Warm Dragon

Chapter 297 You speak strangely

Fluorescent Castle, Russell was not surprised by his mother's call.

"Your father came back this month, but he didn't rest at home for long before he went back to the snowfield to fight." Mrs. Meryl said, "He sent you a bag of ice hail beads, a total of 800 ordinary ice hail beads and 55 high-quality ice hail beads."

"Okay mother, when father comes back, please thank him for me." Russell accepted the bag of ice hail beads without hesitation.

He also followed the results of the previous discussion, discounting one gold coin for one ordinary ice hail bead and ten gold coins for one high-quality ice hail bead, and recorded the bag worth 1,350 gold coins in the account book, waiting for future repayment.

Among the nobles, even brothers and fathers and sons must settle accounts clearly.

Fluorescent Castle will certainly help him start a business, but this is also an investment with a clear price tag, which requires sufficient returns.

Of course.

Common interests form a solid bond, but family affection also has an important manifestation - Fluorescent Castle does not stipulate a repayment date.

"Mother, wait a moment. I will absorb the ice hail beads first." Russell entered the castle's study and began to absorb the ice hail beads silently.

The dragon egg is only the size of a marble, like a dark red gem, and can be carried with you.

There is no need for too complicated operations. Just throw the black oil dragon egg into the ice hail bead bag, and you will see these ice hail beads melt one by one, turning into white light and merging into the black oil dragon egg, but the black oil dragon egg does not change at all.

The energy provided by these ice hail beads is not enough for the black oil dragon egg to hatch.

But Russell has already felt the pure little heart of Rose in the black oil dragon egg through the spiritual connection brought by the contract. The climax is so high that it can't be too high.

It is not a natural two-legged flying dragon, but was created by the Shadow Flame Dragon with dragon blood, but the essence of the dragon blood was recycled by the Shadow Flame Dragon, resulting in its congenital deficiency and inability to draw strength from the earth.

Therefore, a large number of ice hail beads are needed to nourish it.

The power of each ice hail bead brings it one step closer to hatching, and finally breaks free from the shackles of the dragon egg and gains freedom.

"Not enough, not enough."

"Need, need more!"

In Rose's pure little heart, there is already a vague thought, which is transmitted to Russell's heart along the heart line.

"It's amazing, the consciousness of life is gradually born like this... Before Rose was a blank sheet of paper, but now it is colorful..." Russell sighed at Rose's growth, a magical creation from nothing.

Then he followed the heart line and sent his thoughts to Rose: "Eat, Rose, eat as much as you can, this is just the first batch of ice hail beads, there will be more ice hail beads for you to eat later!"

"Thank you."


"I love you."

In Rose's pure little heart, he constantly expressed his love and closeness to Russell, which is a kind of admiration from a son to his father.

Although it was not created by Russell, its growth was all given by Russell.

"In the future, when Rose hatches, the relationship between me and me will definitely surpass that of ordinary dragon knights." Russell thought.

Ordinary dragon knights are more about friendship and equality.

But between the black oil dragon Rose and Russell, there will be more "father-son affection", and Russell has absolute parental authority.

It took half an hour for the black oil dragon egg to devour all the ice hail beads, and the bag was empty.

Picking up the black oil dragon egg and putting it close to his body again, Russell left the study and went to see his mother, Mrs. Meryl, again.

"Are you done?"

"Yes, I'm done."

"How long do you think it will take for Rose to be born?" Mrs. Meryl asked curiously, Rose has become the top priority of the family.

Russell thought for a while: "At the current speed, a few more bags of such ice hail beads should be enough."

"That means we have to wait for several months... Your father led the Knights to fight hard and it took half a month to accumulate such a bag of ice hail beads... Now the warm season is coming, and the snow ghost will be more difficult to find."

"Father, you have worked hard for me."

"Silly child, this is not just a big deal for you, it is a big deal for our whole family." Mrs. Meryl smiled.

She looked at her second son, and the more she looked, the more relieved she felt. Although Russell was sensible and hardworking before he became an adult, he was always a little sinister and made people feel uncomfortable. Although he doesn't talk much now, he is very optimistic and cheerful.

Who doesn't want his son to be an optimistic and cheerful boy?

She smiled gently and said, "Your father will not feel hardship, but happiness. He succeeded in riding a dragon, and your son will also succeed in riding a dragon... Besides, the Red Castle sentenced him to three years of hard labor in combat, and he was supposed to suffer in the snowfield."

"It is worth it to be able to untie Mr. Ross's knot." Russell said.

"Yes." Mrs. Meryl laughed. Mr. Ross was actually scared by the snow giant. Thinking about it, she felt a little amused.

Fortunately, after waiting for more than 20 years, Mr. Ross finally untied his knot and was no longer afraid of the contract.

With a smile, Mrs. Meryl said, "Let's celebrate it in the castle today and hold a birthday party for you."

Russell didn't care at all: "It's all in the past, there's no need to hold a birthday party again, and it's just an ordinary birthday, it's not important."

"That won't work, this is the birthday of the future dragon rider, how can we be careless."

"Then wait until I really ride a dragon, then celebrate my birthday properly, mother, I will have lunch with mother and Lola at noon today."

Seeing Russell's insistence, Mrs. Meryl gave up the idea of ​​holding a birthday party again.

Besides, if a birthday party was really held, no guests would come. Baron Roman, his elder brother Roland, as well as Rosen, Sally, Marcus, Atlas and others, all went to fight in the snowfield and would not be back in a short time.

The visitors could only be the families of some nobles.

Before lunch started, after Russell finished talking to his mother, he went to play with his sister Lola for a while. Lola was already twelve years old, and Mrs. Meryl began to worry about her and was ready to choose a suitable in-law for marriage.

However, there were only two earls and five barons among the great nobles of the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy, and it was really difficult to find a suitable marriage partner.

After all, many nobles were related.

Although the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy did not have a rule that close relatives were not allowed to marry, it had always been a tradition that they rarely married close relatives, and they tried to choose families without blood relations for marriage.

"Russell, can I ride a dragon in the future?" Lola asked curiously.

"Why do you ask?"

"I saw my father riding a dragon, and I want to ride a dragon too, but Lord Ross has a bad temper, and I don't want to ride Lord Ross."

"Haha." Russell laughed, "Lord Ross doesn't have to ride, but if you really want to ride a dragon, it's okay, but you have to practice fighting spirit with your heart. Only great knights can contract fantasy beasts and ride dragons, you know."

"Great knight? Is Rowling a great knight?" Lola's thoughts are a little jumpy.

"Rowling is not, and it is probably impossible for her to practice to become a great knight." Russell sighed. After giving birth, Rowling's vitality was severely damaged, and her fighting spirit meridians were disordered, and basically the road to practice was cut off.

"Why, Rowling is amazing!" Roland didn't understand, "She's even better than you, Russell!"

Although he was despised by his sister, Russell didn't feel unhappy at all, just smiled and said, "Yes, Rowling is very talented, but sometimes talent alone is not enough, you also need the courage to go all out, especially girls."

He looked at his average-looking sister and asked, "Lola, do you have the courage to go all out?"

Lola shook her head, "You talk so weird, I don't understand what you mean."

"Haha, if you don't understand, then don't understand. No matter what you choose in the future, remember, as your brother, I will always be your strongest support." Russell stretched out his hand and wanted to rub his sister's carefully combed braids and mess them up.

Lola had been rubbed by Russell several times, so she quickly hugged her head: "Damn Russell, don't rub my hair!"

"Okay, no rub, no rub, our Lola has grown up." Russell stood up and prepared to leave, but when Lola put down her arms, he quickly turned back and rubbed her hair randomly, messing up Lola's hair.

Lola was so angry that she screamed: "Russell!"

Russell had already run away laughing.

The old butler Carter saw all of this, and his eyes became wet again when he saw the little will-o'-the-wisp playing around like they did when they were little.

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