Warm Dragon

Chapter 425 Technical School

Early August.

The hot summer season has arrived, and the land reclamation in the Blackfire Land is in full swing. All the water in Leize has receded, and the snowfields and broken ice caps between the three warm enclaves are also constantly melting.

The melting speed is much faster than imagined.

This is obviously the influence of the Torrent Scale Tower. The Torrent Dragon can certainly spy on Russell's secrets through the Torrent Scale Tower.

But the power of the torrent dragon will inevitably radiate around Leize, thereby accelerating the resonance between the warm enclaves.

"At this rate, by next year, the three warm enclaves will be completely integrated into one." Roland, the eldest brother, riding on the horse of the Nightmare Ghost, said excitedly, "Thanks to the torrent dragon, when the territories are completely integrated, the land reclamation work will be even more difficult. Good job."

"I have to thank the torrent dragon." Russell chuckled, "Of course, you have also worked hard during this period, brother."

"Haha, we are all a family, no matter how hard it is, it is not hard." After marriage, Roland became more and more mature.

Perhaps it was because he had experienced too many blows, but in short, he was now completely in his right position.

He no longer wants to ride a dragon or do a lofty career. He only wants to build up the three territories of the family and become the foundation of the Fluorescent Mushroom family for thousands of years.

It can be said that Roland has now become a qualified heir to the nobility.

"This year's serf trade must continue. Brother, I will keep half of the proceeds from the cigar trade to maintain the land reclamation, and you will use the remaining half to help me purchase serfs." Russell said, and the cigar trade was making gold every day.

He was not a miser, so he made money and invested it directly in the serf trade.

"Don't worry, Marcus is now fully responsible for the serf trade. The thunder beast pulls the cart day and night, and has bought a large number of serfs." Roland said, "More than 7,000 serfs have been purchased in the Youguang Valley. Your Black Fire Dadi also successively purchased more than 5,000 serfs."

There was a pause.

Roland continued: "Don't be obsessed with training all the time. You are already the number one person in the Shadow Flame Dukedom. It's time to relax. Find an opportunity to meet the knights who have defected to you, and accept a few of them as followers. Motivate them."

"Okay, I will." Russell nodded.

It's been half a year since the land was opened, and it's time to give the knights who defected a little sweetness. After all, if you want a horse to run fast, you have to give it more grass.

"Do you want to go to Leize again?" Roland asked.

Russell rode on the back of the unicorn Baoli, looked up at the green Lei Ze, and shook his head: "Forget it, Lei Ze didn't open up wasteland, and nothing will get better."

"If you want to open up land in Leize, you still have to wait. After all, only a small area of ​​Blackfire Land has been opened up." Roland said, "Currently, the farmland and water canals around the castle have been opened up, especially the potion field, which is basically complete."

There aren't many elves in Russell.

Two elves, Nico, the tobacco elf, and Whit, the wheat elf; and one mushroom bird, Rosie, the fluorescent mushroom bird.

Seven fairy bugs, the rain fairy bug, the dill fairy bug, the birch fairy bug, the dandelion fairy bug, the bamboo fairy bug, the hop fairy bug, the cedar parasitic fairy bug; plus two mushroom bugs, the fluorescent mushroom bug, and the blood fairy bug. Tooth mold mushroom worm.

There is also a fluorescent mushroom bug, which is gestating.

There are not many of them, and the magic potion field is easy to open. However, after the potion field is opened, only ordinary crops are sown.

You have to wait until the new castle is put into operation and the serfs who know how to grow magic medicine move over before you can transplant the cordyceps one by one.

"Go back, brother." Russell said.

The unicorn Paulie lightly steps on the air and steps gracefully into the void, while the nightmare horse needs to step on the muddy wetland.

"Russell, are you going back to Phosphorus Castle?"

"No, I'm going to the black oil mine to have a look. Brother, please go back and reunite with your sister-in-law. Let's give birth to a little nephew as soon as possible." Russell waved his hand, and then like a flash of lightning, he disappeared on the snowy field in just the blink of an eye.

Roland looked at the direction Russell left and sighed: "Naimo, when will we be promoted to Dragon Domain Lord?"

Manemo, the nightmare ghost, snorted and wanted to roll his eyes.

Is it so easy to be promoted to Dragon Territory Lord? It is just an ordinary nightmare ghost horse, the most common phantom beast in the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy.

"Haha." Roland laughed. "Just kidding... let's go quickly. Even with the protection of the Torrent Scale Tower, I still feel chilly on the snowfield. I always feel that the Snow Giant will escape from somewhere and attack me."

Naimo really rolled his eyes now.

The Snow Giant wanted to sneak attack, at least to attack the Flying Dragon Knight, so how could he attack a small Phantom Beast Knight?

Isn't this a loss of value?

"Namo, you don't understand this." Roland joked to himself, "Your knight, I, Roland Fluorescent Mushroom, will also be a flying dragon knight in the future! If the Snow Giant Da wants to sneak attack on me, this is called strangulating the flying dragon knight in the cradle. "

"Hmph." Naimo snorted and started running.

On the other side, Russell had arrived at the black oil mine. He was in a good mood as he looked at the increasingly expanding mine.

Especially the billowing smoke rising from the chimney pillars gave him a strong industrial revolution-style romantic impact.

Among them, the one with the tallest chimney and the thickest black smoke is the black fire brick kiln that has just been built and put into operation.

"Sir, you, you are here!" The person in charge of the Black Fire Brick Kiln is Xiao William, the former person in charge of the Wuyao Snake Brick Kiln.

And Russell also saw little William's father, William the Crooked Hat.

"Lord Russell!" William the Crooked Hat's legs trembled a little after seeing Russell, "William the Crooked Hat has met Lord Russell and would like to say hello to Lord Russell."

Russell remembered William Crooked Hat, the master potter he had poached from the Mushroom family pottery factory.

The crooked William at that time also had the arrogance of a master craftsman. In order to support his son William, he helped him prepare the Wuyao Snake Brick Kiln.

When they met again now, William the Crooked Hat was already intimidated by Russell's majesty as a baron, and he couldn't even speak clearly.

He followed the example of his son who stuttered.

"William Crooked Hat, why are you here?" Russell asked casually, "Coming to visit my son?"

Little William explained on his behalf: "Sir, I will invite my father here... After the brick kiln used black oil, I was afraid that I couldn't control the degree, so I asked my father to come over to help. It is not a formal job. No money, sir."

"Not a formal job?" Russell frowned, "Although I hate the behavior of randomly stuffing people into the factory and taking free money, but since your father is a master of craftsmanship, how can you not pay him if you ask him to come and help."

Immediately, Russell said directly: "From now on, craft masters like your father will be hired in the name of the kiln factory and paid."

Knowledge is value.

William the Crooked Hat provides his own value, and Russell will choose to pay him.

"Lord Russell, thank you for your generosity, but...but I live in Youguang Town, and I can't always come here to work..." Crooked Hat William responded. He is already old. It's okay to come over to help, but not Would love to live here.

After all, the land of Blackfire is still being reclaimed, and the living conditions are too harsh.

Russell did not force it, but instead made a suggestion: "Indeed, you are getting older, and it is no longer realistic to work in person, and the Blackfire Land is also a bit difficult. However, do you have any ideas to teach a group of students?"

"Teaching students?" William with the crooked hat was stunned, "Mr. Russell, are you talking about apprentices? I have taught many apprentices in the pottery kiln factory in the town?"

"I mean, teaching students in schools."

"School?" William the Crooked Hat was even more confused, "Can the skills of making pottery and bricks be taught to students in schools?"

Russell smiled and said, "Of course. I have already planned to open a technical school in Youguang Town. The technical school is roughly modeled after the Knight Academy. Master craftsmen like you will teach young serfs various crafts."

"Ah, can I do this?" William the Crooked Hat was somewhat moved, "Lord Russell, I'm just an ordinary potter."

The so-called master of craftsmanship is just a false name.

William the Crooked Hat's identity in Netherlight Town is just that of a retired potter who is too old to work anymore.

"Why can't you? You have the skills to make pottery. You can bake bricks, pottery and even porcelain. You can teach others." Russell smiled and settled, "When the technical school is ready, I will have someone issue you a letter of appointment." "

Seeing that Russell had already decided, Crooked William no longer hesitated.

Instead, he smiled and asked with a shy face: "Sir Russell, can you get paid for teaching students in a technical school?"

Russell promised: "Of course you can, and it won't be any less than you would have been paid as a potter."

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