Warm Dragon

Chapter 256: Pie in the Sky

After parting ways in Yunze Province, Russell and Eric returned to their hometown alone.

In fact, if Russell returned alone, with the speed of the unicorn Polly, he might be able to return to the territory in two or three days.

After all, Polly can fly up to 200 kilometers per hour, but the carefully cultivated warhorse can only run at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour, which is more than three times the difference.

"Teacher Eric, after you and Kevin's mind and thinking are perfectly synchronized, you can try to contract a new fantasy beast, preferably a flying fantasy beast." Russell suggested on the way. He felt that with Eric's talent, there was hope for promotion to the second level.

Eric responded in a muffled voice: "I will work hard."

"Of course you need to work hard, because this is not a casual encouragement from me, but I really hope you can do it."

"Yes." Eric didn't understand.

Russell decided to reveal some news to his loyal knight: "I will no longer be the lord of the Black Snake Manor soon."

Eric's eyes widened, but his mind was turning quickly at this moment: "Sir, are you going to Sanchakou?"

He thought of the blue crystal dragon Medicaron and thought Russell was going to ride a dragon under Earl Merlin.

"Haha." Russell laughed, "Not at all, although I have a deep relationship with Lord Medicaron, and he may recognize me, but I will never ride him, because I have another two-legged dragon to ride!"

"Sir!" Eric was shocked.

"Don't ask too much. In a year at most, or half a year at least, I will be promoted to a dragon knight." Russell's mouth curled up proudly, "This is a gift from the Shadow Flame Dragon. Don't you always say that the Shadow Flame Dragon is always watching me? This is all true!"

"Ah!" Eric's head was buzzing, and it took him a while to calm down. His voice was trembling, "Congratulations, sir!"

"You just need to know this secret. Don't make it public before things are settled."

"I understand!"

"So, work hard with Kevin. After I ride a dragon, I can open up a warm enclave that belongs to me. By then, the Grand Duke... uh, it seems that there is no Grand Duke... Anyway, I have my own wyvern, and the title of baron is inevitable."

Russell is confident about this.

If the wyvern belongs to the Red Castle, or the wyvern is born on the land of the volcanic oasis, then the knight must have made enough military achievements to obtain the ownership of the wyvern given by the Red Castle and be canonized as a baron.

If a wyvern is born on the snowfield, whoever picks it up will own it. If you can ride a dragon successfully and open up a warm enclave, the Red Castle will not be stingy with the baron title.

Russell's great-grandfather picked up Lord Ross on the snowfield in the past, and was soon canonized as the Baron of the Dark Light.

So after Russell rides a dragon, even if he lacks military merit, he will become a baron of the Grand Duchy with the help of the upcoming black oil dragon.

He began to paint a big picture: "After I open up a warm enclave, Teacher Eric, you will be the first lord under my command!"

Lord, lord!

Eric's mind was buzzing again, and he didn't know how to respond for a while.

When he first served as Russell's knight class teacher, he had to say that he was very depressed, because Russell's talent was really poor at the time. He was almost an adult, but his fighting spirit had not yet blossomed. He might not have the hope of becoming a knight in this life.

As a knight class teacher, he couldn't teach Russell to become a knight. It is conceivable how bleak his future is.

Fortunately, before the coming-of-age ceremony, Russell finally blossomed his fighting spirit and was granted the title of Lord by Baron Roman.

Eric was also able to become Russell's Knight Commander, and it can be said that his gloomy future finally had a glimmer of light.

But it was hard for him to imagine that after following Russell to the Black-waisted Snake Manor, within a few days, he would get the opportunity to contract a fantasy beast, and become the fantasy beast knight he had always dreamed of, breaking the ceiling of the knight.

Since then, he has followed Russell wholeheartedly.

As Russell's worth became more and more, he became a bear bee, a black gold pig, a mushroom bird, a little elf, a red-eyed rat king, a rain dragon cigar, a unicorn, and also won the title of scholar...

Eric became more and more convinced that after three generations of hard work, Russell's descendants would definitely be able to become barons.

And he would loyally follow Russell in this life, and let his sons and grandsons also loyally follow Russell's descendants in the future.

After three generations, his bloodline would definitely have the opportunity to be canonized as a lord.

However, he never expected that today, at this moment, Russell actually told him that he would soon confer him the title of Lord in the near future!

Eric had no doubt about what Russell said.

Because if it weren't for the Shadow Flame Dragon's attention, how could Russell rise so quickly and harvest so many magical creations. So in this second fall, it was completely reasonable for the Shadow Flame Dragon to give Russell another wyvern as a gift.

With the wyvern, it would be sooner or later to get the title of Baron, so he could be conferred the title of Lord.

"My Lord, I..." After a long while, Eric's face flushed, and he managed to utter a few words.

Russell had traveled through time for a long time, and he understood the desire of civilian knights for the Lord Lord, so he understood Eric's excitement.

He smiled indifferently and said, "No need to say more, Teacher Eric, in short, you and I will work hard together."

Eric nodded heavily on horseback: "Yes!"

He felt that the energy in his body was boiling, ready to burn himself at any time and fight for the title of lord.

The return journey was unremarkable.

At most, after the dark dream came, Russell was no longer bored, and took Xiao Menglong and Baoli to search for treasures everywhere.

When he saw a little magic light, he asked Baoli to use the dream unicorn to see if he could get it.

Unfortunately, there were no treasures to find around the post station every time he camped. He couldn't just pick up the gem lamps on the wall of the post station and take them away.

Russell also tried to use the magic beast whispering skill, and then rode the unicorn Baoli to catch a magic beast in the wild. Unfortunately, the magic beasts were more cunning than each other, and unless a careful capture plan was made, they could not be caught in a hurry.

These magic beasts basically lived in dense forests, even if Russell rode Baoli and activated the dream walking skill to lurk behind the magic beast.

It was also difficult to knock out the magic beast at once.

After the phantom beast was frightened, it went into the dense forest and it was difficult to find its figure.

"Sir, it takes a large number of people to capture the phantom beast and block all the escape routes of the phantom beast." Eric reminded.

Russell nodded: "I know, just give it a try."

In fact, what Russell really wanted was a phantom beast like Paulie, and he could trap it by whispering to the phantom beast. But phantom beasts like Paulie are too rare, and most of the phantom beasts whisper nonsense.

So until returning to the Ghost Light Collection in the Stirring Province, there was still nothing to be gained along the way.

The Ghost Light Collection is the property of the Fluorescent Mushroom Family, and there are knights stationed here. Russell rested for a night while asking for news.

From the stationed knights, he learned that his father, Baron Roman, did not return to the territory, but went directly to the Red Castle. This news is not uncommon. As a hereditary noble, after the death of the Grand Duke, he must discuss the aftermath.

What really surprised Russell was the imperial edict that had just arrived from the Red Castle, which was posted on the bulletin boards of various towns.

"Elected Prince?"

Russell was shocked when he read the contents of the edict: "Establishing Queensley Sunflower, Augustus Water Willow and Mel Yujiuhua as Viscounts of Elected Princes... During the reign of the Council of Elders, the three Elected Princes will compete for the position of Grand Duke, and the final decision will be made by the votes of all the nobles."

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