Warm Dragon

Chapter 298 Red Castle Banquet Invitation

After lunch, Russell drank tea and chatted with his mother and sister, and before he knew it, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

"I have to go." Russell stood up after looking at the clock on the wall.

"Won't you stay at the castle for the night?" Mrs. Meryl asked.

"No, my father and eldest brother are still fighting in the snowy field, how can I relax." Russell stretched, "By the way, mother, when will the family's caravan set out, please send someone over to inform me, I will send someone Follow."

"do what?"

"I have a cooperation with Jinding Castle. It is the newly discovered breeding Yuan Beast Wujin pig in the territory. It has been successfully cultivated. According to the agreement, one-tenth of this batch of pregnant piglets needs to be given to Jinding Fort.”

"Has the black gold pig been successfully cultivated? This is a good thing." Mrs. Meryl smiled. "Your aunt wrote a letter before and wanted to come over to visit your grandmother and your father... But her body is too thin to give birth to your cousin. The root of the disease has fallen, and there is no cool breeze.”

"Aunt and cousin are actually quite..." Russell wanted to say pitiful, but think about it, their lives are already thousands of times better than ordinary people.

"Yeah, they two are quite pitiful." Mrs. Meryl nodded, but quickly added, "I hope she can write less letters and interfere with our family affairs, which will make it more interesting. Sympathy.”

It is said.

Russell's aunt, Robbie, exchanges dozens or hundreds of letters with her grandmother, Mrs. Ingrid, every month.

Although the transportation is inconvenient, the caravan can only make one round trip a month, and the knight delivering the message can only make one round trip a month. But this does not prevent Aunt Robbie and Mrs. Ingrid from writing dozens of letters and having the messenger knight deliver them all at once.

Russell didn't want to say much about this kind of thing. He never thought of meddling in the grudges between the elders.

He smiled and prepared to leave.

Just arrived at the gate.

Then he saw the knight guarding the castle and quickly came over to convey: "Madam, Master Russell, the messenger from the Red Castle has arrived."

"Messenger from the Red Castle? Please come in." Mrs. Meryl ordered.

Then he called Russell who was about to leave: "You stay here first and see what letters are sent from the Red Fort. Your father and eldest brother are not here, so you can help your mother for reference."

"Okay." Russell stopped and went back in no hurry.

The messenger knight arrived and handed over an invitation to the Red Castle's banquet: "In the Elf Hall of the Red Castle, a new great elf was born, His Excellency Laichenis, the Great Elf of Jianqiuluo. The Red Castle specially invited the nobles of the Grand Duchy to celebrate. The birth of Lord Lechenis.”


The messenger knight took out a banquet invitation letter from the Red Castle from his arms: "It just so happens that Mr. Russell is here too, so that I don't have to go to your fiefdom. The Red Castle also has an invitation letter for you."

"Am I involved too?" Russell was surprised.

He was just an ordinary knight. If he was the assistant to the Minister of Volcano, it would be reasonable for him to be invited.

Unexpectedly, even though he had clearly rejected the assistant minister of the Volcano, he was actually invited by the Red Castle.

"Hereby is the elf Jianqiuluo of the Elf Hall. Under the gaze of the Shadow Flame Dragon, he has become extraordinary and has been promoted to the great elf Jianqiuluo, named Laichenis. In order to congratulate His Excellency Laichenis on his awakening, a ceremony will be held at the Palace of the Grand Duke of Shadow Flame. For the banquet, I would like to invite His Excellency Russell Fluorescent Mushroom to the banquet.”

The invitation letter states the nature of the party and the names of the invitees.

The signature on the final invitation letter was An Xia Lieyang, the wife of the Supervisor, not the Elder Council that governs the Red Castle. The birth of the great elf was a family matter of the Shadow Flame Dragon Blood Family, and naturally it was not the Elder Council's turn to take care of it.

After letting the messenger knight go down to rest, Mrs. Meryl said strangely: "The Red Castle actually invited you alone. I thought there would only be one invitation letter for our whole family."

Russell had some guesses and felt that it seemed to be involved with the Shadow Flame Dragon.

It seems that just because the Shadow Flame Dragon glanced at him, his reputation in the Red Castle has greatly increased. Not only was he arranged to be the assistant to the Minister of the Volcano, Princess Anxia even hosted a family banquet for him. All these treatments obviously exceeded his status as a lord and lord.

after all.

Only his family knew about the black oil dragon egg, and it was impossible for outsiders to know that he would be the future flying dragon knight.

"Mother, in the past when the Red Castle invited our family, would Uncle Rosen also receive a copy?" Russell asked.

"Of course not, Rosen is your father's vassal." Mrs. Meryl shook her head, "But there are many banquet invitations, elf celebrations, fantasy beast knight celebrations, birthday banquets, wedding ceremonies... not important, basically all Rosen went to the banquet on behalf of the family. "

After a pause, she added: "Originally, your father hoped that after you grow up for a few years, he would take over Rosen's responsibility and let you be responsible for this work."

This is the ultimate value of the second son of most families.

But now Russell has jumped out of this level. As a Dragon Knight, he can start his own business.

In the future, uncle Rosen will continue to be responsible for this kind of thing - it may have to wait until Roland's second son grows up before Rosen can take over this job.

"Mother, will you go to the banquet?" Russell asked.

"Let your uncle replace the family." Mrs. Meryl shook her head. "Your father was sentenced to three years of hard labor in combat. It is not good for him to leave the battle without authorization and attend such a banquet. How can I go while your father is being punished? feast."

Russell nodded: "Then I won't go either."

"It's a little strange for the Red Castle to invite you alone."

"It's probably because I was taken seriously by the Shadow Flame Dragon." Russell shook his head and understood the Shadow Flame Dragon's status in the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy and its influence on the Red Castle even more. This is the God.

"Yes, our handsome Russell, even the Shadow Flame Dragon loves you." Lady Meryl was most satisfied with Russell's appearance.

He perfectly avoided the low-keyness of the Fluorescent Mushroom Family and inherited the beauty of the Rain Flower Family.

Russell smiled and did not explain.

The Shadow Flame Dragon was not attracted by his beauty, but by the little Dream Dragon behind him, so he was willing to take him seriously.

Otherwise, no matter how handsome he looked, he would be an insignificant ant to the Shadow Flame Dragon.

The scene when Princess Anxia and the knights shouted the oath of revenge was still echoing in Russell's mind. Even if it was revenge for Grand Duke Kunstan, the Shadow Flame Dragon remained indifferent and even thought these people were too noisy.

If you are not a dragon rider, you are not qualified to be a dragon's partner, let alone be looked at by the dragon.

The so-called dragon's gaze.

It is just a belief of ordinary people.

"Mother, when Uncle Rosen comes back, please ask him to bring me a gift when he goes to the banquet." Russell said, "I will go back first. There are still a lot of affairs waiting for me to deal with in the territory. Goodbye."

"Go." Mrs. Meryl waved her hand and watched her second son riding the cool unicorn disappear at the end of the archway.


There was a cry in the sky, and Mrs. Meryl saw another fantasy beast brought by Russell, a strange snow-white owl.

These two fantasy beasts are more majestic than any fantasy beast she has ever seen, and they complement Russell's handsomeness.

"Shadow Flame Dragon... Please continue to look at Russell." Mrs. Meryl prayed sincerely, "Elves, fantasy beasts, flying dragons... Your pious servant Meryl Yu Jiuhua, thank you for all your gifts, and always respect you!"

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