Warm Dragon

Chapter 259 Pension

In early February, Russell, who had been away from the territory for more than a month, returned to the Black-rumped Snake Manor where he loved him.

The sign at the intersection of Carbon Residue Avenue still says, "There are black-rumped snakes nearby. They are poisonous. Be careful of getting bitten." However, the sign is almost tilted. It is obvious that no one cares about the instructions on the sign.

Black-rumped snakes are rarely seen in the Black-rumped Snake Manor.

Because Eric returned to the manor last night, when Russell came back this morning, Charles had already brought all the officials to greet him at the intersection.

"Warmly welcome your lord to triumph!" Charles stood at the front of the team, took off his hat, and bent down to salute.

Other civil servants also bent down and bowed, while a few knights beat their chests and saluted: "Warmly welcome your victorious victory!"

"No need to be polite." Russell rode on the back of the unicorn Pauly, smiling lightly and waving.

Then, surrounded by everyone, he walked along the charcoal road with crushed ice and arrived at the gate of the Cigar Courtyard.

The ice age has been severe and many places have frozen.

Butler Morris and a dozen servants once again cheered Russell's return: "Welcome home, Master!"

Russell took a look at the Cigar Compound. The construction had been completed and it was uglier than expected.

But he doesn't care, because he will live here for a year and a half at most. When his own warm enclave is opened, he will build a real castle, and he will live in this future castle from now on.

So it no longer matters what the Cigar Court is like.

"Sir, would you like to have a good time today? On the one hand, you will be victorious, and on the other hand, you will be promoted to the Phantom Beast Knight..." As soon as Charles entered the door, he started planning to celebrate Russell.

However, Russell raised his hand to stop his subsequent words and said: "Keep a low profile. The grand duke has passed away. It is not appropriate to celebrate in a noisy manner. Just hold a banquet at noon. In addition, each of the citizens will be given a few copper coins to express their gratitude. It is enough."

"Yes." Charles took the order.

Before Russell could sit down, he heard the sounds of "chichi" and "coo", and then two little guys flew down from upstairs.

It's Rosie the Mushroom Bird and Neeko the Elf.

One left and one right landed on Russell's shoulders. I haven't seen him for more than a month, and I miss him very much.

Russell suddenly laughed happily: "Rosie, Nicole, hello, you seem to be having a great time."

Rosie held her head high, not knowing what she wanted to express.

Nicole held her waist with her hands and kept chattering, but Russell didn't understand a word. Just from telepathy, it was deduced that Neeko seemed to think it was too cold outside. She didn't like the Ice Age and couldn't even get out of the door.

Teasing the two little guys.

Only then did Russell become free and asked: "Charles, Eric, please discuss John's pension."

He took out a bag of ice beads. This was his share of the spoils in this battle of the second fall. There were about two hundred ordinary ice beads and more than twenty high-quality ice beads. , but there is no Ice Soul Pearl.

All the Ice Soul Beads were taken away by the Red Castle, and these Ice Soul Beads were to be given to the Shadow Flame Dragon.

Under Russell's command, there was Eric, a fantasy beast knight, Grove, a great knight, and four costumed knights, Tom, Jack, John, and James. The distribution of the spoils was not complicated and was quickly tallied up.

After discussing with Eric, Charles set the amount of John's pension: "Sir, John's trophies of 1 high-grade ice bead and 8 ordinary ice beads can be converted into twenty gold coins, plus The compensation of twenty gold coins is enough for a total of forty gold coins."

Forty gold coins is a big number.

For ordinary people, they may never earn so much money in their lifetime.

But this was what John had sacrificed his life for, and Russell was not stingy at all, and said: "I will add ten gold coins to my personal account, so let's add up to fifty gold coins."

After setting the pension amount, Russell led everyone and quickly went to the official dormitory building in the small market.

Met John's family.

John was quite old, but he was not married. After he prospered in the Black-loisted Snake Manor, he decisively brought his parents, brother, and sister over.

After learning that John had died in the war, the family immediately panicked, and his parents shed tears all day long.

Although their family has allocated land in the Black-loisted Snake Manor, without John's support, they don't know what the future will be like.

"John was a brave squire. He followed me and died heroically, fulfilling his responsibilities as a knight's squire." Russell affirmed the significance of John's death in battle.

John's parents burst into tears, and his brother, his family, and his sister also wiped away tears.

Russell was actually a soft-hearted person and could not bear to see such a scene, so he quickly had someone hand over the money bag.

Personally handed it over to the hands of John's parents: "There are fifty gold coins here, twenty gold coins are earned by John in battle, twenty gold coins are compensation for death in battle, and there are ten gold coins that I personally added to give to you as a pension. Two people.”

Fifty gold coins came out.

John's parents were stunned and forgot to cry. His brother's family's eyes were bright, and even his sister was staring at the money bag.

Immediately, John's parents hugged the money bag tightly, then knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Russell: "Ah, praise the master, thank the master, John is his greatest luck to follow the master, master, you are so kind, John is so lucky!"

The elder brother quickly grabbed his wife and children and knelt on the ground with his parents to kowtow. His younger sister also quickly knelt down and kowtowed.

For a moment, there was blood on the floor.

But this grateful scene did not bring Russell any comfort, but instead gave rise to a feeling of resentment.

However, he did not say much. Life is certainly the most precious, but in everyone's eyes, life has already been clearly marked with a price. After exceeding this price, even death can be quickly accepted.

Fifty gold coins are enough to suppress all the emotions of John's parents and relatives for him.

"Take care, both of you." Russell said, and then turned and left John's house.

Charles was good at observing people's expressions. Following behind Russell, he whispered to comfort him, "My lord, this is normal. If I can get such a large sum of money after I die, my wife and children will definitely jump for joy."

Russell shook his head and said, "What nonsense are you talking about."

"Hehe, I thought you couldn't accept this reality. The most ideal result for a knight from such a family is to get a large pension after dying in battle." Charles glanced at the dull Eric and said sourly, "There are not many knights who can make progress like Mr. Eric."

Eric also glanced at Charles, and suddenly felt a sense of superiority in his heart-so what if you can speak well, can you contract a fantasy beast?

"Work hard, Charles, you can also make progress."

"Hehe, I don't expect to contract a fantasy beast. I will be satisfied if I can help you deal with the affairs of the territory."

"Don't fall behind in the training of your son." Russell kindly reminded that Charles had no hope of being promoted to a fantasy beast knight in this life.

If he can't even be promoted to a phantom beast knight, there is no possibility of being knighted. The lowest standard for being knighted in the Grand Duchy is a phantom beast knight. If he can't contract a phantom beast, he can only take the civil service route or the scholar route to enter the upper class.

So when he becomes a baron in the future, he can't make Charles a lord.

But if Charles' son can be promoted to a phantom beast knight in the future, Russell will definitely not be stingy with a lord title.

Charles didn't understand this yet, but just laughed and said, "Of course, I gave my son all the magic potions that the master rewarded me, so that he can lay a good foundation and follow the master to make achievements in the future!"

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