Warm Dragon

Chapter 280 Sword Controlling Technique

Russell stayed at Blackwood Castle for two weeks, staying with his sister Rowling until Rowling gave birth to a healthy boy.

"Kuso, Kuso Tianzicao!" Cooper hugged his son and gave him the name he had prepared long ago.

The name has no special meaning. Like the names of most people in Longmian Continent, they are just ordinary code names. What is really given special meaning is the surname of the noble - named after an elf or a dragon.

A newborn baby spends the whole day eating, drinking and sleeping, which is nothing interesting.

After Russell made sure that his sister and nephew were both healthy, he was ready to say goodbye. During this time, he basically had nothing to do except practice.

During the Ice Age, it was extremely cold, and the entire warm enclave of Heiting Mountain was basically frozen.

Only at night, Russell would take the little Menglong and rush outside the territory at a speed of more than 50 kilometers per hour, looking for several groups of snow ghosts to fight for tooth festivals.

Apart from that, he didn't find any treasures, but he did find out all the magical creations in Heiting Castle.

If necessary, he was prepared to tell his sister all these properties so that she would know what they were doing.

Just the night before leaving, he and Xiao Menglong searched Heiting Mountain again, and accidentally discovered a gestating elf insect.

"Huh?" Xiao Menglong looked curiously at this cordyceps blooming with magical light.

Judging from the outline, this cordyceps plant is obviously a big tree. Basically, fairy bugs such as shrubs and trees. The trees affected by it are difficult to refine as magic potions. Most of them are used as magic materials for making materials. .

For example, the birch tree fairy bug in Russell's territory affects the magic material birch tree, which can be used to create magic arrows, magic carriages, magic houses, etc.

Magic wood can be regarded as the top wood, wood with magic power.

"Can it be conceived naturally?" Russell looked at the elf bug that was being gestated, and was reluctant to let the little dream dragon spit out dragon flames.

Xiao Menglong shook his head and nodded again.

Since its horns branched into three branches, its intelligence seems to have improved a lot, and it can now communicate with others at a basic level.

"Whether the pregnancy can be successful is a 50-50 decision, right?" Russell thought for a while, "That's enough. Let's go back and tell my sister the location of this tree, and let the Tian Zicao family decide whether to cultivate it or not. "

If Rowling had the final say in the Tianzicao family, Russell might be willing to consume the origin of the little dream dragon to help the elf insect breed - now that the little dream dragon spits out one or two mouthfuls of the origin dragon flame, the consumption is not huge.

But it will take many years before Rowling takes charge.

So Russell was not willing to be poor and generous.

When he said goodbye the next day, he told Rowling and Cooper the location of the tree: "I unexpectedly discovered that there is the breath of elf bugs, but I can't guarantee whether it will succeed...Sister, brother-in-law , just say goodbye!”

Looking at Russell's leaving back.

Cooper couldn't help but sigh: "Everyone is blessing each other to be watched by the Shadow Flame Dragon, but only Russell is the one who is really watched... Just go out and you will find that the big tree nearby is giving birth. Elf bug!"

Rowling was a little reluctant to see Russell leave, but she still smiled and said, "Of course, I don't care who the younger brother is!"

Then he asked: "What do you do with this elf insect?"

"Give them enough nutrients, take care of them day and night, get some of Mr. Ain's feces, and then irrigate a batch of magic potion around... The rest depends on the fate of this elf insect. You can't let Ain do it for an elf insect. Please consume the original dragon breath."

"Well, just look at the arrangements." Luo Lin happily nestled in her husband's arms.

"Bill, come on!"

Entering the icy snowfield, Grove began to encourage his contractual partner, Windblade Brown Bear Bill.

"Roar!" Bill roared, and the wind blade continued to spit out, opening up a passage of ice and snow.

The unicorn Baoli next to her stepped on the air lightly, and flying took no effort at all for it.

Russell on his back took the time to practice fighting swordsmanship.

Fighting sword control, fighting spirit transforming into armor, and taking photos with fantasy beasts. These are the three major stages of the fantasy beast knight's training, and each one is more difficult than the last. But Russell's understanding is good, and it is not too difficult to practice, and he can already master the fighting spirit sword.

The Yuan Qi is constantly gushing out, and Russell's Yuan Qi and Baoli's Yuan Qi create an integrated resonance around the body.

It makes the Yuan Qi more surging, and the fighting spirit's sword control distance has been sublimated, and the sword can be controlled at will within three meters of the body.


Russell put his middle and index fingers together and pointed forward. The stainless steel sword was suddenly pulled forward by the vitality, like a bolt of lightning, and struck forward.

The speed is so fast that even my eyes can't follow it.


The vitality bloomed, the snow in front was exploded, and big holes were blown into the ice caps on the ground.

The power is astonishing.

Baoli ran forward, and after approaching a distance of three meters, Russell activated his fighting spirit and sword, recalling the stainless steel sword as if he were photographing something from the air.

Then he frowned and thought deeply.

"Russell, your fighting spirit sword control is getting better and better." Baoli praised in her heart, "That big stupid bear hasn't succeeded in fighting spirit sword control yet."

The big stupid bear Paulie was talking about was Grove.

Speaking of which, Grove was able to cultivate into a great knight in the cave, which definitely belongs to the category of genius knights. However, he has yet to learn how to wield a sword with fighting spirit - this may be the Yuanxi Tai Tai formed by merging with the Wind Blade Brown Bear he contracted with. Clumsy related.

Unlike Russell and Baoli, after the Douqi and Yuanli merged into Yuanxi, they could immediately master it like an arm.

Of course.

The Yuanxi that the wind blade brown bear merged was a little clumsy, but the Yuanxi was thick. Once it was practiced into Douqi sword control, it would be very powerful.

"Just so-so, third in the country, no, first in the country." Russell boasted in his mind.

But soon he communicated: "Baoli, I'm thinking, can Douqi sword control and wind control be combined, and then develop an advanced version of wind control... Think about it, once wind control is combined with Douqi sword control, won't the speed soar to the limit?"

When Baoli performed the wind control, the fastest speed was only 200 kilometers per hour. Although this speed was good, it was still a bit slow.

Many ordinary birds can catch up with Baoli in flying speed.

Some birds that are good at flying can even fly at a speed of 400 to 500 kilometers per hour.

As for flying fantasy beasts, such as the Aurora Falcon contracted by Knight Kendall, it can even reach thousands of kilometers per hour at full speed. After performing the fantasy beast photo, it can also maintain half the speed and take Kendall to patrol the Valley of the Light.

The speed of the two-legged dragon is also not slow, four or five hundred kilometers per hour is easy.

Compared with it, Polly's speed is really not good enough.

"What should I do?" Although Polly is smart, she is not willing to use her brain.

Russell squinted his eyes and waved his fingers gently, and the fine steel sword circled around his body and continued to maneuver.

"Wind Walking has become a passive instinct. If we step on the fine steel sword, rely on the wind walking to reduce the weight, and then keep the fine steel sword in a high-speed sprint state... In this way, we can sprint and fly continuously!"

It sounds simple, but it is complicated to do.

But Russell saw the feasibility from it, so he made a decision without hesitation: "That's it, Polly, the first magic project we developed is the upgraded version of wind walking - sword control!"

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