. After trial by the navy and air force, it finally decided to abandon the third uncle.

“What kind of engine does Mr. Qin plan to change?” Yin Chengze was very cautious.

"It's the same engine as your MiG-29." Qin Tao said: "We in China have long had the idea of ​​replacing the J-8 with a medium-thrust turbofan. We have sufficient technical reserves. As long as you want it, we can replace it for you at any time. Go up."

 It turns out to be RD33! Tang Yiping breathed a sigh of relief.

In the 1980s, during the Peace Model Project, although only the avionics equipment was replaced, the plan to replace the engine was also discussed. The original idea was to replace it with the American advanced mid-range F404, but unfortunately nothing was replaced in the end.

Later, I contacted Lao Maozi and came up with a plan to replace the RD33. After all, the domestic Chengdu Aircraft Corporation was also working on the Xiaolong. Although this aircraft lives in the shadow of the fourth generation stealth aircraft, it still gained a lot of popularity due to its low price. The favor of customers, especially Lao Ba, has never given up.

The Xiaolong uses the RD93, which is an improved version of the RD33. This results in export restrictions and requires the consent of Lao Maozi. Therefore, this engine is also mapped and imitated in China, and it is named the Turbofan-13.

 Since the whole set is adopted and no changes are planned, it is easy to copy. As for Lao Maozi’s protest? You can completely ignore it. What we are developing is turbofan XIII. It has nothing to do with your RD93, don’t you believe it? Look, the service life of our turbofans is twice as long as yours!

 Now, Qin Tao promotes this engine. Even if the goods are imported at first, they can be replaced by domestic goods in the future.

 “The engine of the MiG-29?”

"That's right. This engine can be modified into the J-8, which can completely change the performance of the J-8." Qin Tao continued to lie: "Our J-8 currently uses the turbojet-13, and the maximum afterburner thrust is only 6.3 tons. The MiG-29 engine has a middle thrust of 5.1 tons, which means that even without afterburner, this aircraft can fly to Mach 1.8. If afterburner is turned on, the thrust of the two afterburners will be 8.6 A ton engine can allow the J-8 to fly to Mach 2.5!"

Someone asked why the J-8 does not use Spey. Of course it cannot be used. Spey is weak at high altitudes, but turbofans like the RD33 are different. They are specially designed for high altitudes and high speeds. With this engine, the MiG-29 can Biao has a speed of Mach 2.3. When used on second-generation aircraft like the J-8, Mach 2.5 is less. The key is that if the speed is too high, the aluminum alloy will melt and cannot withstand it.

 There is definitely an excess of power.

"Think about it, this aircraft can reach Mach 2 at low altitude. How can we defend it from the other side?" Yin Chengze said with longing in his eyes: "Yes, if the engine is changed, our aircraft will indeed gain more advanced performance. But , will it be too expensive to change your hair?”

"If you have your own engine, we will only provide modifications. Just give us a modification fee." Qin Tao said: "Our relevant domestic units are studying this, and the relevant technical reserves have long been available."

 “Are you doing your own research?”

“Yes, it is the fighter plane codenamed J-8 3E. This fighter has powerful performance, but it is a pity that it was born more than ten years later, otherwise it would definitely be the main force.”

Tang Yiping was completely convinced by Mr. Qin’s ability to deceive him. His face didn’t turn red, his heart didn’t beat, and he openly stated these things as if they were true!

There are indeed plans for the J-83. When Chengdu won the third-generation aircraft project, the Northern Research Institute was extremely dissatisfied, so it also applied for a project to improve the J-8, hoping to make major changes to the J-8 and create a competitive machine.

 It’s a pity that the technology was not strong enough and it failed in the end.

If there is only J-83, it may be considered as random making up, but if you add an E at the end, the authenticity will be greatly improved!

 Mr. Qin is so awesome!

Now that the bait has been thrown out, it’s up to the opponent to see if he takes the bait.

"I will tell my superiors about your plan when I get back." Yin Chengze said: "But do you have a detailed modification plan? If you have a plan design drawing or something like that, it will be more convincing."

“No, you agreed and gave us the down payment before we could produce the map for you.”

Qin Tao answered straightforwardly. When dealing with them, you must not be soft-hearted. If you don't give them money, you won't get any benefits.

“Can we take a plane back this time?”

They came here just to get a plane. They originally thought they could fly away directly, but now they have to modify it. However, they have to get a plane to go back first.

"Of course you can." Qin Tao said: "And it can also be flown by your pilot. After all, its operation is very similar to that of the J-7."

 “Really? That’s great!”

“It’s just that you have to do some training in advance. This plane is for free, and you have to pay the training fee.”

"How many?"

"It doesn't take much, just pay for the gas. After all, you have to go up and fly around. By the way, if you want to fly back, you have to pay for the gas yourself."

The cost of fuel is quite high. Aviation kerosene costs 5,000 yuan per ton. Even if you fill up half a tank of fuel for one flight, that's four tons, or 20,000 yuan. If you want to fly back, eight tons of fuel is enough.

 Surely this money cannot come from the East, sending fighter planes and then fuel? Nothing good like that.

“However, if you wait until after modification to receive the fighter planes, you can receive them from Factory 112 in the north, which should be closer to you.”

The J-8 is produced by Factory 112, and the modification will definitely be carried out at Factory 112. After the modification, the flight from Factory 112 to the North Kimchi Country will be shortened a lot, and tens of thousands of dollars less in fuel can be saved.

Yin Chengze thought briefly: "We have to fly at least one back so that we can easily report to the leadership. If we modify it, we can only modify the subsequent aircraft."


These guys still have ideas. After all, they are just investing money in fuel now. They will first get an aircraft to go back. If they think it can meet their needs, they will then upgrade the remaining aircraft and take them away. If they feel it is not suitable, I guess. The meat bun beats the dog and never comes back.

However, Qin Tao did not expose them. He believed that given the current situation in the Kimchi Country in the north, it would be absolutely cost-effective to obtain these fighters for free and upgrade them. After all, their opponents are quite powerful in combat. , their old fleet simply cannot bear the task of seizing air supremacy, almost the same as Yilak.

However, they will not suffer the same fate as Yilak, after all, they have a big weapon at hand.

Even if the matter is settled in this way, it is time for them to board the J-82 fighter jet and receive training, but Yin Chengze obviously does not want to miss this opportunity.

“Mr. Qin, we have finished talking about the J-82 fighter jet. Next, can we talk about the early warning aircraft project?”

Qin Tao shook his head: "The early warning aircraft is too expensive, you can't afford it."

 It is impossible to give up. For our own side, early warning aircraft are very precious. We don’t have enough of them. How can we give them to them? We can only sell them to them.

However, with the way they were buckling up and down, they definitely couldn't afford it, so Qin Tao pushed them back with just one sentence.

However, Yin Chengze obviously has no intention of giving up.

"Mr. Qin, we have seen that with the development of the times and the advancement of technology, US-made cruise missiles pose a great threat to us! Our land is very mountainous. Without early warning aircraft, it is difficult to detect cruise missiles flying over at ultra-low altitudes. Missiles and many of our facilities will also be hit, and only early warning aircraft can change this situation."

These guys are also keeping up with the times and can analyze and study problems. They know that early warning aircraft are the best choice, so they come here for help.

 It’s just that what you need is what you need. What does it have to do with us? Why do we have to give it to you if you want it?

“Yes, you are right. In modern warfare, early warning opportunities play a very important role.”

“So, we need advanced early warning aircraft. I hope you can subsidize part of the cost so that we can obtain a cheap early warning aircraft.”

“There’s no need for subsidies, it’s already there.”

  A group of guests from the Northern Kimchi Country were a little confused. What does it mean to be there? Where did we get the early warning aircraft?

"Aren't you going to purchase our J-82 and then improve the radar system? Once improved, our aircraft can serve as an early warning aircraft. Our radar has a complete downward-looking and downward-shooting capability, and can shoot from complex Cruise missiles can be found in the echoes of mountainous areas, and it can also guide Lightning-10 missile attacks." Qin Tao said: "Based on the search distance of our airborne radar, on the battlefield, you only need to search in the east and south, respectively. Take off two cruise aircraft to ensure airtightness, and not even a single cruise missile can fly over."

Tang Yiping even lamented that Mr. Qin was so powerful that he silenced them with just a few words!

Want to get an early warning aircraft from us for free? There are no doors! Just make do with our J-82. Moreover, this kind of airborne radar is unambiguous and can really meet the needs.

“President Qin, we want a professional early warning aircraft.” Yin Chengze did not give up.

"Professional early warning aircraft are too expensive, costing billions of dollars each. How much does your chicken's fart cost per year?" Qin Tao shook his head: "Forget it, you'd better not have such unrealistic dreams. However, If you really need it, we can provide you with an additional solution."

"Balloon." Qin Tao said: "It is too expensive to install the radar on the aircraft. It would be much simpler if it was installed on the balloon. It is enough to use the radar modified for our J-82 fighter jets. It doesn’t need to be too high. You can float to an altitude of three thousand meters. You can supervise all the aircraft on the ground from a high position. Once an ultra-low-altitude target flies over, it can be transmitted back through the data link to guide your fighter planes to take off to attack. In addition to the balloon, there is also the ground The cost of control equipment can also be controlled to about 10 million US dollars.”

Balloons are very old, but they continue to play a role until now. High-altitude reconnaissance balloons are everywhere all the time.

  Installing radar on balloons to monitor the ground can save a lot of money. At least it does not burn fuel like early warning aircraft and can perform tasks for a long time.

“Do you have such a thing?” Yin Chengze was really tempted.

“As long as you have demand, we can help with research and development, but it is not easy to develop this thing. The minimum price is five.”

“We will report your suggestion.” Yin Chengze said: “If it is suitable after the evaluation, maybe we will purchase it. I hope you can take care of us.”

“As long as the money is in place, everything will be easy.”

“Everyone, now you can go and see our advanced J-82 fighter!” Tang Yiping greeted.

Seeing everyone running to see the plane, Tang Yiping gave Qin Tao a thumbs up: "Mr. Qin, you are so awesome. Your superiors are right. You really have to deal with this kind of thing."

"I'm just talking casually." Qin Tao said, "Now that the matter is over, I'll leave."

“Mr. Qin, there are still a lot of things to do next.”

“Leave it to Factory 112 and the Northern Research Institute. Haven’t they been complaining about not getting any meat to eat? This is a rare opportunity. I hope they can seize it.”

The Northern Research Institute has almost been marginalized. Although it is still producing the Su-27 series of fighter jets, it has been unable to follow up.

They are quite critical of Qin Tao. They don't think of us when good things happen, and Mr. Qin is partial.

 Now, finally, we can give them some benefits.

“They won’t look down on this business, right?”

"Why don't you look down on it? This is the first batch. After this batch is delivered successfully, customers will definitely need more. Moreover, the MiG-23 fighters on hand of customers can also be improved in this way. Tell them, If it goes well, there will be modification contracts for hundreds of fighter planes, and even if one only earns two million, it is still a big business of two hundred million US dollars."

 “Mr. Qin is right.” Tang Yiping looked full of admiration.

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