Warm Dragon

Chapter 281 Deserter Ross leaves the team

On the Black Fire Business Road, Russell perfected the idea of ​​the sword-controlling technique, but this does not mean that the sword-controlling technique will be realized soon.

The development of magic is very cumbersome and complicated. Many fantasy beast knights cannot develop new magic in their entire lives.

The reason is simple. Magic is the magical power of fantasy beasts and is a magical creation.

When ordinary animals evolve into fantasy beasts, their blood will undergo unimaginable changes, thereby solidifying magic. In other words, magic is based on the blood of fantasy beasts, not a simple arrangement and combination of several runes.

Blood is the key to stimulate magic power and thus form magic.

If you want to develop magic, you must first start with the blood of fantasy beasts, slowly guide the blood of fantasy beasts, and make corresponding changes.

"Fortunately, Baoli and I are very smart. It should not be difficult to change the magic power in the blood... It just takes time."

Of course.

If Xiao Menglong is willing to spit out another mouthful of the original dragon flame, I am afraid that Russell will soon be able to guide Baoli to change her blood and develop the sword-controlling technique.

When Bao Li's magic Phantom Walk was given by Xiao Menglong's original dragon flame, it evolved into the second stage, Phantom Escape. It is conceivable that the original power of the dragon has infinite power of change.

However, Xiao Menglong's intelligence is getting higher and higher now, and it is more difficult to trick it into spitting out the original dragon flame.

"Develop it slowly, I'm not in a hurry."

Russell's strength is already the best of the 1st turn fantasy beast knight, and even the 2nd turn high-level fantasy beast knight can compete with it, and has enough self-protection power.

It can develop safely.

After coming down from the Black Fire Business Road, Russell said goodbye to Grove in the cave: "You go to the Phantom Light Market and wait for me. I'll go to the Red Castle and find you in the Phantom Light Market after I finish my business."

"Yes, sir." Grove took Bill and left quietly.

No one followed him. Russell finally let go completely along the way. He used the Dream Escape Technique and flew directly in the dark dream, then crashed into an undeveloped forest. This was both a practice and a test of his combat effectiveness.


After escaping from the dark dream, Russell waved his left hand, and a five-meter-long thorn whip pierced out, piercing a large tree in front of him.

He put his right middle finger and index finger together and thrust forward. Suddenly, a sword light flew out and slashed directly on the thorn whip.

The thorn whip, which should have broken with a sound, actually blocked this sword light and only cracked.

"Cool!" Russell laughed, "The thorn whip is worthy of being made of my Yuanxi as the foundation. The stronger my Yuanxi is, the stronger the thorn whip will be... and now it is more sensitive than a finger!"

This thorn whip is now equivalent to Russell's third hand, and it is also equivalent to a weapon that he carries with him.

"If I whip Cooper during the battle, Cooper will probably lie down in a minute." Russell was very proud.

He put away the thorn whip and waved his fingers again. Several more sword beams pierced out and flew four or five meters before dispersing.

"This six-pulse magic sword is getting more and more proficient. I can cut out sword beams without weapons. Tsk, I am really invincible!"

The three swords are just Russell's way of fighting in front of others. In fact, the thorn whip brought by the thorn amber worm, the six-pulse magic sword brought by the sword butterfly amber worm, and the qi and blood transformation brought by the tick amber worm are the trump cards.

"Now I am probably not good enough to deal with the blue-skinned horse, but I should be more than enough to deal with an ordinary snow demon!"

Recalling the battle at the cold spring point when I saw the knight team hunting the snow demon.

Russell is confident that he can fight the snow demon alone and kill it without relying on the knight team - even if he can't kill it, he can easily escape by performing wind walking and dream walking. It can be said that he is already invincible.

"I'm strong, really strong!"

"Yes, you are strong, Russell." Paulie also praised Russell in her heart, which made Russell even more proud.

He smiled calmly: "I can be even stronger, wait for my 2nd, 3rd, 4th and even 5th turn... Douqi Feitian, Douqi Yuanwu, Fantasy Beast Set, multiple spells... Fantasy Beast Knight can develop so many combat skills!"

He held the Green Ceramic Sword, looked at the sky above his head, and smiled brightly: "And, I will be able to ride a dragon soon!"

Dragon Knight can also develop a variety of combat methods.

Perhaps facing a giant dragon or a snow giant, the dragon knight is still insignificant, but other than that, the dragon knight is the ceiling of combat power.

"After riding a dragon..." Paulie seemed to be in a bad mood.

Russell was keenly aware of this: "After riding a dragon, I am still the Unicorn Knight Russell, Paulie, you are always my partner, a lifelong partner."

Paulie was in high spirits: "Yeah!"

The power of the contract makes each other a fetter, and the daily interaction makes the feelings of each other sublimate. Paulie can no longer leave Russell.

Even if Russell died in the future, it would continue to protect Russell's descendants until the end of its life.

Of course.

It is also possible that Polly's life span will not be longer than Russell's, and she will die before Russell.

One person and one beast slowly walked out of the forest, and Russell was still counting his gains in the past six months on the way.

"Two elves, Nicole the tobacco elf and Rosie the fluorescent mushroom bird, and seven elf bugs..."

There are also three amber bugs, sword butterflies, thorns and ticks, each of which brings him powerful combat skills.

He got four fantasy beasts, Kevin the golden and silver wolf dog, Bill the wind blade brown bear, Jerry the red-eyed rat king, and Polly the unicorn.

The most important thing is that he also got a dragon egg, the black oil dragon Rosey.

"Actually, with Saiban's blessings, an Essence Fruit and a lucky four-leaf clover leaf, I have the ability to whisper lucky words. This means that I will continue to obtain phantom beasts, and I can form a knighthood of phantom beasts! "

Of course, the fantasy beasts are not unified and it is difficult to form a group. Even the Shadow Flame Dragon Blood Family has only cultivated a Dragon Blood Knights composed of great knights.

In short, the Lucky Whisper is powerful, Paulie comes from it, and Bill comes from it.

Leave the forest.

Within two days, Russell arrived at the Red Fort.

It was only when I arrived at the Red Castle that I learned that my father, Baron Roman, had returned with Mr. Ross, and then Mr. Ross was taken to the Council of Elders.

"I don't know the specific situation, but...oh, how could Mr. Ross suffer such humiliation!" The eldest brother Roland stamped his feet anxiously in the tower. "Now, there are already rumors here in the Red Fort that Mr. Ross is a deserter!"

It seems that Mr. Ross is really a deserter.

Russell frowned and said, "What punishment will Mr. Ross receive, and how will Father prepare to solve it?"

"It's a small punishment but a big warning at most. Your Excellency Ross is a bipedal flying dragon. No one can judge it! It may be that he gives it a bite of the original dragon flame... The original dragon flame is a trivial matter. Go back and let Mr. Ross take good care of it for half a year, that's all. He has been raised back, but Lord Ross’s pride..."

"My father will not let Mr. Ross' pride be shattered. Brother, you don't have to worry too much."

"It's all Grandpa's fault!" Roland said angrily, "If you have nothing to do, why bother your own family?"

As he said that, he said angrily: "I think that boy Mel has the same virtues as grandpa. He will be elected as the Grand Duke in the future, and he still doesn't know how to treat our family! If you ask me, let Queenslay be the Grand Duke. , he is originally from the Shadow Flame family."

"Be careful, brother!" Russell frowned.

"Tell me what's wrong." Roland also knew that he had made a mistake, but he was unwilling to show weakness in front of Russell. "Grandpa can disregard his feelings and let Mr. Ross come out. What's wrong with me saying a few words to support Queensley? It's not like that. Really supportive.”

Russell was speechless and responded calmly.

When he thought that Russell was about to become a dragon knight, Roland felt bitter in his heart and gradually felt a little bit like sitting on wax. He muttered in a low voice: "Just saying, grandpa, father, and you all support Mel, how could I oppose it?" "

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