Warm Dragon

Chapter 399 Great Spirit of Sacrifice

The flying dragon knights completed their formation work in the Shadow Flame Volcano.

A total of twelve dragon knights, Russell and Earl Merlin will join the Dragon Blood Knights and protect the Dragon Blood Knights to patrol the border.

The other nine dragon knights formed a group of three and went to the snowfield to hunt - Derela was new to the team, so he followed the group of dragon knights in Quimbifu and formed a group of four dragon knights.

Although Baron Roman did not come, Russell made the choice to join a formation on his behalf.

End of the meeting.

The dragon knights dispersed, but Earl Merlin asked Russell to stay, and the grandfather and grandson were still sitting cross-legged in the Shadow Flame Volcano.

Staring at the Shadowflame Dragon in the magma.


"Grandpa, please tell me."

"You must be wondering why grandpa had to rush in so boldly to seduce the Snow Giant Da." Earl Merlin said while looking at the Shadow Flame Dragon.

"Somewhat," Russell replied, "but the general intention is still understandable."

In the Di Di newspaper in March, the Council of Elders' decision was clearly announced. Firstly, the demon-killing order would continue to be implemented. Secondly, the knights would be called on to march to the snowfields to further suppress the Snow Giant Da's method of removing people from the cauldron.

"Yes, the Snow Giant Da is pressing forward every step of the way, hoping to make our Grand Duchy sit in Sleepy City." Earl Merlin sneered, "I went in the opposite direction. The Snow Giant Da was hit hard one after another, and I will never give it a break. machine!"

"This is going to kill a lot of people, Grandpa," Russell said.

"Knights are like crops in the field, crop after crop." Earl Merlin said coldly, "If you can delay the Snow Giant's recuperation time, then the sacrifice is valuable, and I can also sacrifice for it."

Russell was stunned for a moment.

Then he understood something and looked at the Shadow Flame Dragon: "Grandpa, is this what His Highness Ying Yan meant?"

Trade time for time.

Delay the time for the Snow Giant to reach its peak, give the Shadow Flame Dragon time to recover from its injuries, and more importantly, give Russell and Little Dream Dragon time to develop.

Obviously this routine is the plan of the Shadow Flame Dragon, because only the Shadow Flame Dragon knows that delaying until the Little Dream Dragon comes out will be the day of the Snow Giant Da's defeat. Others, including Earl Merlin, definitely do not have this confidence.

Even in the eyes of most people, Snow Giant Da is the stronger one.

The two battles between the Snow Giant Da and the Shadow Flame Dragon have broken many people's powerful filter on the Shadow Flame Dragon.

The Shadow Flame Dragon looks... too weak.

There was no response from the Shadow Flame Dragon in the magma, but Earl Merlin smiled freely: "Why can't it be my decision?"

"Because Grandpa, you don't know the source of His Highness Yingyan's confidence." Russell smiled.

Earl Merlin looked at the Shadow Flame Dragon, and then at Russell. He already had some guesses in his mind. He smiled and said, "It seems that Russell, you and His Highness Shadow Flame have a complete tacit understanding. We are confident that we can completely Tackle the Snow Giant."

"Although there is a tacit understanding, but..." Russell said the first half of the sentence to Earl Merlin, and the second half of the sentence looked directly at the Shadow Flame Dragon, "Your Highness Shadow Flame, you don't need to be in such a hurry, the time is between you and me, right? "

Support the little dream dragon to be born.

Russell can go to the snowfield to hunt the snow demon by himself. Anyway, he does not need to be afraid of the snow giant Da, and he can ask for the Ice Soul Pearl.


The lava rolls.

The giant shadow flame dragon, which had not moved for a long time, suddenly opened its eyes, and the magical dragon language sounded: "In the south beyond the shadow flame, a new force is gathering. Da, it is urgent. Shadow Flame can't wait any longer."

"A new force is gathering?" Russell frowned and asked in surprise, "You mean, another snow giant was born?"

"Shadow Flame doesn't know, but Shadow Flame needs to be prepared." After the Shadow Flame dragon finished speaking, he closed his eyes again.

Earl Merlin naturally understands dragon language and said: "Whether it is a new snow giant or not, the snow giant must be eliminated as soon as possible. Otherwise, if there are wolves in front of us and tigers in the back, our Shadow Flame Grand Duchy is the real danger... Before we get rid of them... At the same time as the magic order is issued, I am preparing to send Mel as an envoy to the Fiery Torrent Kingdom to state the interests.”

"Will the kingdom come to the rescue?"

"have no idea."


"To be honest, my strength is too low and I can't see clearly at the dragon level, so I can't guess what the dragon knight king is thinking." Earl Merlin sighed, "I can only do my best to obey fate. I hope that the king will be here. Provide assistance when human survival is difficult.”

"But Grandpa, you said that maybe the kingdom has long had the intention of sacrificing our country." Russell thought of a terrible fact.

Perhaps the Kingdom of Blazing Torrent already knew about the newly born Snow Giant.

In order to completely obliterate this snow giant, he did not hesitate to sacrifice the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy in exchange for stability on the kingdom's borders.

Earl Merlin stretched his body: "I don't know, manpower is exhausted. My wish at the moment is to get rid of the Snow Giant Da... As for whether another Snow Giant will come, let His Highness Shadow Flame worry about it."

After a while.

The magic dragon language sounded, and the voice was neither happy nor sad: "Little Merlin, work with peace of mind. At that moment, sacrificing Yingyan may not be the best choice... Okay, you go back first, Yingyan needs to tell Russell a few words "

Earl Merlin stood up and bowed: "Then I will leave first."

After Earl Merlin left, the Shadow Flame dragon still had its eyes closed, but the dragon's words were already lingering in Russell's ears: "The battle between ice and fire has not subsided for five thousand years, and it will not end in Shadow Flame. Russell, you He and Ice Cream are lucky to be protected by the Shadow Flame.”

"Yes, Your Highness Shadow Flame." Russell admitted.

If he lived in the Kingdom of Blazing Torrent, he might have been caught by the dragon knight king and used as a guinea pig for research.

A man is innocent but guilty of possessing a treasure.

The combination of an unborn dragon like Ice Cream and Russell is like a child showing off with gold at the corner of a busy street. It is certain that he will be robbed.

Fortunately, the Shadow Flame dragon has no knights, no "human nature" constraints, and the "dragon nature" is arrogant, disdainful of robbing a junior. So Russell can grow up slowly with Xiao Menglong without worries, waiting for the day when he comes out.

"You can be even luckier." Shadow Flame Dragon said.

"What do you mean?"

"Sacrifice also has different situations. One is to sacrifice the territory, and the other is to sacrifice the dragon." Shadow Flame Dragon said calmly, "If necessary, Shadow Flame will choose to sacrifice himself and leave the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy. You and Ice Cream can re-erupt in the embers of Shadow Flame Volcano!"

The Shadow Flame Dragon opened his eyes, and Russell's figure was reflected in his vertical pupils: "Tread on the corpse of Shadow Flame and rebuild the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy!"

Russell and Shadow Flame Dragon looked at each other.

In an instant, he was overwhelmed with emotions, and it was difficult to tell what he felt at the moment. A great dragon spoke frankly about life and death, as if it was just a fleeting scenery on the road, beautiful, but forgotten in a moment.

"It's not that far, Your Highness Shadow Flame." Russell responded.

"Of course it hasn't come to this!" Shadow Flame Dragon raised his head and looked at the sky above his head. "Kill the snow giant, Shadow Flame will be greatly replenished. When Ice Cream comes out, we will join hands to kill another snow giant, and Shadow Flame will be greatly replenished again!"

The more Shadow Flame Dragon said, the more excited he became: "Repair it. After Shadow Flame has recovered all of it, I will personally take back hope from the flood, and let this despicable robber pay the price with its hope. Roar, roar, roar, roar!"

The style suddenly changed.

Looking at the Shadow Flame Dragon who began to fantasize, Russell silently wiped the wet corners of his eyes, and the emotion that was moved by the Shadow Flame Dragon's willingness to sacrifice himself gradually faded.

But this did not prevent him from following the words of the Shadow Flame Dragon and saying: "Your Highness Shadow Flame, Ice Cream and I will definitely help you take back hope."

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