Warship of Great Power

Chapter 992: The eliminated J-8s can be given away to others

Wu Shengli also became serious: "What are the benefits of doing this?"

 “Attract fire.”

With just four words, Qin Tao made everyone’s eyes light up. Yes, why didn’t we think of this benefit?

With the commissioning of the 002 aircraft carrier, it will definitely arouse the fear and comments of many people. It will attract the attention of the whole world, even if our own side tries to keep a low profile.

Since this is not appropriate, it is better to simply change the way to solve the problem of public opinion. The simplest way is to change the topic.

When a hot search causes displeasure to some people, he can use his strong network to remove the hot search and make it disappear without a trace, but this is not the most brilliant method, the best way. The method is to concoct several other more popular hot searches, crowd out the unhappy hot search, and slowly fade out of everyone's sight.

Qin Tao just transplanted this method of handling public opinion.

“At the same time, these J-82 fighters are already somewhat behind the times, so customers can take them directly, or they can apply for us to upgrade them. By then, we will be able to make a lot of money.”

 “What to upgrade?”

 “For example, upgrading the radar system.”

The J-8 fighter was originally developed because of the lack of mid-range interception capability in China. After the J-8-1 fighter with air intake in the nose was finalized, the relevant departments continued their efforts and grafted the nose of the MiG-23 to create the J-8 2 fighter planes.

This fighter plane has its nose freed up, so it can be equipped with a large airborne radar. Coupled with medium-range air-to-air missiles, it can give the Air Force the most urgently needed medium-range interception capability.

Unfortunately, the idea is very good, but the aviation industry system is not strong, and advanced airborne radar cannot be developed at all. The 208 radar can only be developed based on the original 204 radar. This product is still a monopulse radar, which is essentially a big The performance of the radar range finder and the accompanying PL-4 missile are also mediocre.

In the end, although the J-82 was tinkered with, it was only equipped with the domestic version of the Weishe-3 missile. That is, the Pili-8 took to the sky to perform its mission. It is a high-altitude and high-speed fighter specially designed for interception operations, but it can only carry close-range missiles. The range combat missile has to be said to be a failure.

 There is no way, the domestic industrial level is just like this.

The country is also aware of its shortcomings, so it plans to take the road of introduction for a period of time, trying to use US-made radars and missiles to quickly gain combat effectiveness. This is the Peace Model Project. Unfortunately, the project does not only allow the Americans to thoroughly study the J-8 Other than that, I got nothing.

In the 1990s, the introduction of the Su-27 and supporting R-27 missiles allowed the Eastern Air Force to cross the threshold of mid-range interception. Later, domestic technology began to advance by leaps and bounds, and various airborne radars continued to make breakthroughs. Needless to say, in the past We can already produce flat-plate aperture radars that we cannot produce, even phased array radars.

Ordinarily, the early production batches of J-82s can also be upgraded to achieve greater performance.

 But, is it necessary?

What the navy urgently needs is the J-15 and the fourth-generation stealth J-32. Later, there may be a fourth-generation heavy-duty J-20. In this case, is it still necessary to upgrade the Eighth Aircraft? With those funds, it is better to purchase a few more advanced fighters.

 So, these J-82s of the Naval Aviation Force are still early products equipped with 208 radar.

We can give the plane to the Kimchi Country for free, but if the Kimchi Country wants to upgrade, it will have to spend money.

“Does the North Kimchi Country like our J-82?” Wu Shengli looked at Qin Tao with some worry: “Don’t they have better choices?”

 Many things are confidential and cannot be said on such occasions, only hints.

For example, after several difficult negotiations, the Northern Kimchi Country has reached a cooperation with the Mingzhou Group. It adopts the Mingzhou Group's package of projects for a weak country and a strong army. Mining equipment is provided by the Mingzhou Group. They mine their own domestic mines and then use them to Come out and exchange equipment with Mingzhou Group.

Wu Shengli knows that the Kimchi Country has already been able to obtain the fourth-generation stealth aircraft of the Mingzhou Group. Under such circumstances, is it possible that the Kimchi Country still wants these tattered J-82s and then improves them?

"Of course they need it. Some aircraft are expensive and they cannot equip them in large quantities. But our J-82 only needs to upgrade the avionics system and weapons. It costs up to 10 million for one aircraft to gain powerful combat capabilities." , after all, our aircraft are mainly high-altitude and high-speed, taking off from their base, it can fly to the south in ten minutes. If anti-radiation missiles are installed, it may even pose a threat to early warning aircraft, how could they not like it."

Wu Shengli nodded: "Okay, let's leave it to you to negotiate. If we let the word out, the North Pickle Country will probably send representatives to come to our place to inspect this batch of J-82 fighters."

 Leave it to yourself again?

Qin Tao smiled helplessly. He had to complete the plan he proposed. This seemed to have become a routine. However, there was nothing to say about doing things for his father-in-law.

 “No problem.” Qin Tao nodded.

In the next few days, Qin Tao and his family stayed in Qiongzhou. When he had nothing to do, he went to the beach to play and accompanied Haiyang to visit the shipyard. A week later, representatives from the Northern Kimchi Country came.

At a certain airport, visitors from the Northern Kimchi Country looked at a large number of planes and asked for them in various ways.

Tang Yiping frowned.

Leader Wu and the others were really interesting. They knew that the people from the Northern Pickle Country were difficult to deal with, so they just ran away and handed over the follow-up reception work to the base commander Tang Yiping.

Tang Yiping finally knew how shameless these people were. They wanted everything and were unwilling to spend money on anything. What age are you in, and you are still so naive?

"I'm sorry, these are our main equipment in active service. What we want to give to you are the twenty-four J-8 fighters on the tarmac over there."

 Advanced aircraft are placed in hangars, while backward aircraft are placed in the open air. This batch of J-82s is already planned to be eliminated, and may even be recycled. Of course, they cannot occupy precious hangars.

Although these guests knew that they were receiving J-82 fighters before they arrived, they still complained when they saw these fighters.

“This kind of fighter is too backward. It’s already the 21st century, and its high-altitude and high-speed capabilities have long been outdated.”

“Yeah, it has poor mobility and can’t fight.”

These people kept finding faults. Tang Yiping only felt that he was one head and two older. Where is Mr. Qin? Where is Mr. Qin?

As if God knew his call, a powerful voice came: "High-altitude and high-speed will never go out of style!"

 Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin is finally here!

 Qin Tao stepped out of a Golden Sun electric car with brisk steps. He was probably the only one in the country who could enter the most confidential military base in a private car.

“Mr. Qin?” Yin Chengze’s face showed surprise after seeing Qin Tao: “Mr. Qin, I’m glad to see you!”

Yin Chengze and Qin Tao are definitely old acquaintances. After shaking hands with Qin Tao, he urgently urged: "Mr. Qin, we have only received two advanced aircraft in the past few years. We still need more aircraft!"

Qin Tao smiled: "Then it depends on your sincerity. The mining equipment I provide you can mine eight million tons of ore every year, but you only give me one million tons of ore every year. The rest Where did the ore go? Don’t tell me you don’t know how to use the machinery. Don’t tell me you don’t have the manpower.”

According to the agreement, the Mingzhou Group provided mining equipment for free, allowing the North Pickle State to use these equipment to mine ore and then provide it to the Mingzhou Group. Although many plans were made in advance, it turned out that Qin Tao still missed something.

When it was discovered that the price offered to the Mingzhou Group was not as cost-effective as the international market, the Northern Kimchi Country took action and sold only one-eighth of the mined products to the Mingzhou Group, while the rest was sold to the international market to earn more. Much profit.

Some people were angry and asked Qin Tao to simply cut off their mining equipment, and everyone broke up.

However, Qin Tao did not do this. Anyway, even if there is only one million iron ore per year, it is enough to pay for the use of those mining equipment. As for them not being able to provide support, then we do not have to provide them with aircraft.

 After such a long time, only two were provided to them, and of course they were dissatisfied.

 “Mr. Qin, that’s not the case.” Yin Chengze looked a little embarrassed. "There are some things that we can put on the table. Since you don't want to implement our package of projects for a weak country and a strong army, then we can completely change it." Qin Tao said: "You have made so much money by exporting ore. , you can use the money from exporting ore to purchase directly from us, and we can consider giving you priority in supplying goods."

  In any case, the Mingzhou Group will make a profit no matter how it operates. For people like the North Kimchi Country, being able to trade with cash is much better than trading with ore.

“Mr. Qin, we have very little foreign exchange and need to purchase a lot of things from the international market,” Yin Chengze said.

 They obtained some foreign exchange by selling iron ore, but the foreign exchange was subsequently spent.

"Forget it, you are not in a hurry, and neither are we." Qin Tao said, "You can take your time, but your air power is too weak. With our twenty-four J-82s, It will definitely allow you to greatly enhance your air power."

In terms of numbers, the total strength of the North Korean Air Force has reached more than 110,000, which is quite strong. It has 6 flying divisions, each division has 4 or 5 flying wings, and each division has 4 or 5 flying wings. The fighter configurations of each wing are different.

The most advanced ones are the two fourth-generation stealth aircraft purchased from the Mingzhou Group, but the number is too small to be effective at all. Next are the 35 MiG-29s, which are already the main force of the Northern Kimchi Country, but since then After the collapse of the Red Empire, the MiG-29 hardly gained any good reputation.

In addition to these, there are more than 160 MiG-21 fighters and J-7 fighters, 56 MiG-23 fighters, and more than 30 Su-25 attack aircraft. These are all second-generation aircraft and cannot meet the needs of modern air combat, let alone them. There are still more than 100 J-5 fighters and MiG-17 fighters on hand, and more than 100 J-6 fighters and MiG-19 fighters. These aircraft should be thrown into the recycling bin.

Looking at these aircraft, you can also know that the North Korean Air Force does not have professional high-altitude and high-speed fighter jets.

“The J-82 is only a second-generation aircraft. It is not much different from our MiG-23. How advanced can it be?”

"Don't you understand this?" Qin Tao said: "Our J-82 is a high-altitude, high-speed fighter. Speed ​​and altitude are its magic weapons. Think about it, how far are you from the south? If there is a conflict, As long as you take off in our J-82 fighter plane, you can fly there in a few minutes, launch missiles in a few minutes, and be the first to shoot down the high-value early warning aircraft there!"

 “Send an early warning aircraft?” Some air force officials behind Yin Chengze became excited.

They certainly know the role of early warning aircraft in modern air combat. They also know that relying on their own strength, they cannot tear apart the opponent's air defense network, let alone hit high-value early warning aircraft.

 Unless the stealth machine is dispatched.

However, there are only two stealth aircraft, and the number is still too small.

Now, if the high-altitude and high-speed J-82 is allowed to perform this kind of mission, their chances of winning in future wars will be even greater!

 Wait, why do you feel like something is wrong?

 They frowned.

“The J-82 has no stealth capability, so how can it fly there?”

"Of course we fight faster," Qin Tao said, "We have already flown over before they can react. Of course, if you want to be safer, you can upgrade the J-82."


 “How to upgrade?”

"Of course it is to install a new type of airborne radar, paired with a new type of long-range air-to-air missile." Qin Tao introduced: "In this way, the J-82 fighter can attack enemies a hundred kilometers away. With your small distance, you are afraid that it will not be able to reach the early warning aircraft. ?”

 “One hundred kilometers?” Everyone present was shocked.

 The most commonly used fighter they currently have is the MiG-29 fighter. The radar detection range of this fighter is less than 100 kilometers, let alone attacking targets 100 kilometers away.

As for the two fourth-generation stealth aircraft on hand, they were reluctant to spend money because of the lack of cables. They purchased bare metal. They planned to use MiG-29 missiles to mount them, which would save money and facilitate logistics. However, this job is now Nor has it started.

So, they really don’t know that the missile technology in the East has developed so fast, and the range has exceeded 100 kilometers?

"Is it the Lightning Ten? We saw your missile at last year's air show. It was originally claimed to be seventy kilometers." The same air force officer said.

Qin Tao smiled: "What you see is the level of foreign trade bombs. What relationship do we have? Of course we can't export to you shrunken goods. We have to give you advanced models."

Tang Yiping secretly sighed at the side. Mr. Qin was so powerful. With just a few words, he aroused the emotions of these people. They no longer found fault with the J-82, and they had also made great progress in upgrading the J-82. interest of.

How do these people grow their brains? We sent them a free flight, but they are still picky, trying to use this method to get us to send them a better flight? Isn't this a joke?

As for missiles with a range of 100 kilometers, we do have them, but of course they are also foreign trade models, but there are no announced foreign trade models.

The Oriental medium-range air-to-air missiles began in the 1960s. When the planned PL-4 missile was developed, it was already in an absolutely outdated stage. Modern air-to-air missiles must start with the introduction of the Italian Aspad missile. This missile It took a long time to imitate the missile. By the time the performance was qualified, the world had begun to enter the era of active mid-range air-to-air missiles.

 As a result, technical personnel must continue to work hard and continue to develop.

However, the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. After the struggle in the past few years, Dongfang’s air-to-air missiles have finally borne fruitful results.

The active medium-range air-to-air missile code-named PL-12 has been equipped on a large number of domestic fighter aircraft. The domestic series improved from the Su-27, J-11, J-15, J-16, as well as the self-developed J-10, fourth-generation stealth aircraft, all use this medium-range air-to-air missile as the main force.

Based on this model, foreign trade air-to-air missiles were also improved, code-named Lightning-10, and began to be exported in large quantities.

  However, what is always displayed to the outside world is the preliminary version. Its appearance is almost the same as that of the AIM-120, with four elastic wings in the front and four elastic wings in the back. However, the elastic wings at the back are cut into sharp points and become a pentagon. At the same time, it is larger in size and weighs 180 kilograms. As for the range, this is a metaphysical content.

 The range of air-to-air missiles is related to a lot of data, such as altitude, speed of the carrier aircraft, flight direction of both sides, etc.

 Our own side's range is 70 kilometers, measured at an altitude of 10,000 meters, a speed of Mach 1.2, and flying head-on.

Lao Maozi's R77 claims to have a range of 100 kilometers, which was measured head-on at an altitude of 20,000 meters and a speed of Mach 1.5.

Moreover, active medium-range air-to-air missiles no longer need to rely on aircraft radar illumination. Like the Phoenix missile, they can adopt a high-throw trajectory and fly through the first half through inertial guidance, thereby quickly increasing their range.

For example, at an altitude of 13,000 meters, the carrier aircraft launches a missile at Mach 1.5. After the missile flies out, it first flies upwards, taking a parabolic trajectory, and can fly up to 24,000 meters, with a top speed of Mach 4.25. In this way, When the speed dropped to Mach 1, it had flown forward for 125 seconds and covered a distance of 85 kilometers. When it lands, the furthest horizontal distance can reach 105 kilometers.

If the engine is further improved, such as using double pulse, the range can be further increased.

 Don’t look at the Meteor air-to-air missiles promoted by Europe, which can reach a range of more than 100 kilometers. In fact, ordinary rocket thrust engines can also shoot this far, depending on how the missile travels.

The domestically produced Lightning Ten missiles are also being improved. The length of the improved A-type missile has increased from the original 3.85 meters to 3.934 meters, the diameter has remained at 0.203 meters, the weight has increased to 199 kilograms, and the wingspan has decreased from 0.674 meters to 0.67 meters. , with such a range exceeding one hundred kilometers, it can be regarded as a long-range missile.

Now, Qin Tao is talking about this kind of missile. The data on the range of 100 kilometers immediately made the people of the North Pickle country excited.

“Can you modify it for free for us?”

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