Warm Dragon

Chapter 339 There will be a chance

"Mrs. Grammer, bring me the menu. I'll think about what dishes to add." Carter, the old housekeeper, walked into the kitchen worriedly.

Mrs. Grammer, who was the cook, said angrily: "Old Carter, you have come here to read the menu three times. Why do you have concerns about me? I have been working at the Fluorescent Castle for as long as you have!"

"Of course, of course, you have always been trustworthy. The master, madam, young master and young lady all like to eat the dishes you cook." Carter wiped the sweat from his head, "But today I have to pay more attention, because you know, Master Russell is going to Stay at the castle for lunch!”

"Yes, Master Russell wants to enjoy lunch, but he has grown up in Fluorescent Castle since he was a child." Another housekeeper also came to the kitchen, "Carter, don't be nervous, Master Russell is gentle and humble, and won't care about these details. "

"That's different, Mrs. Jones."

Carter said seriously: "Master Russell is now a dragon knight. I don't need to emphasize to you what kind of status a dragon knight is. This is the first lunch that Master Russell has as a dragon knight in the castle. !”

"Okay, okay, I'll give you the menu. You can think about it slowly. Now I'm going to prepare Master Russell's favorite tofu... Oh my god, Master Russell used to love the fish egg risotto I made the most. Now, I’m actually obsessed with things made from ground beans!”

Old Butler Carter read the menu carefully twice, but for a while he didn't know what dishes to add.

He said to himself distressedly: "I really should let people go to the kitchen of the Cigar Courtyard to learn Mrs. Moore's cooking skills. Master Russell has praised Mrs. Moore's cooking more than once, and it is his favorite."

A maid happened to come over and heard Butler Carter's words and asked curiously: "Is Mrs. Moore really that great? I heard she has developed many new dishes!"

"Maybe, maybe not, but this is no reason to be lazy. Go and get busy with your work."

Carter said with a straight face: "Master Russell is back today as the Dragon Knight. I will not allow you to be disrespectful in any way. I will check every corner of the castle carefully to make sure there is no dust accumulation."

The maid left quickly, but whispered softly: "My master and his wife are not as strict as you!"

Unexpectedly, Carter had sharp ears. He heard the maid's muttering and immediately caught up with her: "It is precisely because of the kindness and gentleness of the master and his wife, including the young master and ladies, that we need to work harder to repay all this!"

He scolded sternly: "Remember, there is no more comfortable job than Fluorescent Castle. You and I should cherish it!"

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake, Mr. Carter." The maid quickly assured, "I will work hard."

Mrs. Jones, the housekeeper, returned with a bunch of keys. When she saw this, she joked: "Scold the maid, will your tension be relieved a lot?"

"I didn't take the opportunity to curse." Carter said without looking back, "The warehouse has been checked. No servants secretly drank from the master's bar?"

"Of course not, Carter. You can't always guard your servants the same way you guard against thieves."

"That's not necessarily true. Ten years ago, a male servant secretly drank the master's wine. I don't want this to happen a second time." Carter said, raising his head, "I am strict now to prevent them from committing the crime." Make a bigger mistake."

Mrs. Jones surrendered: "Okay, okay, you always have a point, dear Mr. Carter!"

Carter gave a rare shrug: "This is a fact."

"In short, the process is like this. Baron Gervidus and his wife have agreed to the marriage between the eldest brother and Miss Gwen. My father and eldest brother will still stay there to discuss the time of the wedding and some cooperation in the marriage between the two families."

"If it hadn't been for the little will-o'-the-wisp riding a dragon, I'm sure that little naughty guy Gervidas would still be pushing back." Mrs. Ingrid said while eating her lunch, "I saw him for the first time when he was a child. You know he’s not an honest person.”

"Okay, mother, stop talking." Uncle Rosen said, "Soon, Baron and Mrs. Gervidas will be the in-laws of our family."

"There is nothing that cannot be said about the facts. If our little will-o'-the-wisp is not outstanding, we might still be angry with him."

Wait until old Mrs. Ingrid has had enough complaints.

Only then did everyone turn the topic back to Russell.

Mrs. Meryl said: "This time we must hold a grand dragon riding ceremony. When your father rode the dragon, there was a ban on banquets, and he was fined for three years of hard labor in combat, so there was no riding. Dragon Festival.”

"Listen to you, mother." Russell didn't care.

"All the nobles of the Grand Duchy should be invited. Well, it would be best to invite Princess Anxia and her daughter as well." Mrs. Meryl said happily.

Old Mrs. Ingrid was also interested: "Yes, it would be best if we could invite Princess Anxia. I haven't seen Princess Anxia for many years. Princess Anxia back then was so charming. It’s heartbreaking!”

Mrs. Meryl continued: "There is also Marquis Arnold. I heard that he is very famous in Stormrage City. We should invite him here too."

Russell narrowed his eyes.

However, there was no objection to inviting Marquis Arnold.

"I don't know if Luo Bi can come over. Oh, let's forget it. She is not in good health and it will be a disaster for her to come over." Mrs. Ingrid wanted to see her daughter, but she felt sorry for her.

I had to say to Russell: "You might as well go to Jinding Castle when you have time. Your uncle is also a dragon knight. You can have a friendly exchange. When you were a fantasy beast knight, you even defeated Marcus. It can be seen that you are very talented in fighting. You can become stronger if you learn more."

"I will." Russell nodded.

The following lunch time was a heated discussion between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law. Aunt Clara was born into a noble family and could not get a word in. She just listened silently.

Russell and Uncle Rosen were on the other side, chatting about men's topics.

"Have you made a contract with Happy?"

"Uncle, did you see it?"

"Really?" Uncle Rosen just asked casually, "You and Polly have reached perfect spiritual synchronization so quickly?"

"Uh, yes." It was very depressing to say it, but it was the fact, "You also know that Polly and I are very compatible. We are natural contract partners, so the speed of spiritual improvement is very fast, but Happy and I are a little behind."

"To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if you made a contract with five fantasy beasts." Rosen said.


"Because your talent is better than your father and your brother." Rosen sighed, "You were just stuck by the Dou Qi Seed before. Without the constraints of the Dou Qi Seed, you soared into the sky in a short time."

Finally, Rosen laughed and teased: "Even if one day the Shadow Flame Dragon suddenly announced that it wanted to make a contract with you, I would not be surprised."

"Haha, uncle, you overestimate me." Russell laughed.

He has Xiao Menglong, and he has no interest in the Shadow Flame Dragon. The current Shadow Flame Dragon has been terribly weak after two wars.

Rosen spread his hands: "Who knows, I always felt that the dragon's gaze was just a...how to say, a greeting similar to 'Have you eaten?' But now, I just want to be looked at by the dragon one day."

"There will be a chance, uncle."

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