Warm Dragon

Chapter 424 A bright future

Ouroboros, ouroboros, settled in the Black-rumped Snake Manor. If not for Russell, sooner or later the manor would be returned to the family.

He will definitely change the name of the manor to Ouroboros Manor.

However, for the time being, he can only release Ouroboros, and Russell still has to perfect the second-turn Yuanxi cultivation of the Phantom Beast Knight before he can activate the third turn.

"Quaer." Harpe, the harpy dragon, stared at Russell, waiting to practice.

Russell also stared at Happy. Suddenly, he felt a little shaken in his heart: "Maybe Happy is not the fantasy beast that suits me."

He is not complaining about their different personalities, and there is always a gap in spiritual synchronization.

It's that Hape's positioning can no longer keep up with his development at this moment, especially after the appearance of Ouroboros, which highlights Hape's weak positioning - it has no talents related to Dark Dreams .


As a pseudo-dragon descendant of the phantom beast species, Hape has great evolutionary potential and strong combat power. He has two fixed magics: wind wall and hurricane.

But it cannot enter the dark dreamland, which means that it will always be incompatible with the Youmeng family.

"I shouldn't have thought it was beautiful in the first place. I thought it was a false dragon descendant, so I couldn't wait to start a second-turn contract with it." Russell was annoyed for a moment, but he quickly shook off this annoyance and adjusted his mentality.

No matter what, it's already a contract.

Now is not the time to waver and regret. Moreover, as a descendant of the phantom beast pseudo-dragon, Hape will also have an important position once he evolves into a pseudo-dragon in the future.

"Come on, Happy, let's take a photo with the magical beasts!"


The practice lasted for several hours. After the practice, Russell checked the results and found that the progress had been minimal.

Compared with the smooth and rapid progress when practicing with Baoli, practicing with Happy is half the result with half the effort. Fortunately, Hape is smart enough and willing to make progress. Only one person and one eagle can move forward stumblingly.

"Have a rest. Come and eat some roasted rat." Russell asked someone to bring him a plate of roasted rat meat. "This is not a local rat, but a rat from the Volcano Oasis that I specially sent from Youguangji." !”

"Quaer!" Happy said excitedly.

He showed off the roasted rat meat in small bites. The rat delicacy after practicing every day was also one of the motivations for his practice.

"Sir, Your Excellency Catherine is here." Butler Morris came to inform.

Russell nodded: "Ask her to come over."

Soon, Catherine came up to the second floor and bowed to Russell: "Sir, I have sent someone to inform Sir Charles to plant a cedar forest around the new castle as much as possible to open up a potion field for the cedar-parasitic elf bugs."

The fir-parasitic elf bug hatched long ago and was brought back to the Black-waisted Snake Manor by Russell.

However, because this is a parasitic type of Cordyceps, it must be parasitic on fir trees, so the planting conditions are relatively harsh.

For the time being, it can only be planted in the Saipan Snow Forest outside Dikutun.

It is worth mentioning that the ice caps around the Saipan Snow Forest have been broken. Obviously, the Saipan Snow Forest will also be included in the warm enclave in the future - I don’t know if the Saipan goblins will regret it and don’t want to move away. Saipan Xuelin.

"Yes." Russell nodded, and then asked, "Catherine, are you doing well in your position as the clerk of Black-loisted Snake Manor?"

After hearing this, Catherine nodded and shook her head: "I'm just taking over from Sir Charles. There's nothing unclear about it. It's just that... there are too few manpower. Sir, you have transferred all the officials to the Black Fire Land." , I’m the only one in the manor, so I’m not busy at all.”

"Didn't I grant you a few promotion quotas to promote officials?" Russell smiled.

Charles has been appointed by him as Chief Clerk of the Blackfire Land. In order to manage the tens of thousands of serfs who have opened up wasteland, several officials trained in the manor have been taken away by Charles, leaving only Catherine.

So Catherine became the chief clerk of the Black-loisted Snake Manor.

"But...but I just took a fancy to a few serf stewards and planned to promote them to officials. As a result, these serf stewards applied to be transferred to the Black Fire Land." Catherine was speechless. Everyone in the territory knew that the Black-rumped Snake Manor would be returned sooner or later. .

So they all thought of ways to transfer to the Black Fire Land to seize the opportunity and facilitate future promotions.

Instead of staying at the Black-rumped Snake Manor.

"This is the responsibility of your clerk, Catherine." Russell yawned and didn't care much about it.

Catherine could only respond: "Yes, my lord."

After reporting her work, Catherine did not stay at the Cigar Courtyard to enjoy a meal. After all, Catherine was a woman and Russell had to avoid suspicion.

But wait until Russell is just starting to enjoy his dinner.

Catherine hurried over again: "Sir, what a happy event."

"What's wrong?" Russell frowned, never expecting that Catherine would also learn to step on the food spots to eat.

So he had to signal Butler Morris to arrange an extra set of tableware.

Catherine felt a little embarrassed when she saw this, but she still didn't want to refuse. The food in the Cigar Courtyard was really too rich.

"Thank you, sir." After Catherine thanked her, she immediately said, "The chief of the potion village just came to report that there is a fluorescent mushroom potion in the birch forest. It is growing better than the potions around it. It is suspected to be Cordyceps."

"So, it is indeed a Cordyceps plant?"

"Yes, I personally went over to verify it and confirmed that it is a fluorescent cordyceps that is breeding elf bugs." Catherine said happily.

This is indeed a great event. For the nobles, elves are the guarantee of magic potion.

Russell immediately ordered: "Send someone to find Charles and ask for a portion of Rose's dragon dung. In addition, add more fertilizer to this birch tree to ensure that the Cordyceps is well-nourished."

"Yes, sir!"

If it weren't for the Torrent Scale Tower, Russell wouldn't have to go through so much trouble. He could borrow a small mouthful of the original dragon flame from the Little Dream Dragon to give birth to the fluorescent mushroom fairy worm.

Now he can only use the common method of the Dragon Sleeping Continent to cultivate the fairy worm.

He immediately used the mind connection to call the fluorescent mushroom bird Rosie from the fairy room: "New Cordyceps has grown in your magic potion field. Remember to take care of this new Cordyceps and try to breed fairy worms."

"Chiji." Rosie tilted her head.

Its IQ is not very high, about the same as that of an ordinary bird, but the power of the contract allows it to understand Russell's instructions.

"Hey, coo, coo!" Rosie flew over, and Nicole, the tobacco elf, followed and landed on Russell's shoulder, chirping and making noises. No one knew what it was doing.

Then, the somewhat introverted wheat elf Whit also followed quietly.

Seeing that there were elves on both of Russell's shoulders, it was ready to land on Russell's head, but Nicole was sharp-eyed and rushed over directly to grab the position of Russell's head.

Whit did not argue with it and landed on the empty shoulder silently.

"You can play with me, but you are not allowed to make noise. Let me eat quietly." Russell scolded.

Suddenly, the three elves quieted down.

Catherine ate delicious food while looking at the elves with joy. Of course, it is unknown whether she was looking at the elves or peeking at Russell.

It seemed that she noticed Catherine's peeping.

Russell said calmly: "Catherine, you have been following me for a short time. Your sister has vowed to never marry, but she hopes you can find happiness. Recently, many knights from other places have flocked to the territory. I will ask Katie to help you find one."

Catherine's eyes dimmed, and she said softly: "My lord, I am not in a hurry. It is okay to be single like my sister."

"John has been dead for more than a year. Don't think about him. Find a knight to marry." Russell said.

He learned about it from Katie.

Catherine had secretly dated his squire knight John before, and they were a couple. However, in the Second Fall, John died in the snow, and this relationship came to an abrupt end.

After a moment of silence, Catherine nodded silently: "Yes, sir."

"It will be difficult for you to contact the knights if you serve as the clerk of the Black Snake Manor. Let's do this. Go find your sister and work with her. I will ask Charles to transfer someone back to serve as the clerk of the manor."

"Sir, thank you for your trouble."

"It's nothing." Russell sighed, "You are the first people to follow me. I hope you all have a bright future."

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