Warm Dragon

Chapter 258 Keep a Low Profile

Eric was eating quietly, while Russell and Roland, the brothers, were drinking red wine and talking about the war in the snowfield.

The little lady Baer was beside Roland, picking up food and pouring wine for him from time to time.

Hearing the excitement, Roland couldn't help but pat the table: "I wish I could go to the battlefield and chop off the snow demon's head!"

"Brother, don't you plan to contract a fantasy beast? Cousin Mel has already contracted a fantasy beast." Russell asked.

"Alas." Roland sighed, "Russell, do you think I, your brother, really have no chance to get the approval of Lord Ross?"

Russell raised his eyebrows.

It seems that the death of Grand Duke Kunstan really touched Roland. In the past, Roland was always full of confidence and regarded Lord Ross as a piece of cake. He would never show pessimistic thoughts about riding a dragon.

Like Grand Duke Kunstan, he wanted to get the dragon's approval with his "virginity".

However, before the dragon approved, Grand Duke Kunstan died.

If Grand Duke Kunstan had contracted a fantasy beast first and became a fantasy beast knight, the ending would definitely not be so hasty.

"Brother..." Russell thought for a while, and seeing that Eric was full, he said, "Teacher Eric, you go for a walk first, I'll talk to you about some private matters... and this lady, you go down first."

After sending everyone away, he said to Roland, "Brother, my father, Uncle Rosen and I all guess that Lord Ross may have been scared by the snow giant. In the Second Fall, Lord Ross obviously did not obey orders to harass the snow giant and support the Shadow Flame Dragon."

"Ah!" Roland's eyes widened.

Russell continued, "So, if you want to get Lord Ross's approval, maybe you should start by untying Lord Ross's knot."

"Really, is that really the case!" Roland couldn't sit still anymore, he stood up and paced back and forth, and sat down again after a while.

Then he thanked Russell solemnly: "Thank you, brother. If I succeed in riding a dragon, I will never forget what you said today."

"Brothers, no need to be polite." Russell said with a smile.

Perhaps this cheap brother has some bad intentions and is selfish, but Russell still hopes that he can succeed in riding a dragon and revitalize the fluorescent mushroom family.

After all, we are brothers.


Two days later.

Russell returned to the familiar Valley of the Glowing River. He was a great knight before he set out, and he was a fantasy beast knight when he returned.

At the night banquet of the Fluorescent Castle, old lady Ingrid, mother Mrs. Meryl, sister Lola, and uncle Rosen's family were all present.

"The dragon is watching. Your father wrote to say that the dragon really looked at you. Russell, I am proud of you." Mrs. Meryl was very happy that her son returned safely. As for the promotion to the fantasy beast knight, that was secondary.

Russell smiled calmly and said, "I have helped the Shadow Flame Dragon, so it will naturally look up to me."

"This is really an outstanding little will-o'-the-wisp of our will-o'-the-wisp family!" Old Lady Ingrid was also very proud.

Uncle Rosen said, "I also helped the Shadow Flame Dragon, but why didn't the Shadow Flame Dragon want to look at me?"

"Maybe you secretly helped in a place where the dragon couldn't see you. There were so many knights, how could the dragon see them all." Old Lady Ingrid teased, "Only newcomers like Russell can attract the dragon's attention."

Mrs. Meryl laughed and said, "Maybe it's because Russell is handsome that he gets extra attention from the dragon."

"I agree with this." Rosen said, "My eldest brother always said that the way of survival of our fluorescent mushroom family is to be low-key, and I agree with this. Russell obviously didn't inherit this point, and he is not low-key enough in doing things."

Russell smiled and said, "I'm learning."

"This is very difficult. Your fantasy beast is too cool. Everyone rides a black horse and you ride a white horse. You can't be low-key even if you want to." Rosen said. Like all knights, he was envious when he saw Russell's unicorn.

If before, the nightmare ghost horse was the favorite of the knights, then now, the unicorn has become the object of everyone's envy.

Unfortunately, there is only one unicorn in the entire Shadow Flame Duchy.

The family had a happy dinner.

After the meal, they drank a cup of milk tea, and Uncle Rosen and his family took old lady Ingrid and left the Fluorescent Castle under the moonlight.

Russell stayed in the Fluorescent Castle.

"Your father is the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and your eldest brother has to go over to help him. Now the Fluorescent Castle has become deserted again." Mrs. Meryl entered Russell's room and muttered to her son, "After you return to the territory, you must often visit me and your sister."

"I will, mother."

"You have grown up." Mrs. Meryl sighed, "I am really afraid that one day you will follow the new Grand Duke and leave me."

"Mother, there is no new Grand Duke, at least there will not be a new Grand Duke in the short term." Russell comforted his mother, "and I promise you that no matter whether I continue to be a lord in the Valley of the Glow or have other developments, I will not leave you."

"Silly child, mother does not want your promise. You have your own future to go. How can I tie you down by my side."

"I am telling the truth."

After thinking about it, Russell simply took out a dragon egg the size of a glass marble from his pocket: "Look."

Mrs. Meryl asked, "What is this?"

"It's a dragon egg, a wyvern egg."


"Mother, don't be surprised. Didn't I say that Shadow Flame Dragon thinks highly of me? So, this dragon egg is a gift from Shadow Flame Dragon." Russell explained with a smile, "After I cultivate it to maturity, I will plant it near the Valley of the Dark Light and open up a new warm enclave."

Russell has already made some plans.

He plans to open up his own warm enclave to the west of the Bent Blade Mountain.

First, it can facilitate communication with the Valley of the Dark Light, and second, it is far away from the volcanic oasis. Whether it is him or Xiao Menglong, even if they are protected by Shadow Flame Dragon, they are still unwilling to get too close to Shadow Flame Dragon.

There is also a third point. This is the southernmost tip of the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame. Russell can explore further south, hunt snow demons, and raise Xiao Menglong.

It is not easy to find snow demons if you are too close to the volcanic oasis.

"Is this true?" Mrs. Meryl was shocked, "Russell, you are not kidding me, is this really the dragon egg given to you by Shadow Flame Dragon?"

"It is true." Russell nodded.

He did not regret telling his mother the truth. Not only that, he would tell Baron Roman the truth after meeting him.

Apart from the secret of Little Dream Dragon, there was nothing he could not tell his parents.

Even if the Black Oil Dragon Egg was announced now, it would not be a big deal. After all, it was a gift from the Shadow Flame Dragon. Who would dare to covet it?

It was just that Russell did not want to cause trouble before the Black Oil Dragon was conceived.

After all, the way of survival of the Fluorescent Mushroom Family was to keep a low profile, so before riding the dragon, he chose to keep a low profile.

"The Shadow Flame Dragon bled too much on the battlefield. Although it has recovered the essence, there is still a lot of dragon blood that cannot be recovered, so it chose to collect this part of the dragon blood, brewed a dragon egg, and gave it to me."

"The dragon is watching, and the light is blessing!" Mrs. Meryl immediately prayed to the sky, "This is really... really a great joy!"

"You know, just keep it in mind. Before it becomes a foregone conclusion, it is best to keep this secret."

"I understand, I understand." Mrs. Meryl's eyes were full of relief, "This is the way for the family to survive."

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