Warm Dragon

Chapter 372 The Shadow Flame Dragon's Promise

The sky wind roared, and the black oil dragon Rosai flapped her wings gently, and she passed through the white clouds in the sky one after another.

On the dragon's back, Russell stared at the palm of his left hand.

The M-shaped mark still occupies the largest space, and the thorn mark, tick mark, and gecko mark are only about the size of a sesame seed. But the sword butterfly mark has changed from the size of a sesame seed to the size of a soybean grain, rotating around the M-shaped mark.

On his forehead, the mark of the Lord of Thunder flashed with tiny arcs of electricity, which was particularly eye-catching.

Not long after.

The majestic Red Castle came into view. Russell patted Rosé's neck gently, and Rosé lowered his clouds and swooped towards the Red Castle.

In the sky above the Red Castle, several bipedal flying dragons were circling. After seeing Roselle's arrival, they all stepped forward and roared.

"Roar!" Rossay also roared.

This was a greeting between the two-legged flying dragons. These two-legged flying dragons had previously escorted Princess Anxia to the Youguang Valley and had met Luo Sai.

So it didn't stop Roselle's arrival, and continued to hover boringly in the air after roaring.

Rossai went straight to the square in front of the Elders' Hall, where there was an exclusive landing platform for flying dragons.


After landing, Roselle folded her wings and crouched quietly on the platform.

Russell got off his dragon and walked towards the Senate Hall. Passing by the guarding knight, the knight did not recognize Russell. He immediately bowed and saluted, and then asked: "Who is your Excellency?"

"Russell Fluorosporum."

"Greetings to Your Excellency Russell!" The guard knight straightened up, "I will pass the message to Your Excellency right now."

The Senate Hall could not be entered by force, so Russell waited quietly in the hall. After a while, he received a notification that he could enter.

"Your Excellency Russell, please follow me." A female knight guided Russell into the hall.

Russell was unanimously brought to the office of Lord Merlin, the chief consul.

"Russell, why are you here?" Earl Merlin raised his head from the desk and asked, "What is that on your forehead?"

"The mark of the Lord of the Dragon Territory, Grandpa, I have been promoted to the Lord of the Dragon Territory." Russell did not hide anything and quickly told the story of Snow Giant Da's sneak attack. "The foreign snowfields under such circumstances are too dangerous."

Earl Merlin looked at Russell with sharp eyes.

He quickly recovered from the shock: "It turns out that the movement of Your Highness Ying Yan yesterday was because the Snow Giant arrived and attacked you... I personally went to ask His Highness Ying Yan, but His Highness Ying Yan was unwilling to say anything."

"I also happen to have something to do and want to talk to His Highness Ying Yan." Russell said.

"Do you know dragon language?"

"No, but I can understand Dragon Language." Russell explained that he couldn't understand Dragon Language, but Xiao Menglong could act as a translator.

Earl Merlin raised his eyebrows and did not dwell on the dragon language. Instead, he said: "Okay, you go to see His Highness Yingyan first. After you finish chatting with His Highness Yingyan, go directly to my castle and let our ancestors and grandsons have a good chat." "


From the Red Keep to Shadowflame Volcano, you need to pass through an underground passage. Russell has a pass issued by Earl Merlin, so he can naturally reach the volcano unimpeded.

"Mr. Russell, why are you here?" Standing at the end of the volcano tunnel was the volcano minister Lord Welch.

He curiously looked at the Thunder Lord mark on Russell's forehead, but didn't ask any more questions.

Welch was unlucky when he was escorting Archduke Kunstan and was deprived of the right to ride the wyvern. However, after taking over as Minister of the Volcano, he chose Young Master Queenslay Sunflower to find a reason for him and restored his riding rights.

"I have something to do with His Highness Shadow Flame. This is the pass issued by the Chief Consul." Russell said calmly.

Welch has aligned himself with Queensley.

His daughter Valarie is already engaged to the chosen prince Queenslay.

After Welch carefully checked the pass, he stretched out his hand and said: "Please come in... Do you need a dragon language interpreter?"

"No need." Russell replied.

Welch thought for a while and said: "It seems that you came at a bad time. His Highness Ying Yan is already asleep and no one can wake him up."

"It doesn't matter." Russell entered the Shadow Flame Volcano.

On the other side of the passage gate is a standing platform that is almost flush with the magma. From here, you can see the huge head of the Shadow Flame Dragon.

Since spitting out a mouthful of dragon flame yesterday, the Shadow Flame Dragon has been sleeping with its eyes closed.

Until Russell arrived, the Shadow Flame Dragon, which had its eyes closed, suddenly opened its eyes and made a gurgling sound from its throat that sounded like lava bubbling.

This is the magic dragon language.

The M-shaped mark on Russell's palm pulsed, and the meaning of the magic dragon language appeared in Russell's mind through Xiao Menglong's translation.

"Little guy, we meet again." The Shadow Flame dragon stretched out its head and stared at Russell, "Dragon Domain Lord, you brought a huge surprise to Shadow Flame. Maybe you could escape yesterday without the need for Shadow Flame to spit out dragon flames. over attack."

"Well, that's not necessarily the case. Anyway, if I encounter danger again, please continue to help me, His Highness Ying Yan." Russell replied.

"Interesting little guy." Shadow Flame Dragon said, "You are the first knight to be promoted to Dragon Territory Lord in Shadow Flame's territory. Unfortunately, you don't have the blood of the Shadow Flame family. Otherwise, Shadow Flame doesn't need to do that. trouble."

"Your trouble is that there is no knight worthy of your recognition?" Russell asked.


"Perhaps you can urge the Shadow Flame Dragon Blood Family to marry more wives and have more children, so that they can have enough offspring to cultivate." Russell suggested that the feudal emperors on earth have three palaces, six courtyards and seventy-two concubines. .

However, even with three palaces, six courtyards and seventy-two concubines, there are still a lot of emperors who seem to have no descendants.

The Shadow Flame Dragon sneered: "The contract between a dragon and a knight can only accommodate one, and the contract between a husband and a wife can only accommodate one. Of course, you humans can have countless lovers, just like you can contract many fantasy beasts."

It is unknown whether the Shadow Flame Dragon is sneering at the promiscuity of humans or the cheapness of the fantasy beast contract.

Russell frowned: "Are you saying that a knight can only ride one dragon?"

"Greedy little guy, do you still want to contract multiple dragons?" The Shadow Flame Dragon sneered, "You are as greedy as the ice cream that stole the cakes from the Shadow Flame plate. What kind of dragon is it, a greedy dragon?"

Russell was silent.

From what the Shadow Flame Dragon said, it seemed that a knight could only contract one dragon, that is, his previous fantasy was shattered.

In addition.

He was a little alert, always feeling that the Shadow Flame Dragon's seemingly casual taunting seemed to be trying to find out the background of the little dream dragon.

After a moment, Russell said, "Your Highness Shadow Flame, what do you think about the snow giant Da's raid to kill me? Can you continue to protect me and Ice Cream?"

"Da!" Shadow Flame Dragon roared angrily, "It is provoking Shadow Flame, but Shadow Flame is no longer able to drive it away. Shadow Flame's injuries are too severe... Little guy, you have been promoted to the Dragon Domain Lord, which has increased my strength a little, but this is not enough, far from enough."

"Are you sure it didn't detect the breath of Ice Cream?"

"If it detected the breath of Ice Cream, you would have been killed by Da outside Shadow Flame's territory." Shadow Flame Dragon said lightly.

"I see... But the snow giant Da will continue to raid to kill me or other flying dragon knights, right?"

"It will never dare to raid again. Shadow Flame's promise to you is valid. Shadow Flame can continue to protect you and Ice Cream."

Russell blinked: "Are you sure?"

Being questioned in this way, Shadow Flame Dragon was not angry. Although dragons have wisdom that is not inferior to humans, they are ultimately different from human emotions. This kind of embarrassing scene for humans did not affect it at all.

It just responded calmly: "If it dares to come again, Shadow Flame will sacrifice a piece of warm enclave to completely wipe it out!"

"Uh... don't sacrifice my Black Fire Land, and Lei Ze... and the Dark Light Valley, Sancha River Mouth... it's better to sacrifice the Fire Ant Swamp, or the Gravel Territory." Russell made a small joke, and at the same time he knew the Shadow Flame Dragon's trump card.

It can also perform a killing move by sacrificing a warm enclave.

Hearing this, the Shadow Flame Dragon rolled his eyes: "Sacrificing the territory will be lost forever, and Shadow Flame will never perform it easily... But Shadow Flame promises that if Da dares to attack you again, Shadow Flame will sacrifice a warm enclave to wipe it out!"

In the mind of the Shadow Flame Dragon, Russell and Ice Cream are more important than anything else, and it is worth it to perform a sacrificial move.


Russell discounted the Shadow Flame Dragon's harsh words in his heart.

Even if Shadowflame Dragon sacrificed its territory, it might not be able to wipe out Snow Giant Da, otherwise it should have used this trick long ago - if the territory was lost, it could open up a new one, but Snow Giant Da always threatened the lifeblood of Shadowflame Grand Duchy.

However, Russell was already satisfied to get Shadowflame Dragon's promise to protect him at all costs.

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