Warm Dragon

Chapter 400 Daxing Youguang Collection

After leaving Shadow Flame Volcano, Russell was soon appointed by the Elders as the deputy knight of the Dragon Blood Knights, which means the deputy leader.

However, this is just a title. As a flying dragon knight and dragon domain lord, it is impossible for him to personally command a group of fantasy beast knights and great knights to fight. Like Earl Merlin, who is the leader, his purpose is to protect the safety of the Dragon Blood Knights.

The extraordinary system of the Dragon Sleep Continent has a huge level gap, so when encountering blue-skinned people on horseback or even snow giants, the Knights will have no room to play.

They can only choose the strategy of king against king and soldier against soldier.

"When the Dragon Blood Knights start patrolling the border, I will notify you with the Shadow Guard." On the long bridge of the Red Castle, Earl Merlin stood side by side with Russell.

The Shadow Guard is a special fantasy beast knight team of the Red Castle, and all the contracted fantasy beasts are phantom swifts. Phantom swifts are not good at fighting, but their flying speed is very strong, but their endurance is slightly worse, and they are more suitable for short-distance messaging.

At least within the scope of the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy, Phantom Swifts are barely enough.

"Okay." Russell responded.

He couldn't stay in the Red Castle and wait for the Dragonblood Knights to take action. That would take too much time. His territory still needed him to coordinate and command.

At this time.

In the team moving forward on the Long Bridge Road, cousin Mel turned back from his warhorse and waved to Earl Merlin and Russell.

Earl Merlin was unmoved, and Russell waved back.

Then he said: "I hope that my cousin can accomplish his mission and attract the help of the kingdom when he goes to the Blazing Torrent Kingdom."

After a pause, Russell said: "Grandpa, why don't you let Queensley go as an envoy to the Blazing Torrent Kingdom? Obviously, the Sunflower Family has turned to the Blazing Torrent Kingdom. It may be more convenient for Queensley to go as an envoy."

Earl Merlin shook his head: "It is precisely because the Sunflower Family has turned to the Blazing Torrent Kingdom that I can't let Queensley go as an envoy. Otherwise, Queensley will be submissive and can't get any benefits. The only way is to let Mel convey my will to the king, maybe I can get one or two."

"I see." Russell nodded and smiled, "Then I wish my cousin good luck."

When Mel's team went to the Blazing Torrent Kingdom and drove out of the long bridge, Russell looked at the sky for a day and said, "Grandpa, I'm leaving too."

"Go, manage your territory with peace of mind, hone your combat effectiveness, and wait for the notice of the shadow guard." Earl Merlin nodded.

So Russell called out in his heart.

The black oil dragon Rose, perched on the top of the Red Castle tower, came roaring and flew across the long bridge corridor. Russell paced in the air, and at the moment Rose passed by, he jumped up and sat on Rose's back, completing the combination of the flying dragon knight in an instant.

The black wings whistled and flapped, and the huge body was as light as nothing.

With a maneuver like pulling onions on dry land, the black oil dragon Rose had already carried Russell to the high sky and clouds.

Soon it turned into a small black dot and disappeared from everyone's sight.

When flying away from the Red Castle and the mountain wind blowing range of the Shadow Flame Volcano, a burning feeling suddenly came from the palm of his hand.

Russell raised his hand and saw that the M-shaped mark was already burning.

After leaving the suppression of the Shadow Flame Dragon, Xiao Menglong was obviously rejuvenated. Seeing this, Russell laughed: "You must have been holding back these days, Ice Cream... Okay, let's go home now, Polly, turn on the Thunder Boosting Technology!"

The mark of the Lord of Thunder on his forehead flashed, and countless thunders emerged from Russell's body and quickly wrapped around the black oil dragon Luo Sai.

"Roar!" With the help of the power of thunder, Luo Sai's speed suddenly reached a level close to the speed of sound.

It can be called quasi-sonic speed.

The hot volcano turned into a cold snowfield in an instant, and then began to land at the junction of the snowfield and the volcanic oasis.

This happened to be the Youguangji run by the Fluorescent Mushroom Family.

At this time, the Youguangji was very lively, and the 65,000 serfs who rewarded Russell were coming one after another.

Some serfs have already taken thunder beasts to pull carts and embarked on a cold journey on the Mountain and River Business Road; the rest of the serfs settled in the Youguangji, especially the serfs who were not in good health, who needed to live here for a while to adapt to the cold environment.

And those serfs who are sick will be directly settled in Youguangji to live - Russell will also invest in industries here, and they just need serfs to manage.

"Russell, you are back. Have you dealt with everything?" The eldest brother Roland stayed in Youguangji to coordinate the family's convoy to transport serfs.

"Everything is done." Russell hugged his eldest brother Roland, "Thank you for your hard work, brother."

"We are all family, what is hard or not hard, your territory has so many serfs all of a sudden, which is also a major benefit for the family!" Roland said with a smile, the more people there are, the more prosperous the territory will be.

Especially the reclamation of Black Fire Land and Lei Ze requires a steady supply of material support, which requires the Fluorescent Mushroom Family to transfer.

It can be said that with the rise of Russell, the Fluorescent Mushroom Family will also make a lot of money.

"Where is the eldest sister-in-law, didn't she stay to accompany the eldest brother?"

"I asked her to go back to Fluorescent Castle. The conditions in Youguangji are too poor, and I can't bear her to suffer here." Roland said a little unnaturally.

Russell smiled. He remembered that Roland had raised a little lady here. Her name seemed to be Bar.

At this time, Charles, with Tom and Jack, rushed over with sweat on his forehead: "When I heard Mr. Rose's roar, I knew you were here."

"Thank you for your hard work, Charles." Russell smiled.

Charles immediately responded flattered: "Serving you is the mission of our followers. I don't feel tired at all!"

Roland smiled and said helpfully: "Charles is still very capable. He arranged the serf team in an orderly manner without any confusion."

Charles immediately thanked him and said, "Thank you, Master Roland, for your compliment. This is all Charles's responsibility."

"Okay, I don't need anyone to wait on you here. You can continue to do your work. When we get back to the Cigar Courtyard, I will reward you all." Russell waved his hand, dismissed Charles and others, and followed Roland to the small courtyard.

Roland immediately ordered the little woman Ba'er to quickly prepare lunch in the kitchen.

Then he and Russell drank tea together and talked: "Territory development requires the transfer of materials, and the Dark Light Collection must be expanded. Russell, my eldest brother is planning to build a small castle here so that you and I can come and live in it in the future."

"Okay." Russell nodded.

"As I told you before, my colleagues in the Dragon Blood Knights have been arriving one after another. Let's see how we can arrange it. Should we let Charles take them to escort the serfs, or should we send them directly to the Black Fire Land?"

"Let Charles and Eric lead the area first." Russell said, "There are many serfs in the territory, but there is a shortage of managers. Let me see their talents."

Now when Russell accepts followers, he must not only examine the followers' courage, character, and combat effectiveness, but also examine their ability to manage the territory. In the future, when the Black Fire Land and Lei Ze are connected, a large number of officials will definitely be needed.

He was a little reserved before, feeling that the population in the territory was too small and the need for followers was not that urgent.

As a result, he was suddenly rewarded with a population of 65,000, and the territory's population had reached 75,000.

This requires a large number of knights to serve as officials, manage serfs, develop wastelands, and make the territory self-sufficient as soon as possible.

"By the way, brother, is Marcus at the Netherlight Collection?" Russell suddenly asked.

"Of course, he is indispensable for the Thunder Beast to pull the cart." Roland replied, "Do you have anything to do with him? I will send someone to invite him over right now."

After a while, Marcus came to the small courtyard.

"Master Roland, Master Russell." Marcus greeted him respectfully, without his usual arrogance.

Russell asked him to sit down, and then said: "Musk is too young, let him study at the Knight Academy for a few years, and I am short of manpower now. I have met Malena and Mikel before, and Mikel seems to be interested in following me. ?”

Marcus heard this and nodded in response: "Yes, Mikel's father, Lord Minor, has asked me about this before, but I don't know your attitude towards recruiting followers, so I don't have the nerve to mention it to you. "

"Then please inform Mikel. If you want to become my follower, come to the Black-waisted Snake Manor to find me."

"On behalf of Mikel, I would like to thank Mr. Russell for your support!" Marcus said solemnly.

"Marcus, you know all about the situation in the three territories, so I won't say much about Mikel's future." Russell picked up the wine glass, "Here, let's drink."

Marcus clinked glasses with both hands: "I'd like to propose a toast to Mr. Russell!"

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