Warm Dragon

Chapter 373 Mediocre Knight

"Your Highness Shadow Flame, what kind of existence are snow giants? What do they want after coming through the gate to another world?"

In the Shadow Flame Volcano, feeling the scorching temperature of the magma, Russell slowly asked the doubts in his heart.

Earl Merlin told him that the snowfield might be a huge hunting ground, where snow giants hunt dragons to extract the essence of Longmian Continent. But Earl Merlin was not sure, so Russell wanted to ask the Shadow Flame Dragon himself.

"Shadow Flame doesn't know." Shadow Flame Dragon responded.

"Don't you know either?"

"Have you heard the rumor that the snowfield is the hunting ground of the snow giants? If it is really a hunting ground, how can Shadow Flame, as a prey, know the hunter's purpose?" The Shadow Flame dragon responded indifferently, "This is you humans. A puzzle that should be solved.”

It looked up into the crater sky.

After a moment of silence, the mumbled magic dragon language continued: "It is Shadow Flame's mission to open up a warm land for survival... The rest will be completed by you humans, create civilization... save the world..."

"Create civilization, save the world..." Russell chewed on the words of the Shadow Flame Dragon and nodded slightly.

In the unique ecology of Longmian Continent, powerful dragons are the cornerstone of survival, while weak humans are the helmsmen of civilization.

Russell bowed and bowed: "I understand, Your Highness Yingyan."

"Go ahead and let Shadow Flame see how far you can go... You are different from the knights that Shadow Flame has contracted with. You don't have their innate strong demeanor, nor do you have their sense of responsibility to lead their destiny. , but you are the funniest.”

After the Shadow Flame Dragon finished speaking, he closed his eyes, floated his head on the magma again, and began to sleep silently.

It thought of its three dragon riders.

The domineering Quentin Shadowflame led it to create the Grand Duchy of Shadowflame; the determined Quentin II Shadowflame accompanied it for the longest time; the bold and free-spirited Quentin III Shadowflame died fighting with it In the snowfield...

They were born into powerful families, and they seemed to know how to control the situation by nature. Their heroic spirit made the Shadowflame Dragon heart-wrenching.

But Russell is different.

In its eyes, Russell is just an ordinary mediocre knight.

Although he has a gentle temperament and a humble and kind heart, he does not have the charm of a strong man.

If it weren't for Russell's appearance, if it weren't for Russell's family background, if it weren't for Russell's enviable adventures. If you throw Russell into the crowd, you will definitely not be able to find him. There are too many knights with personalities that are more dazzling than Russell.

"How could such a knight become a natural dragon knight?" Shadow Flame Dragon was puzzled.

It didn't understand why its own kind, the giant dragon named Ice Cream, chose Russell as its knight.

And he is also a natural dragon knight.

"Countless knights dream of becoming a dragon knight, but Russell was born to be a dragon knight... Shadow Flame is really curious!"


The magma was rolling, and in the perception of the Shadow Flame Dragon, Russell had turned around and left the Shadow Flame Volcano. His back was very ordinary, but it made the Shadow Flame Dragon feel full of mystery. I couldn't help but want to dig into it and find out the answer.

Russell didn't know that in the eyes of the Shadow Flame Dragon, he was just a mediocre knight, without the heroic spirit that the Shadow Flame Dragon loved most.

In fact, he felt good after talking to the Shadow Flame Dragon.

Infused with a strong sense of ownership of "creating civilization and saving the world", he is determined to lead Longmian Continent on a bright anti-giant and anti-colonial path of liberation!

"It's a pity that the knight can only contract one giant dragon, otherwise the Shadow Flame Dragon will definitely beg me to contract it!"

He could feel the weakness of the Shadow Flame Dragon from the conversation.

When a person is weak, he wants someone to accompany him. When the dragon is weak, he also wants to be comforted by a knight. However, he already has a wife.

"Sir Russell, have you finished talking to His Highness Shadow Flame?" Lord Welch asked curiously when he saw Russell coming out.

He was outside and could not hear the dragon language of the Shadow Flame Dragon.

Usually the dragon's magical dragon language will only be transmitted to the fixed conversation partner, and no one can hear it if you don't want others to hear it.

"The chat is over," Russell said, "It was a very pleasant chat."

"Okay, may I ask what your Highness Ying Yan's orders are?" Welch was doubtful of Russell's words.

As the Minister of the Volcano, he was responsible for communicating with the Shadow Flame Dragon, but the Shadow Flame Dragon ignored him at all. Russell had never learned dragon language for a day, yet he was so brazen that he chatted with the Shadowflame Dragon and said that the conversation was quite enjoyable.

"There are no instructions, we just talked about some interesting things." Russell smiled and responded, "Okay, I have something else to do, so I'll take my leave now."

As they passed each other, Welch felt a sense of pressure keenly. This is the coercion emanating from Russell, which is almost different from Long's power. But if you feel it carefully, it seems to be as sharp as thunder.

"Very strong. Although he is a new dragon knight, I can feel a strong sense of oppression. It seems that his power is stronger than mine!"

Welch was a little in disbelief. He looked at Russell's back and frowned deeply: "I'm just a new dragon knight. I've been riding dragons for more than ten years... Also, what is the symbol on his forehead? It's the same as lightning. Same?"

He had to stay at the Red Castle and did not attend Russell's dragon riding ceremony.

For such a young man who suddenly broke into the order of dragon knights, his only impression before was that Shadow Flame Dragon suddenly opened his eyes that day and stared at Russell for more than ten seconds.

This scene shocked him a little.

Because even when he was promoted to dragon knight and now he is the Minister of Volcano, every time he communicated with Shadow Flame Dragon, Shadow Flame Dragon always closed his eyes and never wanted to look at him straight, which made him regretful.

But Russell, who was young at that time and was just an ordinary fantasy beast knight, got such qualifications, how could he not be shocked.

After that, "Russell was looked at straight by Shadow Flame Dragon" was also his casual chat with friends, and gradually spread.

So that now Russell riding a dragon has become a good story in the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame.

"Young people nowadays are incomprehensible... My Grand Duchy is in troubled times." Welch sighed silently.

On the other side, Russell had passed through the underground passage and returned to the Red Castle.

Then he went to the independent castle of Earl Merlin.

"Grandpa, I'm back."

"Have you visited His Highness Shadow Flame?" Earl Merlin had someone prepare tea, and the two of them chatted while drinking tea. "Did His Highness Shadow Flame say anything to you? What is the intention of the Snow Giant?"

"His Highness Shadow Flame regards the behavior of the Snow Giant as a provocation." Russell said.

"Since it is a provocation, it means that there will be a second time, or even more times?" Earl Merlin frowned.

Russell shook his head: "According to His Highness Shadow Flame, if the Snow Giant dares to invade again, it will sacrifice a piece of warm enclave to completely wipe out the Snow Giant."

After a pause, Russell added: "But I have some doubts whether Shadow... Dragon can do it."

If you say bad things about Shadow Flame Dragon behind his back, you naturally cannot mention the name, otherwise it will be sensed by Shadow Flame Dragon.

Earl Merlin stroked his beard and nodded: "I doubt it too."

"Grandpa, should the exorcism order continue to be executed?"

"This...Apart from the snowfield outside the border, are there other places where snow demons exist? The trick of the Snow Giant Da is an open conspiracy." Earl Merlin sighed, "Going abroad to hunt may be drinking poison to quench thirst, but closing the country is also a slow death."

Then, he looked at Russell and really valued Russell's opinion: "If you were to choose, what would you do?"

Russell said calmly: "I don't know, everything depends on the decision of the Elders, but I will still go hunting in the snowfield. The Snow Giant Da can't kill me with a sneak attack, and from now on, it will never have the chance to kill me again!"

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