Warm Dragon

Chapter 404: Border Patrol

When you encounter a mountain, you open it; when you encounter ice, you break it.

With his great strength, Russell not only chiseled a section of the Jiandao Mountains, but also cleared a straight road leading to the Black Fire Land on the broken snow and ice cap.

The construction team building the road only needed to clear the broken ice, level the road, and then lay a layer of charcoal slag.

It can be said that with the help of Russell, the construction time of this temporary road connecting the Youguang Valley and the Black Fire Land was suddenly shortened. When the warm season arrived and the ice and snow began to melt into water, the road had been repaired.

This charcoal slag road was named the Fire Light Business Road.

After the business road was opened to traffic, the 65,000 serfs who had been settled in various manors in the Youguang Valley and had been eating for a short time had adapted to the climate of the warm enclave and would gradually move into the Black Fire Land to open up wasteland.

"Building the castle can mobilize about 10,000 serfs, the black oil mine can mobilize about 5,000 serfs, and building three main roads can also solve 10,000 serfs..."

In the Fluorescent Castle, the eldest brother Roland was calculating how to arrange these serfs of Russell: "There are 40,000 serfs left, 30,000 serfs for land reclamation, and 10,000 serfs for water conservancy. Basically, we can survive this year."

The Black Fire Land is still a barren land, and the serfs have no savings to survive.

Relying on Russell to distribute food and then wait for the farmland to be reclaimed and the crops to be harvested is obviously a serious waste of labor.

And it is not conducive to the management of serfs.

Therefore, finding a job for every serf and distributing rations according to the work is the best choice to get through the difficult period.

"Let's arrange it this way." Russell nodded, "Charles, I now appoint you as the chief of the territory of Black Fire Land, responsible for assisting my elder brother, coordinating the reclamation and construction of the entire territory, and managing all serfs."

Charles immediately knelt on one knee excitedly: "As you wish, my lord!"

Roland glanced at Charles and said, "Reclamation is the top priority, especially the planting of grain crops, which is related to the problem of food for all serfs in Black Fire Land next year. Charles, you will come with me to patrol Black Fire Land and determine the land suitable for reclamation first."

"Yes, Master Roland."

"Brother, my territory will be left to you to reclaim." Russell smiled. The war mobilization of the Grand Duchy has begun. He needs to follow the Dragon Blood Knights to patrol the border and cannot command his own territory.

Roland laughed and said, "Don't worry, Russell, elder brother will definitely be a good steward for you."

This work is hard, but Roland enjoys it.

The Dark Light Valley has always been Baron Roman's territory. It is not time for him to inherit it yet. Now Russell's territory is just right for him to show his talent.

Of course.

This talent is more about personnel management. After all, the current task of the Black Fire Land is to open up wasteland. Farming, road construction, and mining are all basic plans. First, make sure that the serfs can fill their stomachs, and then make further plans.

That day, Russell rode the black oil dragon Luo Sai and looked down at the Black Fire Land from the sky.

After more than half a year of erosion, the outline of the Black Fire Land has stabilized, and it is a triangular territory.

The area is about 3,500 square kilometers.

Except for a few areas with some ups and downs, most areas are endless flat terrain. With the hot spring in the center of the territory as the source, three winding waterways extend to the periphery of the territory and merge into the unformed cave.

It can be said that anywhere in the entire Black Fire Land can be reclaimed as farmland.

"And it is suitable for mechanized farming... I don't know if I can develop an internal combustion engine in the future to replace manual labor with machinery. Otherwise, relying on these tens of thousands of serfs to farm, only one-third of the land can be cultivated, which is the limit."

Without mechanical farming, there are not enough livestock and no fertilizer.

It is conceivable that the harvest of the land must not be high. At least in the past few years, the land reclamation can only barely fill the stomachs of the serfs.

Of course, Russell has the support of the fluorescent mushroom family behind him, so it must not be so difficult.

"Don't think about it, let my eldest brother open up the land for me first, and wait until I solve the problem of the snow giant Da, and then come back to farm peacefully."

"Roar!" Rose roared and flew to the north.

The shadow guard has received a letter that the Dragon Blood Knights have arrived in the northern poplar desert and will start patrolling from the northern border of the poplar desert. Circumvent the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame, hunt snow demons, and try to lure out the snow giant Da.

Thunder increases, and the speed is fast.

Unknowingly, Russell had arrived at the Poplar Gobi on his black oil dragon. He did not go to Poplar Castle to rest, but directly found the Dragon Blood Knights who had entered the snowfield.

"Russell, you are here." Earl Merlin rode a manganese steel dragon and picked up Russell in mid-air.

"Yes, grandpa."

"Patrolling the border is very hard, you must be prepared."

"Don't worry, grandpa." Russell smiled slightly. Going deep into the snowfield to hunt snow demons was his established plan.

Even if there was no border patrol by the Dragon Blood Knights, he would go to the snowfield to hunt snow demons to provide nutrients for the growth of the little dream dragon.

The fighting method of the Dragon Blood Knights is quite special.

More than a dozen fantasy beast knights are responsible for attracting snow ghosts around. After the snow ghosts gather, the Dragon Blood Knights will launch a charge. The surging legion fighting spirit resonance can shatter the surrounding wind and snow, and the snow ghost group can be defeated in an instant.

After the defeat, it is a targeted clearing until the entire snow ghost group is completely wiped out.

If you occasionally encounter a snow demon, you should deal with it in the same way. Rely on the legion resonance to crush it directly. It also doesn't take too long to deal with the snow demon.

And learn from the lessons of being attacked by snow demons from under the ice again and again.

Before the Dragon Blood Knights charge, there will be a special fantasy beast knight responsible for monitoring the movement of the ice cover to ensure that there are no snow demons hidden under the ice cover.

"The Great Scholar Round Table has specially developed detection arrows for the Knights. Arrows are made using the magic properties of metals and gems to sense the vibration of a large range of ice covers. Once a snow demon hides under the ice, it will trigger the whistle of the detection arrow."

The fantasy beast knight who was exploring the way drew his bow and shot an arrow. The specially made metal gem arrows emitted a circle of vibrating magic after landing.

This is a formation arrow made with reference to magic. When the formation is activated, a magic-like detection method can be cast.

When the detection is over, the detection arrow can be retrieved.

"It seems a bit similar to the lightning gun?" Russell asked curiously.

"They are all similar magic applications. The Great Scholars Round Table has been analyzing the magic of fantasy beasts for hundreds of years, and finally created some useful things." Earl Merlin responded calmly, "It's worth the Red Castle's money and food to support them."


A sharp whistle came from the detection arrow shot from the front.

"There is a snow demon lurking under the ice cap, detour, detour!" Several knight deputy commanders of the Dragon Blood Knights quickly issued instructions.

"Grandpa, can you tell whether it is a snow demon or a snow giant lurking below?" Russell raised his eyebrows and asked.

Earl Merlin shook his head: "Not yet."

"Then I'll have to trouble you to protect the Dragon Blood Knights, I'll pull this little mouse out!" Russell patted the neck of the black oil dragon Rose.

They were in sync.

The black oil dragon Rose immediately carried Russell down.

When diving, Russell had completed the switch of combat form, and the meteor butterfly sword condensed, and attacked the ice cap where the snow demon was hiding.

Secret Sword of Thunder!


Thousands of thunders, along with the attack of the Meteor Butterfly Sword, were injected into the ice cap, instantly shattering a large area of ​​the ice cap.

A dark blue figure could no longer hide and jumped out from the broken ice cap.

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