Warm Dragon

Chapter 403: Great Strength Creates Miracles


After the Rowlings left, Russell stayed in the Cigar Compound to practice hard, mainly to get in touch with the pseudo-harpy dragon Hape.

Since Happy opened his heart, his spiritual cultivation has been rapid.

In particular, Hape's IQ is no worse than that of humans, so when they communicate with each other, they feel smooth and smooth.


Russell still felt a sense of urgency in Happy's heart through the spiritual connection, especially when the unicorn Paulie appeared aside, this sense of urgency was even more obvious.

It's not that Happy is jealous of Paulie's current status as a pseudo-dragon, but a desire. It is extremely eager to become a pseudo-dragon.

"Don't worry, Hape, haste makes waste." After the training, Russell habitually had a heart-to-heart talk with Hape, "Becoming a pseudo-dragon requires an opportunity. This opportunity requires a normal mind. The more impetuous the opportunity, the less likely it will be. Come."

"I know, Russell." Happy responded in his heart, "But my power seems too insignificant in the second-turn vitality. I am eager to make progress!"

Russell's second-turn Yuan Qi almost became Baoli's pseudo-dragon Yuan Qi. Compared with the power of the pseudo-dragon, Hape's power was indeed insignificant. Every time I fight, it doesn't matter whether I have Happy's power or not.

"This is only temporary, Happy." Russell comforted, "Believe me, Paulie, Roselle, I, and I are not powerful enough, not even enough to face the Snow Giant... Outside of the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy, except for the Snow Giant Da , and possibly a snow giant.”

He said sincerely: "Facing two snow giants, I, Alexander, so, Happy, I need your strength, you are by no means insignificant."

"I understand, Russell."

"In short, we must calm down and perfect the spiritual synchronization practice first, and then look for this opportunity. Only in this way can we help you promote to the pseudo-dragon, and let me promote to the second-level dragon domain lord and gain more power!"

Happy responded solemnly: "Russell, don't worry, I will definitely stay calm and try to make you and I spiritually synchronized as soon as possible."

"Very good." Russell smiled, "You and Pauly are both the smartest beings, and you must be able to coordinate your spiritual balance with each other."

After turning 2 into the Advanced Fantasy Beast Knight, you need to consider not only the perfect synchronization with the fantasy beast's mind, but also the balance of the spiritual contract between the fantasy beasts. Otherwise, the mind will be unbalanced and the next turn cannot be started.

This is also the reason why there are very few turn 3 high-level fantasy beast knights in the Grand Duchy of Shadowflame, and there is even one and only one turn 4 high-level fantasy beast knight.

That's Lord Merlin.

Although Baron Roman has been saying that the spiritual balance is about to be completed and that the 4th turn can be opened, it is still at the 3rd turn level.

"Okay, now that we're done practicing, let's enjoy a big meal." Russell snapped his fingers, and a servant brought roasted rat meat.

"Quaer!" Hape let out a crisp cry and began to show off the roasted rat meat in small bites.

Nowadays, the rats in Black-rumped Snake Manor are protected animals that are strictly forbidden to be captured. Only Happy can enjoy them every day - even Jerry, the red-eyed rat king, only occasionally eats them with tears in his eyes, and not every time he can eat roast rat meat.

Rats reproduce very quickly.

But no matter how fast it was, it couldn't keep up with the demand, and batches of rats that grew up were sent to the Blackfire Land by Katie.

Form a treasure-hunting rat team and a sentinel rat team in the Blackfire Land, and strive to include the entire Blackfire Land into the rat intelligence network. And Katie is still trying to train the mice to know how to distinguish magical scents so that they can hunt for treasures.

Once the Treasure Hunter masters how to distinguish the magical aura, no elf bug on the Black Fire Land will be lost again.

Lei Ze will also arrange this in the future.

In early April, the ice age gradually recedes and the warm season begins.

The first batch of serfs have arrived at the Black-rumped Snake Manor, and these serfs will not be immediately arranged to open up wasteland in the Black Fire Land.

They need to wait until they adapt to the climate of the warm enclave before sending them out to open up wasteland.

A large number of local serfs in the Youguang River Valley were drafted into service and began to build roads that could pass carriages on the broken snowfield between the Youguang River Valley and the Black Fire Land. Try to open up wasteland immediately after the ice and snow melt.

This is no small project.

Fortunately, many of the old people in the Youguang River Valley have participated in the repair work of the Mountain and River Commercial Road and the Shuanghe Commercial Road, and are very handy at opening roads in the snowfields.

The eldest brother Roland showed his talent as the heir to a great noble family, commanding the transportation of serfs, recruiting serfs to serve, and sending craftsmen to build roads. Many affairs were arranged in an orderly manner without delaying the cultivation of the Youguang Valley itself.

"I have to admit that everyone has their own strengths. In management positions, I am not as good as my eldest brother." Russell lamented.

In fact, if Russell hadn't been a time traveler.

It can be said that except for appearance, his predecessor was inferior to his eldest brother Roland in every aspect, especially in talent and means.

But reality does not have so many "ifs", "if nots" and "what ifs".

Nowadays, all the glory of Roland is shrouded by Russell, and even the glory of Baron Roman is shrouded by Russell. When it comes to the fluorescent mushroom family, the first thing that outsiders think of is Thunder Flame Baron Russell Fluorescent Mushroom.

The black oil dragon Luo Sai lowered his cloud head.

The knights who were supervising the work of the road construction team saluted Russell one after another, and Russell waved his hand to signal everyone to continue their work.

"Russell, you're here." Roland, the eldest brother, came over on a nightmare horse.

"Brother, the road construction process is very fast. Can it be completed within a month?" Russell touched the mark of the Lord of Thunder on his forehead, and the unicorn Baoli showed a windy figure, carrying Russell and walking in the void on the snowy field. .

"It will definitely be completed within a month, but you have to chop the Sharp Knife Mountain and make a hole at the end of the road."

The road between the Dark Light Valley and the Black Fire Land is blocked by the Sharp Knife Mountain.

"No problem, I can chop it now."

"Let's go."

The two brothers drove side by side. The Nightmare Ghost Horse was also a very cool horse-like fantasy beast, but compared with the unicorn, it looked very shabby.

"Naimo doesn't like to get too close to Lord Baoli, which makes it feel very small." Roland sighed, "Before Lord Baoli was promoted to a pseudo-dragon, although he was very handsome, Naimo was not much worse. Now there is no comparison."

Naimo is his contract partner Nightmare Ghost Horse.

Russell said helplessly: "Baoli is now... indeed much bigger than before, but this is the evolution of pseudo-dragons."

Today's unicorn Baoli is indeed very cool, but after the size has increased, it seems incompatible with the warhorse. Even Russell, the unicorn knight, looked like a small man riding a big horse because of the problem of proportion.

This was probably the only shortcoming after being promoted to the lord of the Dragon Domain.

The two brothers chatted along the way and soon arrived at the Sharp Knife Pass at the end of the road, where there was a slope going down the mountain.

The materials of the road repair team were transported up manually from this slope.

If the warhorse wanted to go up, it had to take a detour from the Black Snake Manor or the cave of the Gale Manor to enter the snowfield.

Originally, the Bent Blade Mountains and the Sharp Knife Mountains on the left and right were the best barriers to protect the Valley of the Dark Light. Now the Sharp Knife Mountains have become an obstacle to the new territory in the future. Fortunately, Russell has mastered the power to change the geography.

Let the knights evacuate the workers near the mountain pass.

Russell jumped into the air, and the unicorn Polly turned into a thunder and crashed into his body.

Zila La!

Thunder and lightning flashed, and Russell had entered the combat state. The sword butterfly mark emerged and turned into a broad-bladed meteor butterfly sword.

"Secret Sword of Thunder!"

Buzz buzz buzz!

Countless thunders gathered on the blade, and then Russell raised the Meteor Butterfly Sword high and chopped down at the mountain pass.


Rocks flew and the mountain collapsed.

The Jiandao Mountain Pass, which was originally just a small gap, became a large gap like a canyon. Russell's sword did not stop, and the Secret Sword of Thunder was frequently used, smashing this small section of the Jiandao Mountain Range like cutting tofu.

Two smooth mountain walls were cut out, and a straight rift with a width of 50 meters in the middle of the mountain wall.

The smoke and dust dissipated.

Russell put away the Meteor Butterfly Sword with satisfaction, and slowly fell from mid-air: "Brother, I have cut a road in the mountain. You send people to clean up the gravel in the valley, and it will be connected to the road on the snowfield."

"This is really a means of the Creator!" Roland looked at the smooth and straight rift and exclaimed.

Russell laughed and retreated tactically: "It's still far from the Creator's method. This... at most it can be called a miracle with great force!"

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