Warm Dragon

Chapter 338 Such a Talent

"Dear my king, the lord of the Fiery and Torrent Territory... I have been in the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy for half a year. Today I heard some interesting news, and I sent a special letter to share it with my king..."

After the Swan Baron Quenbiff Shadowflame left, Marquis Arnold Sunset finished smoking a frosty cigar and began to write a secret letter.

"Do you still remember the inventor of Fengshuang, Yunmist and White Dew cigars, the young Russell Fluorescent Mushroom? He is Merlin's grandson... He actually picked up a black oil dragon on the snowy field today and was promoted to a flying dragon knight..."

Usually secret letters are very brief, but Marquis Arnaud took out several pieces of paper and wrote the contents in detail, even a little verbose.

"Such an interesting young man, if any famous lady in our country can win it, it may become a good story and help the shadow flames merge into the heat and torrent. What does my king think of my brother's proposal? Your servant, serve your brother devoutly. Your humble brother, Arnold Lieyang.”

Finished writing the secret letter.

After folding the secret letter and sealing it, Marquis Arnaud called a servant and ordered: "Have Paislo send it back to the country using a phantom carrier pigeon."

The phantom homing pigeon is a kind of phantom beast, one of the few phantom beasts that can be cultivated in batches in the Kingdom of Blazing Torrent, similar to the nightmare ghost horse cultivated by the Grand Duchy of Shadowflame. The phantom carrier pigeon has little combat effectiveness and is mainly used to transmit information across the vast territory of the kingdom.

When Marquis Arnold came to the Grand Duchy of Shadowflame, he brought two contracted Phantom Beast Knights of the Phantom Carrier Pigeon, who were responsible for delivering messages to the country.

"Yes, sir." The servant took the secret letter and bowed away.

Marquis Arnold stretched himself, left the study, and continued to have fun in his sleepless city, hanging out among handsome men and beautiful women.

On the other side, the phantom knight Paislo quickly tied the secret message to the phantom carrier pigeon's leg, and gently patted the phantom carrier pigeon. The phantom carrier pigeon and the contracted knight had the same mind, so they naturally knew what to do.

With a flap of its wings, it flew towards the distant northwest sky at extremely fast speeds.

Through the clouds and the wind.

When he was tired, he fell into the snow forest to find some small animals to satisfy his hunger. When he was thirsty, he drank ice and snow. In this way, he passed through the boundless snowfield in one day and one night, and came to another huge volcanic oasis, and entered a huge castle. middle.

There are special agencies responsible for receiving these phantom carrier pigeons.

The staff removed the secret message from the phantom carrier pigeon's leg, and when they saw that it was from the Marquis Arnaud, they immediately walked towards the palace.

Not long after.

The owner of the palace, the king of the Kingdom of Blazing Torrents, took the secret letter with his long and delicate hands, quickly opened it and read it with relish.

Wait until you read the entire secret message.

The king was silent for a moment, and then he let out a faint emotion: "Yingyan also has talents. The seventeen-year-old Flying Dragon Knight is also a young hero in our country. It would be a pity if such a talent does not fall into my trap! "

There was a pause.

The king lit a Fengshuang series of Yulong cigars paid tribute by Marquis Arnold, and exhaled a puff of smoke leisurely: "The cigar invented by Russell is quite good, but the name is not stylish enough, and mediocre people like Merlin have tarnished the name of cigars. ah!"

In the eyes of the king, Earl Merlin, who relied on the Great Wall of the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy, was just a mediocre and incompetent person.

I even think that the connection between cigars and Earl Merlin directly lowers the quality of cigars.

Swallowing the clouds for a moment.

The king put the matter aside and began to review the memorials submitted from various places. Compared with the military and state affairs, Russell's riding a dragon can only be regarded as an anecdote.

Populus euphratica territory, Populus euphratica fort.

The marriage between eldest brother Roland and Miss Gwen has been confirmed.

There is no custom of engagement in Longmian Continent. After a marriage is agreed upon, the wedding can be announced to the public only after the two families have discussed a wedding date.

"Father, Baron Gervidas, Lady Joanna, since the eldest brother's engagement has been finalized, I will resign first." Russell did not stay at Fort Huyang for too long. "The territory has just been opened, and I still need to go back and take charge."

Baron Roman nodded.

Baron Gervidas also said immediately: "The territory is important, Mr. Russell. There will be many opportunities for us to get close in the future, so I won't keep you any longer today."

Wait for Russell to walk out of the gate of Fort Huyang.

The unicorn Baoli and the harpy dragon Hape were already waiting at the door. A gust of wind blew, and the black oil dragon Rosey also circled to the ground.

Russell is about to turn over and ride the dragon.

Grontan, the second son of Baron Gervidus, suddenly knelt down on one knee in front of him: "Brother Russell, please accept me as your follower!"

Russell paused, glanced at Grontan, and then looked at Baron and Mrs. Gervidas: "Baron, madam, what do you think?"

Lady Joanna has never had any opinions.

Baron Gervaidas sighed slightly: "Since Grontan admires Lord Russell and is willing to become your follower, as parents, how can we have the heart to block Grontan's choice... Sir Russell, please give Grontan to is you."

Once you become a follower.

Grontan needs to follow Russell. From then on, the responsibility and power for his punishment, reward, training, etc. will all fall on Russell.

As parents, Baron and Mrs. Gervaidas no longer have these responsibilities and powers.

"In that case." Russell nodded, looked at Grontan, and asked calmly, "Grontan, to become my follower, you must first offer me your loyalty. From now on, you will become a sharp sword in my hand. "Do you accept this?"

Grontan responded firmly: "Yes, sir, I will always be loyal to you. The direction your sword points to is the direction I will fight!"

"Very good!" Russell drew out his sword and tapped Gronttan's left and right shoulders, "I accept your loyalty."

So far.

Grontan Baimaigen became another follower of his.

However, Russell did not take him back to the Black-waisted Snake Manor immediately, but said: "You continue to live in Poplar Castle first. When Miss Gwen marries to the Valley of the Light, you will accompany her and follow me from now on."

"Yes, sir!" Gronttan beat his chest with his right hand and performed a knight's salute.

Seeing this, Lady Joanna's eyes were slightly red, thinking of the near future, when her daughter Gwen would leave her, and her second son Gronttan would also leave her.

Baron Gwidas was also a little sad, but he was sad about Russell's change.

A while ago, Russell was still an ordinary knight who let him scold him, and thought that Gronttan wanted to follow him, which was a shame for the family. Today, he took the initiative to send his second son to Russell as a follower.

"Shadow Flame Dragon... Why is it so kind to the fluorescent mushroom family!" Deep in his heart, Baron Gvedas was full of jealousy.

"Then everyone, let's say goodbye!" Russell jumped up and rode on Rose's back.


Rose jumped and rushed into the sky.

Polly turned into a white light and crashed into Russell's back, and Happy continued to follow Rose leisurely.

In a moment, they left the Poplar Desert.

Unlike the rush on the way here, this time when he returned to the territory, Russell rode a two-legged dragon and hurried on the road slowly, and stayed overnight in a nearby post station at night.

Hearing that there was a dragon knight staying in a post station, the nearby lords and lords did not dare to neglect it at all, and came to invite Russell to stay in their own manors. However, they were all rejected by Russell, who did not like to socialize with strangers.

Three days later.

With the roar of Rose, he landed in Fluorescent Castle.

Grandmother Ingrid, who had been living in Fluorescent Castle for the past few days, was the first to rush out of the castle. Seeing Russell, she stepped forward and gave him a hug: "Little Ghost Fire is back, the pride of my Ghost Fire family is back!"

"Grandma." He smiled gently.

Then he looked at Mrs. Meryl, his sister Lola, and Uncle Rosen's family behind him and greeted them one by one.

"It's good to be back." Mrs. Meryl didn't say much, but her eyes couldn't hide her pride and relief.

Lola looked at Russell with surprise and envy, and couldn't figure out how Russell could ride a dragon.

This second brother was more transparent than her at home!

In fact, it was not just her. Except for a few people, no one could figure it out.

Uncle Rosen laughed and stepped forward, patting Russell on the shoulder: "You're riding a dragon, Russell. From now on, when I see you, I have to salute you and call you Your Excellency!"

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